HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 .. RESIDENTIAl-- APPLICATION/PEFlilT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfieldJ Oregcn 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . . " Job Locati:m: ''&'', 4- \?{\ ~~~'~. ~.:.50~ '~\, \ \) Dd3~~ ~ T= wt # N:;4,'7 Asaesaor;; ,\!ap 'i Subdi:;isien: ~-ner: u. 'YCRQf'1\-r ) Md.~es3: \?t4C?\ \. D \ f\'\-~ City: \. ~J,__ \. ~\ Q_JM ~ \\ Phone: 4 C()CCr &io% Zip: C/04() ~ ) Desoribe f.'ork: t)lOQWJL t0exxLS+oUES ;,!~~ Addi t:ien Remod.el ".!oo~!a .~cma Date of Appli~=ien Conr;rccr;ors General Plumbinq ~lectric:::fJ'\ ,\!6ch..""T.ic.= k 1 ), I f"4 flS2 J VaZue ( OC:-fJ. 00 Address '11} . ' L lf1lJn1DA~ CO"st~~ct~an L~nde~ R~~~i~~d !~3cpctic~~ o SIT~ I.'IS?~C':':.-]N: To be made aj't2!' e=cav~ti~n, but prier =~ se= up of' forms. o UND!;:?SL:..e ?L&?fEI.1IC, 2DcC':'.~ICrlr. j. j~;'ECF:'AaiC~~: To:.,e maae be..tcyog c.ny wo'Pk. is -=c"'Jcrec. o PCOTI'IG ~ :'OU:IDA'J':C.'I: To ce ,=c.e aj''::er trencr.es are .z=cCT.Jated ar.d ferms are el'€ctad, .?ut prier to pourir4 ccnc~et~. D UNDrFlc:=?or};,!D p~[jY2r;G. SE:;.r::P. ;';,1T2.'?, DRAI~AGZ: To be maie ;~cr ~o fiZ- Zir.g -crer:cr.2$. O' UNDERPr.QO.~ ?:.r;.t.~T:lG ,j Y:;CH.4~VICAL: To ce maC8 ~ricr :0 ~n3~aLZation oj f100r insu~.ien or cecking. ?'JST AND 3E:A,'1: To be mac.e ;:>r-i01'. to ins.all.:;r;ien 0;' floor ir.3t.;i:zticr. 01' deckin:;. [] o J.~oeG;!.:' ?!..r.l~'!EI;'.iG. ~:ZC":'P!C,~!: 1 .',EC.1'- ANIC.J.!..: .1/0 ~orY.. :.,; :::; :;c co:.:;;rec. un~il :r.csa :r~=ec=~c~s hcvq b~er. nk~e ~4 =P?l'O~~~. FI.=:~P~AC2: Prior to 9ic=ir.q f:::.cing mc!;el'"';a~s er4 bc:jore f'rc:r.rir.a inspec- tior:. o [] PR.1}~I.~,r;: Mu.:;t =e ~e~ue3ted cf'"';al' ap?rov~l of rough ?lur.~ir4, aZectri- cal ~ mecr.ani.:aZ. Al! :!'Oojir4 bracir4 3 chi,T.n~us, et.:. ,~~S!; be . conroZe:cd. ;\10 ~l"k is to :,q con- 'cea'Zed ...n!;il ;h~s in8Dec~en ras .been made enc. c?proved. c--< )/ ) <-J (Y'") ,4 I 01-___ ~ (\01 tot. i~.l \ \J ~ I) r; ly M KS is rea.::a1J:e Your Ci~i' Desigr.c.ted Job thunber Is: D INSULATION/V/tPO." 2ARRIE,;? IHS?'::C'J'ICN: To be ma.de a.f'ter a lZ insu Z-=:.ti:::m a7'4 raa-...ired var;or ba::tTiers aTe in D lace but before any lath, gypsum bem.c. or waZl cove1'ing is applied, cr.d before any insulation is concealec.. .=:cce:?= :: ~q '-1 LI L-/ [~. is ~he resFGnaibili.=y of ths permit holder to se.e that aLZ inf1pections are r::ade at :he proper tim~, that ~:::ch dd:r8S3 from the street, ar.d that the PCI'm';t ca..'"'<i is kcated at the front of the property. '3ui~i~~ ~vi~~o~ C?;roved ;~ sr~ZZ remain on tr2 3uiZd~ng Sita at ~ll times. ?.'?OCEDUPS !,'OR niSPE:CTIO!l RE:QUSST:CALL 726-3769 (:!'ccorde1') state YOUI' City desigr~ted job n:o;;ber, requested a~.d u~en yeu wiL~ be :-eady jor inspection, Contracters.or ~-ne:-s r~e ar.d ?h~ne n~cr. .....aT- be rr.ade the same d.t:.y, requests mGde aft.;;:r 7:00 am !JiZZ be made the n=t :.J01'kinq O.a.y, o D.'?7',./AU, INSPE:CTIO,V: Tc be' mace ~fter all CriwalZ is in place, out prior to any tapir.g. f~~ Sio/.,t:h ~;;J Date: II, 13-R9 ..) Lisc.# Ezvir[]$ Phon;; o location, cond 01' vertic~~s in U.E,C. Sectien JOO adcress, type of ~n3~ecticn Re~~ests received b~feI'e' 7:00 ~ ~r;)~6~lo DENCLITION OR ~~~'OVE: 5UILD:iiCS =:J Sani'::ary se'..Jer cC?ped at p~opcrt:j 'Zine ~ Septi.:- .tank p~~cc. ~4 fiZZed with ~::?eZ ~ P~nal - ~~en above ite~s are cc~Zeted ~ a~d when de~cZ~tion ~s compZete or st7~~- ture ~oved ar~ ?r~~3eS ~l8~ned u=. Mobile l~c::;es ~ :=J ~ Block~nq ar.d Set-~p Plumbing connections s.o:wer c:r.d water MASO,'IRY: Steel oeam.3, grou-;inq ~::ccordan~e wi~h 241&. '-OODS'J'O'lE: After installat~on is ccmpZe!;;;d. D CUPB ,~ A.c"'P.r?OACH 4?.oOII: After forms a:Z'e erecl'ed Qut prior to pcur;"'4 co=rete. D SIDSf/ALi<. d DRIT;;r";A Y: Fer a lZ cen- orel'e pavi"'4 uil'hin street right- oJ~W::Y, to bc made af'::er alZ e:::ca- vating complete & f"or::r !."O!!K. d ~u..O- base mc~el'"';al in i?lace, SZectl'"';cat Ccnr.ec'::ien - Blockir~, set-u; and "0 ~tunbina canr:e~tions Trr..,;.st =e c::J~!"~r:e~ before requ~st:ng eZec=~~cal ins?e~~io~ D ?~NCS: When comDl~te -- Provide ga"as 01' movabZa' sect~cns through P.U.G. ~ Ac~e~sc~~ 3u~Z~~r~ ~ final - Af'::~r ~~pcr.es, . .... :...-.-.. ~_.........J ,et__. . are ,-,-"".pZi:;:; ....~l4. cee~:.3 , D 3J<.::..:,"'::.ng, D AlZ p~ojac~ c~c~:~onsJ J~C~ cs ~he ins~aZZa~~on of street ~~es~ ~~.~!a~:Qn ~f =~ required laru::.'3cc:pir.q~ etc., .?rUst be sa-cisf:.cd. bc-J......ore ti;e 3UILDI;~'G ?!;','AL -=cn be r2q"oJ.:3st:3C. c=J _ FI.'tAL PWXBD'G [J. FDA!. NF:':."!A.'IICAL []. FINAL ~~EC':.f?!Cri:' CJ . o PI~~L 3UI~DING: The Fincl au~ld~~4 !r.s?ecti~n ,~st O~ re~~e$ted ~j:~r tr.e :~r~l ?!~bir~ ~leccricaZ, and ;~earn~ic~Z :ns?e~t~cnG have been mace cr~ ~;prcv~~. .AL~ MANHCL2S AND CLEA.t'!CU';'S :1!U57' ( 3E AC::ES5I2:'cJ .4Eu~UST:~:.',!, ;:0 32 ,'.~:~D~ ...~7' !IO :::5':' TO 1;>-'-02 . oj' ~ t;I':'? JO B NO. :~a: ILot Sq. Ft;. j. ~f Z-~ ~over~~- j4 ~~ ~ _~~ !.i of ;;toz-:.es ! ::'otaZ .:!aicht i - I :'opogrCl? hy I II~~~ SQ.:TC I.~k:-:n I~~ca 1 ! C..:!r=~r't I I .4C~;ZS3:J!'~' j I IS.Doc. I 7'OT.4~ :'ALU2 1.5::: I :;a~u;:) Building ?enr.-; ~ Sta~e Sur~harge To~l Cr.c.:ogea ?=;e 2 ':L-COG~ SOL A Ft ~ C C E S S R E Q.- CC~..J.=a7"'..c"..J Gr~;..l:;: I ~c't _-::z~tJs - I I 2,:', i h'o:.se Illor1;h lEas t I SOl< th I;;;est T'dpe/ConS1; : I I I I ! I . i J j 3edzo~or,:s: 11-::::11 "10. I I F'i...-::ures !Resid.mtiaZ (1 bath) I Scn'ita1"f SeuJer I ;;a~e:!' Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.c.rge Total O.c.rces FE2 lDD-1 I."?es. So. fta. N<:ul/Ertend Cir~~its Terr:porary Service Ele~tricaZ Pe~t S~te SUJ'or.c.rce TotaZ Ci>.a:!'ces I ,-7' ":'.',f ?:lrr..::zce ETU' 5 I E:::lu:rus t Hood I Vent Pan I . , -"oodsto:;e I Perrm-t Is=e Meor.c.n-:ca l Per'm"~ t State SUJ'chc:roe To~c! ~rC!'"'Jq:J -- z.~rCI.~CAC!;,.~~:/':' . I , , ISe~~~~t~ D2~03~t I Storo:J.qe Il~a-::'n.tencr~8 I PC!'m"; t I Total ~~r7es 1....._, 1........:>C'.l~ I Sidz:,;v.l7<. I i:'?n.~e -n I I I I I I I ::1], I I I I I I I I I I I I ;"":'':' / 2!02c;rica.l La};el . : ,lfobi la Fiome TOT.~!' ANOU.VT DU~:" LeT ""'~,r:,:" Ir:tericr COI'1'!er Panhandle Cul-de-sac X '1aZue CiiARGE: , ~ I I I C.:'ijJ~qG2 CHARGE ,-:?Qy /0.00 /.~OO G,O /~O I I I I I IS h 0 I , 2nar~J Sour~es J' .'feat I I I I i I I I I I I':.J::g Setba~K.s I Cc.rar;e I Access. i I I ~'/at:::"!' _~. qat.zr Range Firevic.ce Wooa:;tov8 tlt"; F:Jes I I I j Building Value & Permit This pe~t i8 granted on the e=Fress aondition that the sdid.const1".lcc-:on shall, in aZl respects, aonfo~.tothe Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprin.af:eZd, -:.nc!u.ding the Zon.in.a Crd-:ncn.ce, l'eG'"".{Zc.tir:.a the ccr..str:{ct"~cr: ~d u;~ of buildings, end m=y ce~ $uspep~ed or r~vcked ;t cr.~ ti~e ~;Qn vic- lat-:on of xny provisions of said Ord-:~.c.nces, I I. 1 I I Plan Check Fee: Vate Pa~d: IReczipt #: ISig-ned: Plumbing Permit I I J I I · No person shalZ const!"~ct, install, aZter or change any ~~w or e:::-:s~ing plumbing or drainage syst~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a person may do plumbing work to proper~d which is ow~ed, laas<:d or operated by the appli- cant. .' .- .' Electrical Permi t Where'State [,c::IJ requires tr~t the electr~caZ work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eZec~r;cal portion of this permit shall r.at be valid until the label has been signed by the Eleotrical Contractor. Meche nical Perm~t I I I , I I · Plan Z=::::niner l)aCa I HAVE CAREFULLY rXANItlE:D the corrrplated ap?l-:cation :jor permit, and do hereby certify that all iniormat~on hereon is trua arA correct, arA I f.<rther c2r~ifii that any a~A all >,Jor,1( per;'om:ed sr.c.ll be dO:'le in ::ccor- dance ~t;h the Ordinances of the City of SpP'1~ngfi;:;l.d, and :h~ Lcrw:a of' th3 · State of Oregen p$r~ining to the work described here-:n, ar~ the:" NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ ba ma.ie of any st1"~ctura without ?arm~s3ion of the 3u-:lding Di- vision. I further ~ertifd tr~t o~Zy ccntrcctars ar.d ~Z~yees ~h~ erg in co~pZ-:ance w-:th CRS ?Ol.05E will be used on thia proj$~t .X~-~4; ,{}~" II!fJ,r~