HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2007-5-30 , , , .' " .,: ,-"', CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON , ,'. .' # " 225 FIITH STREET. SPRINGfIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ~ a) a) ~ rJJ ~ o ~ .~ a) ~ City Job Number (C 1t-fl1... /)(j7) If - <6( i 4- LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: 35 '3 S?IF,m'lJG!FJIEU~ -";,,,;,,~,> , "I \ ",i . ~ ,~.;~,S -. ")" ~ 1 ...::..'> .''-',i:;\! ASSESORS MAP: /7 ~ o~ . zZ- '])f;'/Jj)/I)OI1//) Flit'i1y lcD TAX LOT: 2 2. oc.? PHONE: 3 ~ .c~ ' Z~})? ADDRESS: 1-z.:3 'I,/tJrz.;;') /J .111') OJt.'/J t..- !.'1.1/J V CITY: S'p ';'::'1 JAj':- F j,/~ (j) STATE: 011.- t DESCRIITIONOFWORK: t:J.I7/}~c..~ ~...-r):-;,7>f/)t.. htt/h,:C 7/; ZIP: Cj7'17? . ) ~:)(JS 1/ l/t->~5/~/t' /1.1/~12\/ LA'?.t:~'i't.. OTHER: VALUE: J'//) ?J(Jt) DEMOLISH: CONST. CONTRACTOR # EXPIRES t OWNER: 'PE! /'k''';':,: ill?4 1./1'/) NEW: REMODEL: ADDlTON: CONTRACTOR'S NAME ADDRESS >j'J)[--I7/n__r..) 9..Jr(~"I'JYl<T"JIV6 CCP; /"1/7"5 ct:~ /'//7-;; ~ PHONE .>o~, :1 ,-' "'(' ....~.j, tiC,-, ..... ." / '" "" ~__ ,., I ...../y, ., --?+<.. "~b~ FEE /3.;:'Cl t3.GC ').~'-t 1,50 '.~.u") . ,j/. q 0 I \ , . f C ('1 . Y~isce__aneous Shared Drivc(T:)lBuilding FonnslPennit Worksheet08-{l6,doc "--,-"". .-............--... ....... -.. _...._..N__.'_...._."'.... "'--'~'.,'...-. _'~". -,."'....:.~.""'- .,'...."-'.._,,. _._.........,,_....,-',_-'-.-''-..,.,,_._........._''''_'"__ _..~'_ ..,,---~.,.~... _"._ '''''_' _' ~"~.~_.' .....~.._.._.-' ...,..,.~.___-.... _ ...._......,. .,_."'L'.._' ._..,........~~..~..._.".--'-',........._ .____.........,...r. .'_' _..~-'--.r .... ., _. .... __.~._........ J~ ~. - ~um )lng GENERAL: PLUMBING: ':::I'/Je /2~-?L/:.7 ~ ..h"::.://):1'!:; tJll(~ MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL PERMIT ITEM FEE Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan No. Wood Stove/Insert/Fireplace Unit f" (" -; '''-''.''\, \ ' : ( ., "I " '\I' (.J . '---1 ~.J, I j ~ ~j \.' - ", J Mechanical Permit ~~btltat~' "Minimum of $45.00 State Surchastt:eE,IVED Administratf~ee 1~%L ._ 2007 1 Q f\ 0 Issuance Fee J ~N ! . "P-Y _~.__, Technology ttt.fiF Comp~~Y, lOCI ~,'- . ,- 02 -. ~l -ct.....l. 'ft TOTAL MECHANICAL YIec~lanica~. . PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) No. Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer IT. ,~ IT. 1-1'. Plumbing Permit Subtotal "Minimum of $45.00 State Surcharge 8% Administrative Fee 10% Technology Fee %5 _, '"_ (ll~h ~0.11 :t\..J r"J/... "1<:> ')1..' TOTAL PLUMBING DEADMOND FERRY ROAD ~,~~_ ___.~..___4 \ 0-;-,-,---------,..,",,-'-,) , I f I ! .......; EXISTING SANIT~~Y SEWER LATERAL ~ 6 NEW 4" SANITARY SERVICE ~ () . / APROXIMATELY CLEAN OUT TYPICAL ~ 180' , , . j 3bJ DEADMOr\lD i FEHRY ROAD i i ie=l !L_. f ! --~ ABANDON EXISTING ,.._----,- ,SEPTIC TANK I r~ SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION NOT TO SCALE 5/30/2007 OWNER: PEACEHEAL TH ADDRESS: 353 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD ".''-...'.,,_,_~_..,_.......,''_.,~._ ,~,,~._. '"'''''' '>,", ". ""_'"'''''''''''''' ..'..... ,_. ',' _, ,._,>1_7 -03- 22 TL 2200 -~- - -..-. -_. - . - --,~- - - -~... .~~-- . .__.;....;.~...........:.._....:._...................;...~......;...n.,......,....~...:...,.,u.......-..:.........,...........~......,.,;.....,.....~"... ......"'....._.~......~.."-"...,......_._..,.~......,.,~~..:.........,,~.=.,._"""~""'~;~."''''',Yn'''_'d'''''':_';''~~~~'~~'~'~'''''';'''''''-'__ 525 NW Sli(;ond StrmH, Cor:alii:;, Oregon 97330 If B003H38iJ[,:j ph 541}!jH.1302 Ix [,417:,3.2264 www.claircompany.com June 7, 2007 City of Springfield Development SerVices Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attention: Dave Puent, Building Official Subject: Plumbing Permit - SHMC - 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd (Tax Lot 2200) - Connect existing house to existing sanitary lateral - 1 sl Plan Review - Approved Project: CLAIR Project No.: Building Permit No's.: PeaceHealth at RiverBend - Sacred Heart Medical Center Pr~ject 1141-026 Pending Clair Company, Inc. (CLAIR) has reviewed the submitted documents for the above referenced permit for the PeaceHealth at RiverBend - Sacred Heart Medical Center Project on behalf of the City of Springfield (City). CLAIR recommends issuance of the above referenced permit. If you have any questions or need clarifications regarding the information we have provided or requested, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (541) 758-1302 or by em ail ataclair(aJ.c1aircomoanv.com Sincerely, ~ft- Allan Clair, c.B.O. Project Manager Cc: Chip Moulds, PeaceHealth CLAIR Project File #1141-027 Attached: #1 - Codes and Standards #2 - Submittal Log ATTACHMENT#l-CODESANDSTANDARDS State of Oregon 2005 edition Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSe) ATTACHMENT #2 - SUBMITTAL LOG Our plan review comments are based on the following submitted construction documents: I 6/4/07 PeaceHealth 1000 6/7/07 Plumbing permit for 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd to connect existing house to existing sanitary lateral. (This is a PeaceHealth property, tax lot 2200, part of their city conditions.) \ " , \ i ! ( ( i' \ DEADMOND FERRY ROAD EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LATERAL ...._-"""..,,~'^",' ....0 ./ /" I ~ 6 NEW 4" SANITARY SERVICE ~ CLEANOUT, TYPICAL - ~ SEE ATTACHMENT FOR DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS () 180' +/- 353 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD 1.07 AC, MIL -6=' EXISTING L>....J HOME "'--. ABANDON EXISTING 1,841 SQ. FT. SEPTIC TANK 35' +/- > 1 SANITARY SEWER CO \j \jECTION NOT TO SCALE REVISED 6/18/2007 OWNER: PEACEHEAL TH . ADDRESS: 353 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD 17 -03-22 TL 2200 N ; DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS, 353 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD Area Fixture type -quantity Drainage Total units un its/fixtu re I Kitchen Sink -1 2 2 Dishwasher -1 2 2 I Bath/Utility Water closet -1 4 4 Lavatory -1 1 1 Shower -1 2 2 WashinQ Machine -1 3 3 I Bathroom I I Water Closet-1 4 4 I Lavatory-1 1 1 I Bathtub/Shower-1 2 2 TOTAL 21 House area: 1,841 sf CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLUMBING PERMIT FEES TABLE 5 Bid Pkg 1 - Site - North campus 1141-002-4 NOTE 1: Assessment of partial inspection fees TBD NOTE 2: Two (2) inspections allowed, additional inspections required to correct deficiencies at $45.00 each at the inspector's discretion I AIjLt: No, j-C REFERENCE NO, DESCRIPTION a One & Two Family Dwellings - Not Applicable b Single Plumbing Fixture c Sanitary Sewer (1) First 50 Ft. (2) Each additional 100 Ft. or portion d Water Service (1) First 50 Ft. (2) Each additional 100 Ft. or portion e Storm & Rain Drain (1) First 50 Ft. (2) Each additional 100 Ft. or portion f SewaQe Ejector Pump g Special Waste Connection h Manufactured Homes - Not Applicable I Backflow Prevention Device j Relocated Structure - Not Applicable k Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap I Any Trap or Waste not connected to Fixture m Any plumbing installation not listed in this schedule with sanitary waste or potable water n Minimum Inspection Fee - Not Applicable o I Partial Inspection Fee (1) pi Reinspection Fee (2) qllnspections Not Covered By Schedule r1lnspections Outside Normal Business Hours sllnvestigation Fee - Not Applicable tfSuilding Without Permit Penalty - Not Applicable ulAccessible Minor Plumbing Labels NO LONGER AVAILABLE - Not Applicable vlNot Accessible Minor Plumbing Labels NO LONGER AVAILABLE - NOT APPLICABLE wi Hourly Inspection Fee for Requests Not In Permit Table I SUBTOTAL State Surcharge Technology Feel Administrative Feej SUBTOTALI Plan Review Fees, TOT All For questions please call CLAIR at (800) 383-8855 Page: 1 of 1 FEE AMOUNT $45.00 $45.00 $14.00 $45.00 1 $45.00 $14.00 24 $336.00 $14.00 $14.00 16 $224.00 $45.00 $14.00 I $14,00 I $45,00 $45,00 I $45,00 I $45,00 I $67,50 I $45,00 $45.00 I I I @ @ @ $678.00 $54.24 $33.90 $67.80 $833.94 $203.40 $1,037.34 8% 5% 10% @ 30% CLAIR No.: 1141-002-4