HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1998-1-15 '(j) _......:.--....,.~ ,.. "j 0) fl LAY ~u: 6 . -. -. . - ....,. ,. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 (541) 726-3759 ' NOTICE OF DECISION - LIMITED LAND USE - PARTITION. DATE OF LETTER January 15,1998 JOURNAL NUMBER 97-10-227 (see Modification of Provisions 97-11-253) APPLICANTIPROPERTY OWNER Betty Couch 77977 South 6th Street Cottage Grove, Oregon SURVEYOR (' Larry D. Maddux 14501 N.E. 81 Street Vancouver, W A 98682 EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The applicant is requesting the Partition (division) of a lot into 3 parcels. in addition, the applfcant is also requesting a Modification of Provisions to reduce the driveway width on proposed parcel #2 (see 97-11-253). LOCA TION OF THE PROPERTY The property involved in this request is located within the CitY limits a{4630 Bluebelle Way, also described as Tax lot 4800 on Lane COUlity Assessor's Map # 17-02-32-43. DECISION Tentative Plan approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. OTHER USES A UTHORTZED BY THIS LETTER None BACKGROUND/SITE INFORMATION The subject property is approximately 21,779.1 square feet (.50 acres). It is zoned Low Density Residential (LOR) and is bordered by property zoned LOR on the east, west, north, and south. This site is designated LDR by the Metro Plan and the EastMain Refinement Plan. The property currently contains a single-family dwelling unit with an attached garage. WRITTEN COMMENTS Limited land use decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants' within 300 feet of the proposed development, allowing for a 14 day comment period prior to release of the staff decision. There were no written comments. ' CRITERIA OF afPROV AL .~~ " Section 34.050 of the Springfield Development Code states: The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: (1) THE REQUEST AS CONDITIONED FULLY CONFORMS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE PERTAINING TO: LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONS, THE EFFICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSIDERATION OF NATURAL FEATURES. LOT SIZE AND DIMENSIONS SDC 16.030(1) states: Lots on east-west streets shall have a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 45 feet. SDC 16.030(3)(b) states: "... panhandle lots created through the Subdivision and Partition process shall have at least 6,000 square feet in the pan portion, exclusive of the driveway(panhandle)." Proposed Parcel #1 is 6,050.9 square feet with 79.67 feet of frontage on Bluebelle Way. Proposed Parcel #2 has 6,016.23 square feet in the pan portion and 11.04 feet of frontage on Bluebelle Way. Proposed Parcel #3 has 6,980,72 square feet in the pan portion and 13 feet of street frontage on Bluebelle Way. FINDINGS: Parcel # 1 meets minimum street frontage requirements. Parcel #2 does not meet the 13-foot minimum street frontage required for two panhandle lots; therefore the applicant has filed a Modification of Provisions Jo. No. 97-11-253 to reduce the driveway of parcel #2 to 11.04 feet after the first 18 feet. All three parcels meet minimum lot size requirements. CONDITIONS: . 1) Parcel #2 must have a minimum of 13 feet of street frontage on Bluebelle Way for the first 18 feet into the lot, then it may be reduced to 11.04 feet as per the apprQval of Modification of Provision application 97-11-253. Solar Standards: SDC 34.010(3)(a) states: "Applicability. The provisions ofthis Section shall apply to all land divisions in the LDR and MDR ,Districts. Lots complying with this standard must be identified as such on a separate recorded document. (b)(3) Performance Option. A lot complies with this section if: a. Habitable buildings built on that lot will have their long axis oriented within 30 degrees of the true east- west axis and at least 80 percent of their south-facing wall is protected from shade cast by buildings and non- exempt trees, or b. Habitable buildings built on that lot will have at least 40 percent of their glazing and 500 square feet of their roof area facing within 30 degrees of south and protected from shade cast by buildings and non-exempt trees; and c. The solar setback requirements for each lot is recorded on a separate document. Parcell, as designed, has a north-south dimension of approximately 76 feet. Parcels 2 and 3 have north-south dimensions of approximately 66 and 67 feet. FINDING: This criterion has been met. THE EFFICIENT PROVISION OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES ~~: , SDC 32.120(3) states: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development. Fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshal and the utility provider." 2 '7 .! " , . Water is currently provided to Parcel #1 from a 6-inch water line on Bluebelle Way; water is available to' Parcels #2 and #3 from the same line. SUB has asked that the applicant contact the SUB water department for detailed information on materials and construction standards (contact Ken Cerotsky at 726-2396). SUB requires that all meters be placed in public right-of-way at a location identified by the deveioper. Each lot or parcel must have its own water service. FINDING: The existing structure has water service. Parcel #2 and #3 will be required to construct wilter service to SUB standards at time of development. Each lothas access to adequate water lines; however, the proposal does not indicate how water service will be routed to parcel #2 and #3. CONDITION: v . 2) The water access for parcel #2 and #3 will be provide along the property line between Parcel #2 and Parcel #3 by a PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (PUE). The PUE will be shown on the Partition Plat. .Electricitv: SDC 32.120(1)(b) states: "The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines and facilities tothe satisfaction of the utility provider." SDC 32.120(5) states: "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development. The standard width for public utility easements adjacent to street right-of-ways shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be 10 feet unless otherwise specified by the utility provider or the City Engineer. Where feasible, utility easements shall be centered on a lot line. ' Parcel #1 is currently served, Electrical service to Parcel #2 and #3 is avaihible froin a pole on the north side of Bluebelle Way. The existing severi,foot-wlde public utility easement (PUE) on Bluebelle Way is not indicated on the Tentative Plan. " . FINDING: Electrical service is availa!,le to serve all three parcels from Blu(!beJle Wa.t'1 ,. CONDITION: . 3) Buried electrical service to Parcel #2 and' Parcel ,#3 will be provided in a 10 foot PUE along the '. eastern property line from Bluebelle Way. All PUE will be shown on the Partition Plat. Sanitarv Sewer: SDC 32.100(1) states: ".. .sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing ma,ins. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this Code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the Springfield Code, and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations. In addition the following shall apply: . (a) All sanitary sewer mains shall be at least 8 inches in diameter and all sewer biterals shall be a least 4 inches in diameter.. ." Section 32.100(2) states:. "the City Engineer shall approve all sanitary sewer plans and p~oposed systems prior to development approval." . , . . . Parcell has sanitary seWer service. 'Parcels 2 arid 3 can be served from the eight':inch sanitary line in Bluebelle Way. Contact Don Branch, in the Engineering Division (726-3725) with any questions. FINDING: As determined by the City Engineer, an 8-inch sanitary sewer exists in Bluebelle Way'Which will provide sewer service to parcel 2 and 3 via a lO-footpublic utility e~ement (PUE) along the eastern property line of parcel 1 and 2. CONDITION: 3 . . 4) A 10-foot PUE for sanitary sewer along the eastern property line of Parcel #1 and Parcel #2 will be shown on the Partition Plat. Stann Sewer: SDC 32.110(1) states: "The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer. The sto.rm water drainage system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be shown on every Site Plan or Final Plat. . . . .(4) A development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the City Engineer and consistent with Metro Plan policies which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams. Run-off from impervious surfaces shall be directed to an approved drainage or drainage system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. . ." Finding: The applicant proposes a 5-foot private utility easement along the easterly portion of Parcel # 2 and Parcel #3 to direct run-off from these parcels to the drainage ditch along the sites northerly boundary. Stonn Water Quality measures may apply depending upon whether the new impervious area of this proposal exceeds 5,000 square feet. CONDITION: . . . 5) A private 5-foot utility easement shall be shown on the Partition Plat. SAFE AND EFFICIENT VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT SDC 32.02Q (lO)(b) states: "Whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on tJ,e City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, t~at street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications in the following instances. . . (4)(a). . . cases of unimproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be required as a condition of Development Approval postponing improvements until such time that a City street improvement project is initiated. FINDINGS: Bluebelle Way is not a fully improved street. It currently has an asphalt mat and side drainage ditches. A driveway culvert will be required to provide access to Parcel #2 an4 #3. The applicant "did not provide a plan for the construction of the culvert for review. A minimum of 18 feet must be paved behind the right-of-way line for the driveway' to Parcel #2 and #3. CONDITIONS: . 6) The applicant shall be required to enter into an Improvement Agreement for future street improvements on Bluebelle Way prior to City approval of the Partition Plat. . 7) The applicant must provide a plan for the construction of the culvert for review and approval of the engineering department prior to City approval of the Partition Plat. CONSIDER A TION OF NA TlJRAL FEA TURFS. The Hydric Soils Map, the Draft Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map, National Wetlands Map, and the FEMA flood zone maps do not indicate any water related natural features on this site. Staff has further consulted the Metro Natural Resources Special Study, the Washburne Historic District, and the Historic Landmark Sites Listing. No significant natural or cultural features have been identified on this site in any of these inventories. FINDING: No significant natural or historic features as identified by these inventories are located on this site, therefore this criterion . has been met. 4 i (2) THE ZONING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AND lOR APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAMS. The property is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). This zoning is consistent with the East Main Refinement Plan designation. FINDING: Staff finds this criterion has been met. . (3) DEVELOPMENT. OF ANY REMAINDER OF THE PROPER'rY UNDER THE SAME OWNERSHIP CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. The proposal is to partition the property. The proposed lot sizes after partition and the existing structure on Parcel #1 will not allow further division. FINDING: The partition will create lots than can not be furt.her divided due to the size, therefore this criteria does no apply. (4) ADJACENT LAND CAN BE DEVELOPED OR IS PROVIDED A(:CESS THAT WILL ALLOW ITS DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. . All adjacent properties have access to local streets (Bluebelle Way). There are no proposed streets through the subject property. The Conceptual Road Network Plan does not indi~ate any proposed streets within the subject property. FINDING: Staff finds that this criterion has been met. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ":\i;_' System Development Charges will be required for transportation, stonn sewer and sanitary sewer. SDC's will be calculated at time of building permit process. For additional infonnation on the calculation ofSDC's please contact Don Branch (726-3725). CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL .PRTMARY: . 1) The applicant will have up to one year from the date of this letter to meet any of the attached conditions or Development Code standards to obtain Partition Plat approval. A separate application and fee will be required. The application must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. The plat itselfwill be reviewed by the City Surveyor. Upon signature by the CitY Surveyor the Planning Manager, the Partition Plat mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. No property may be transferred until the Partition Plat is recorded. .. Summary of Conditions: . I ) Parcel #2 must have a minimum of 13 feet of street frontage for the first 18 feet into the lot, then it may be reduced to 11.04 feet as per the approval of Modification of Provision application 97-11-253. . 2) The water access for parcel #2 and #3 will be provide along the property line between Parcel #2 and Parcel #3 by a PUE. The PUE will be shown on the Partition Plat. . 3) Buried electrical service t() Parcel #2 and Parcel #3 will be provided in a 10 foot PUE along the eastern property line from-Bluebelle Way and shown on the Partition Plat. 5 . 4) A 10 foot PUE for sanitary sewer along the eastern property line of Parcel #! and Parcel #@ will be shown on the Partition Plat. . 5) A private 5 foot utility easement shall be shown on the Partition Plat. . 6) The applicant shall be required to enter into an Improvement Agreement for future street improvements on Bluebelle Way prior to City approval of the Partition Plat. . 7) The applicant must provide a plan for the construction of the culvert for review and approval of the engineering department prior to City approval of the Partition Plat. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria of approval are available for a free inspection and copies will be available at a cost of$0.75 for the'first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAL If you wish to appall the decision of the partition Preliminary Plan Approval, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPALLS. Note: Appeals must be submitted on a City fonn and a fee of $100.00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. QUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at 726-3753 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Kitti M. Gale ~--;':<;L:t4 \ J7?0 ~ Planner I, City of Springfield. ) 6