HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Progress Update for the Main Street - McVay Alternatives Analysis (AA) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/24/2012 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: David Reesor – DPW Dept. Staff Phone No: 726-4585 Estimated Time: 15 min. S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: PROGRESS UPDATE FOR THE MAIN STREET – MCVAY ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS (AA) ACTION REQUESTED: No specific action is requested. This is an informational work session. ISSUE STATEMENT: In July 2012, the Council held a work session and received a briefing memo regarding the Main Street-McVay Alternatives Analysis. Council learned more about the Main Street - McVay Alternatives Analysis Project and discussed desired project outcomes with Lane Transit District (LTD) staff and Board members at that work session. This work session will provide a brief project update to the Council and help address any questions the Council may have. ATTACHMENTS: 1. No Attachments DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Following the July 9th, 2012 work session, City and LTD staff have worked together to address overall project strategy and next steps in the context of Council input. Since the July 25th, 2012 Council Communication Packet memo, project “next steps” have been modified slightly. City and LTD staff have worked together to organize a project framing seminar that will help elected and appointed officials and key staff from each agency learn about project framing techniques. These techniques will help officials and staff gather input from diverse communities of interest, assess the input, respond appropriately to the input and communicate to the communities of interest in a meaningful manner. The framing seminar is scheduled for October 25th, 2012. This project framing process will begin by discussing high-level questions such as: What transit services to the public are lacking today? What services will be needed to meet the future land use patterns under the 2030 Refinement Plan? (e.g. what is the problem to be solved?) What overarching questions should the Alternatives Analysis answer for us? What are the existing and future needs of auto drivers, transit riders, businesses, etc.? And, how will LTD engage the public to identify and solve the problem defined by the community? This information will then be applied to the Main – McVay AA Project and eventually help produce a well-planned scope of work. City staff will present a draft project approach at the November 26th, 2012 work session and seek additional Council input at that point. At the January 14th work session, LTD and City staff will present a draft project governance structure and high level concept work plan that will propose key milestone points in the project requiring Council input. The draft governance structure will propose a project team structure that will likely include Council and LTD Board representation on key project teams. Later work sessions will help create a problem statement and address potential solutions responsive to the problem statement. Staff will discuss project details at the September 24th work session and be available for questions.