HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-2-18 e-e .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICMION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIElD_ :: 225 North 5th Street ' . ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ ~ : BuiZding Division = 726-3753 , Job Location: ?232 Revf>rly Sh~~f>t Asaessors Map Ii 17-03-27-22 Ta Lot # 5200 Subdivision: 1st Addition to Beverly Park Block 8 Lot 4 O1.mer: Herb Hoods Addzoes3: 2232 Beverly Street Phone: 726-7446 City: Springfield, OR Zi1': 97477 I I I I xxi i I I 'vmu Deacribe Work: Remodel - New heating system, elec., etc. Addition Remodel ,~fobile Flome Date of AppZicaticn 2-15-82 C:or.'C1'actors General Fllison ~ Platz Plumbing Savaqe &. Houqh I F:!ectzoicaZ Sr:ofi P 1 rl F 1 PC: t. ri r. f.fe::frar.i.c.::.l Crown Heati no C01l8t:'l'Uction Lender D. V . A . Value $12,640.00 Adtboes3 23 Oakwav Mall. Euoene 683 McKinley St, Eugene 3710 W. 1st St.. Euaene 1665 Irvinq Rd., Euqene Receipt ,if Q~n~() Building Permit 4 % Pl umbi ng Permit 4 % Electrical Permit 4 % Mechanical Permit 4 % $ 64.00 2.56 15.00 .60 15.00 , .60 23.50 .94 $122.20 "-, Lisc. # K~ 4 \ - 5034 19606 20-16 30410 3-31-82 10-17-82 6-30-82 11-17-82 345-4347 345"'-1241 686-8612 689-8763 It is the responsibility of ths permit holder to see that an inspections a%'e made at the proper time. that each :;dd;ress is readab!e from the stzoeet, and that the permit eard is z"cated at ths front of ths propert't/. -Bui!ding Divicior: approved plan shall remain on tha Bui!ding Site at all times. 7~~-31~9 ... paOCSJ)URE pon INSPECTION REQlJEST: CaZZ~ r.z.ecordsrJ state your Ctty designated Job nwr.ber, job address, type of i713pecticn requested ar.d when you 1.ri.11 be ready for inspect-"..on, Contractol'S 01' ().msre name and phone number. Requests received cefere 7: 00 a"l 1.Ji.ZZ be made the same dr.:y. requests made aftc:r 7:00 am /JiZZ be 11r1ds ths nert wrking day. l ~"'''r1 r"'1mprl:'i.m11t _ ~ O. SITE INSPEC':ION: To bs mati.B aftszo : e:cavatio7'l, but prior tc set up of I forms. . 'U UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. eLECTRICAL & ~ MECHANICAL: To be made before any , work is .::overed. ~D FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be TIJ':lds after trenches CU'e e:cavated and forms <re erected. but prior to pouring ccncrst... iw llm llND::RGROlJ.'!!) PWMEING. SEilER. w'1TEl?, DRAINAGE: To be ma.:is prior to fiZ- lir.g trenchss. IRIDERFWOR rWNBfllG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of [ZOOl' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalZati.cn of fioor insulation 01' decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. l!r.EC':R!CA!'j MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered w:tiL these inspectio1!s have been made and "4!'/-'. ",ve::.. FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.acir.g facing materials and before J~ _..;ng inspec- tio~. ~o l[MJ ;0 ;GJ ! FRANnIe: Must be z>equested after _/-'/-'" vlJczl. of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechani.::al. AZZ roofing bracing & chimneys, et.::. must be como leted. ,110 work is to be con- cealed until this inst1ecticn has been made and "4!'J:'" vlJed. Y(1UZ' Ci1:lJ DeBignated Job Numb62' Is: n INSULATION/VAPOR 8ARRIER INSPECTION: lXXJ To bs TIJ':lds after aLl insuZat~ ct".d raquired lJapor OazoM.sr8 a%'e in place but cefore a7fY lath, GYpSW11 boaI'd or 1.XZII oovering is applied, and before a7fY insulation is conaea.led. ~ DRYTlALL fllSPECTION: To be made 2QU after all drywall is in place, but prior to a.ny taping. O MASONRY: Steel. location, bond beamtJ, qrauting 01' verticals in accol'dance /Jith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'IE: Aftszo installation is xmpIe ted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fo!'ms are erected but prior to pouring .::on...:"7'et9. O SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAl: Por aZI con- fJ1'ete paving within street right- of-way, to be rrra:is aftszo aZ I e:ca- lJating carrpZete & form wrk & sub- base material. in 1'Za:e. D ?F:NCE: Wher. compZc;te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o El0128 DEMOLITION OR Mot':' 3UIL:::,ICS . :J Sa:ni.=ary SeIJe!' ::/:?ped ::t ;:'OP(;~:i lir.e :=J Septi:: ta.nk p-.AITlpo:d ar..: fi ZZad :.:ith (J'l'tI'.JaL : --, Final. - .f-lhen c:bcve it;!::TS are 1Y'...mr:Jlated : --1 ar.d when demc!itior. ia comple,"B or atI"..lC- i ture moved ar.d pr;;;mia;;s deane:: up. ' 'MobiLe Hemes ~ ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections -- SCl.!er c;nd water --, Electrical Connection - 8lockir.q, set-up , .--l and plumbing conr.ecr;icns m-...at ::8 tZ??rovea. before requssting eZec:;ricaZ ir.spectio~ =:J AcceSsoI"d BuiZding --, Fin:zl - Aft;;r .?orcf:es, skirting, decks, --1 etc. are corrrp~et(;a. o AU project aonditions, such as ths instalZation of street trees, cC''.'IpZ.;:;ion of :;i1z required l.a1rdscr=pir.g, tZtc., must be satisfied before tJ-.e 8UILDI.";C PI."lAL can ::e r.'1quesr;ad. -I i IliI FINAL PLl/MBING ,GXI FINAL ME::FlANICAL . I x x l PI,VAL ELECTRICAL :D @ J?IN,4L BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection muat be requested af";er ;i;e Fin:zl ?!umbing EZectzoioal., and Uechar.icaL Inspections have been made and approved. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHENT TO BE M.1DE .1T ,YO COS;: TO CIT'! j F:;.~e ~ of 2 .. 't .. . _t IJOb NWTlber: 820128 Izone: R 1 lLot Sq. Ftg. i %""f lot C.:;verage #- of Stories Total Height Topography 17.985 21% 1 16' Level lITEM I iMain ! i Garaae I Cca"OOrt I SQ. FTG Aceessorl./ TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (vat.ue) 1.5:r NA BuiZding permit State SUI'eharge Total Cha....ges Occ:upancy Group: R3 LOTTYFE X Interior Corner Panhtmdle Cul-de-sac x Value ~1?,Fi4n I I~ I 1$ I nn I fiLL. nn 2.56, 66. 56 .. NO. PEE I ' CHARGE lITEM I Pi:r:tUI'es I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Water I 3 $5.00 $ 15.00 Plumbing pem t Etate SUI'er.arge Total C'haraes ITEM NO.' FEE Res. Sa. fta. I NeIJ/E:rtend Cireui ts 2 I Temporary Service I Eleatrical Permit state SUI'eharge TotaZ Charr;es lITEM NO. FEE I FUl'naee ETU' S I E:::haust Hood Jen Air \ Vent Fan I 1 Woodstove -, Heat Pump I Permit Issuanca Meahanical Permit State Su:rehc::rae Total Charaes j .:- ENCROACHMENT -- lse~~ty Daposit I Storage Maintenanae Permit I Total Characs r curbc:u;; I sidewalk IF~e I Electrical Label I MobiZe Rome I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" <I: 11; nn .60 15.60 l .. c!iiJIGE' I, 1$ $ 15.00 I ri $ 15.00 .60 15 . 60 .. ,$ CIlARCE I I $ 4.50 I 3.00 I 6.00 1$ 10.00 ~ ?1.l)n .qa 1$ 24.44' .. $ , " Page 2 Reference NWTlbers: L-COC II: 1111 I Lot Faces - I Type/Const: V-N Bedrooms: Eas't I I Energy Sou:rces Tyve I Heat Water Heat Pumo Access. I Water 'feater El ectri c I I Range Electric ' , lXX' Fireplace i Woodstove J P.L. North East South IWest Setbacks House CtU'age J1' 1 (> i ~~ I 41' 16' qn' ..- Fees I Building Value & Permit This per>rrdt is granted on the express condition that the said eonstrruction' shan, in aU respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the zoning Ordinance, regulating the constrruction cmd use of buUdings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. .. Plan Check Fee: $19.50 Date Paid: 2-15-82 IReeeipt #: 858045 I Signed: Dan Smi th Plumbing Permit No person shan aonstruct, insta1.Z, at.ter or ehange any new or existing plwnbing or drainage system in 'whale or in part. unless such person is the l.egal. possessor of a vaUd pl.WTlber's Zicense, e:r:eept that a person may do p1.WTlbing work to property which is O1.JY/.ed, leased or operated by the appU- eant. Electrical Permit ..!O~ Where State Law requires tr.at t~ eLeatrieal work be done by an Et.eetrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shan not be valid until the 'labe L has been signed by the ELectrieal Contractor. Mechanical Permit Well Driller: Carter's Drilling & Pump Service 330 S. 3rd Street Springfield, OR 97477 Lics.# 1025 (1-22-82) Phone: 746-1658 .r\ II ~.~ 2-16-82 ua1;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appUcation for permit, and do hereby certify that an information hereon is true and correat, and I further aertify that any ar.d an work performed shan be done in aeaor- i danae with the Ordinanaes of the City of SpringfieZd, cmd the La;iJS of the ~.. State of Oregon pertaining to the work d.escribed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be made of any strructura without permission of the BuiLding Di- vision. I further aertify that onLy contractors ar.d empLoyees wha are in complianae with OBS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this projeat ",/) '-"/ /It~(? Date -- 1/