HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 00 RESIDENTIAl-- AP?~ICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,1 4//,f .l:1hA~~fyf ~. .# \ lD~'~~~ ~wt# ()~L\OL\ Job [.o~.::ti01'l: As:;esl1ol'Z Yap 3ubd-:.V';sic1'l: '7"_'nel' : ~~--?{ ~;t;:;J _~/O / 8L~bm_~ -J"ulJ---rf-/pr","e: 4R.5- ~1-9<L . . U . IJLrj_U, fi,~l -"" Zip: 'l7'/-OS- (J Add.!--eS3: Ci t':f : I :~,C!"~ I I Add-:. ti.cn I I Remod.el I .11oo~ !2 .=!cme Descrribe ffork: Date of Appli~~ic1'l 6f~~ -U:a;~'.~ . ,....--...... Conzrcc-::ors AdcirgS3 Ce1'IeraL PLumbing E:Leatri~d Mechar.ic.:: l (OU/f--dJ r.!j;~ 7~~- /t/-L~ C01'lst~~cti~ L~ndel' .=?cce"~?:- ,:: ~ qL/A ~ ~ - ~ig","rAlj)Q) - . (/ ~ <.:...! _ c....!. /'1 Date: (' J rJ ;-..J - - , [,isc.# Enir~s Phon~ It.is the l'espanaibility of tr$ permit 'hoUi~ to see' that aLL incpe~tiona are ~ade at the propel' ti~~, that each .;:ddrgSS is reaiabZe Jrom the street, and that the permit ca.~ is ~cated at the fl'01'lt' of tr~ property. >3ui!di~~ zr:~i=io~ approved p~ s~~lZ remai1'l on the BuiLding Sit.:: at all times. . P:WC::DlJF!E: POR DlSP:;(;'J'IOII R.:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desiqr.ated Joe nw;;ber, job aCcircss, type of ir.3Dec::icn r~ques~cd a~.i when ycu wiZlbe ready jO~ ir~pcction, Contractors o~ ~'ners r~e cr~ Fhone number. Requests received cefcre' 7:00 C0 ....'iZZ be rr.ade thc same dc.y, requests mc.de afta' 7:00 am wilZba made the next :.JOrking d.aY.~8 QOGt , Your City'Desigr~ted Job Number Is: ~eaui~~d !nsDoct~~~ o SIT~ I:1SP~C~::]N: To be made ajt21' excavcticn, ~ut pricp t~ 38: up of forme. D INSU[,ATION/VilPO.r? BARRIER I.'!S?E:CTICN: To oe made after all insul.::twn rr'~ reauired varo~ barriers are in oLace Cut bel ore -any Lath, gypsum ocm-d or wall covering is applied, ar~ beforg ar.y insulation is cancealed. . o U~D:?SL;a ?~0~BIJC, E[cCT?I~l! 1 i~!ECh'.J)JiC:"0: To oe made bef'o"!'08 C,11Y work. is .::ovcrec.. o FOOTI?lC ~ ?Cr.H1DAT:C,-': To ce r.xzC2 after ;rgncr.es.~e ~c~Jated ar~ ferms a:t'e arect.ad, but pr-;QI' to pourir~ c~ncret~. o DFlYWAL[, I!lSPE:CTION: Tc be made after all dr-:f1.!aZZ is in place, out prior to any taping. o MASONRY: Steet , .... 02a:m:3, grou...'trt.g a:1cordance with 2415. Zoca tion , band or verticals in U. B. C. Sectior. D UND2.":f.G.~CUi'!D ?:..r./NBI:YG, SEWCP, .,:J.1T.:.~) DRAINAGE: ~o oe ma.:.e pl""'~cr =0 fi Z- lir.q ;rer.cr.es. After instaLZation is o UNDE:RF:'OOR !'':JJ.'.~E1C ~ Y:;C,'!A:VIC:.[,: fo be maCe Drier to in3tc~~tion of f100r insu~"ion or decking. POST MID 3cAt1: To be I1:cdc Drior. instal~zicn of j100r ir.3~~ticn deckiru; . FB & .4.t""PRCACH AP.oON: Afte~ forms c:re ere~ted but F!-~or to pou.riY'...g .:!OT'~re te. 3IDE:WALi<. d DRnrgrtiAY: POI' all ccn- crete paving wi~h~n street right- of-wcy, to be made aftgr alL exca- vatino .::omvZete & form .,;ark & zub- base ;:".ate~:al in ;;Zace. o o D .='O~lC;:: ?~m.~E r:lC. ~!.EC':'."'?!C.~L ~ .',rECH- AHIC)!..: .~'o :;ori< :'.3 ;0 be couerec. un~iZ ;r.cs~ :r~cec:ic~s ~V~ ~eer. made cr~ .~?~?ve~. FI.~:;?LACE: .?M:or to ;:7,c,~-:'r.q fc.eing materia~s a~~ before frc:mir~ inapec- tior:. D D D .:'='ENCS: r..'h"er: comDl~te -- Provide qa~es or movable' aecticn~ through P. U. c. P.r?4..t~I.-/l'J: ,'.!u3t ~e r-equ.e$ted cf.;er approv~l of rough plur.~iT'~, eZectr-:- cal ~ mecr.ani.:!aZ. AE "!'?of-:.r.q bracir~ 3 chimncus, et.:!. ~~a~ be . co~le~cd. Jo ~rk ia to be cen- , cea'Zed ur.:;i l ::his insoec:;ic1'l r.as . been made anc ~ppl'Oved. D DcUCUTIO,'l OR ;'.,'OV:;:J 3UILD:;JCS ~ Sani tar'J se".Jilr ::c;:;;ped at p~opcrty Zir.a ==:J Septi:: tank p~~cd cr~ f-:.lZed w~th ;ravel ~ Final - ~~en abcve V"ems are cc~Zetec and ~hen d~cr~tion is co~~iete or st~~~- ture ~oved ar~ pr~38s ~Ze~ned U~. NODi le P.c:nes ~ T- Blockir.q ar~ Set-~p Plumbing connections s.;;wer c::r.d water ~ EZectT'":cal Cennect-:.on - Blockir~, set-~p ---1 and pZ!unbing connections r.r,,;st !:e ap?r:n:,.:i beforc request-:.ng eZectT'":::al ins?ec~~o~ ~ AccesGc.'";j 3u7.Z.::.-..nq ~ dec ks ~ Final - Aft~r ;~rchesJ eta. are.ccmple~~d. 3K-:..rr::.ng.. D AZZ project conc~=~onsJ JUC~ as tr~ installation of a:reet ;rGes, ~~,~!e~iQn af =~ required landsccpir.g, etc., must be sa~isjiad oe;ore the aUILDIJG :I~~L ~~n ~e r2qu~s:3d. =:J. PINAL P!..UXEr:iC =:J. fr:iAL !.fE=,'!:':IIC:'L CJ :1:11.[, 2LE:C:-,";::':' o o F1~4L BUILDINC: The Final Build-:.T'~ Inspection .~~st Og ~gaueGte:i ~fter'cr.e :ir~l PZ~T.bir~ EZectricaL, and !~cr~~~ccZ inspecticna i1ave been made ar~ a~prcve~. "ALL 'NA~~lHCL~S AND CLEANCU'1S NUS';' 3E .4C~ESSI3~E, .4EeIVS7'rS.~',!, ':'0 3~ ".!ADE ...!T NO :~S':' TO t;I?Y ?-=?2 of. 2 I iJOBNO. , l:~e: ILot Sq. Ft.;. I. ~f 7~. r~'e~~~~ . ,...." ......".... ....""fooI' ...~~c;. I . . -. ' ; # oJ ;; .:J1"".es I ." . 1 :J ' . I:'" 0...<::... ...e1..cn: i . :1'epog=?hy '!T~~ SQ.?TC I"hin 1':~'::.c2 ! .:ar,:,=?,,~ I. I .-{c~eSSQ,,!,~ , I I I I IS.D.C. ! 1.5 ;:: Euilding 2er:r.-~ t State SUI'ch:::I'ge Tota Z ~r.a:'ge3 2=;e 2 L -CO G~ SOLAR'r,(;CESS REQ.- t;c-:..J.=a1"..c:i GrO'..J.::;: TOT.4!:: Z..tLL'E (:;~~) I I':'::;'1 !:O. I FL~es IResidzntiaL (1 bath) I I Scn-:.ta!"j Sewer I '.-Ic.te.." Pbmbing Perri t State SUI'cr.arge TctaL Ciu:::rces /2DI 1.ges. Sa. fto. IN~/EZtend Cir~~its I Tempcrary Service I E!e~tricaZ ?e~t State SUI'c;..cro:e Total C;!a'!'c~s I D' ::.',1 I h---r.:!.ce 2TU 'S I E=haust Heod. I Vent Pan I . I "'/oodsto-;e .1 I Permit I33U.=nca .'1ecr.c.nic:::L Pe1'r'r"~ t State SUI'chc.""'!1C ToJ;cZ C'!"..C"!'",:!qa r:.'IC'::CAC !;}::::!7' I",. . IJe~~1"".tu De=cs~t I Stor'1qe I.. . ... j':'a~71,...~..t.::7'...:!a 1_'. :- erm-!. v I TotaL C~r'7eg I Curb~~t I Sid=alk , :tJn~e i 2l"c::rica l . r.~e l i .\fobi le Heme 1.1"0. I ,I I . ::C. I --I I I I I 1/1 I I LeT -::J?! Ir.te!'icr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac X Value CEA?GE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I C.~'A.RGZ CHARCE SOJ /0, atJ /~,o () (,0 /SG,O '1 /l /J!t dh-?L- ~OTA~ ~~OU~T DUE: A 3/010 _J :':;De/Cor.S7:: . 3ez'?cr.:s: I ~,; t ~~::!.ces - I I?;.. IlIcren l.5:ast 150'... tit I;:;est I I ~nerau Sour-::es J I I I I : II I I T:l'c:z 5etca~,~s !1:':Ou,se Carc.'(!e I I I .1'ea~ "t.~ i .J..pC8SS. "r'/atqr .:':ec:.-=~'!' 3an.qe F1.. reo Zc.ce . Wooci:; 7:0'.;03 I ,.j I i -- 'o3es Building Value & Permit I I I I I I. I I I I I I I This permit i:; granted on the e:::press C!ondition that the said, cons tr".<c tion sh~ll, in '1Zl !'espects, conforn to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit~ :Jf SpPir.af':.eld, :.nc!ud--:'ng the Zonina Crd:.r:.c.nce, rerr..A.Z~tina ti1e acr.str:~~t:.cr: ~d ~;~ of buiZdings, and m=y CgV 3uape~~ed or r~vckec ;t c~y t~~e ~~~n vic- laticn of zny pr~vi.3ior.s af sa~d CTdir~nces. I Plan Check. I Dc.te ?aid: IRecc:ipt II: ISiqr:ed: Pee: Plumbing Permit No person.sh.c.lL construct, instalZ, alter.or change any ~~w or e~istir.g pLumbing o!' drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legaL possessor of a valid pLumber's license, e=cept that a person ma~ do plumbing work. to proper~d which is owned, leased or eperated by the appli- cant. /.., Electrical Perm it I I I I I · Where' State [,CLJ requires tr.c.t the electz-~cal work De done by an ElectricaL Contractor, the electrical portion of this ?ermit shall not be vaZid until the ~bel has b~en signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. I I I I I I I I I , . I i r I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINF:D t,lo.e completed c:?plication for permit, end de I hereby certif~ that all information he~eon ~s tru2 ard ccr!'cct, ar-i I further ce~tif'd that any c;r.d al l '.:ork ;er;'o"!':11ed sh~ll De done in ac~or- r dance ~th the Crdincnces of the City of Springfic~, and the r.c:~s of the. 4 State of Gree:Jn D~rt~ininc t:J the work described herein, ar-i that NO OCCU- PMIC] .;z,ZZ b~ rra':ie of c:ny" st:!".<ctUI'2 without pa!'missior. of the Building Di- vision. I further ~erti~~' tr~t o~iy ~cntr~=~or3 w~d ~Z~yees who are in co~pl~ance with CRS 701.055 wiZl De used on this project: Mechanical Permit P~an. Z=c::niner J./ar::a I. j) I /.~ ~ ~ '11<& ~fu" 11/ ,p/.fci(