HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 17 Municipal Court Prosecutor Services to the City of Springfield AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Jeff Towery/CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3627 Estimated Time: 10 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. ACTION REQUESTED: Move to authorize/not authorize the City Manager to negotiate an agreement with the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy for Prosecutor Services for the period from Jan 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City of Springfield contracts for municipal prosecutor services. The current contract with David Logan expires on December 31, 2012. If so directed by the Council, a new contract with the firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy beginning January 1, 2013 will be needed. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Council Briefing Memorandum Attachment 2: Letter of Qualification from David Logan to provide Municipal Prosecutor Services to the City of Springfield Attachment 3: Letter of Qualification from the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy to provide Municipal Prosecutor Services to the City of Springfield Attachment 4: Review Scorecard for Letters of Qualification DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: See Council briefing memo. After a Work Session and Regular Meeting discussion on July 2, 2012, including related testimony under Business from the Audience, the Council asked the Finance/Judiciary Committee to review the matter, conduct additional interviews with the two respondents and bring a Committee recommendation to the Council prior to Summer Recess. The Committee will meet on July 16, 2012 and carry its recommendation to the full Council during the Regular Meeting. It is the staff recommendation that the Council authorize Gino Grimaldi, City Manager, to negotiate and sign a contract with the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield 7/12/2012Page 1 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 7/16/2012 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Jeff Towery, Asst. City Manager Jayne McMahan, Finance BRIEFING Subject: MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The City of Springfield contracts for municipal prosecutor services. The current contract with David Logan expired on June 30, 2012 and was extended to December 31, 2012 following the July 2, 2012 Council meeting. A new City Prosecution services contract beginning January 1, 2013 will be needed. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services Periodic review of contracts to ensure that the City is obtaining the best value for the taxpayers money and to ensure that the best in breed services are being obtained. BACKGROUND: In a Finance and Judiciary Committee review January 7th Council Work session it was recommended the staff embark on a sourcing exercise for the City Prosecution Services. In April 2012 a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was publically issued in accordance with City purchasing guidelines. The City received three responses – the incumbent, David Logan, Lane County District Attorney’s office and the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy. The Letter of Qualification’s submitted by the three firms were evaluated by the City Manager’s office, Chief of Police, the presiding Judge, Court Supervisor and the Finance office. Subsequent to a round table discussion of the Letters of Qualifications by the review panel the City conducted interviews with David Logan and the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy. After careful consideration of the Letters of Qualifications and the interview process the City found that it is in its interest to negotiate a contract with the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy. The proposed change will result in an annual cost savings of $56,419 just for the contractual piece. There will also be additional bench strength with respect to Attorney’s in the Prosecutors office and a new streamlined process in terms of prosecution and settlement offers for both the Courts and the defendants. It is anticipated that this streamline process will result in additional cost savings to the City both hard and soft. Additional hard cost savings will be expected to be reduced Court and Police staff time, reduced indigent defense costs and office supplies. In recognition of the quality and length of service by David Logan and the need for a thoughtful and orderly transition, staff recommended a six month extension with David Logan. Council ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of 2 MEMORANDUM 7/12/2012 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1, Page 2 of 2 approved that extension during the July 2, 2012 regular meeting. The six month agreement with David Logan results in a monthly cost of $19,398, which is no change from the current amount. The contract covers the cost of the City Prosecutor. The full amount of the contract is included in the FY2012-13 budget. Under the terms of the proposed agreement, the City Prosecutor will provide approximately 135 hours of professional legal services per month for the City. In addition, the City Prosecutor is required to employ clerical support necessary to carry out the work of the City Prosecutor’s Office. The “to be negotiated” annual contract with the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy will not exceed $186,220.80. The full amount of the contract is included in the FY2012-13 budget. Under the terms of the RFQ requirements and to be negotiated contract, the City Prosecutor will provide weekly professional legal services Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm for the City. In addition, the City Prosecutor is required to employ clerical support necessary to carry out the work of the City Prosecutor’s Office. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Council authorize Gino Grimaldi, City Manager, to negotiate and sign a contract with the law firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox and Melendy. 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Our office provides benefits to all of its staff and attorneys. We have found over decades of experience that one of the best ways to retain highly qualified, dedicated and long term employees is to provide competitive benefits. Our staff benefits include: Paid Time Off accrual, medical, dental, optical (PacificSource), FireMed insurance, AFLAC insurance, long term disability and an IRA match benefit. As mentioned in the RFQ submittal, our proposal is to have an attorney on site 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday through Friday and in court in the afternoon, when scheduled. Further, an attorney will always be available for staff, defense attorney, SPD, etc. communication 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at our B Street Office. We also intend to have one full time (FTE) support staff member at the City Prosecutor’s Office in the Justice Center location Monday through Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm. The following estimate is bench marked upon last year’s Springfield City Attorney contract 135 hour requirement. Our office understands and fully expects that there will be months where the amount of attorney hours involved in prosecution services is substantially over the 135 hour per month average. We understand that the compensation does not go up for these overages. This will include SPD training, after hours work, trial days, etc. Benefitted Attorney Cost. Estimated monthly hours 135 plus hours dedicated to prosecution services or 6.75 hours per day. Hourly rate with benefits $89.03. Benefitted Legal Assistant Cost. Legal Assistant hourly rate including benefits equals $20.21 base hourly rate. As mentioned above, a Legal Assistant will staff the City Prosecutor’s office at the Justice Center location 40 hours per week. The cost to our office to provide this staff member at the Justice Center with benefits is $42,021.00 per year or $3,501.75 per month. As noted in the RFQ proposal, our intent and goal is to retain the equivalent of 1 full time employee from the existing City Prosecutor staff if they are interested and we feel they are a good fit for our operation. Our firm has multiple legal assistants at our B Street office location who will also be able to provide support services to the City Prosecutor attorneys as part of our proposal or who could rotate in at the Justice Center office when needed. If it became necessary to have additional part-time, non-benefitted employees at the City Prosecutor’s office, we would employ such staff at our cost. We would eat that cost. Talent Table/Comparison: Estimated Monthly Hours Base Hourly RateBase Hourly Rate with Benefits Attorneys 135+ $72.00$89.03 Staff 160 $15.00$20.21 AIS 07162012ATTACHMENT 3, Page 95 of 96 2 (1 FTE@Justice Center Location-full time) Thanks. Please confirm your receipt. AIS 07162012ATTACHMENT 3, Page 96 of 96 ATTACHMENT 4 City of Springfield City Manager's Office RFQ# 740 Municipal Court Prosecutor Services Consolidated Review Card Reviewers: Gino Grimaldi, Jeff Towery, Bob Duey, Jerry Smith, Jim Strickland, Kathy Cunningham & Jayne McMah Meets Exceeds Doesn't  Meet  TotalMeets Exceeds Doesn't  Meet  Total TOTAL 62291911091191111 1. Describe your experience with criminal law processes.16 7 43 7 2. Describe your background, including the number of years in prosecution work and litigation experience. Describe any specific experience in Municipal prosecution. Include a statement describing why are you qualified to perform the work outlined in this RFQ and detailing the proposed approach to performing this work. 25 7 52 7 3. Submit an up-to-date resume(s). Also, include proof that you are licensed to practice law in the State of Oregon and are an active member in good standing with the Oregon State Bar. 61 7 7 7 4. What steps will you take as Prosecutor to assure that violators are prosecuted to the full extent of our community’s standards? 52 7 61 7 5. Please discuss fully your philosophy pertaining to pretrial settlement processes, plea bargaining and or trials and how you would apply it in this position. 223 7 34 7 6. What steps would you take to assure a timely resolution of cases, staff requests and related matters? 322 7 52 7 7HowwouldyoudescribetheroleofCityProsecutorandits Application Questions Supplier:  LoganSupplier:  Leahy, VV, C, & M AIS 07162012 7. How would you describe the role of City Prosecutor and its relationship to the Court, Police Department, victims, witnesses and the community? 232 7 7  7 8.Describe the approach you would use to communicate and coordinate with Prosecution Office staff, defense attorneys, victims, and the Municipal Court Staff. 421 7 7  7 9. As Prosecutor how will you handle subpoenas, discovery and related public disclosure requests? 214 7 7  7 10. The City strives to continually improve internal processes. Please discuss what your philosophy is regarding how technology might improve your processes. Please include your ideas on improvements that can be made in the criminal justice system (stakeholders such as Police, Courts, Criminal Defense Attorneys, forensic service providers, etc) from your personal observations and or experiences in dealing with criminal case work. 214 7 43 7 11. If not using the office space, hardware, computer records management software provided by the city discuss your plans for providing a network system that can interface with the City system to provide for the transmission of e-mail, documents, spreadsheets and any necessary billing data. 61 7 7 7 12.What level of availability would you have to Police department and other staff during both working and off hours? 61 7 421 7 13.Provide three references who can be contacted for confirmation regarding your past experience and quality of services in Municipal Court Prosecution. Include contact name, current phone number and email address. 61 7 7 7 14.Please submit a proposed schedule of fees and costs you would be seeking as compensation. (Final agreement will be negotiated under an independent contractor contract or other similar agreement.) 42 6 7 7 15.Please submit a transition plan that includes- timing, roles and responsibilities 61 7 52 7 responsibilities. 16.Provide any other information you believe is important or relevant to the RFQ. 51 6 6 6AIS 07162012 ATTACHMENT 4 han AIS 07162012AIS 07162012