HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 .'" RESIDENTIAL .. . . APPLICATION/PEFflIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregcn 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job z'oc.::ri,:m: '4! -4 \ 4 ~ ~,. '.L~\"k~~_~O' \ f} D~?G.-?5:\ T= Lot ,# QQ~"~ ()r~'\ ?=> ASGesGor;,; ,\fap .1 Suhd:!.~~sicn: /).:ner: U. t(YlQ f'1\--T ) .4dd.~es3: \i\4l?\ ~ ,0 \ Y\.~ City: \ ~.\ \. '0\ Q XU ~ ..' ~ 4- Q_ c:....1 I _./I j' Phone: () \..F tOlO-u-J Zi?: CI1J1n 8 . ). . . Describe (vork: .' t)1011JiJL tuxx:L 8;OLL VO:.J Add-=. ticn Remodel ,'.foo":' Z2 :=fema Date of Appli~ticn :';onr;rcc-:ors' General Plwnbinq i E'tectric~L1\i I Nech....~ic.:: k I )( I rv. .f1..Q.J I CO>lstY"'oicti::m L<:11der Value I OC:iJ, 00 Address OJl(ll /mnA~ c--<)/)<-j fY'") . 4. I O;t-~ j (\\D1 tcrL. , \J ~ ',J r;~ H 03 [,isc.# _~CC8:':;= ii SqqL[<:::; vOcL , (\.'/ \.)-.-/ si~'atA ~;J Date: II ~ 8"719 " EX?ir2S Phone [~ is the res~on$ibitity of the permit hoZder to se~. that aZZ inapections are ~ade at :he proper t~~~~ that ~cch =ddress is re~:e from the street, a,...d. that the parmi t c.:z:rd is kcated at the [:rent of the property. A3ui!dir.q .:r.::Ji::io~ C:P?rot:ed plan s;..:::ll remain on the BuiZding Sit;:; .at all times. ?'?OC2!JUPS ,"OR niSPEc:TIO!1 .:?SQUS5T:CALL 726-3769 (:t'ccorcerJ state YOUl' City :iesiqr.:::ted job number, job adircss, type or in3:Jec::icn requesrca a~d when ycu wilZ be ~eadY.Jor inspection, Contractcrs or Ck~e~s "'~~e c,..d ph~ne number. Re~~ests received b~fcre' 7:00 ~ :."iZ Z be m.ade the same day, requests mde aft<:..~. 7: aD am un U be made the n=t :.!Orking day. . ~e~~ir~d !~3~~~t~Cr.g o SI7'~ I."lS?~C':'~:]H: To De made aj"t21' e.=cav~ti.;;n, .;u-; prier- td ae= up of forms. o UNDEPSL::a ?LL'!.f3I.VC, ED2C':'RIC..tI 3 1'.!ECr.:.J.:JiC:"0: To;,e mc:.ae bef'oY'€ any wor,i( is ,::ovcrec. n "'00"'''''1(; > "'0",''''''''-/'>'1' "'0 c' e _J~ LJ .. .. ....... ~ ~ ... '"': ..;,.Ir\_......,< .... . ",-.c.:"" .aiter ~rencr.es ~e ~c~Jated ar.::: fQrm~ are el'~c=.a.d, .;ut prier to pou~~r4 c~nc~e~~. [] U.VD-::Rc:=!orHlJ ? ~U!~f2.r;YG. DRAIHAGZ: To be ~e Zi,...q l;rer.ci:ez. S2;!?.". ;,J.1TE'.'i', , ....... .pr.:cr ~9.r1,,"- O. UNDERPD']O.,:? :.."!.i/.'..'SIJG 1 !,.':;CHA.VICAL: To be maCe Drier ~o in3l;aZ~tion of [7001' insu~l;idn 01' dec~i~g. [J PQST AND 3::AI1: To be madc :n"'~o:t'. to insraZ /..:;l;icn of floor ins~z4ti= 01' deckinq. o RO!}(J,~' ?!J./~.,f~!;.lC. ~~-EC":P!C,~~ j Y~Cg- .J.HT~.J.!.,~. .~.'o ~or~ .is. -tQ Q? co~'ere4 ~t~l ;~cs~ :~~cec=~c~s ~Vq ~q~ ma~e ~n 'ZP?~?~~~. FI.~~P!.AC2: PriOT' to pZe.:::ir..q f'c.cina mcreriaZs ard b~lore fr~,..~ inspec- tior:. o o P.rL1}~I:lr;: l'.!uzt::e "!'eque~te!d af-;el' ap?rov~Z of ro~gh ?l~~ir.q, elect~~- cal .j mecr.ani.:al. ,HZ !'Oojir.q brc:.cir.q d chi.-r.n;:;us, 2t~. -r.r.A;S'C be . comple:::cd. ,'10 '.;;r~ is 'to b.. con- , cealed ul'::;i l this immec=icn ras . been made Ole appl'Ol.."ed. Your Ci~~' Desigrated Job !~~be:t' Is: D INSULATrON/V~PO? BARRIER INSFECTION: To be made after al? insulation ard rcauired VaDo?> ca:t'T'iers are in D lace but before 'any lath; gypsum bcdrd 01' uxz lZ covering is c:pp lied, and before any insulation is concealed; D.r ~~?J~L\ I DElfO[,ITION OR :'.;OVE:; 3UILV:;:CS ~ SanitarJ .s~~er .:~?ed =t p~op~r~' liroe .~sePti.: tank p~~~d.~d filZed with ;r>a_eZ ~ PinaZ - ~~en abcv€ ite~s are cc.~letec ~ ~~d when de~cZ~tion is co~Zete or St7~~- . ture moved ar~ ?r~;ses .:le.::ned U~. , Mooi le F.C"~iiS D DR'!. >lAU INSPE:CTIO:V: TO. o' e made ajter an drywall is in place, 'cur.prior to any taping. D,v.ASONRY: Ste.eZ location, bond oeam5, croutina or verticcZs in accorea;.ce ur:thU.B.C. Section /2415. ~'. ""OODS,TQvc.: Aftar installation is , cctJrp t,r9 t~ct.. D CUPE ,~ AJ."'P."iCACH .4P,"'ON: Afte~ forms .:::re ere::Jted but ;n~~or to pcu.I"'~r.q cOn<:!re t e . D SIDE:WA[,f{ ~ DRI;'E(iAY: For aU ccn- crere ~cvir.q wi~hinstreetriaht- of-wcy: to be made attar aU ~xca- vatina ccmvlete & f'or:77 '.JXJrk d zuO- base ;;aterial in place. ~ ~ Blocking erA Set-~p PZumbing connecticns s<::wer c:r..d tJa-:er o ?~NCS: ~~en comDZ~te -~ Provica gares or movabre' secticns through P.U.2. ~ Elect~~ccZ Ccnr.ection - Blocki~~, set-u:J --.J and pl,tunbing c::mr:ections ,~.Ast =~ =?P!'~?)ec. beforc requestir4 elec~rioal ins?ec~io~ ---" ~ ~~~ " 3 ..l....~~ --.1 ......c......e~ .,;,......L oJ ?-l,'" .....'"';1 =:J Fin..:J.l - ..'If'tc:r ?:Jr'ci:es, , ' etd. .are cCJ:7.vlet;;d. , - 3k-:'rt:.ng~ dec~::SJ o AlZ project cor.c~=~onsJ JUC~ C$ =he ins=aLZat~on af street ~~esJ ~~.~le~~Qn af the requir~d Zandsccpi~qJ etc., ,nust oe Sati3ficd bc;ore t~e 3UILDI~C :I~AL ~=n be ra~~3st2d. D. FI.'fAL PWXBI:/G CJ PINAL ;,.!E:;aA,'IICAL U FINAL E!..SC':'.t?IC:'~ CJ o pr,vA[, BUEDDIG: '!'he Final Buildir.q Insyection ,-:7Ust 0'3 .req;.dsced -::'.~'te!' ti:e ?ir.:::l ?lur.:bir~ EZeccrai::JaZ~ end Necr.ar:.-:cc.l Inspecc-::'cno have been ma.de ar.d. ::::;prcu.z:i. "ALl, MANHCL2.S AND CLEANO!)TS :'!UST 3E AC::ESSI3:EJ .4De.lUS7~'!~.~'T ':0 3:: ".',"":~ .'~. ~........ I ?~?;? of ,1'" ;';0 :::5': TO t;r-:''! JO BNO. :~a: Lot Sq. Ft;. ;~ ~f Zat C~er~c~ I " !.iI 0;'5;;0"("";es I "" .... 1 :.; . . ! :..O...C:... ...8t.cn= i . I"" . I . opogrCl? ny r?'E..'.! .'.h~n I~~ce 1 ! C..1r:"'~l't I I .-lc~2S3;?r:; 70~.~ [ Z.~ LUF: S.D.C. ( :"'C;'UC) 1.5 ::: Euild~nq ?ermi~ Sta~e Sur~h=ge ~otal ;:r.c.:-gea I 1:'::11 I F'i..."7.a'es I.'?esid.mtial (] bath) I scn~t.:z1"j SeuJer I ;;a~e:!' I Plum(;ir.g Pe1'r.":'~ t State Surcharge Total Ch:.:!'ces I DEN . / .r?es. So. fta. I N<:uJ/EXtend Circuits I Terr:porCI')! Service '. Electrical ?e~~ State Surcr.c.rce Total C;'./X!'ces I t..:.-7'~M Furr.,::zce ETU' 5 E:::lu:rus t Hood Vent Pan.. I ;J:'odsto:;e I Perrm-t 1S=2 .'1eC)r.c.nical Permi t State Surchc:roe ~o~cZ C'r.ar7Qtj ~:ICRCACEg~:r;, ..., , iSe~~~~tu D2~03it I Stor'1qe I t-'a.~nte7'.c.r~e I Permit I Tetal ~~"!'7es Cur;'C'.l~ Sidz:,;al7<. '::'mce ~!.ac::r:.ca. Z [cJ;/Z Z ,\fobi la Home IOTA.!; tu\!OU,'IT DUr:' SQ.F~C i ,'iO. I I I I I I I I I I :il]. , I I I I II-I I I sOlAlCESS C'c~.A=aT'..c:J 'Jr-:r..c;: LeT TY?~ Interior COI'1'!er Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va. Zue :10. I ,.:':' CiiAP.GE .. C.'ifJ.?CZ i I I I I I I I · CtirJ.RCE ...5. 00 I I I I I , /0 cOD I, ~rv (p{) I /61,0 I. I /$', t, 0 ?=qe 2 . L -CO G~ R EQ.- T:r'"pe/Cor:sr; : ~ed:-?or.':.s : I :"ot :::zces - I I ?~, i ae~se Illorth j I ::riarT.J I I I I I I I I I I Sou:r':!fi!S !:rca East ..Sour;h I:;;est Setca~KS I Cc;ra=e I i I firer; Zaca Woocf.:;tove I h.ecr; I Adces3. i I I I ;';at~'!' _~'2a:;2?" RanqiJ Pees' I , I I Building Value & Permi t This pe~t ia granted on the e=Fress condition that the said.oonstruction shaZl, in aZl respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sp'I'ingf:.e~d, ..~rtcZud~ng the Zoning Crd-:nCr!ce, reguZc.ti17.g "tr:.e acnstr-;,lct:.Cr:. and ~se of buildings, end m~y ce auzpe~ned or rgvckec at ~~ ti~e U~Qn vic- Zation of ~y pr~vi3ions of said prdi~~nces. I Fran Check IDate Paid: IReczipt II: lSigned: Fee: Plumbing Permit No perso~ ahall const!"~ct, instal!, alter or change any ~~w or e:::is~inq ,'~lumpjnq:or drainage syst~~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:cept tr.c.t a person may do plumbing work to proper~d which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. / . I .."... .' Electrical Permit Where'State Lc;uJ requires that the e lectr-~ca l work be done by an Electnca l . Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel nas been signed by the ElectricaZ Contractor. Mechanical Perm~t Plcn 2=1-ner I.)ar;e I I I · I I HAVE CAREFULLY E:XANIN2D thE corrrgi..ated c?plication for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL info~ation hereon is true ar~'correct, ard 1 f.l.I'ther ae:!'~ij:j that any ar~ all !.:ork. per!"or:-ned shall be do,-ze in ::.ccor- dance '..Jith the Ordin::rnces of tha City at Springfi~l.d, and =h~ La-"';3 oj" tha State of Oreccn D~rtainina to the work described herein, ar~ the" NO OCCU- Pl-fiCI wilL ba made of any' st1"~ctUI'e without p2r:-nission of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I further ~ertifd th~t o~Zy aontract~r$ ~d'~Z~yees who arg in co~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this proj~ct . X~-,b-~L 'rfl~ II/fJt'~ . .:J1-{j2a (J Date ~ . .-