HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/2012 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEE1'11VG OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD M ON�AY, TULY 16, 20] 2 The City of Springfield Council mat in regular session in the Counci] Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, July 16, 2072 at 7:02 p.m _, with Mayor Lundberg presiding_ ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, Vane ordon, Wyli e> Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members o£the staff. PLEDGE OY' ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg_ SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1 . Employee Recognition: Brian Barnett, 1 5 Years of Service City Manager Gino Grimaldi introduced Brian Barnett. Mr. Grimaldi said Mr. Barnett was innovative and noted the roundabouts throughout the City that were an idea of Mr. Barnett's. Mr. Barnett was vary patient with both staff and the public, and built trust with the public_ He was also a very caring individual as noted by his co- workers and those he supervised_ Mr. Barnett had been involved in a number of projects throughout the City, including the Bob Straub Parkway, the EmY extension, the Gateway /Beltline and I- 5 /Beltline Intersections_ Mr. Grimaldi noted soma of the many positive comments from employees that worked with Mr. Barnett. Mr. Grimaldi presented Mr_ Barnett with a poster that had been created for his years of service that had been signed by employees —d Included photos_ Mr. Barnett said it had bean his honor and pleasure to work at the City of Springfield over the past 1 S years. It was an innovative organization and he appreciated that staff was given latitude to take risks. He was looking forward to another 15 years. 2_ Video Award Presentation_ Niel L,audati said the City of Springfield had received the 2012 Gold Hermes Creative Award given by the Association of Marketing_, for the City's video "A Look at Springfield's Neighborhoods'-_ This was the first in a series o£ videos the City would be producing in respect to the Council goal of promoting and enhancing the hometown feel and livability of Springfield. The video included information and input from Mayor Lundberg and was shown at her 2012 States of the City address and was available on the City s various social media platforms. In creating this video, they combined work of staff and local vidaographar Jake Wahrma -u to put together a vary high quality video at an extremely low cost The award was a reminder that we could continue to do things differently in Springfield and still be su ccassful_ The Hermes Award was an international award that recognized excellen ca in concept_ writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Springfield was selected for the award from entries of more than 4700 organizations. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 2 Mayor Lundberg recognized Mr. Laudati's work on the video. It was Mr. Laudati that put together the video and it was his work that helped win the award. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of the May 2012, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. July 2, 2012 — Work Session b. July 2, 2012 — Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -14 — A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD COMPETITIVE BIDS EXCEEDING $35.000, REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS. OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS EXEMPT FROM BIDDING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE PURCHASING REGULATIONS, AND APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 24 2012 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 9 2012 WHILE THE COMMON COUNCIL IS IN RECESS. b. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -15 — A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21034• SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION 2010 - BASIN 22. c. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -16 — A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21056' THURSTON LIVELY PED CROSSING PROJECT. d. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -17 — A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21059, REGIONAL FUEL FACILITY UPGRADE — PHASE 2. 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6280 — AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD CHECK POLICIES CONCERNING EMPLOYEES AND APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT APPOINTED VOLUNTEERS. CONTRACTORS AND THOSE EMPLOYED BY CONTRACTORS WITH THE CITY 5. Other Routine Matters a. Reject Any and All Bids Received Regarding P21058, Downtown Parking Modifications Project. b. Liquor License Application for Tom and Johnny's Located at 471 South A Street, Suite A Springfield, Oregon. c. Allow Construction Activities Outside of the Hours of 7 am and 6 pm with Conditions as Described in Attachment 1, for Construction of 1- 5Beltline Interchange Unit 3. d. Allow Construction Activities Outside of the Hours of 7 am and 6 pm with Conditions as Described in Attachment 1, for Paving Highway 126 from I -5 to Main Street. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 3 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Contract for Animal Shelter Services with Greenhill Humane Society. Authorize the City to Enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement with Willamalane Park and Recreation District for Uniformed Officer Patrol Services at Clearwater Park. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH CHECK #114488 AND #114615 OF THE MAY 2012 DISBURSEMENTS REMOVED AND A CORRECTION TO PAGE 9 OF THE JULY 2, 2012 REGULAR MINUTES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED a. Check 4114488 and 4114615 from the May 2012 Disbursements Councilor VanGordon recused himself from this item as the checks were made out to his employer, United Parcel Service (UPS). IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE CHECK #114488 AND #114615. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION — VANGORDON). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Scott Akins, Springfield. OR. Mr. Akins served as president of the Springfield Police Association (SPA). Mr. Akins said he had attended the Finance /Judiciary Committee meeting held earlier this evening where Mr. Logan and Mr. Cox spoke. He noted that during that meeting, Mr. Logan refused to say anything negative about the other party, but Mr. Cox did by inferring that they all came up to speak because Mr. Logan had put them up to that. That was not true. Fred Simmons. Springfield OR. Mr. Simmons commented on last week's work session with Lane Transit District (LTD). He supported Councilor Ralston's statement that he was opposed to expending City money in this process. Mr. Simmons was a supporter of transit development, but noted the West Eugene EmX line and the business resistance. He noted the minor things that had occurred with the crossings at Main and 515`, and Main and 40, and said they were an example of the substantial impact on businesses along the Main Street corridor. In further discussions with LTD, he would like the Council to remind them that the Booth Kelly corridor was purchased a number of years ago with transportation dollars from 28`h to 48`'' Streets and future acquisition of the Weyerhaeuser right -of -way towards Wallace Creek Road would be an advantage of the City and LTD. Springfield needed transit, but transit needed to be planned prior to the spike of development and they needed a process in place to develop the transportation corridor then build around it in order to make it ultimately successful. The problems that occurred on the Route 11 corridor were not just the traffic load, but the burden it placed on the drivers trying to complete that cycle. That was part of the City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 4 planning strategy LTD needed to modify to allow those buses to move in a timely fashion so they didn't group up and cause problems. The Council's responsibility was the management of the City, not the funding and operation of LTD. LTD didn't pay gas tax to the State, Federal government or the City of Springfield for the maintenance of those roads. They had a responsibility of doing their development with their own funds. Ed Spinney. Eugene, OR. Mr. Spinney said he was here two weeks ago and spoke to the Council about the proposals for the City Prosecutor contract. He had told them at that time that he had six pages of notes about the ptoposal submitted by Matt Cox. He had taken those notes and prepared a nine page letter which he submitted to the Mayor and Council today. Mr. Spinney said he also attended the meeting this afternoon in which the candidates were interviewed. He had concerns about the way the hiring process had taken place. There was a Request for Qualifications issued and Mr. Logan supplied information about his qualifications. Implications from the request was that the City would review the candidates qualifications, choose the best qualified candidate for those that submitted their applications, then negotiate with the best qualified candidate. Two weeks ago the Council heard from defense attorneys, a federal prosecutor and police officers that they believed the best candidate was Dave Logan. Two weeks ago and again this afternoon, Councilor Pishioneri made a statement that indicated that he did not believe that the proceeding was about qualifications, but was about money. This afternoon, Mr. Melendy noted that when he first started in the profession, Judge Strickland told him that if he really wanted to be a prosecutor he would do well to emulate Dave Logan. Mr. Melendy said that was what he did. He emulated the person he was now trying to replace, which spoke to his opinion of Mr. Logan as a prosecutor. Mr. Spinney's personal opinion was that in his years of practice, he had gone against Municipal Court prosecutors, State prosecutors and Federal prosecutors, and Dave Logan was among the top prosecutors he had dealt with, not just because he was a nice guy, but because he was fair and a fierce competitor in trial and he knew when a case should go to trial and when to negotiate a settlement. If this was truly an RFQ, the best candidate was Dave Logan. If this was about money, they should talk about money. If that was the case, the process to get here was not fair. Mr. Logan was told to submit his qualifications. Mr. Cox submitted a brief 94 page document about his qualifications and procedures. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 101 ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Moore reported on the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) meeting that she attended on July 12. One issue that was discussed during that meeting was the Oregon City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 5 Clean Fuels Program enacted by the Legislature and implemented by Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). There was a lot of information available on the website, including what could be happening regarding producing clean fuels in Oregon and the requirements. 2. Councilor Moore said she went on the Union Pacific Train marking their 150'' Anniversary on Thursday.. July 12. This anniversary marked the date Abraham Lincoln signed the document starting Union Pacific. 3. Councilor Moore said she attended the Human Services Commission (HSC) meeting earlier in the day. There was a presentation by Eugene City Councilor Chris Pryor on a subcommittee that explored options to secure and increase the level of stable and long- term funding for human services. Documentation was provided along with thoughts for funding, such as a utility fee. There was concern about their budget and funding sources. 4. Councilor Ralston asked about the Public Safety Coordinating Council meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 19. He hadn't received any materials. Staff would look into that for him and let him know if the meeting was still taking place. 5. Councilor Wylie thanked Councilor Moore for attending both the MPC and HSC meetings for her while she was out of town. She was doing a great job. 6. Mayor Lundberg said the Summer Fair would be held during the upcoming weekend and Springfield's famous broiler chicken would be served. She hoped everyone had time to go to one of the many fun events. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. City of Eugene IGA Fire and Life Safety Purchasing. Purchasing Manager Jayne McMahan presented the staff report on this item. This was an opportunity for cost savings and process improvement with the City of Eugene for joint fire purchases. Both City Manager offices asked internal services such as finance, human resources and information technology, to look for ways to improve processes for the two fire departments. As the cities continued down the path of a potential fire merger, there currently was a broken process for invoicing the respective cities for joint purchases, whether for training, equipment or supplies. Each time the cities engaged in a joint purchase, a discreet IGA was done in order to bill each city. Having an IGA in place would save staff time, city attorney time, City Manager's Office time, as well as provide a faster source to acquisition process. This IGA would survive even if a merger didn't transpire as the two cities would continue to have joint purchases. This IGA was only for invoicing and not for the sourcing process. Each city would continue to follow state, federal and local statutes. municipal codes and regulations for the solicitation process. Before any contract was signed, a division of the cost would have been predetermined. Although the final wording on the IGA was still in progress, staff was asking Council to approve the City Manager to sign the finalized agreement so they could begin the new process during the summer recess. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND SIGN A COMPLETED IGA WITH THE CITY OF EUGENE FOR JOINT PURCHASES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 6 2. Municipal Court Prosecutor Services to the City of Springfield. Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery presented the staff report on this item. After the Council meeting two weeks ago and last week's work session, the Council asked the Finance /Judiciary Committee to review the issue to conduct interviews of the two candidates. Those interviews occurred earlier in the afternoon. He asked the members of the committee to share the results and their observations from those interviews. Councilor VanGordon said both candidates did a fantastic job and he felt the Finance /Judiciary Committee members came away from the interviews more informed. His recommendation was to go with the Leahy firm. He referred to the consolidated review card in the packet as Attachment 4. Both firms were relatively high in meeting and exceeding expectations, but he had noted the number of places that expectations were not met. Both parties were very qualified prosecutors. Mr. Logan was a very good prosecutor, which was obvious from the community response. The committee was put into a position to try to decide what direction public safety should go. His decision was based on where Mr. Logan didn't meet expectations. He met every piece of experience, but process improvement and use of technology continued to come to the forefront. He felt that the Leahy firm had more vision looking out to the next 10 to 20 years regarding where the City needed to be. Councilor Ralston said two weeks ago, a lot of questions had come to his mind such as whether or not they would really be saving costs and if the Cox, Leahy firm was chosen if they might have more jury trials. In looking at the review card there were nineteen areas Logan did not meet and only one that Cox, Leahy didn't meet. but Mr. Logan had pointed out that the instructions were to be brief. Perhaps that was why he did not meet more of the criteria. He referred to letters that had been submitted to the Council and said although they just received them he did read them quickly. One of the letters questioned the process. Perhaps it could have been a more fair process. After the interviews, his fear that the Cox, Leahy firm would have to go to trail more often with a large expense had been alleviated. He believed the Cox, Leahy firm had a lot of energy and would have staff available more hours. They had some interesting ideas such as the road crew, which showed the public that people were paying for their crimes. This was a tough decision. As conservative as he was, the bottom line usually came out on top, but he had a lot of reservations. He also believed strongly that if it wasn't broke,. don't' fix it. It would be hard to improve on only going to trial eight times a year. Somewhere along the line years of service and dedication should have validity. He was not sure the process was fair to Mr. Logan. Given what they were given, he reluctantly supported the Cox. Leahy firm. This was a very tough decision. The interviews went well, but he wished he would have gotten more from Mr. Logan. Councilor Pishioneri said this was one of the toughest decisions he had made during his 7 t/2 years on Council. This had nothing to do with the quality of service, professionalism or fairness. The citizens had elected him to represent their best interests. Getting quality service also meant getting the most efficiency from the money spent. There was a lot of disparity between the two proposals that they couldn't ignore. Given the qualifications, the Cox, Leahy and VanVactor firm didn't have the breadth of experience in prosecutorial services, but had the ability as shown on paper and in practice. He was happy to see the thoroughness in which the Leahy, Cox firm responded and the innovations they were willing to consider. He was hopeful the efficiencies they had pointed out would show the savings they claimed. He believed that savings would be found in materials and services as well as personnel. This was a difficult decision and recommendation, but he would support the Leahy. Cox firm. Councilor Moore said she was happy to read the information from both parties and how very complete they were. She didn't have a lot of history with City prosecutors. She appreciated the loyalty that had City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 16, 2012 Page 7 been expressed for Mr. Logan. She didn't want the Police Department to take this as a negative towards them. Because she didn't have a lot of history, she would go with the recommendation of the committee. Councilor Wylie said it was a difficult decision as she was not here on July 2 to hear the testimony. She valued loyalty, good work and the support of the Police Department, but she also valued the Leahy firm who the City had worked with for so long and they knew they did good work. Because she honored the process of the Council and the subcommittee. she could support the recommendation. She did appreciate loyalty and good service. Councilor Woodrow said after reviewing the information and hearing the testimony, she was in consternation about which way to go. She was relying on the process because she had a lot of confidence in the Council and the subcommittee to research and ask appropriate questions to get the information, as difficult as this decision was to make. She appreciated those that came to testify two weeks ago and tonight. She hoped this would not prevent them from coming back to speak to the Council. The Council appreciated all of the information they were given. She would have to go along with the process and follow the recommendation of the Council. Mayor Lundberg said having been on the Council and as Mayor, she had found very few decisions where she had to second guess herself at a later date. The Council tried hard to make choices that were best for the community. Her hope was that although this had been divisive, they could move forward from this decision and move forward as a community. They all wanted the best for the community and she hoped they would move forward and work together and would be stronger for their decision and she wouldn't second guess this decision. She had a great confidence that this was a strong community and they would come together. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE LAW FIRM OF LEAHY, VAN VACTOR, COX AND MELENDY FOR PROSECUTOR SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD FROM JAN 1, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2013. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:38 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa 21 l Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: ayv, 4i 7v,�- City Reco er