HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Electrical 1981-3-12 po--"", , IJiY (f SPRINGFIELD E'L'E C T R I C A~ INS PEe T ION REPaT iYPE OF STRUCTURE: Mobil e Home ADDRESS: 1242 Olympic Street, Spfld, OR 97477 iYPE OF REQUEST: Courtesy Inspection Rerital HEIGHT 1 PATE: 3-12-81 OtINERlRENTER: Moyra Flood ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: 1356 Main Street #6a IISE: WIRING METHOD: NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE- ARMORED CABLE CONDUIT PCIl'IER CO: aw~GES ORDERED: 1242 Olvmpic Street ~ Ms. Movra Flood Sprinqfield, Oreqon 97477 Dear Ms. Flood: At your request the City of Springfield' Building Diiiislon conducted a courtesy electrical inspection of the mobile home located at~Main Street #61, Springfield, Oregon, on March J2, 1981. The electrical installation has beeniniproperlyaltered andniaintained creating extremely 'hazardous conditions in Violation of theOregori Ele'ctricalSafety Code, The following listed defectS shall be corrected within the immediate future, Oregon Electrical Safety Law; Section 22-110 (b) states that electrical work performed on property that is for rent, sale, or lease, shall be done by an Oregon licensed electrical contractor, 1. Install.a 50 ampere capacity hard usage .cord, 4 conductor, with 3 pole _ 4 wire qrounding type cord cap. Cord to be not less than '21 feet in length and not more than 36\ feet, and ~shall terminate directly into a single service panel of 50 amp, Capacity with adequate breakers space to serve all the required circuits:. A 2 pole main breaker will be required in the panel. . (OESC 550-3 & 4), INSPECTOR: ACCO'1PAN I ED BY: APPROVED BY: [1 .-,j r 2. ~TY OF,SPRINGFIElD E LEe T R I C A~ INS PEe T ION R E P~ T G'lNERlRENTER: ADDRESS OF I NSPECTI ON : 'TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ADDRESS: USE: 'TYPE OF REQUEST: HE I GHT nATE; WIRING METHOD: NON-METALLIC SHEA11iED CABLE - ARMORED CABLE CONDUIT PCfrlER CO: aw~GES OIRHI:JJ: 2. Electric baseboard heaters to be properly wired and grounded where cables to heaters are below the mobile home, they shall be protected in metallic raceway. (OESC 550-8), 3, Check all receptacle outlets for polarity and ground, (OESC 550-6). 4, Remove all fixture type (zip-cord) wirin9 in all areas and install approved wiring methods to requi red 1 i ghts, swi tches and add i tiona lreceptacl es. (OESC 110-8). 5. Due to the hazardous nature of'the.totalwiring 'installation, disconnect of power will be requested, if repa i rsare not made within 15 days (April 2, 1981) of the date of this letter. ., All electrical work being done will require an electrical permit and all inspections shall be done by this office, If you have any further questions, please contact the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753, . INSPECTOR: Chas, Watson ACCOMPANIED BY: Debra Jackson APPROVED BY: