HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1967-11-14 REQUEST FOR INSpAION Springfield Bui..7ng Department . . Date / / -/7 -t:-, 7 Time Type of Inspection q~t? ~ /.J-a1.44- Time DesirPfl j? /)7.. Owner contractorLlb A/ &;/77.LJ p.-r(,~ Project Address -Lild - /-2 () / ;;-n /./ .//J"Z):- Remarkcf ~./.; //1 / r/J~ ~ ./7 ~ h /"'/..(./1 , # , 9:s7J ~ INSPECTOR'S REPORT ~d'>t ;,Up- r'7 A-7?A~. . ,7- Approved Not Approved Remark;;: ~ ,,--- - A/_ //- .-r~A Bv ~" Dato z~ ------ :Jt:1-, c.: '7 ~ <. \ I.t:l I.t:l C'I':l t- I.t:l I.t:l O. Z /~ RECEIPT FOR CER.D MAIL-20~ ~~./)_&,~ ~~rXh. POSTMARK ) OR DATE t":'i , , . "l...-??...u7~ ~:r2j ~ 1/-6-~7 9P c~ lIyou ......lIt.. rturn receipt, check which II you ....nt re- D lot ehOAl' O:J5t ahowe to whom, .tricted doZ;~- to whom ..hen, and add,... eO' check. hOT. and when where deli"ered delivered Sot t.. FEES ADDITIONAL TO 20t FEE POD F"" 3800 SEE OTHER SIDE Jul1957 1. Stick paltagC ltampa to yourartide to pay: 20t certified mail fee Restricted delivery fet-50t (optional) Firat-clau or airmail postage Special-delivery fee (optional) Either return receipt fee-lOt or 35t (optional) 2. If yOu want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub on the addreu .ide of the aiticle. leav;n, Me re,dpl attached. and preaent the article to a postal employee. 3. If you do not want this receipt postmarked, .tick the summed stub on the addrCls side of the article. detach and retain the r~ctipt, and mail the article. 4. If you want a return receipt, write the ctrti6td~mail number and your name and addreu on a return receipt card. POD F Ofm 3811, and attach it to the back of the article. Endorle front of artid, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, 5. If you want the article delivered only to the addressee. endorse it on the hont DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY. Place the same endoraement in line 2 of the return receipt carel. 6. Save this receipt and pr.eaent it if you make i.' , c-! * 1,1. I. GOYUII.ENt PlllltlllG cw n 10--71"7-4 \INSTRUCTIONS TO DELlV.G' EMPLOYEE" 0" . Show to whom;and 0 Show to whom, date, and 0 Deliver ONLY date delivered" - address where delivered to addressee (Additidt1al charges required for these services) i1 , RECEIPT . . Received. the numbered article described below. REGISTERED NO. ~_ SIGNATURE OR NAME OF ADDRESSEE (MIIJ/.dw sbefilkdin) CERTIFIED NO. AS 7.3SS I NSURED NO.. . ?rf,1~7> . . ).. X~ . , j)~ - SIGNATURE OF DDRESSEE'S AGENT. IF ANY - td~jO~ ';SHOW WHERE DELIVERED (onl:/ilreqllesUd) <-:-- ~16-71~.' GPO POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. OFFICIAL BUSINESS ; . f 4 ~~~~ ,</) ',e- ISG 7 Oc w !!l INSTRUCTIONS: Show name and addre5S below and cemplete instru~tions on other ,ide, where applicable. Moisten gummed end" attach and hold firmly to back of article. Print on front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. ~ N~SENDER , a STREE~~BDX ~~p7'1 7 -.3 ~ a X?/1 /1 J "" POST OFF.~E. STAT, AND )JP CO~ i _ f~ V '/r.Y.~, mt\lTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. 5300 POSTMARK OF DEL~G OFFICE -. ..----- .--- ,- ~ RETURN .-:- TO A().i/"Jl, yJ./. eJ 7Y'n .' . CITY OF SPRINGF~ELD BUlLD1NG DEPARTMENT 840 North 7th st, November 6, 1967 Mr. Ryamond Hansen 950 Mi 11 Street Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Hansen: A survey of sidewalks in the City of spri~gfie!d rEveals that the wi'llk :in fror,t of the followir.g described property is 1n ~,eed of re- p 1 acement/repah'. Tax Lot No's, 7700 and 7600, locally known as 1185 and 1201 Main Street We. respectfu 11 y urge yoa to comp 1 ete. thi s rep ~ aceme;-Jt/repa: r not 1 a~e;-' than 14 days from the oate of this notice. Your failure to do so will make it ma~datory, u~der prov,slor." of the City Code, Chapter 2, for the City to proceed with the replaceme~t/repair of this sidewalk and assess all costs. Anv additio:1a1 informatio:1 concer:-:i;1g tn;s rep1a:;e~~nt may be obtained at t~e '~ffice of the B:;llding lri~pector at the City h311. Your coo'~eratio;1 in this matter wi 11 be greatly appreciated. \ Yours truly, o .,_ ~ -r .d_. ..h ~'r.7,.._~?,/Z'''/ -r /i.I.~;J/ ;::-) , ,- J 'h I' R J ospe. .. eaves, r. Director of Building & Zoning JFR/jj Register No. 557355 '\