HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 .. R'ESID~'T'IA'L'.: APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr>ingfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job [,ocation: "l\\ ~.~. '~1fJ\~~'~ ,,' \'1CA?A Q?> 'cj (l Qi)_ ("'\ I \/\ \ ' T= Lot iI..JC>(\ ,l (J Ascescorz ,\!ap Suhdiv':'sion: 0~"ner: \). ~ .'ldd.~ess:, \ n4-f;. lu. \ f\ ~ Ci ty: U J.. k ?'>. q yu. ) (()JG , 0 ~~~~C)eL IJ loSOOO ,'1c:'..J . Addi ticn. .ilemode l ,1100":' Z2 .10me Date of Application ~ont;1'c.C=OT'8 General Plumbing i ElectricaL r--.. I Nechar.ic.: L ~J l,n .no J Phone4 <()S-lat04-1 p C\ f)4{)~ - Zip: Desoribe rior/.:: VaZue Address Const~~ction L~n~de~ ('1nn. mIJtUl/J ~)()~ Rcce:.pt ii nyqLjLf ~r~ Siqr.ed: Date: ~[);:J_ . I /~R -(1 d-.. r . ., u!-sC.'t! Emires Phone GO 4\ [\-k_._C)~'\1~f\h0l1! /4iJ') [;.is the responaibility of the permit hoUier to see ~hat alZ incvections are ~ade at ;he proper t~~e, that e~oh =daress is reada0Ze from the street, and that: the permit card is l.xated at the front' of the property. -!3ui!di~"1 D-;vi=io~ approved plan sh.c.ll remain on the Bu-:.lding Sit:;: at all times. ?,'10C::DUPE POR INSPEI]T[QlI ,'?.:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (re~order) state your City desiqr..::zted job nw;;ber, job aC.i:rcss, type requested a~d w~en you wilZ De :oeady jor inspcct-:.on, Contractors or Ow"ners r~~e crd phone numocr. Re~~ests received ....>ilZ oe "'ade the same dcy, r.equests made afta' 7:00 am will be made the m::r:t ;;;orking day. <6fdQots~ ?eaui~~d !n~~pctic~~ o SIT:: I.'lSP:;C-:ION: To oe made ajter excavction, out prior tc set up of forms. o UtlDE:~S'LA3 ?[;UI-.fBINC. "El:2CTRICflL d /,.'EClU:IIC,',Z,: To De made Defore any wor>k. is c:)overed. o FCOTT:lG ~ ?OUNDATICN: To be r:nce after trenches are exo~Jated ar~ forms are arectac, but prier to pourir~ concret~. D. UNDZRG.'?OU!!D ?~i.J?fBl:VC) SE'./2P, W.1TE.9, DRAnIACZ: To De maie ;:,r;or to fi~- l.ir.g ;;renches. 0' UN!JERPLOO:~ !'!JR.~nlG ~ N:;C,f{ANICA'L: To D8 made orier to ~n3taiZation of 11001' insu~tion or deok.ing. . ?OST AND 3EAU: To be made ;:,riOl' to installation of f100r ins~la~icn or deckinq. o D ROUCH ?Dm.1BT','G. 2"[ECI'P!C.4~ .1 YECH- ANIC.J.L: :1;0 :;O'I'k i.a to be cOl.:el'ea. ur.~iZ tr.cse :r~~ec=io~s haVq ~ee~ made ard C?pr?v~~. FI?EPDACE: Prior to plc.~ir.g ..fc.~~ng mc;;er'"';als ard before frar.rir.g inspec- tion. o D PFt.4}~I.'/G: Mu.st;,e reque:3tad at";e!' approvcZ of ro~qh plWT~ir~, eZectri- cal 3 mecio.c.nicaL AlZ rooj:.r.g bracir.g a chi:rTnCYS, et.::. ,71'~s;; be . comule;;ed. No ~ork is to be con- ,cea'Zed ,m;;il this insDection ras . been made and approved. Your City. Desiqr.c.ted Job NwnbeI' Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHSFE:CTION: To be ma.de after all insul:::.twn CI!"d required vapor barriers are in plaoe but before any lath, gypswn board or wall covering is applied, ard oefore any insulation is concealed. of in,3pec=icn before 7: 00 c::z DEt/OLITION Oil :~:OVE:; 3UILDIilCS :==J Sani~Q1"J s~~er ~ap?ed ~t p~?p~r~' line ~ Septic:) tank p~~ed and filZed with gTaJeZ ~ Final - f,Then above items are aO,'m)Zetec .J ~ '.j.. " ~ .. - -L ~~d when ~~o"~,"on "s compoa,e or S,7~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~3eS ~le~ned up. , Nooi le Hcmes ~ Blocking ~ Plwnoing =:J ard Set-up connect~Qns s~er ar.d water D DR7WAL& INSPECTION: Tc be made after aZZ CrJwaLZis in place, out prior to any taping. Elect1'";cal Ccnnec~ion - Blockir~, set-u~ and pi-till/bing aonneotions Trr...st =~ 'I?,?rol-'~d before requesting eZec~rical ins?ec~io~ ~ Aocesso,;; Bui lding ~ Final - ~ft~r ~~~ches, sk~rt~ng, decf~, ~ etc. are ccmpleted. o FIlIAL PW:'1BI:IG All pro.ject ocndit";ons, Guoh as the ins;;allcit:.on of street trees, C!c.~Ze;;ion of tit!: required landsacpir..g~ etc. ~ ,7TUSt be sa1;isfied oefoT'e the 3UILDING FI:','AL ~cn be :raqu9st3d. D. D. o !:J FINAL NECHA/1ICr1l, o . FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZding Inspection must be requested ~ftel' theP-:.r~l Plwr.bing Electrioal, and Mecrnr.iccZ Inspections rnvc Deen made ar.d approved. FINAL ELEC'!:RICA..L o ,~SO~?Y: SteeZ location, bond oeamG, croutina or 'verticals in .acooraa;ce w-:th U.B.C. Section 2415. ~ WOODSTOVE: After installation :.s ~ compZeted. D CURB Ii APP.'?CACH AP,OON: .4fter forms are erected but p1'";or to pOU1'":ng concrete. D SIDF:WA[K Ii DRl~rgr;/AY: For all con- orete pavip.g within str>eet right- of-way, to bc made after> alZ e:::ca- vatina conrolete & f'OY'i77 !J:Ork & suJ.;- base ,:;;ater1:.al in place. 'AU, NANHC!;ES AND CLEANCUTS NUST BE AC::ESSIB&E, ADJUST,'::;:IT TO BE :.:J:DF: !IT !lO :::ST TO ':I7'Y I ~~~e of o fENCE: ~~en compZzte -- Provide gates or mov~bZe' sect~ons through P,U.E. o 2 I' I JOB NO. t i Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. I~ of lot C~vera.q~ !,!! of 5tor;es 1m t 7 u . , .0 a_ ..e1.cnl: i " Topoqrr:l?hy ITr:.! ,\!a~n I Gc::!'::ca i !Car:;ort i, 1.4coeSSQr:i I I I Is.D.c. ! l'OTAL ~rALUE I :;C!.UO;! 1,5 ::: Building Pe1'm"'~ t State Su.rcharge Tota l C".c..~ges 1 ITEM I Pi... -ture s IResidential (1 bath) I I Sani ta1"j SeuJer I wa~e:!' Plumbing Perr::it State Surcr.c.rqe Total Ch.c.rces I ITEM I !?es. Sa. fta. N~/Extend Circuits Temvoraru Service I ' " Electrical State Surcharoe Total Ch.c.rces I?~M Furr..::zce ETU' S I E:::lu:rust Hood I Vent Pan I . I ;Joodsto:Je I Permi~ IS=2 Meor.anical Permit State Surchc:tooe I I Total C'"arae3 I :;NCP.CAC.::M::~',1T I" ' D ' I ~eC".lI"'_ ty 2:)OS1. t I Stora.qe I Na~ntena'Y1~e I p '.. ..el'm?. " I Tatal C'~raes I Cu1'bcut I Sidz:,;a lk I J :CJrt.::!e I C:Zecl:r>":.cai Label i ,\fobi Ze Home TOT.4L ANOUNT DUE:- SOLAR. Page 2 -L-COG~ GCC"d"Oanc"J GrO'...l::J: C E S S R E Q.- Tiir;;eICor.sl: : Be&ooms: SQ.FTG NO. I r::.c - .'10..1 ~:;,r:f Permi t I ,'fe.' {:'-~ I I I I I I I I I x LOT T'f?E Interior COI'1'!er Panharuile Cul-de-sac VaZue C iiAP.GE I I I I -. C'l~.~~qG2 CHARCE k- Ot) 10" 00 1..') 0( ) t,0 /bh i) /5'- (p 0 Let Faces - I I 2nerau Souraes I I Hear; , Access, I I Yater .'!eater I I panqe I I FireD Zc.ce I I Wooa3tove I I fife:} Setbacks P.L. I House Carage (forth fast South IWest Fees Building Value & Permit This p~rnrit i3 granted on the e:::press conditi~n that the said.const1"~ction sh.aZl, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieZdJ inc!uding the Zoning Crd:n.ance, regulc.tir:g the acnstr:tct:.cr: and use of buildings, end m:::y be susperuied or revokec at cr.:; ti,-:7e :',:'01": vic- Zaticn of ~y provisions of said CTdir~nces. IPlan Check Fee: IDate Paid: Reczipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instalZ, aZter or chTaqe any new or e:::isting plumoing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unLess such person is the legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's license, e=cept that a person ma~ do plumbing work to proper~d which is ow~ed, l2aszd or operated by the appli- cant. ,./' I - Electrical Permit Where State Lc:J,] requires tr.c.t the elect~cal work be done by an Elect~cal Contractor, the elect~cal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical t:ontractor, I I - I I" I I , Meche ni.cal PermH I I I - I t I I I I I - I I I I Pian E:=in.er val:? I HAVE CAREFULLY :;XAMINED t.".8 compLeted c:pplication tor permit, and de hereby certify that ali info~ation hereon is true ar~ correct, ar~ I f.l.rther cer~if'd that any ar.:i aZZ work ;:er;'or:-ned shalZ be done in accor- dance :uith the Ordinances of the City af SpY';ngfieid, and thz [(;'..:s of tho State of Orec~n Dzrtainina to the work described here~n; cr.:i th.c.t NO OCC~- PP.NCY wizz o~ made of any" structure without pormission of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I further certifii that onZy ~ontra::t~rs a:;~d e:71ployees who are in campZiance w~th CRS 701.055 wilZ be used on this proje~t ~-~y 41,/~,:1/P/t'l-