HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 RESlrfN'TIAi'~: APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:~4field3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . 4JLz_7":~ .aJ~ , \ q Da ?J~~?J T; Lot # ~/~~ . _=5/01 ~~-U~Phone.: 4R.s- -%t/-9<L , Q IL_1_LA (I/ll/ Zi;J: 9' 7'1O,S- Job Loa~tion: A8~eSOOr$ Nap ,# Suhdiv':'sien: 0~'ner: A.dt:bess: City: :"~~ Add:.ticn RemodeL -.,. 0940( p Desoribe riork: ,'!oo':' Le .'fome ~~ -w:::::Jft Date of AppLicatien :';ontTcc::ors GeneraL PLwnOinq ELeotricaL , ,-- Address Liso.# Const~~ction [,~na.er {f)Lu/---U &~/ /d.. t,- /4t:.S'" Neohar.ic:: L Rcce~pt ,if. \.~qU'1 ~ . ~ ""' c . Ll(j)~ v "gr.eal]') . Date: - ',1/ ~. -~{), Eroir~s Phon~ [tcis the res~onaibiLity of the permit haUier to see that aLZ inopeations are ~ade at the proper t~~€. that eaah ::ddress is re~b:e from the street, and that the pcrmi t ca.:rd i8 7..xated at the f1'C7lt" of the property. '3ui~i~~ ~vi=io~ approved F~ shaLL remain on the BuiZding 5it$ at aLL times. P:?OCEDUPE -"'OR INSPE:CTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City designated job mw,ber, requested a~-d when you wiZL be ~eady for inspection, Contractors, or Owners r~e ::r~ pr~ne number. :.'iU be made th€ same d.c.y, requests mc.de afta' 7: 00 am wiU be made the n:;;xt :.JOrking day. ~eaui~~d !nscpct~cnP o SITE I.,SP~C':':()N: To be made after excav~tion, but prior t~ set up of forms. o UND~RSLJ..2 ?LlN.fBING. EDFCTRICAI. & /.!ECHA:JICriL: To be made befo~.g any work is .:::o,vcred. o POOTI:'IG ~ ?OUNDATION: To cem:zde after trenches~e exc~Jated arA terms are ergcted., .?ut prier to pouring c~ncret~. UND;':;:?G:~O!J!!D ?~UM3r;;G. S::'.R.='. ::.i.1TE'.'? DRAINAG::: To oe made pT'";er ~o fiZ- l ir~ trenches. [] 0- UNDERFWOFl !,!,i;.'..'BI.'IG -1 N2CHANICAL: To be maCe orier to in3tcL~tion of floor insukHen or decking. .,~ POST AND BEAU: To be made pT'";or to D instaZLation of floor ir~~Laticn or deckinq. . D o o p.o~;c;:: ?!J.~.'!E!;lG. ?!..ECT.F:?!C.4!:. .1 .',fECH- AfJIC.J.!.: :'10 :Jork 'ia to be co~'el'ea: untiZ tr.cse ~r~vec:io~s hcv~ D€en maie cr~ ~pr?ved. PP=;PLACE:: ?!'ior to Fl.c.cir~ feeing me~eT'";aZs a~~ before framir~ inspeo- tio~. '0 [] P.9...4HING: Mu.st 'be reque::;ted c.f=e-r approval of rough pLur.~ir~, aLectr-;- cal j mechanical. .HZ "1'Oofir~ bracir~ j chim'neys, etc. ~~St be .aomvLe~cd. No ~rk is to be con- 'cec;:Zed un:;i L thio inspection ras . been made end epprdved. Your City'Desigr.ated Job Number Ia: D INSULATION/VilPOR BARRIER INSP'XTION: To oe made after all insuLcti:m cr~ reauired varor barriers are in D lace but before any lath, gypsum bodre! or waU oovering is cppLied, cr~ before any insulation is conceaLed. JOO adtiress~ type of" in3!)ec~icn Reo/~ests received b~fere" 7:00 ~ <68'dJ=\5 DnfOLITIOH OR ,'.,Orr:::; 3UILDI,IGS ~ Semi tar'J se".Jer :!ap?ed Cot p~op;;r8' Line =:=J Septi:! tank p~~;;d end fiLLed with ;r~>eZ I Find - rlhen cbcve ite...::s lX!'e compLeted ~ and when de~olition is com~Zete or st~~~- ture moved ar~ ~r~ses cLe::ned u~. . Mobi l.e Homes :=J ~ :J BLocking ar~ Set-~p PLumbing connections sc;wer c:r.a water o DRTwALL INSPECTION: To oe made after aU cir'JwaU is in place, but prior to any taping. ElectricaL Connection - BLockir~, set-u~ and pZumoing connections m-....st i;~ cpproved beforG requesting electr-;cal ins?ectior: o ,~SO~~,Y: Steel Location, bond beam::;, grouting or verticaZs in accordanoe with U.B.C. Section 241&. ::J Accesse,;; S~ad.ir.g I Fin=Z ~ Aft~r ;~rchesJ ~ etc. are ccmpLet;;d. 3 K":.,:t'!;'7,.ng, dec~:s.J After instaLlation is D ALL proj.ect oonditions, suc~ es the installation of street ~rees, ~~~lc~ion of tas required landsccping, etc., rrrust be satisfied before the BUILDn/G PINAL ~an be reques~.:zd. !Ii . L-J. FINAL PW!$I:1G C:=J _ PINAL !1E::HA,'lICAL D. ?INAL ZLECT.~IC~L [J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiLding Inspection must be requeotea ~fter the,Pir~l ?lur.bing EZectrical, and Meaha~iccl Inspections ~~vo been made ar~ apprcv2i. 'AU, MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !fUST BE ACCESSIB!-E, ADJU5T,'S./T .TO BE: ;'.~1DE i1T :'10 ::75T TO CITY FB & .4.t""PROACH APPON: Afte:, forms c::re ere::ted but i:n~~or to pourir~ oo=re te. SIDEWALK & DRIVeWAY: For aU cen- crete .paving wi&hin street. right- of-way, to be made after aLl exca- vatina comvlete & foI':77 '.JJOT'k & $uO- base-:netePf,aL .in pla::e. D FENCE: .~en.compL~te -- Provide' gates or movabLe sectiens through P.U.E. o I ::;~'-e - of 2 I JOB NO, I 1 Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. ,~ ~f let C~erag~ I ! # of Stor""~es I TotaZ Heicht i " I Topogl'CZ?hy IT2:.J I,\lain I C~~ca i 1 Car:.-cr-t I SQ.?TG i . I .'l.c~essor".) I I I IS.D.e. 1.5::: ! TOTAL 'lAW:: (VCf..ur;) EuiZdir:.g Permit State Surchcrrge Total Cr,a;>ges IIT~N I FL-tures IResidential (1 bath) I I Sanita.!"j Sewer I ;(at~ I Plumbing Pern:it ..... State SU1'cr.arge Tetal Ciu:::raes lITEN IRes. So. fto. N~/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service Ele~trical Permit State Surcharce Total Charces I .IT2M I FW'?Ulce 2TU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vent Pan I . , woodsto:;e I PeT'rflit Is=e Mecr,anical Permi t I State Surchcrae I I Total Ci-<.t:::T(]t:3r; t -- ZNCRCACSNE~'lT 1_. . ,~e~~r""_~ Depos~t I Stor(]ce I Maintenartce I PCI'T7rU; I Total C'tU:r(]es I Curbcut I Sidel.JG lk I" J ~.en~e I El.zcr:rical i Mobi le Home Labe l NO. I FEE I I i I I ;10. I I ,. I ::e./ F:::E I SOLAReCE S S R EQ.~.:::qC 2 I {~ ~L/' TOTAL 4~OUNT DUE:' GC~..l'Canc~ Grour;: LeT TY?E Ir:terior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value CHARGE ;':;"1';' C~=-ijJ-1.qCE CHARGE: ..-<: to ...tJ /O.M 1.5, aU' (p J I 1.51.0 I, I I I I I I I ' -3/~O . L-COG~ T:,-oeICor:st: 3eaooms: Lot ?a.ces - Enerau Sour-~es Hear; TU'OB P.[;. Worth East South IWest Setbacks I .'io"se I Ca:raqe I' I I I I ~/ater .~'ea-;2?1 Range Fireoi.ace Wc;oa3tOt:e I Access. P;;es Building Value & Permit j I I I, This permit is granted on the e:::press aondition that the said,construction sh~Zl, in all respects, aonfoZ'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spring,;f~eZd, incZwiing the Zoning Ordinan.ce, r-eguZc.tir'.g tf18 ccnstr:tct:.cr.. and ~$e of buildingS3 end m~y be suspended or revckec at cr.~ t~~e U;DY'. vic- lation of any provisions of said CTdir~nces. I Plan Checl<. Fee: Date Paid: IRec~ipt #: I Signed: T Plumbing Permit No person. shall construct, install, alter. or change c:ny new or e;;:isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, ur:Zess such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's Zicense, e=cept tr,at a person may do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, leased or, operated by the appZi- cant. I I ' Electrical Permit Where State Lc:uJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vaZid until the label has been signed by the Electrical !::ontractor. I I I I ' Mechanical PermH Pian E;;:=~ner l.'ar:e I HAVE CARE:FULLY E:XAMIN'CD t,rw completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true ard aorrect, ard I further' certify that any ad alZ ~ork pei'j'or:ned sh~ll be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lu~s of the State of Oreeon Der~inina to the work described herein, cr~ that NO OCCU- PANCY will b~ ma2e of any" st!"~ctU1'e without permission of the 3uildir:g Di- vision. I further certify th~t only contractor's ~:d ~lcyees who a:re in co~pZiance with CRS ?Ol.05E will. be used on this project /.~~ ~ l2~o,,," 1// ?/fCZ