HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 .. RESIDt'NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon Building Division 726-3753 L~~~~~O~':.'a" 4\'~~_'\~\f)\~~' ...,,,. \ i)J)::J~ 9)~ T= Lot # nf}.4 ( lfl 97477 Job Asaesaorz Nap l; Suhdivisien: ~XLQ f" 1\-r ) Vl4~ \.0 \Y\~ ~~.?\~-~ Cl.--ner: U. .4dd:!'ess: Ci ty: \. Phone: 4 ~CCr lo(o4?, Zi;;: C/ 04n~' ...~ t~Oft'~~~S1o~ !/"!'.J Addi ticn Remod.el ".foo-':' la .=Ieme Date of AppZication Contrccr:ors General Plumbing i ~lectricat:1\ I Nechar.ic.::kUtJ 0 11 0 .I I. Const1"'Action L<:nder VaZue (o~ l 00 Address OJIt1A11JaA~ ~)/)<.J (Yt") .41 Ct-J. , l\D1 tff'L. I Id vc \'~ ~ l)~~ Rcce:.pt .if. -Qqq Ll4 , "I f~~ Si~,dJ~;J Date: II ~ B-71.9 ~ Lisc. # Enir2S Phone It.is the resFonaibili~y of the permit hoLder to see that alZ inapections are made at the proper t~~~, that ~ach .::ddress is re~Ze from the street, and that the permi t card is kcated at the front of the ;;roperty. '3ui!di~4 ~vi=io~ ap?roved plan shalZ remain on the Building Site at all times. JOo aCeress, type of ~nspectien Reo/.lests received befere 7:00 ~ ?,,?OCSDURS paR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (:!'e~order) state YOUI' City desiqr..::zted job number, requested ar:d when ycu wi! l be ready for inspection, Contracters or O!omers 'r.cme and phone numbci>. :.>ill be made the same dc.y, requests mc;de aftc;.~ 7:DO am uJill be made the n~t ;;;orking MY, ~ ~~~~~ R~aui~~d !nsv~ctic~s o SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after eXcavation, but prier to se~ up of forms, o UNDgRSLAB ?LL?,fBING, EDECTHICrlL d MECHA:IIC,J,[,: To be made before any work. is ~ovcrec.. o PGOTI?IG :! POW1DATICN: To be mace after trenches are exc~Jated and ferms are erectad, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. D. UNDrRG.~OUND ?['UM3T:VG. S'2'.RP, W.1T'2.'?, DRAINAGF: To oe ma.ie pr'T~or =0 fi l.- lir.g trenchez. 0- UNDERFLOOR !'':JRrsnlG oj NE:CHANICAL: To De made Dricr co instaZLation of 11001' insu~r:ien or decking. o POST AND 3EAM: To be made ::>rio:!' to insr:aZlaticn of 11001' i".8IOi:zticr. or deckinq. D ROUGE ?Lm1BIVG. ~~ECT?~CA~ .j ~~CH- AHIC.J..L: No ~oT'k is to Dc co~'ereti until thCS8 ir~vec~ic~s have beer. made era .~pr?ved. FIPEPLACE: F7io~ to pZc.cir.g feein.g ma!:eriaZs ar.d before jramir4 inapec- +-' v1.on. o D FR~!ING: 1~3t ~e re~ueated after approv~Z of rough ;;Z~~in4, eZect~;- cal & mecr..c.nicaL AlZ roofir-.g bracir.q 3 chin:n;;ys, etc. Ir.'..lsr: be . comvZe!:ed. No '~rk is to be con- , cea'Zed until this ins!:1ectien ras 'been made and approved. Your City. Desigr.c.ted Job Number Ia: D INSULATION/VIIPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after alZ insuZation ~a requ.ired vapor barriers are in place but Defore any lath, gypsum board or wU covering is applied, era before any insulation is concealed. Dfl.!OLITIO:\' OR ,'.lOVE;:; '3UILDIiiGS ~ SanitC1"d s~~er capped =t p~op<:rrd Zine ==:J Septic tank p~~;;d and filled with gr~,eZ ~ Pinal - ~~en abcv6 ite~s are ccmpZetec ~ and when d~~oZition is co~Zete or st~~~- ture moved ar~ pp~~3es ~Ze~ned U~. I MoDi l'e Hcrnes ~ =:J Blocking ar.d Set-up ?lumbinq connectiQns s.cwer ar.d wa:er D DR'fWALL INSP'2CTrON: To be made after aU d:rywaZZ is in place, out prior to any taping. ~ EZect~;cal Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ --.-J and 'OZzunbina connections IT.A.st =~ c-:>~rat:ed before requ~sting eZectrical ins?ec~io~ =.J Ac.::es$o.l.'~' 3uil:i-=-r.q ~ Final - Aft~r ;~rcr.es~ ~ etc. are c.=mplet;;d. ded:s, o ,~SONRY: SteeZ location, bond beamG~ grouting or verticcls in ~~;~~:::: ~;:e:' :~~a::::: is cc....roZeted. . D CUP~ & AI'PRCACH AP,OON: After forms are erected but p!>ior to pcu.Y'"'~n4 .::oncre te. D SIDEWALl{ ,.; DRIVEf-lA'f: For aU cen- crer:e paving within street right- oJ~wcy) to be made aft~r al! exca- vatinq comviete & fo~ work & sub- base ~c.tertal in ?la::e. .3 K.":.,!''C:,ng ~ o AlZ project conditions, suc~ ~s the insr:aZlatien of street ~ees, ~~.~Ze"ijn of the required Landsccpi~q~ ctc_J must De satisfied "bel ore the 3UILDING :I~AL ~cn be r2~ugst3d. D. FnlAL PWXBI:IG ,i,,[J. FINAL ME::HA:1ICAL D. ?INAL ELECTRICAL [J o PINAL BUILDING: The Find Build~ng Inspection ,':7Ust be req>..<eated ~fter the ?ir.al PZ..Jmbing ElectricalJ and Mecha~iccL Inspecticno have been made ar~ cpprov~~. D ?~NC'2: When com!:1Zete -- Provide ga!:es or mov~bZ~" 3ect~ens through P.U.E. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CL~ANOUTS NUST BE: ACCE:S5I3LE, ADJUST;'.S:!'!' TO 32 ".fADE /1:r' !'fO :::-57: TO CI'?Y o ?=::e of 2 I i JOB NO. !~ ! ;.;.C?!e: Lot Sq. F~. ,~ ~f lot C~er~g~ Iii' -t . '.. oJ ;;; or-..es I.~ .. 1 u ' , .. o"a. ..e1.cnt i " Topogrr:l?hy I IT~"./ INa~n I~~ca I ! Cxr=art I SQ. FTC I, I .-!c~esso!'''.J IS.D.c. I TOTAL ;'AWE: IVc.t..ur;} 1,5 ::: Building ?e~~t . State Surcharge Total Cr.tL~gea ! I'I'::N NO. I Pi... --ture s I .'.J . I b iRes~ant1.al ,1 ath) i Scnita1"j SeuJer I ;;a~e:!' Plumbing Pern:i t State SUI'cr.arge Total Ch.c.rces I lTD.! . ,yo. I !?es. So. fta. IN<:ul/Ertand Circuits I Temporary Service Electrical Permit State Surcharce Total Ch.arces 172M I :iC, ?:.a'r..::zce ETU' S E:::lu:rust Hood l Vent Pan I . I ;Joodsto:;e I Perrm-t 13=2 Meor.c.nic:::: l Permi t I State Surchc:roe I Total Charaea I cNC;.-::CACE:.1,fE~'.'T -- 1_, , l;;;eC'~I'"_tu D2~OS1.t Stor~qe Ma-:.ntenc'l'..ce I Permit Total ~~r7es SOLAR CCC"d.'Can.c'".J Crou.~: x F~E , I ^._' .. I ,-"",':JC'.l. I Sidz:,;a.l7<. I I?ence I E:lecr;rica l : .\fobila Home La}; el I TOT,4,!; tu'.!OUNT DUE:' P:::ge 2 - L-COG~ C E S S R EQ.- LeTT'!?E: Interior COI'1'!er Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value CiiAP.GE C.:i;J.RGE CHARCE S.oo 10.00 Lr;-O 0 I (PO I IS-Zo I. /.5100 I I I I j , __I. Type/Consr; : 3edI'ooms: I Lot Faces - I I 2n2!'au Sou!'~es TZ!"C8 I Setbacks j I Heat; , P.L. I h'OUS2 I Caraqe , Access. I ~/ater .=:gatar [North I I j I Ranqe lEast I I I I Pi peoiace ISouth I I I I Wooa:;tov8 IWest I I I j Fees Building Value & Permit This pernr~t is granted on the e=rress condition that the said_const1"~ction sh.c.ll, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted ay the City of SprinafieZd, -:~ncZuding the Zonina Ordinance, reauZc.tina the ccnstr:ict~~Cr.. and ~;~ of buildings, and m~y ce~ suspe~~ed or r~vcked ;t cr.y ti0e ~?or.. vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.c.nces, I I i · I J I I. I Plan CheCK Fee: Date Paid: IRecc;ipt #: ISi{P':ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, aZ~er or change any r~w or e:::isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a person ma~ do plumbing ~orK to properbd which is o~~ed, leasc;d or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical .. '..00; Per m it Where State [,CJ.1) requires tr.c.t the electricaZ worK be done ay an Eleatrical Cont7'O.ctor, tJuz electrical portion of this ?ermit shall not be valid until tJuz label has been signed by the Elect:rical Contractor. Mechanical PermH Plan Z=cniner /)ar;e I HAVE CAREFU[,LY EXAMINeD the compZeted application for permit, and do hereby certify that alZ injormat~on he:!'eon is true ar~ correct, and I f..l.I'ther cer~ij"y that any ar.d all r.;ork per;'omred shali.. be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfic;Zd, and th~ L~~s of tha · State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ar.d that NO OCCU- PANCY wilZ be maie of any structure without permission of the Suilding Di- vision. I further ce:!'tifii th.c.t O:'lZy contractors and e::rplcyees r.;r..o are in co~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this projzat I I j X~ck~~./ .::J1.{fza . il/RJt'~