HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2002-4-2 ... '... JI WI '~R OF TIME LIMIT ON CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AN ADL_.~DUM TO THE CONSENT TO AN ,(ATION DOCUMENT. ".. WHEREAS, to? Owner has executed a Consent to Annexation document to the City on the~nd.. day of /-J--J::Jr1 J ,20 r) ~ entered into an agreem~nt governing an annexation to the City' of real property identified as Tax Lot /J./l./ fa').l( (' C/.:!> ) , Assessor's Map .f-!lJ...a :a,,/~s;o~ a legal description of which is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by/reference, herein. And is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of authorizing an annexation under ORD 222.170 or under a proceeding initiated by ORS 199.490, only statements of Consent to Annexation which are filed within any one~year period shall be effective, unless a separate written Waiver of Time Limit document forgoing the One-year period or prescribing some other period of time has been entered into between an owner of Land and the City; and WHEREAS, the Owner signing this Waiver of Time Limit, will comply with the terns of the Consent to Annexation document so that the Consent to Annexation document will be effective without regard to the one-year limitation under Oregon Law. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration for the City's agreement that the Owner's Property may receive municipal services from the City and the Owner may undertake development of the Property in accordance with the SDC and other applicable City plans, policies and standards and with the requirements of Lane County, the Owner hereby agrees to waive the one-year period, pursuant to ORS 222.173. This Waiver of Time Limit is binding upon the Owner, the Owner's heirs, assigns and successors in interest to the Property possessed by the Owner. In WITNI=SS ,WHEREOF, ~he Owner has set their hand and seal this;<>tttLday of frpnl ',20 O',~' By: ~-/Ti,..t J()jQ.~ ~ner., . L{~ rr ",~ rz9-' ~7V Address 1 9741'(' Address . , W~fvn j?ML AJ,P STATE OF OREGON, County ofLClI,t;} ss. l Per?Rnally. appeared before me this;;?rd. day of 4(>'n I , 20 /J !J- ' the within named Kob,n IAJ.p.J~JJ who acknowledged the foregoing instrumenttobe their vOluntary-act and deed. By: Owner ~tJi.(~liI1~ Notary Public f Oregon My Commission Expires: ().;3 ){)~/O t/ / ( This Waiver of Time Limit shall be, recorded by the Owner in the Deeds and records Department at the Lane County Courthouse. The original of this Document shall be returned to the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 OFFICIAL SEAL KATHY HEISLER / NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO; 332251 MY.COMMrSS'S)~. EXPIRES MAR 5, 2004 WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT 4 l~' . NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AC''"'EEMENT NOTICE OF GIVEN THAT Rob; n wefJ<<::, h hereinafter referred to as the Owner and City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the City, on the~nd, day of IJ-nn J ,20 rJ;::).. , entered into an agreement governing an annexation to the city of rear property identified as- . Tax Lot J '-Itl f.o"d4/Q-3), Assessor's Map I 7 ()~'3&/<n'150o, a legal description of which is attached as Exhibit '~" and incorporated by reference/herein. The use and development of the above property is governed by the terms and conditions of the Consent to Annexation document signed by the Owner and the City. The Consent to Annexation document is filed in the Development Services Division of the City, to which reference is hereby made for all matters and things therein contained. This agreement is binding on the Owner' heirs, assigns and successors in interest to the Property. As used herein, the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has set their hand and seal this dlt O~day of f+rmJ ,200~. By: (yf'lA J f 1 ~ By: owner -. 'S I Owner '-I?)l ~~~' rzq ~ .. Address ' C1:- Address .. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane} ss. Personally appeared before me thisQInt0L day of 11n7") j , 20 0 ~ th'e within named Ro b i Jl / 1)~) -:s h , who acknowledged the foregoing instr~ment tot be their volunt~,~_~~!~.nd deed. -','-'" t1 )~, 1,' U Lx1. l.l/l OFFICIAL SEAL ~t1' KATHY HEISLER Notary Public~ofOregon NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON MY COMMISS~~~~~~N ~ ~f~ My Commission' E~pires: _(l~lob~ In WITNESS WHEREOF, The Director of Designee has set th-efr hand and seal this I day ~ ,20~;Y STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane} ss. Person~lIy ~ppeared before me this ( day of t\tUu..1 ,20 () '0 ,the within named --'I'1ALV fJ I!)c~ , who adlmowledged th'1'\regoing instrument tot 'F~~~~:::~d_:~'j -~! I~~ ',' BR~~~~Lj~~ES' Not~rY Public of Oreao.h , , NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON ' - t7 ' 1"c-r~~~~=~!!~~~~!J!1~~\, My Commission Expires: ~ n ~ This Notice of Agreement shall be, recorded by the Owner in the Deeds and Records Department at he Lane County Courthouse. The original of this Document shall be returned to the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. The recordation of this Document shall be considered Notice of Agreement. of By: NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AGREEMENT 5 7 . r ;,;:r ,.. /';/ / ;' / / r--....., /" .. ') .,~, . ,.. .. .. 1 ! -"C) lJ \ Y\ ,'~lliC";;. " /' \;\j~+>~ s J~ r #7315 ~ ... . OFFICIAL RECORD M1i'tsCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERMs021~~ 7''\ OFFICE OF COUNTY ,ASSESSOR. LANE COUNTY, OREGON 4500 SECTION 36 144 624 YEAR NO. 9~~ LOT TOWNSHIP I DEED RECORDI ACRES 17 2 ,~I RE S4 RANGE E._ OR W,_ W. M. VOL. PA~MA(~~~~_ BEARING DISTANCE BEARING REFERENCE OR LEGAL SUeDIVISION t .\,: 1950 1950 ~ 1 974 1 t 1 990w(' l 1 , 1"1"18UlC'il.00013'E 108.12 f't Beginning at a point.on the E' 1JT 36t 17'(. line of a 60.0 foot wide roadway 398/647 476.48 feet South and 695.20 feet Ea~t of the Southwest corner of the Ne1soI, R6H/29646 Davis DLC #50, in Township 17 South, : Range 2 West, Wil1e.m.ette Meridian, R16L8/9C,38435 an d running thence I thence on a 256.48 feet radius curve ~bcyl~B~~ '. left (the chord of which curve bears / . , ". S.2052'08"&. 23.59 f't) a distance of thence thence thence to the place oi' beginning. Containil g more or less :< ~"'~-.~~ , ~~ 1~ {~ j I N.78022'E N.OOo 13'W S.78022'W 23.76 .ft. 335.42 ft. 132.05 :ft. 336.54 ft. 1.00 1>< J.'"< W~; [~r: ~~. f!' ItOKI.CHAPM"H , "Pi~~TI~1d!'1:jlf\!~~lf~ff~if~'~;ffltjr " ~~9l~" " ~ \ I \ J. I j FOR ASSESSMENT AND r.~'X~l\ TION USE ONLY YEAR OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES TAX LOT NO. BEARING OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON SECTION TOWNSHIP S, RANGE E,_ OR W, DISTANCE BEARING REFERENCE OR LEGAL SU~OJVISJON ~.~, / KOK.!.CHAPNAN to.. IUGIHI. oaf. 9S94g , DEED RECORD W, M, VOL. I PAGE . ACRES REMAINING