HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-8-17 .11 JYD 70 , .. RES~DrJ2:'TIAL .'. APP LI'CATl L-. ,/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I .....lill'"Oi..........~Il.11i1 11~~;"oIl.,;:.:I~.,~"'jlo................ i . \ <, __'I.~"'.L. Assessors Map II 2\;D?j~~r~~ 'l'c.x Lo t II , 01~O() , Job Location: Subdivision: I.' I". ~I )~~ .! I II " . I , " owner: Henry Bettendorf i , I Address: 2341, Beverly Street Phone: 741-7369 City,: ~pringfield, OR Zip: 97477 NmJ Additien Remodel I Nobile Homa Date of Application Cont.ractors General 8/17/90 !Address I L:Lsc:; If Blclrs Hoard Reg. ! j ;, L.R. Brabham, In(.. ~10-D ~ "0" St., ~r:i1nC!field~ OR 97477 ?O-R7r Sl1P~S'\l:!.'Sing E~ecu:iciilll ~ ,-<- ~,.f.I~... '- It ia the responsibility of the p:rmit ~der' to see that all inspections are mhde at ;h~ pr';pkr time, from the street, and that the permit 'card is .located at the fl'ont of the property. !: ;, 'Bui!dirzg DiviaioY".. aopr'oved plan shall pemain on tit.?; Bund'inq S'its at aU times~. . ~ \ L I..... n C L .:J db' b d' 1 I' i " ; PTWCSDURE. FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST~ A L 726-3769 (recorda) state your City ,-,esignate 'job nrlr.: er, JO a a:f'ess" type, 0 uZSpeC7;'LCll ,r~questcd ar.d when you will be peacZy 'for'inspcction, Con~Y'acteY'D or' CiZJners ncme\ a~cZ iphonq nwn,feY'. Requests Y'eceived b,efc1'e l'iOO e:"l'.f "nIL be made the same dcy, Y'equests ~cde,a~ter}:oo ccn W'LZZ be made the next, :Orh~ d;Y;.qO., I ()' Ifa, \ i ~,I ' YOUY' City lJesig),~lted Job Number 'Is: ' . ,-'i" , l-f. /' .... 1 ~, \ "n Reouil"ed TnsDect7:ens SITE INSPECTION: To be made afteY' excavation, butpr"ieY' te set up .of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made bef01.e any wor'k is ':)ovcY'ed. Pl.umbing Hechanical EJ,ectrical o o FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made afteY' trenches aY'e excavated and forms' are eY'ectecZ, but pY'iol' to pouring cencreti. ' UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SSIIER. WATER~ DRAINAGE: To be made pY'ioY' to fi l- }ir.g tY'enches. '0: UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior. to instaZLat'ion of j1ooY' insulation or decking. D o O POST AND BEAM: To be ~ade pY'ioY' to , installation of floo 'lation or decking. 6 I /./1' ROUGH PLUMBING. . ,LECTRIC & MECH- ~ ANICAL: No wOY'k ,'s c coveY'ed until these inspections have beer. made and appY'oved. ' , 0' FIREPLACE: FrioY' to placir.g facing mateY'ials and befoY'e fY'aming inspec~ tion. D FRAJ1INC: Must be Y'equeated afteY' approval of rough plumbing, electY'i- ca'l & mechanieJal. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et,:). fTf''''/st be : completed. No wOY'k is to be con- , cec.led until this inspection ha~ . been made and appY'oved. D FINAL PLUMBIl/G o FINAL MECHANICAL iIZJ FINAL ELECTRIC!'L o o DesCY'ibe lioY'/(: ' I I I f, I I, I fiIlJJ~: , - ../ , J. f, I "I ,~ D \,' , Service change , f ( \ , , , I Sigr.,ecZ : I " Daie: I; Value' Expires I j I Ii Ii ii Pl-Jone i I , ,r t ~ 8699 12/18/90 Ii 747-663 1'1' " that each address is l"eadaoce I , I , , DE/fOLInON OR MOVED BUILDINGS )J] Sanitary se'.JereJappet(!. ~t p~opel'tii tine ~ S~ptieJ tank pumped 'and fi'lled with gY'a~e'l , , ~ Fina'l - lihen above items are ccmpleted ~ and when demo'lition is complete or struc- ture moved and premises eJ'leaned up. 'Mobile ,Hcmes :==J,B'locking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections, -- s~er and water ~ ElectY'ica'l Connection - Blocking, set-u? ~ and p'lumbing connections fTf'~st be apPY'oved before Y'equesting electrical inspectio:-! :=J ACeJessoY'Y Building , " D INSlJLA'l'ION/V!lI'OF! BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made afteY' all insulation a~~ , requi,red vapoY' bal'Y'iers are ,i1:l p lac4 .' but befoi>e any lath~ gypsum beard or: wall coveY'ing is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. D ( DRYI-IALL INSPECTWNf Te be made' afteY' all dr'ywa II is in place, but pY'ior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond bemll3, gY'ou ting OY' vertica Is in, accoY'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: Aftep installation is cempleted. ~ Final - !'Iter pOY'ches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are comp'leted. ' D' -J All proJeet eoncZ'ih:ons, Glw!:' as the -i,nstaLZatioll of str'eet tY'ees, cO.':7pletion of tne Y'equipecZ landDccp-ircg, etc., Im<st be satisficcZ bcfoY'e the BUILDING FINAL can be Y'e,questc;cZ. PINAL BUlLDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be 'Y'equested after the Pinal Plumbing EleetY"icaI, and Mechanieal Inspections have been made and appY'oved. 'AU, /.IM/TTOLES AND CU\!lNOU'TS .'1118'!' llf: ,~CCES8mLE, AD,!lJ87'!IENT TO FiE M.~DE !IT NO rOST TO CITY I Paee J 'of 2 D o D CURB & APPROACH AP.'!ON: After loms ar'e eY'ected but prior' to' pouY'ing ,:)oncY'ete. SIDEIIALK & DRIl'Er-IAY: ~ For all <:!on- cy'ete paving within stY'eet' right- of-ZJc.Y, to be made after all exca- vating c~nplete & foI'm 'woY'k & sub- base materoial ,in place. o D PENCE: h'hel': eomp lc:te -- Frovide' gates OY' movable sections thY'ough P.lJ.E. D ,I I JOB NO, Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lot Coverag~ II of Stories Tota I, Height Topography I lITEM I Maili I Gcyaae I Capport I AccessorlJ I I SQ.FTG TDTALVAWE (vai,uc) S.D.C. 1.5 x' Building Permit State Surcha:rge Total Char'ges lITEM I Fixtures IResidential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer r';ater , L Piumb~ng Pe:rmit State Surcharge Total Charaes " riTE~1 ,jl Res. ,Sa. fta.' . ~I'I New/Extend Circui ts ) \ Tempora:ry Service lserv;ce chanqe II , II ' II "" II ITEM I I Furnace ETU'S Exh02Wt Hood Electrical Permit State Surcharqe Total Chaf.qes Vent Fan I Woodstove I -Permit Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surcharoe Total CharGes ,I ' -- ENCRDACHMENT -- f i I SeC"urity Deposit i \ Storage II Maintenance I rlPe1'711it [ I r, Total Charqes ~ (G1dbcut II Sidewalk I Fenc~ ,I Ele~trical Label : I Mobi le Home , I III I i. TOTAL AMDUNT DUE: ~ SOLAR ,ESS Dccupancy Gr LOT TYPE x NO. FEE I I I I NO.. FEE I I, 115.00 I I I I NO.. FEE Interior Corner Panhwuile Cu l-de-sac Va lue I I I I I 1- CHARGE I I I I I CHARGE; 15.00 15.00 .75 15.75 C!lARCE I I I I I I I fL /GI.1t6!:\, R E Q,-' L -co C~ Type/COle,'; t: Bedi~ooms : I Lot Faces - I I Enerql{ SOCirces rUDe I Setbacks I I !feat I P.L. I! ot<G e I Cm>age I Accens., I I r';ater !feater, INorl;h I 1 I Range lEast I I Fireplace IDout;h I I I r';oodstoue Ir';est I I I I ~.... Fses Building Value & Permit This permit i:; granted on the expre.9S condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, confonnto the Oi'dina;;ce adopted by the City of Spi'ingfield, 1:neZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating' the cons tl'uction and use of buildings, and melY bcsuiJpended ar revoked at any time upon vio- lat?:on af an!! l'i'ovi3ions of oaid Drdinances. I Plan' Check IDate Paid: I Receipt 1/: I Signed: Fee: J I Plumbing Permit No per'son shall construct, instaLZ, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or> drainage syste:n in UJhole 0.1' in pa1.t~ unless such person is the 'legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do. plUmbing work to. property which is ol.<med, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ., ~):..:- '. I ~ , , E lee t r i c a I I Per mi t ;, , WheY!c_State,J,xc' rcqu1:1'CS -that ,the_electr.1:cal 1,JOi'k be done by an Electrical i Contractor', the electrical por>tion of this permit shall nat be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. ,I I I: I i \ I, I ~ J I Me c he n i c a I PermH J I I' I: , . l I I I; Plan EXQJn1:ner Vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for, permit, and do. hereby certify that all inf01'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be dO:1e in accor- dance with the Drdinances of the City of Springfield, and the; LIT";s of ,the state of Dregon pcrtaiYl;ing to the work described herein, and that NO. DCCU- PANCY will be made of any structu,ra witho;,d pe1'711ission of the 'Building Di- visian. I further> certify that o,.ly contractors and e:nplayees who are in compliance with ORS,70i.05E will be used on this project I' ~ r , I, I! ~~~~ 21\1 ,qv