HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 ... 1...., ,I. ~ . . 1~_'~1o ..~},~. ..'...~ ,. 1"",1 . oil.. 0, '.;1 IL 00 RESIDENTIA L.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfield3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 x "JOb Lo~~tion:~ljl'io' "8i~[d;U-:tJ~.. AsaesGorz Nap # '\ f) () a ?Jri "3'~ I T= Lot # ()R Lf OLD Subdivi.sion: -IJJj~'~~~ .-5/0/ ~'1J~Phone: I'LL/~ .. CUQj () II 0w-ner: .4ddr-ess: City: :VC!"..J Add--:- tic1'I 4!S-(if9<1- tf7tj.e.f) Zip: Describe liork: ".foo-=-!.a .10ma ~~W~/r~ '. ,(l.) . VaZue t..5)D "\.. Remodel Date 'of Application :onr;rac-cors General Plumbing Electrica l Address I /1 , Const~~ction L~nder .--r')-ll ~ Qj~ 1<7 J--t - /'-1 g" Mechar.ic::: l I I ] .?cce-:pt ,if. sqQ'LJ7 .~ ~ & , . \. Si"" :... UA .... Date:"' II-P,~PA Lisc. # Exbires Phone '----..,/ It is the responsibility of the .permit hoUier to see that alZ inspections are made at the proper tL~e, that each =ddress is rea=aoce from the street, and that the permi t ca."'Yi is located at the frcnt of the property. k3ui~i~4 ~vi=io~ approved F~ shall remain on the Building Site at all times. P!iOC~DUPE POR 1NSP~CTIOtl i?E'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcco1'der) state your City desig7'.ated job nw;;be1', r!Jquesr;ea a~d when you wiZ l. be ..eady for inspection, Contractors or Ow-ners 7'.ane end r;hone number. ..'ilZ be made tn€: same dc.y, requests mc.ae afta' 7:00 am VYiZl b:Z:made the n=t :Jerking d.ay. JOO adircss, Jyr;e of inspec~ien Requests received befere 7:00 ~ Reoui~~d !nRn~cticns o SIT! I.~ISP~C':I:Jfl: To be made after- ' excavation, but prior tc set; up of forms. " . o UND~RSL:"3 ?LUMBING, ~[2CT.'9IC/1L d ;..'ECHA<'lIC:'Z,: To be made befoY'e any work is ~ovcred. o FCOTnG i FOUNDATICN: To be ,=de after tY'encnes ~e ~c~Jated a7'A ferms are erectac, but pricr.to pou~~r~ ccncret~. U.VDZRG?OUl,'') ?['[j!.rsViC. SE'.RP. W:1TE.'? DRAINACF: To be made p~~cr ~o fil- lir4 r;rencr.ez. D 0" UNDERP!"OO::? !'!.,Utf3ElG .i ,lfF:CHANICAL: To be ~~e Drier ~o in~taL~tion of fioo1' insu~tion 01' decking. POST AND 3EA!1: To be made :>1"'~or to ins~alZaticn of jtOO~ ir~~i1ticn'or deckin<;. o o ?o.~;c:? ?Dm.~B!;",1G. EDEC":P!CAL 3 MECH- A3IC.JoD: ;~~o '..JorJ-: :'3 ::0. bc cO'f.:erea until ;r.cse ir$cec=iQ~s h=v~ b~er- ma::e c:7'.d:::~n'r::n/e~. FI"~~PLAC2: ?rio!' to pkcir.g fc.cr'~nq mcr:eriaLs a1"A before jramir4 inspec- ;.' vt.on. o [] FFL4..'~I:'lfJ: Mu.st be "!'eque::;tad c.f":er approvc.l of rough plW7hing, elect1"'~- cal & mec;...ani~al. Al: rcofi7'4 braci7'4 &.chimncys, et~. ,~~sc be . cotrrO ler:ed. ;'10 'Por.i<. is to be con- " cea"Zed until t;his insvec"tion. ras 'been made end approved. Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number Ia: D INSULATION/V/tPOFi EAFiRIER INSECTION: To be made after all insulation <X"A required vapor ba::rrieY's are in place but before any lath, gypsum board 01' .wall covering is applied, arA before any insulation is concealed. ~9!d~l() DE:!IOLITION OR ;':OV::; BUILDI<7CS ~ Sanit~J se~er capped ~t p~opcr~d lir.e ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed a~ fillad with ;raJeZ ~ Pinal - ~~en above ite~s are completed ~ and when d~~o~ition,is co~lete 01' st~~c- ture moved ar~ prem-_ses cleaned u~. 'NoDi Ze Hcmes. =:J T- T- Blocking CU'A Set-:<p Plumbing connections sCUJer c:7'.d water o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dr--;jwaLl is in place, but prior to any taping. EZectI'"~cal Connection -.Blockir~, set-up and plumbing connections I'r...st be approv<'id beforc request~ng electrical inspectio~ o D MASONRY: Stee l beam3~ grouting accordance ?Jr~th 2415. ;.iOODSTOVE: Aft<'irinstallation is cc....rp let.:d. =.J Ac~es3c.L"~i 37A:1..l,;::..r.q ~ Pin.a.l - .01 f"t;;r r::Jpcr..es, skirting, etc. are ~cmpletcd. decy-s.J location; bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section o All pro.ject cor.dit-~ons, such as the insr:allation of street 1:rees, cc":-c::le;:ion of tit!: required landscaping,. etc., must be satisfied ~efore the BUILDnlG Fn.AL can be requ9st.i!d. []. PDIAL PLU:'1SI:IC ;':.--' " U FINAL ;,.fECHA:IICAL o FINAL ELECT.r::ICAL o o D CURB ,3 .4..I'P.'?CACH AP.oON: After forms are erected but prior to pC',",I'"~r4 ~o=rete . SIDeWALK ,3 DRnrgr,./AY: For all con- creie pavi1"~ within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete &. fOr:77 ~'Ork & $UO- baze mcteI'"~al in place. PINAL BUIWING: Electrical, and The Pinal Building Inspection ,~st oe requested cfter tne,?i1"~l PZumbi1"~ Meah~~iccL InspectionB have been made ar4 cpprcvgc. 'ALL MANHC!2S AND CLEANOUT5 IfUST BE ACCESSIBLE:, ADJUST!!:::!T TO .3E: :~'\DE .'1T !lO :;:::ST TO i:JI':'Y I P~?e of 2 D D PENCE: ~~en.compZzte -~ Provide. gates or movable' sections' thr~~gh P.U.E. o I JOB NO. I i Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. I~ Qf lot CJVeraq~ !.# of Stor"'~es I TotaZ Heicht i " I Topoqra;hy ITEN , SQ. PTG l,'.fain I ~c.ca I ! Car::crt i. I ..w~essor".J I I I I IS.D.c. I TOTAl, VALUE: I vc!-ue) 1.5 ::: EuiZding Perm-; t State Sur~h:r1"ge Total Cr.aT'ges I IT::M I PL-tu:l'es laesidential (1 bath) I Scmit.:rr"J Sewer I water Plumbing Permit State Sureharge Total C't1C.raes I lTElt! 1.'1es. Sa. fto. N~/E:::tend Circuits Temporary Serviee' Ele~tM.cal Stcte Sur~haroe Total O.a:rces I IT::M I P-:a'nace 2TU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Pan I . I woodsto:Je I Permit Issu=e Me:::r.aniccl Permi t State Surahc:rqe' I I Total craraes ~ ZNCPCACl:.?fEHT 1_, , I :;ec:-",r"', t"" D2"Oon t I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total C't1C.roes I CuI'bcut I Side,;alk I ?en~e I Electrical i Mobi Ze Home Page 2 .L-COG~ SOL A R. / C E S S R E Q.- OCC->,A.vanc:; Grou.~: x NO., FEE I ;vo. I I I , I I 'I ~;;'l;' Permi t Ne. I F~M I I / I I , '"' ~ I uJudlL~~ Label TOTAl, AJ.!OUNT DUE:' . LOTT::?E Interior Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sac . VaZue CHARGE . c~"=i;i~=tGE CHARCE .!::> 4 LJ /o,o.-.V LC;oAJ {gJ} /,5;7p 0 .3/d;tO J I I , I , I m_-' · I I I I I I T'doe/Const: 3eC:rooms: I &ot Faces - I Setbaaks I, P.L. I House Carage jNort h East South IWest I En2ro7.1 SouY'~es I i I I I I I I I I I IUD;] .'1"eat I Access. ;/ater .=-feat.er Ranqe ?ireolace Wcoa3t07Je F~es , I I ) Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said.const~~ction shall, in aZl respeats, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit~ of Springf:-eZd, incZuding t.he Zoning Crd-:n.c.1?ce, regulc.tir'..g the ccn3tr:{ct~~cn and uae of buildings, and may be susper~ed or revokec at any ti~e ~?on vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. , . ! r I I. IPlan Check Fee: IDate Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shaZl' cons~~ct, instaZl, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part, unless suah person is the Zegal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=aept tr~t a p~rson may do plumbing ~ork to propert"~ which is ow~ed~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. .. I I · I I I I I I I l Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the eZectr"'~caZ work be done by an EZa~tr"'~cal Contractor, the electricaZ portior. of this permit shall not be vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the ElectricaZ Contraator. Mechanical PermH Plan E=iner Uar;e I HA VE CAREFU&&Y ::XAMINED t,'1e ~omp leted cpp l ication foz: permi t, and do hereby certify that all infoT'mation hereon is true arA aorrect, arA I further certiry that any arA all ~ork performed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and ~hz Lu~s of the State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work desaribcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of =y atructura without permission of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further ~erti~~ th~t only contractors and e~Z~yees who ~e in co~pliance with CRS ?01.055 wilZ be used en this projzct ~~!;z vii ~ . 11/ r/r.;L Date