HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1975-8-5 ,oj, ~,-tl~. ' -,~.. ;."'"1" 1, ....,l~ 1""--'''''\ > ~. . :."" ~_~._~", ~.~ ~. - if ',5 ..' -J ~'A ' I' ,I ~..J-.-,"" Br,"U'it ,Surname ::7 Ti1wp. I' I 0;' Rari,ge 23 Section 'I GOll Tax' Lot. ~",lCG Code Cens;us Tract Recei pt No.. [late ' " 8~5"'75" !REQUESr FOR S /TE FEAS rB IL /TV STUDY II ,\, REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE plJANSOR KXPKND !TURKS MADK IN RELIANCE UPON TH'I S REPORT, ii ' Owner F.lr,'nt Owne,rs Consent Yes XX No '!o" ---" THIS IS A~PRELIMINARY aUILDING ~ERMIT. ANY ,ARE AT YOUR OWN RJSk~ :2 No, Si t e s No. Acres TOTAL $ $ $ 15lJ",,~[t -\, Tel ephorle: No. ; i.l{I;;"'!:'942 Property Size i ' II Appli&ants In,terest in owner Legil IAcc~ss - Road B,D 1 dy "11$\'1 ll4'Jl1~ Property Property O:Z:i'."dI110i'l~S Ferry II I Sp r i n q I '('D ./1 . ) , I r;;ectJ ons , r-' ro~d~1 (igh~ B~ldy VIew Lrnep 1~ft Sox ~57. ! II , NOT A'PPROVED ,.. I ' Proposed Use of clw~ i i Ing Nam'e. 'Spetdal Permit Are,a Yes XX No Is Property, W'ithin One Mile What ,City? Spriflgflel'd Ot her Spec i fy. , , Urbanizing Area Yes No XX of a City? Yes X;( No Existing Structures none Proposed Water Supply Publ ic XX.. District Well Property. Loc~tioo: e~st ~nd belt i lniJJ1_ 1 eft Go?l'i1C F,:!jrm, ri ght ' ApPROVED xx , P=rtrtio.fng needed: Soe P'~nning Dep~rtment ! BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS ~TARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental I ' Man(Jgemeni and make application for a bu"i1ding permit. If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, !ia metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specific~tions for the sewage disposal system wi 11 appear on the building permit. Two sets' of building plans and a plot plan will be required. ~ ' LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF EN~ I R:ONMENTAL MANAGEMENT' John Shr.:!:l~~ 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401, ~,A\:I~,I;1Qrilzedl~"7.gnature II !~j..l9'";1I, ",'Jp ',' "" II Date C55-32