HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 ""'. .. RES I D EN T I At 00 'ADDT71~~mTO'~1/DPQ~JTT ... _ ~.J.. \....In....... l: J... ~J.. .4~.1____ . 225 ;'forth 5th Street So~~ngfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 4i9:;., '&/1,;~jl -iJ~ ., -.\ () n~ ~.~ ~3 . Tcz Lot # clJl ~':th~;t:;;J _ ::s/O / 1it..~"i/rrL~{)L-tl_,L;pr.one: 4R-5- - t?tJ-9<L !Jjjl-L'-/' r;:~p./ Q Zi;;: 9' 7'foS-- ,Iob wc.::.tiQrI.a AsaesGor= Hap .~ 3u1Jd-:.v-:.sicr:: ~'l1er: . Acfd:oes3': Ci t:y : 'I",..J Add-:. ticn Remod.el (J8 Lf(')L\ Desar-:be f10r/.:: ..100-:' tC!.~c,~e ?nct.w -Cd, .V:.'~' . Value ~f:>~ Date of Applicaticn :':onr;rcc::ors General PlumDinq E:leatI"'~cc: l Nechar:icc: l , ,-~ Adcirgs3 Const~~ction L~nder ,a~-UJ &~~ "7 q b- / '-hI( l)* .=:cce:':J; ,ii ~qqL/1 j ~ , ~ ~ SiqdrAWo) Date: 1/ -H -h!J - - , Li3C. if E:roirCJs Phon;;; [~ is the I'esponoibility of' tr.s penm:.~ holder to see that aU' iMpections are ,~ade at the propel' ti:n~> that e::;ch .::ddress is rea::abla frOlTl tits s tree t, and that the Pc.rmi t ca.."Xi is lccated at the fI'07lt of the p'operty. .guiZdi~~ )-~vf=io~ ~~rovad F~ sr~ll remain on the BuiZding Site at all tim~s. . ?'?OCEDUPE ::C[/ niSP::CTIOtr ?EQUE:ST:CALL 726-3769 (reoorder) state your City designated job nun:ber, reqUes~ca a~.i when ycu wiZl be~eady jor inspection, Contractors or ~'l1ers r~~e cr~ ~h~ne number. ....'iZ1. be rr.ada th~ same dc.y, requests rirc;de after 7: ao am r,;i ZZ bct' made the n~t :,;orkin; day. ~e~~i~~d !nSDoct~cn~ o SIT~ I:lS?~C-:::(J;V: To be ,'nCde after excav~ticn, ~ut pri,cr t~ 3~t up of f::mne. o U!'lD~PSLA2 ?!U...f3I.'IG, 'Er..Z::7':~ICrtL 1 l'.fECh'.~t1iC:"~: To oe maae befo~e ant) wor,~ is .=cvcrec.. [J FCO'rI;~IG ~ .="CUI'IDATICt'l: To ce r.xuZ2 af:~r :rench2s.~r€_ e=cxJcted.ar~ fcn':scre. ar€ct2d~, but' Fr"";cr to pourir4 ccnc~et~. [] UND~RG?O'R,1J ?r0.N~rVG. SE;.rcP, ;;;.1 TS.1', D?~INAGZ:. '~o oe maie pri~r :0 fiZ- lir.q . ::rer.cr.ez. O' UNDERP:'DC.-:r !'!.Jj.1'~1-::1G ~ N::~,t!.4.VIC:"La' To ce ~-ce Drier to ~n3tc~~=~on of j100r insu~::ion or deoking. o PQST A,'ID 3EA!1: To be rt:c.de :Jr-ior insza~~~zicn of Jioor ir.3~i2=icn d.eckinq. o pO~ir;.~' ?'!..u~~p.!;..'G. ~r.E:77.~!C,~[, 1 .',fEe.!!... ANiC:1.:": ::0 :.;ori< -:..3 =0' :;c cO:.:erea ~=il :r.csP- :r~~ec:~cr.3 ~V~ ~e~ ~e ~d '=P?r?v~~. FT.=:~?!..ACE.a ~or to ;Zc.~ir.q feeing mc.::"Z"';aZs a~~ bejore frcr.rir~ inspec- tior.. o o F~~!I~C: ~~3t ~e ~8~ue~ted cf~er approv~l of r04qn ?l~~irg, alectI"'~- cal j mecr.ani.::al. At! ~or"-:.r.q . bracir~ 3chimncus, 2t~. ,~~5C be . corrrole::cd. ,'10 ~ri<. ia to :;e oon- - cec.'Zed ur.::i l this ir.sDecticn .r.as 'been ~ada anc c:?proved. Your City'Vesigr.ated Job Number I8~ D INSULATION/VI1PO.q BARRI2R n!SF~:C':'ICN:' To be made after all insulc:twn iX'"~ required vapo~ barriers are. in place but before any lath, ,gypsum board or wall cove~inq is c:pplied, cr~ before any insulation is ooncealed. JOO address, type of inspeotion Req'~ests receivad before 1:00 ~ :<(s8QCA~ , Dc:t.!OUTIOH' OR ;':OV:;:; 3UILD;;iGS . ~ Sanitary se-.Je~ .capped :::.t p~opert":i lir.e ==:]'Septi.:: tank p~~ed and filled with ;rc~eZ ~ Final - ~~en above ite~s ~e cc~leted ~ and when d~olitior. is oom=Zete or st7~~- . t~e moved ar~ pr~;ses .cleaned U~. Nobile EC,"':7.8S ~'Blockir.q ar~ Set-up ~ Plumbir~ .connecti~r.s s~er ard water ~ Electr"~cal Connection - Blockir~, set-u= ---1 and p~tunbing connections r.r...;,st t~ c?,?r'~~'2d. before requesting eZeo::ri.cal inspeotio~ :=J AC,::essc/..y 3u-:. Z.::.:.ng ~ Fi~l - Aft~r ;=rc~es, ~ etCa, are ccn!?le-;~d. SK.:'!,~:.ng.J c.ec;.:3 " o DR7WALL INSP2CTION: To.. be made after all dr;jwaZl is in plaoe, but prior to any ,taping. M4S0~,Y: Steel location, bond beamG~ grouting or verticcls in -accordance ~Zth U.3aC. Section 2415. o After installation is o AlZ projec~ cor.e"~"ons, JUC~ c.s th~ ins~aLla::ion of'strget ::rees, ~~~Ze"~Qn af cns ~equired Zandsccpi~g~ ctc.~ must be' satisfied b~:ore t~e aUILDI~G :r~AL =cn be r2~~~sc~d. D. PI,'IAL PWXBI.'/G '~. FI:1AL'.!E;;H:":IIC:"L ~. ?r.VAL 2LZC':'R!Cri: [] I o FINAL BUI~DING: "The finel BuiZdir~ Ins~eotion ,~st ,be requeo"ed ~fter "r.a :ir~l ?Z~binq ElectricaZ, aru!. llecr.ar.:.ccl In.specticnfJ i1.avc been made ar.d ~;prcv~~. D PB ...: APP.'?CACH .4P!'ON: Afte;:> foms are are~te:i out pl-':'or to pO'.A.riY'..g .co=rete. 3IDErIALi<. d DRn'EWAY: For all ccn- creca ?avi~~ wi"hin street right- of-u;c:y, to be made aft,,'!' aU e:::.ce,. vatinq comvlete & fo~ ~rk & sub- base ~atePial in pla:::e. 'AL[, NA:lHC::'2S AND CL2A,'IOUTS ,'lUST 3:: ACCESSI3:'C:, . AEu'US?,'~,~'T TO 32 .'!.1C2.!T !,'O ::;S':.' T~ ;;1':'7 I ?c:.;a of 2 u ~~F:NC~: rlher: CO:irp lG.te -- Provide qa::es or movabZe aections thro~gh P.U.E. D I i JOB NO. I : Z:;r.e: Lot Sq. Ft:;. ~ ~f' 7~~ r_'eM~q~ I ,. >oJ "v" ....v"" 4o.... ~ :'~ of &tor"'"~es ! -:rota! Heich:: i . 1". . I . opogroa;; ny I IT~:.J I &Q.F'I'G j~1ain I ~-c:.:T'~ca I ! C.:I1":-~r:- i I .~~~eSSQ!":J I TOTA/:; Zj.LC~ IS.D.C. ! 1.5 = ( tJ'C ~u..;) Eui !ding ?er-:r:i t State Su.:t'cn.::Tge To-=a Z Cr.a-:oges I I':':::'1 FL-':u.res ResidzntiaZ [1' bath) Sani t;l!"j Sewer :.Iate-n PZumbing Perrr:i t. State Surcr.arge T=taZ Cherces I :I'D! I Res. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Cir~~its I Temporary Service I EZe~trical Pe~t State Su:rar.c:roe Total Cf>.arces I~~;'.f Fu......,..,.....:!.c~ 2TU' S I E=haust Hood jvent Pan I . I iloodsto:;e I Permit 13su=nc2 Mear.anical Perm'U; State Su:rchc::roac I Totel Cr~c~a l -- Z.VCRCACH/.r~~'.'T I <" . !J . I~e~~r"'"_t~ e~os~t Storage t-!a~nt;:rr..c7'T~e I to .. .. el"m""...t I Total C't1Cr-::es Cu:rb~~t Side;,;alk I" I ~"en=e I ;;!..c;:rica Z [a= eZ , j ,VobUe Heme. I :iC. , I I I I I II I . I ?=;e 2 ,:"':, l- C 0 G~ SOLAR ~(;CESS REQ.-' r;C~..i=c.nc:; fJr7..J.::i: T:ipe/CQr.sr:: 3ecir"or::.s: I NO. i I I I I I ,'iO. I I I I I ;:"':'':;' , a//~of-U/ :OT.~~ it'.fOUNT DUE: A LeT ':'~! Ir.terioi' Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sa~ x Value CFARGE C.~fJ.RCG CHARCE , I I I I I 6 i) I 15:' " 0.1 · I I I I I I I · ,. ~~ () cJ l () 1J.,.f) /c.5::.orf.} .31 ..;:( D '~ct :~ces - I I Er.erGu I I ! I I I i I I I I I . T"Fee' Sou!'~e3 5etcac,k:S h.'ear:: ?~.. 11IOr'th lEast ISO'..: th I:;;est 1_, . ,--=0:;'38 ;.fatqy- .~.ec:=a'!' Ranq:z I A'~ce3s. Carc.c:e FiY'eolc.ce Wooci.;;~ot:e E':zes I , I I I I, I · I j Building Value .& Permit This permi t ill granted on ::he e=:pressC!ondi tion that tJFe"'.sciid. const!"./Ction sh.aZZ, in 2Zl respects, confe~ to the Ordinance 2do~ted by the City of S:Jr'A~na f':.e Zd, ~:nc !ud:.ng the Zon:i.na Crd-:nance, Y'ea~ lc.tino the ccn3tr:l~:~:Cr: ;"d :<;~ of buildings, and m.:zy c/ suspended or r~voked ~t cr.y ti:ne. :<pcn vio- laticn of zr.y ?r~Vi3ions of said CTdir~nces. PZan Chec.7<. Pee: Date Paid: IRe~eipt #: ISig:>:ed: I I I I I Plumbing Permit No pereon.sh.alZ ~onstruct, instaZ!, aZter,or ~har4e any ~~w or e=isting pZumbi~~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless su~h person is the Zegal possessor of a vaZid plumber's license, ~~ept. tr.at a person may do pZumbing ~ork to proper~d whi~h is owned, leased or operated by the cppZ~- cant. I J · Electrical Per m it Where State [,ClJ) requirestr.at the elect!'"~~al work be done by an EZe~t'l"';cal Contractor, the eZectri~al portion of this permit shall not be vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elect;ri~aZ Contractor. Meche nical PermH Pian 2=cminer Ua~2 I HA VE CAREPULLY :::U'ofINE:D t,':e ~ottrp Zeted c.pp l ication ;'or permi t, and do hereby ~ertify that all info~ation hereon is true c.rA ~orrect, ar-i I f'ur-:her ~ertij'iJ that any ad aLZ '..:ork. performed sh.aH be do:'!e in ac~or- dance ~th the Crdin~nces of the City ~f SpringfieZd~ and thz L~~3 oj the State of Orecon ozrtainina to the work describ~d herein, ar-i thG~ YO OCCU- PlNCY will b~ l7'aie of any. structure without p!1!'mission of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I furth2~ ~ertif~ tr~t o~ly acntra~tors ~~d ~l~yees ~ho are in ~o~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this projzat I~ ~ ~ I?~fu" II / j/lf~