HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 I' "l~C ..".. ,., .. RESIDENTIAL 00 APP~I~.TION/PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street C '.~' l' 0 97,-_177 vpF'~ngr;,e a, 'r.egcn Building Division 726-3753 Job wc~tion: ~if4- (ftLP~L -,,eI~" ,lsaeSGorz .\fap ,# ' \ fj O~ '?A.?-)~ T/z Lot ,~ C~l\OS ~lLl ':th~Lr-r-/ .=5/0 / &a:~..pJ,~ UM1_,,0Phone: 1/-R.!J- - ff1j.c;<L IJL'j__u' fi~~.L/ U Zip: 'l7'/-OS- ?rJ~ 4JH-I-/~ . . VaZue ~-(y.., Address 3ubdiv-.:sicn: :;..:ner: Add...""2S3 : Ci ty : ;"t:!"~ Acc:.ticn RemoceZ ,11oa-:. Z.a .~Crr.2 Date of AppZi~:icn ~onr;rc.c:;ors GeneraZ PZwnbinq :;Zectricd Nechar.ic:: Z Describe f.'ork: CO"st~~ctio71 ~~nder (!)!:"--~-d) {jf~-~' 7 d. 0- / t./-t:.,~ _~cce-::'::J= i-l ,<C;G14 L1fl , I ~ . ~ -... sigr.,/=hlf)Q)... . Date: - -, I / - H - h fJ - -' , Usc. .# E;:::;ires Phone' It is the resp011lribiZity of tr.s permit holder to see that aU. irn;pectio718 are .~ade at the proper ti:n€~ that ac.ch .:;dd:ress is ren':n":e from tM street, and that the permit ca."'({ is l..::cated at the front' of the property. ~3ui!di~4 ~~~i=io~ apFroved F~ sr~lZ remain on the Bu~Zding Siti at aZZ times. ?'!OC::DUP:; POR nlS?::CTIOll i?E'QU::ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nW7:ber, r~questcd a~.i ~hen yeu ~~ZZ be ~eady jO~ ir~p~ction, Contractors or ~~ers r~e ar~.pr~ne number. ..'iZl. be made the sc:me day, requests mde afta 7:00 ern will be made the n.c:::t :.;orkinq day. JOO address~ type of in~pe~~icn Requests received befere 7:00 ~ ~eaui~~d ~nsv~ct~~~ o SITE !,"lSP?:C":':Dt'f: To .be mace attar ezcavcticn, ~u= prier t~ 3et up oj forms. o UND~?Sr;'B ?~~~BIJG, E[2~~I~1! ~ j'.fECh'.J.:iiC:"&: To De mc;.ae befoJ108 any work i5 ~ov~rec.. o roor:::c ~ .~CU:'lDAT:C.V: To ce .~2 after trenches =e ;;:::ccr'.;ated ar~ ferms aI'e er~ct2d, .;ut pr"~cr to pouz-~r~ c=nc~et~. [] UND2RG?.'JU!!D ?~U!.f3 r;G. S:::rc:?. ".1 TE"?; DP~INAGE: ~o oe maie prier ~o fi~- Zir.g trer.ches. o U!lDERP!"QOR !'!JJ.'..'BI:JG ~ Y:;t;H.4.VICAL: To ce mace crier to in3~cL~=~on of j100r insu~ticn or decking. POST AND 3'GA!1: To be Ir.cde :1r>ior install~=icn of f100r ir~~i2ticn decking. o o PO~!C;~' ?!.rJ~'~E!:.'C. ~r.~C':'P!C'AL 1 .',ECH- .4HIC.4~: ~o ~orK i~ ;0 ~e co~ered untiL these :r2cec:icr.s h=Vq ~8P-~ maie cr~ ~?r?ve~. FI?~?!..ACE: ?rior to Fla~-:.Y>.g fc.aing mc~eI"~aLs ar~ ~efore'fr~r.g in3?ec- tio~.. o D F'F?..4..''!I.'/G: MU3t ~e requ.e:;ted c.f'.J;el" ap?rov~l of rough ?Z~~i~.g, eZectp<~- caZ ~ ,~ecr.ani':aZ. AU r'Jofir.g bracing ~ chimneys, at.:. "'...tsr: be . comvZe:cd. Jo ~r~ is to b~ con- . cec:."z..d un:iZ this ir.specticn has . been mad~ enc ~?pI'Qved. Your City. Desigr~ted Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAP08 BARRIe.'? IHS?::CTICN: To be made after aU insuZatwn CI:"~ reauired vaPor barriers are in DZace but beJore 'Cuzy Zath, GYpSW71 coard or waZZ covering is appZied, ar~ before any insu Zation is conceaZed. o~ ~oq ~ D'i/.!OUTIOH OR ,'.,Orr::: 3UIDD:;iGS ~ SanitarJ s~~er ~ap?ed =t p~op~r~d Ziroa =:J Septi.: tank P:<'7d and fiZZed :.lith ;ra:;eZ --, Pind - r/hen c:bcve ite..~s a!'e ccmpZetec ~ and ~hen ie~oZition is comDieta 01' St7...(':- tu.~e moved.ar~ ?r~~3eS cZe~ned up. Mooi Z~ Hc;~es =:J =:J ~ BZocki~.g ar~ Set-up PZumbing connections saJeI' ar.d water D DFlYWADL INSPeCTION: Tc be made after aU az...dOJaZl is in pZace, . but prior to any taping. EZectI'"~caZ Ccnr.ection - BZocki~.g, set-~? and pZtunbing connections trr..;st be IZ?provec before requesting eZectri.:aZ ins?ectio~ o I~SO!~7Y: Steel Zocation, bond 01' v€1'ticaZs in U. B. C. Section :=J Ac~essc.l..:i 3uiZ:3.-:.r.q ~ decks~ After irzstaZZation is FB & ,41'P.'?CACH APPON: Afte~ forms p2~~or to pC'..tri 7'.g .:o=re te. D SIDE'T.,JALX & DRI~7;r,.;AY: POI' aU con- crete paving within street right- of-u;c.y, to be made aftar aU e=ca- vatina comvlete & fo~ ~rk ~ suO- base ,:;'ate;'~aZ in pZa~e. Final - Aft~r F~1'c~es~ et~. are ccm?Zet~d. 3K::,,1"=-:..ng~ D ?ENCS: ~~8n comvZ~te -- Provide gar:es or movabZe' ~ecticns through P.U.::. D ALZ project cOP.ci=ionsJ auc~ as th~ ins~alZation of street =raes~ ~~,~!a~i~n of tns T'equ~?"ed- landscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisj"iad o~;"'~re the 3L'II:DI::C i'I~','AL =::n :;e r2t:{'..l2s=.1d. D. PINAL ?W',$I:IG CJ. Fr.-IAL ;'.!E';H:":IIC:"& CJ ?I,'IAL 2!.ZC:'RI::":' CJ . o FINAL BUILDING: Tr.e FinaZ 3uiZdir.g Ir.svection .~st be reoueGted ~ftar r:r.e ?ir~Z ?ZuT.bir~ ::lectT'i~aZ, end Necr~r.i.:cZ Ir.specr:ionG ;'~vc been ..nade ar~' ::;:proved". o 'ALL, ?W1HC~2S AND CL:::"NCUT:5 .'IUST 3'G ACCC;SSIBLc, ,4EJUS';,'~::T ':0 BE .'[1;;2 ,'''' ".'0 -:;S';.' TO CI':'Y I ?~?e of 2 Z.:-r:e: JOB ~O.~'''''' SOL A h. . ..:: C E S S R E Q,- 3ec...~cer.:s : l~C~.J.=C."'..c:J IJr~.J.~: Lot Sq. Ftg. ". ~f 7~.. I"~'e~~q- ,..." ~...,., ~...,v ......... c. : II of 5tor-;es I ~ ':J" ! :.ota~ h21..qn: i I", 0 ." I .op qrvr; n;; I !TE~'.f ,'.fain I~~~cr! l....Jl"':-=r= i . , .-1c~ess:Jr:J I I I I Is.D.c. ! I ,,~ "'""r ....1.a::.....J 1.5 = rOTA!: Z~L~'r ( tJ'c.?::A.';") Euilding Perr.-:: t State Surc,".z:;:z'ge To-:a l ;;rLJ...~gea ! 1':'::.'1 I Fi... -;;-..;r e s lResidential (1 bath) I Scmita!"f Sewer' I we:!; e.." !IO. Pl;unbing Perr.:it Stata Surcr..a.rqe Tctal O.c:::pes I ::Dt i ,'i0. I -''les. Sa. rta. I I Nc;wIE=tend Cir'cui ts I I Temporary Service I I I I l:'~.~! F'urr.:::ce 2TU' S E=haust Hood Vent Pan. I . I 'iloodsto:;e I EZectrical ?e~t State Sur::'r.c:l'~e T~taZ Ci'L1!"c~s I :ie. , I I I I I I Pe~t 13su::::nca .'1ecr.an-:.c::.l 2erm:: t State Surchc..-ae To-=c:.! cr.t::T'':[,t?3 -- c.,CR::;AC:::".!~:.'-: I . ISe~~r';tu De=oait I Stor-::.qe It1aint"""..c:r..:e I p ".. . C1'm'!. ~ I Total ~~r7cs Cur.?C"~; Sid2!Jalk ?~rt.~e 2Zec"r-:.caZ [a~eZ ,\fobi le Home lO-Uf4!t <pp- ( ?OTA.!. A.t.'.!OU.'IT DUE: A LeT T:-?~ Ir:ter-icr Corner PanhandZe Cul-de-sac X "aZue CF-A?GZ C.~.;J_qC~ CtiARGZ ..<(.00 /O.rOo fS1rV . I> J Is?:'o I , I I I I I I I I 3/~O P=ae 2 l-COG~ ':"i.oeIConsr; : I :ct ?:z~es I I P.:'. Worth I 1 I ,J.,;Jcass ~ J J II I I Er.erau Sour'':!es I...n::~ h.ea~ East 50'''': th l;;Jest . Setbacks 1 HOtiS8 Ca.rc.~e I I I i/a.tq"f' .:':qa::~!" Ranq:z ~ireDiace w'cod.::; to:,' e E'~p,<; I I I J I j I I * I I Building Value', & Permit This permit if; granted on the e='Press c:ondition that the said:const!".wtion sh~ZZ, in -::.Zl respects, c:onfc~ to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit~ :if Sprincf':eZd, "'~nc!uC~na the Zonin.a Crd:.n.cnce, l'eauZc.ti1'!.o ti!e acr.st:"'..i~~:'Cr: ~and.~;~ ~f buiZd~~~s~~~nd ~=y ~~~ 3u~~ep~2d or r~VOKec;t C~~ t~~e ~;~n vic- Zat~cn of any ?r~V~3~or.S Of sa~c CT~~r~nces~ Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: /Rec.;:ipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon.sh~lZ construct, instal!, aZtel' or char~e any new Or' e=isting pZumbi~~ or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in part, unZess such person is the legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's lioense, e=cept tr~t a person ma~ do pZumbing ~ork to proper~d which is owned, leased or operated by the appZi~. cant. :/..' j I I * J Electrical Permit I I j' I I * Where'State [,C:W requires tr.at the elect!'ioal work be done by an EZeat!'ical Contractor, the eleot!'icaZ por;ion of thia "permit shaH not be vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the Eleotr<;cal ;;ontractor. Meche nical Permtt , * I PLan 2=c:nl,rter L/a;a , I * I I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA.MI.'lC:D t,t....2 aonroZat;;d c.voZication ;-"01' Dermit, .tZrui de hereby certi;y that alZ i~Jo~a:ion hereon. is t~Ae ~~4 c~r~ect, ar~ I fUl'-;hel' cer"!:ijij that any ad all ",:ork. per;'omred shatz be do:-ze in ac::'or- dance ~th tn2 Crdin:::znces of the City of Springfi;:?,d:J and -;h~ La-...;a O{-th3 Sta.te of Oreo~n ozr~ininc to the work descr~bcd herein, cr~ -;r~: NO OCCU- P~NCY wizz D~ ~a2e of ~y~ at~~ctur2 without ?2rmi33io~ of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I furtr.e~ ~eI'tit~ tr~t o~Zy ~cntra=t~rs ~~d ~Z~Y8es ~r~ erg in co~pZiance w-:.th CRS ?01.055 wilZ be used en this pr'CJ2ct I I . . I ;<~ ~ ~,J~fu," II / Y/J~