HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Approve a Contract Extension for Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair with Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/18/2012 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Randy Groves Staff Phone No: 726-2292 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: APPROVE A CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR FIRE APPARATUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WITH OREGON APPARATUS REPAIR, INC. ACTION REQUESTED: By motion: • Authorize City Manager to sign a contract extension with Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield Fire & Life Safety is requesting to extend the current contract for apparatus maintenance and repair services with Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. for one year. ATTACHMENTS: 1. First Amendment to Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. Contract DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fire & Life Safety selected Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. through an RFP process in 2011 to provide ongoing services for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. SFLS spends over $200,000 per year on maintenance, repair, and inspection of the apparatus fleet to ensure the safety of the firefighters and the public. Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. has over 30 years experience in fire apparatus maintenance and has provided a variety of services to Springfield Fire over the years. Proposed contract extension will run through June 30, 2013, with one additional one year period possible with agreement by both parties and the Council. C539 Oregon Apparatus Repair Inc. Page 1 of 1       FIRST AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFEILD AND Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. C539 July 1, 2012 Parties: The City of Springfield “City” 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 And Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. “Independent Contractor” 90498 Hwy. 99N, Unit 2 Eugene, OR 97402 The Parties hereby agree that the Independent Contractor Agreement dated June 6, 2011, between the City of Springfield (City) and Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. (Independent Contractor) included herein as Attachment 1, is hereby amended for the first time as follows: Term. Pursuant to the agreement referenced herein as Attachment 1, this agreement is hereby amended for an additional one-year period upon mutual agreement of the parties. This agreement will continue for a period of one year and shall expire June 30, 2013, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. This amendment shall be the first of two (2) possible successive one year period extensions. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Independent Contractor Agreement between Parties dated June 7, 2011 will remain in full force and affect. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Name:________________________ Name:________________________ Title: _________________________ Title: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________ CITY OFSPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENTCONTRACTORAGREEMENT Contract # 539 Dated: June 6,-2011 Parties: City of Springfield 225FifthStreet Springfield, Oregon 97477 And OregonApparatusRepair, .Inc. Additional Independent ContractorInformation: CITY") IndependentContractor") A. Type ofEntity: ^ SoleProprietorship ^ Partners ^ Limited LiabilityCompany ®Corporation B. Address: 90498Hwy. 99N, Unit2, Eugene, OR. 97402 C. Telephone:. 541.689:5445 D. FaxNo: 541.689.5.357 E. ~ SSN orFed. I.D. No: 93-1038324 F. Professional License(s) No: N/A ~ G. OregonAgencyIssuing License: N/A H. Foreign Contractor ^ Yes ®No; Foreign means not domiciledin or registered todobusinessin Oregon) SeeExhibitB(11). City AccountNumber(s) ToBeCharged (IncludePercentages): AccountNumber Percentage 100-35200-660016100% Inconsiderationofthemutualcovenantscontained herein, the parties agree tothe following. terms, provisions andconditions: 1. Paymentby CITY. CITYshall payIndependent Contractoraccording tothe sum andschedule described onAttachment "1" attached heretoand incorporated herein by this reference. Independent Contractor andin an amountnotto exceed $ 225,000. 2. Servicestobe performedbyIndependent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall perform the Fire apparatus maintenance and repair servicesdescribedinAttachment1 (OregonApparatus Repair, Inc. RFP Response dated Feb. 9, 2011). 3. Sourcing. Thiscontract wasawarded pursuant tothe City's RFP..#517 -Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair. 4. IntergovernmentalCooperative Purchasing. TheSeller agrees toextendidenticalprices and servicesunderthe same terms. andconditionstoall publicagencies. Quantities stated inthisbid reflectthe City of Springfieldpurchaserequirements/usageonly. Apublic agency wishing to purchase items willexecuteits owncontract with the awardedbidderforitsrequirements. Please seeORS279A.215 and OAR's 137-046-0430 & 137-047-0290. OregonApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 1 of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 1 of 80 5.. Term. This Agreement iseffective asofthe date firstsetforthaboveandshallcontinueuntilJune 30, 2012, unlessearlierterminatedinaccordancewiththeprovisions ofthisAgreement or by mutual consentoftheparties. J 6. Extension. This Agreement may beextended for additionaltwo (2) one-yearperiods upon agreement of both parties whichincludesthe reviewandapproval ofthe Springfield Common Councilin considerationofthe requirements ofthe Springfield MunicipalCode Section 2.708(3).and withthe followingprocedure: 6.1Theparties shallconfernotlaterthan30days before theexpiration of thisAgreementregarding the. desirability of extending the Agreement. The Springfield Contract Representative andthe Independent Contractorshallconferregarding theproposed feeforservicesand any other proposedAgreement revisions proposedby either party. 6.2 Ifthe parties, after negotiation, agree, an Agreement Modificationthat stipulates any andall Agreement modifications.shall beexecuted. TheAgreement Modification shallbeattached to thisAgreement. 7. Independent ContractorStatus. By itsexecutionofthis Agreement, Independent Contractor certifiesitsstatus asan " Independent Contractor" asthattermisusedunderthelaws ofthe Stateof Oregon, andthatall performance of any labor orservicesrequired tobeperformedbyIndependent Contractorunderthe termsofthis Agreement shallbe performed in accordance withthe standards set forthinORS670.600, and asmore specifically setforth on Exhibit "A" attachedheretoand incorporated hereinby this reference. 8. ConformancewithOregon PublicContractsLaw (ORSChapter279j. Independent Contractor shallcomply withall applicable provisions of Oregon lawfor publiccontracts, including, butnot limitedto ORS2796.220, ORS2796.225, ORS2796.230 andORS2796.235and asmore fully set forth onExhibits "A" and "B" attachedheretoandincorporated herein by thisreference. 9. WorkPerformed. Thework to be performedbyIndependent Contractorincludesservices generallyperformedby Independent Contractorin his/her/its usuallineofbusiness. 10. Taxdutiesand Liabilities. Independent Contractorshallbe responsible forall federal, stateand local taxes, if any, applicable toany payments received pursuant tothis Agreement, including but notlimitedtoincometax, payroll tax, andsocialsecurity andself-employment tax. CITY shallnot withhold, pay, or in any other mannerbe responsible for payment of any taxes onbehalfof Independent Contractor. 11. ReimbursementofExpenses. Independent Contractorshallnotbeentitledto reimbursement by CITYfor anyexpenses incurred byIndependent Contractorunless otherwiseagreed in writing. 12. MaterialsandSupplies. Independent Contractor shall supply all materialsand supplies neededto perform theservices required unlessotherwiseagreed inwriting. ~ . 13. No Authority toBindCITY. Independent Contractorshallhave no authority toenter intocontracts onbehalfof CITY, its officers, agents andemployees. This Agreement shall not create a partnership or joint venture of any sortbetweenthe parties. 14. IndemnificationandHoldHarmless. TheContractorshall .assume allresponsibilities forthework, andbearall losses anddamages directly or indirectlyresulting to the Contractor, theCity, orto others on accountofthe character or performance ofthework, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other cause whatsoever. The Contractorshall assume defenseof, indemnify and save harmlesstheCity, its officials, agents, and employees fromall claims, liability, loss, damage and injury of every kind, natureand description, directly or indirectly resulting fromactivitiesin the performance oftheContract, the ownership, maintenance or useof motorvehicles inconnection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conductof theContractor or any Subcontractor OregonApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 2of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 2 of 80 undertheContract or any way arising outofthe Contract, irrespective ofwhether any act, omission orconductofthe City .connected withtheContract is a conditionor contributory causeofthe-claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective or whether act, omission; orconductofthe Contractor orSubcontractoris merely aconditionratherthan acauseof a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. The Contractorshall not beliablefor norbe required to defend or indemnify, the City relativetoclaimsfor damage or damagesresultingsolely from~,acts or omissionsof theCity, its officials, agents or employees. Theabsenceof or inadequacy ofthe liability insurancerequired in section 13 shallnot negate Contractor's obligation in this paragraph. 15. .Insurance. 15.1GeneralInsurance. TheContractorshall maintainin forceforthe durationofthis agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written onan occurrence basis withlimitsnotlessthan $1,000,000 per occurrenceand $2,000,000 inthe aggregate for bodilyinjury or propertydamage. Automobile Liability (owned, non-ownedand hired) insurance withlimitsnot lessthan $1,000;000 per occurrence shall bemaintained. The City, itsemployees, officialsandagents will benamedas an AdditionalInsuredwhere operations are being conducted relatedtothis contract, onthe General Liability policy as respects towork or servicesperformed underthis agreement totheextentthatthedeath or bodilyinjury to persons or damage toproperty arises outof thefaultof theContractor or the fault of the Contractor's agents, representatives or subcontractors. Thisinsurancewill beprimary overany insurancetheCity may carry onits own. If theCityrequires Professional Liability coverage, the City's Risk Manager must approve the. terms, conditionsandlimits. 15.2Workers' Compensation. Contractorshall provide and ;maintainworkers' compensation coverage foritsemployees, officers, agents, or partners,~as requiredbyapplicable workers' compensation laws. Ifcontractoris exempt from coverage, awritten statementsignedby Independent Contractor so stating the reasonfortheexemption shallbe provided totheCity: 15.3EvidenceofInsurance Coverage. Evidenceofthe required insurance coverages issued by aninsurance companysatisfactory tothe City shallbeprovided to the Cityby way of a City approved certificateofinsurancebefore any work or services commence. 15.4NoticeofCancellation orMaterial Change in Coverage. Thecertificate ofinsurance shall contain a requirement thattheInsuranceCompany notify the City 30 daysprior to any cancellation ormaterial change in coverage. Ifthe approved insurancecompany willnot provide this30 daynotice, theContractorshall provide written noticetothe City contract manager within 2 days aftertheContractorbecomes aware thattheir coveragehas been canceled orhasbeen materially changed. The Contractorshalleitherfax 541-726-3782said notice oremailitdirectly toBobDuey ( rduey@springfield-or.gov), FinanceDirectoratthe City. Regardless ofwhatcircumstancescaused Contractors insurance coverage to ceaseor bemodified, itisthecontractor'sresponsibility tonotify the City. Failuretomaintain proper insurance or provide noticeofcancellation or modification shall be grounds for immediate terminationofthis contract. ( Contractorinitials) 15.5 ,Equipment andMaterial. TheContractorshallbe responsible for any loss, damage, or destructionofits own property, equipment, andmaterials usedin conjunction withthe work. 15.6Exception orWaivers. Anyexception orwaiverof theserequirements shallbe subject to reviewand approval fromthe City's Risk Manager. 15.7Subcontractors. The Independent Contractorshall require all subcontractors to provide and maintain General Liability, AutoLiability, Professional Liability (asapplicable), and Workers' Compensation insurancewith coveragesequivalent tothoserequired ofthe Independent Contractorinthiscontract. The Independent Contractor shall require certificates ofinsurancefrom allsubcontractors. 15. Termination.-The performance ofworkunderthisAgreement may beterminated by CITY, inwhole orin part, wheneverfor any reason CITYshall determine thatsuch. termination isin thebestinterest ofCITY. Any suchterminationshallbeeffected bydelivery totheIndependent Contractorof a NoticeofTermination specifying theextentto -which performance of the workunderthe Agreement isterminatedandthedate onwhich suchterminationiseffective. Upondelivery totheIndependent OregonApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 3of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 3 of 80 Contractor of a NoticeofTerminationunderthisparagraph, the Independent Contractor andCITY shall, byagreement, make an appropriate writtenmodification to this Agreementgoverning completion ofportions oftheindependent Contractor'sworkandpayment therefore by CITY. 16. Confidentiality. During the course of performancehereunder, Independent Contractor orits agent,. employees, or contractors, may receive confidentialinformation. Independent Contractor agrees to useits besteffortstomaintaintheconfidentiality of suchinformation andtoinform eachagent and employeeperforming servicesofthe confidentialityobligation that pertains tosuchinformation. 17. Successorsin Interest. The provisions ofthis Agreement shall be binding upon andshallinure to thebenefit ofthe parties tothis Agreement andtheir respective successorsand assigns. 1.8. Compliance withAllGovernment Regulations. Independent Contractorshall comply withall Federal, Stateandlocallaws, codes, regulations andordinances applicable tothework performed underthisAgreement. Failuretocomply withsuchrequirementsshall constitute abreachof contract andshallbe grounds fortermination ofthis Agreement. Damages orcosts resulting from noncompliance shallbethesoleresponsibility of Independent Contractor. 19. Attorney Fees. In theevent a lawsuitof any kindisinstituted on , behalf ofCITYto enforce any provision ofthisAgreement, Independent Contractorshall pay suchadditional sumsasthe Court may adjudge reasonablefor attorney fees plus all costsand disbursements attrialand on any appeal 20. Force Majeure. Neither party to this Agreement shall beheld responsible for delay ordefault causedby fire, riot, actsofGodand/or warwhichisbeyond that party's reasonablecontrol. CITY may terminatethis Agreement upon writtennoticeafter determining suchdelay or defaultwill unreasonably prevent successfulperformance ofthe Agreement. 21. AssistanceRegarding PatentandCopyrightInfringement. In theeventof any claim orsuit against CITY on accountof any allegedpatent or copyrightinfringement arising outofthe performance ofthis Agreement or outofthe useof any material furnished orwork or services performedhereunder, Independent ContractorshalldefendCITY against any such suit or claim. and holdCITYharmlessfrom any andall expenses, courtcosts, and attorney's feesin connectionwith suchclaim or suit. 22. Severability. If anyprovision of thisAgreement isdeclaredby a courttobeillegal orinconflictwith any law, the validity ofthe remaining termsand provisions shall notbeaffected; andtherights and obligations oftheparties shallbe construedandenforced asifthe Agreement did notcontainthe particular provision held tobeinvalid. 23. Accessto Records. CITYandits duly authorized representatives shallhave accessto books, documents, papers andrecordsof Independent Contractorwhich are directlypertinent tothis Agreement forthe purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts andtranscripts. 24. Waiver. FailureofCITYto enforce any provision ofthis Agreement shall not constitute awaiver or relinquishmentby CITYofthe right to suchperformance inthe future nor ofthe right toenforce any otherprovision ofthisAgreement. 25. Amendments. The termsof thisAgreement shallnot bewaived, altered, modified, supplemented oramendedin any manner whatsoever, without prior written . approval ofCITY, No modification of thisAgreement shallbindeither party unlessreducedto writing andsubscribedby both parties, or ordered by a Court. 26. Nondiscrimination. Independent Contractorshall comply withall applicablerequirements of FederalandStatecivil rights andrehabilitation statutes, rulesand regulations. Oregon ApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 4of 8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 4 of 80 27. Remedies. This Agreement shall. begovernedby andconstruedinaccordancewiththe .laws ofthe StateofOregon, and anylitigationarising outofthis Agreement shallbe conducted inthe courtsof theStateof Oregon, County of Lane. 28. Entire Agreement. This Agreementsigned by bothparties istheparties' finaland entire Agreement andsupersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral orwrittencommunicationsbetween theparties, their agents and representatives. There areno representations, promises, terms, conditions or obligations otherthanthosecontainedherein. INWITNESSWHEREOFtheparties haveexecutedthisAgreement to _ beeffective thedate first set forthabove. CITYOFSPFI g ~v~ Name: ~~ ® ~ Qr,o~t....aq ~c~' Title: C~ ~. Date: ~ INDEPENDENTCONTRACTOR Name: ~~p.~ L_~.~r,~. Title: cis ~°~ ,~- ~. ~~-r ~~~-, ~n~~ Date: ~' ©(~ ~ E~E~,~E® ~~~R~~E® T~ ~~~ DAT ~ : 5~.~ OFFICE OFCITY ~iTTORNEY~ Reviewed byCity ContractOfficer Aoi~ l~llj~---~S• 1. I 1 Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. Agreement Page 5of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 5 of 80 EXHIBIT ~~A" CITY OFSPRINGFIELD _ INDEPENDENTCONTRACTORAGREEMENT Independent Contractor Status Allperformance of any labor orservices required tobeperformed byIndependent Contractor shallbeperformed in accordancewiththe. standards setforthinORS 670.600 ( 2005), and as follows: A person iscustomarilyengaged in an independently established businessif any threeofthe following. sixrequirements aremet: 1. The- person maintains abusinesslocation: a. Thatisseparate fromthebusiness orworklocationof the person forwhom -the services are provided; or, b. Thatisin a portion oftheperson's residenceandthatportion isused ,primarily for .thebusiness. 2. The person bearsthe riskoflossrelatedto thebusiness or the provision ofservices as shown by factorssuch as: a. The person entersinto fixed-price contracts; b: The person isrequired tocorrect defectivework; c. The person warrants theservicesprovided; or, d. The personnegotiates indemnification agreements or purchases liability insurance, performance bonds orerrorsand omissions insurance. 4. The person provides contracted services for two ormoredifferent persons within a 12- monthperiod, orthe personroutinely engages in business advertising, solicitation or other marketing efforts reasonably calculatedto obtain. new contracts to provide similar services. 5. The person makes a significant investmentin the business, through means such as: a. Purchasing tools o~r equipment necessary to provide theservices; b. Paying forthepremises or facilities where theservices are provided; or c. Paying forlicenses, certificates or specialized training .required toprovide the services. 6. The person has the authority tohireother persons to provide orto assistin providing theservicesandhasthe' authority tofirethose persons. OregonApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreemerit Page 6of8 . ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 6 of 80 EXHIBIT "B" City of Springfield PublicContracts Conformancewith Oregon PublicContractorsLaws Pursuant to Oregonlaw, everypublic contractshallcontainthefollowing conditions: 1) Make payment promptly, as due, toall personssupplying to the contractorlabor ormaterialfor theperformance ofthework provided forinthe contract. ORS2798.220(1) 2) Pay all contributions oramountsduetheIndustrialAccident Fund fromthe contractor orsubcontractorincurredinthe performance of thecontract. ORS2798.220(2). 3) Not permit any lien orclaim to befiled or prosecuted against the stateora county, school district, municipality, municipalcorporation orsubdivision thereof, onaccountofany labor ormaterialfurnished. ORS 2798.220(3). 4) Pay totheDepartment ofRevenueall sums withheldfromemployees underORS316.167. ORS2798.220(4). 5) Ifthe agreement isfor lawnand landscape maintenance, itshallcontain acondition requiring the contractorto salvage, recycle, compost or mulchyard wastematerialat an approvedsite, iffeasibleandcost-effective. ORS2798.225. 6) Promptly, as due, make payment to anyperson, copartnership, association or corporationfurnishing medical, surgical and hospital care services orotherneeded careaidattention, incident to sickness or injury, to theemployees ofthe contractor, ofall sums thatthe contractor agrees to pay fortheservicesarilall moneys and sumsthatthecontractorcollected or deductedfromthe wages of employees under any law, contrailor agreement forthe purpose ofproviding or paying fortheservices. Allempbyers shall comply withORS656.017. ORS2798.230. 7) A personmay notbeemplo}ed for morethan10hoursin any one day, or40hoursinany one week, except in casesofnecessity, emergency orwhenthepublicpolicyabsolutelyrequires it, andinsuch cases, except in casesof contractsforpersonal services designated underORS 279A.055, the employee shallbe paid at leasttimeand ahalfpay: a) Forallovertimein excessofeighthours a day or40hours in any oneweekwhentheworkweekisfive consecutive days; or b) Forallovertime in excessof10hoursin any one day or 40hoursin any oneweekwhentheworkweek isfour consecutive days, MondaythroughFriday; and c) ~ Forallworkperformed on Saturday and onanylegalholidayspecifiedin ORS2798.020. An employer must give noticeinwriting to employees whowork on a publiccontract, either atthetimeofhire or before commencementofwork onthecontract, or byposting anoticein alocationfrequented byemployees, ofthenumberofhours perday anddays per weekthattheemployees may berequired towork. ORS2798.235(1)-(2). 8) Ifthe agreement isforpersonal services,. the contract shallcontainaprovision that theemployee shall bepaid atleasttimeand a half forallovertime workedin excess of 40hoursin any one week, except forindividualsunderpersonal services corrrtracts who are excludedunderORS653.010 to653.261orunder29U.S.C. 201-209fromreceiving overtime. ORS 2798.235(3). 9) Contractsforservices mustcontain a provision that requires that persons employed under contracts shall receiveat least timeandhalf pay forwork performed onthe legalblidaysspecified in acollective bargaining agreement orinORS279B.020(1)(b)(B)-(G) andfor all timeworkedin excess of10hoursin any one day orin excessof40hoursin any one week, whicheveris greater. Employer shall give noticein writing to employees who work onacontractfor services, eitheratthetime ofhire or before commencement ofwork on the contract, or byposting anotice in alocationfrequentedbyemployees, ofthenumberhours per day and daysper weekthatthe employees may berequired towork. ORS2798.235(5). Ifthis agreement isfor a publicimprovement, the contractshallcontain thefollowingconditions: , 10) Make payment promptly, as due, toall personssupplying tothecontractorlabor or materialfortheperformance ofthe workprovided forinthe contract. ORS279C.505(1)(a). 11) Pay allcontributions oramountsduetheIndustrialAccidentFundfromthe contractor or subcontractor incurredintheperformance of the contract. ORS 279C.505(1)(b). 12) Notpermit any lien orclaimtobefiled or prosecutedagainst the stateora county, school district, municipality, municipalcorporation orsubdivision thereof, onaccountof any labor ormaterialfurnished. ORS 279C.505(1)(c). 13) ~ Pay tothe Department ofRevenue all sums withheldfromemployees underORS316.167. ORS 279C.505(1)(d). 14) Thecontractor shalldemonstratethat an employee drugtesting program isin place. ORS279C.505(2). OregonApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 7of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 7 of 80 15) Ifthe contractor fails, neglects or refuses tomake promptpayment ofany claimforlabor orservicesfurnishedtothecontractor or subcontractor byany person inconnectionwiththe publicimprovement contract as theclaimbecomes due, the proper officer or officersrepresenting the state or a county, school district, municipality, municipalcorporation or ' subdivision thereof, asthe casemay be; maypay suchclaimtothe personfurnishing labor or servicesand. charge theamount ofthe, payment against thefundsdue orto become due the contract by reason ofthe contract. Ifthecontractor orfirst-tiersubcontractor fails, neglects orrefusesto make payment to apersonfurnishing labor or materials inconnectionwiththe publicimprovement contract within30 days after receipt of paymentfrom the contracting. agency ora contractor, the contractororfirst-tiersubcontractorshall owethe person the amountdue plus interestchargescommencing attheend ofthe10-day. period thatpayment isdueunderORS 279C.580(4) and, is subject to a good faithdispute asdefinedinORS279C.580. Ifthecontractor orasubcontractorfails, neglects orrefusestomakepayment to a person furnishing labor ormaterialsinconnectionwiththe publicimprovement contract, the personmay,file a complaint withthe ConstructionContractorsBoard, unless payment is subject to a good faith dispute as definedinORS279C.580. ORS279C.515. 16) The payment of aclaimdoes notrelievethe contactororthecontractor's surety fromobligation withrespect to anyunpaid claims. ORS279C.515(4). 17) A personmay notbeemplo}ed for morethan10hoursin any one day, or40hours in any one week, except in casesofnecessity, emergency orwhen thepublicpolicyabsolutely requiresit, and insuch cases, except in casesof contractsfor personal services designated underORS279C.100, theemployee shallbepaid at leasttimeand ahalfpay: a) Forallovertime in excessofeighthours a day or40 hoursin any oneweekwhenthe workweekisfiveconsecutive days; or, b) Forallovertimein excessof10 hoursin anyoneday or40hoursin any oneweekwhentheworkvreekisfour consecutivedays, MondaythroughFriday; and, • c) Forallwork performed on Saturday and onanylegalholiday specifiedin ORS279B.020. ORS279C.520(1). An employer shallgive notice ~ writing to employees whowork ona public contract either atthetimeofhire orbefore commencementofworkonthe contract, or byposting anoticein alocation frequentedbyemployees, ofthenumber ofhours perday anddays per weekthatthe employees may be required towork. ORS 279B.520(2). 18) Ifthe agreement isfor personalservices, the contractshallcontain a provision thattheemployee shallbepaid atleasttimeand ahalf forallovertimeworked in excessof40 hoursin any one week, except forindividuals underpersonal services conracts who are excludedunderORS653.010to653.261 orunder29U.S.C. 201-209fromreceiving overtime. ORS279C.520(3). 19) Contractsforservices mustcontain a provision that requires that personsemployed~under contractsshallreceive atleasttime and half pay forworkperformed on the legalholidaysspecified in a collective bargainingagreement or inORS 279C.540(1)(b)(B)-(G) andfor alltimeworkedin excessof10hoursin any one day orin excess of40hoursin any one week, whichever is greater. Ariemployer shall give noticein writing to employees whowork onacontractforservices,~either atthetimeofhire orbefore commencementof work onthe contract, or byposting a noticein alocation frequentedbyemployees, of the number ofhours perday and days per week thattheemployees may be required towork. ORS 279C.520(5) 20) .Solicitationdocumentsfor a publicimprovement contractshallmakespecific reference to federal, stateandlocalagencies thathave enacted ordinances, rules or regulationsdealing withtheprevention ofenvironmentalpollution andthe preservation ofnatural resourcesthataffecttheperformanceof thecontract. A solicitationdocument must also makespecial referencetoknownconditions at theconstructionsitethat may require thesuccessfulbiddertocomply withthe ordinances, rules or regulations identifiedunderORS 279C.525(1). Ifthesuccessfulbidder encountersacondition notreferred tointhesolicitation documents, notcaused by the successfulbidderandnotdiscoverableby areasonable prebid visualsiteinspection, andtheconditionrequirescompliance withthe ordinances,.rules or regulations referred tounderORS279C.525(1), thesuccessfulbiddershall immediatelygive noticeofthe condition tothecontracting agency.. Thesuccessful bidder may notcommencework norincur any additionaljob site costsinregard tothecondition encounteredanddescribedin ORS 279.525(3) without written directionfromthecontracting agency. ORS279C:525. 21) Promptly, as due, make payment to anyperson, coparh~ership, association or corporation furnishingmedical, surgical andhospital careservices orotherneeded carea-~dattention, incidenttosicknessor injury, to the employees ofthe contractor, ofall sums. thatthe contractor agrees to pay forthe servicesandall moneys and sums thatthe contractorcollected or deducted fromthe wages of employees under anylaw, contractor agreement forthe purpose ofproviding or paying fortheservices. All empbyers shallcomply withORS656.017. ORS279C.530.. 22) Acontractfor public worksshall contain a provisionstating the existing state prevailing rateand wageand, ifapplicable, thefederal prevailing rateofwage required. Every contractandsubcontractshall contain a provision thatworkersshallbe paid notlessthan the specified minimum hourly rate ofwage inaccordancewithORS279C.838. ORS279C.830(1). Ifthis agreement is fordemolition, the contractshallalsocontainthe following conditions: 23) Contractor must salvage or recycle constructionanddemolitiondebris, iffeasibleandcost-effective. ORS 279C.510(1) Oregon ApparatusRepair, Inc. Agreement Page 8of8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 8 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 9 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 O CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECQN bequest fvrProposat~ FireandLifeSafety Depat~tmcnt Fire A-pparatas Maiateoance . Sealedtiids willbereceived. by theFiaaaoe Department, Cityof Springfield, 225FiRh~ St.. Spri.ngfi~ld OR, 97477, Attn: Jaryne.Mcluiehan until 2:OQ p_m. localtime, tbe.2lst~:ofFebruary, 2011and opened at2:00 p.m: localdinethe same day., forproposalsregarding.aFire andLife Safety Fire Apparatus Maintenance.. Seated bids nsustbeaiarked~"RFP; FineApparatus Malnteaance". . Proposal packets are.available on thee-City's website at ~ eId-or.gov (select the hyperlink from the IeR meau fitted Pur~kasiagfCar~trQCtsthen. RJc'P: FireApp~aratrrs ulrrtanQnce or bycontactuug3syne MclViahaii.at ( 54,1~72fr-3708 or by email: rncmahan aQspringfeld-ar.gov. TheCity ofSp~ringfitld reservrstherightto.aecept or reject any orall proposals ortowaive any specifications ar requiremeatts, orto negotiate- with any veQdarsubmitt'u~g A proposalregarding aayaspect oft6.is~Request~forProposal when doing so is~dcemed tobeiiarthe bestinterestofthe Cicy. C~ RobertJ. Duey Finance Direet~' City ofSpringfield, OR blicrttian'Schedute: The Register Guard: January 38, 2011 Dally Journal ofCommerce Jaauary31, 2011 0 Page 2ofZ6 OAR JUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 2 of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 10 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 1'. Propoa! Overview ~ . . The Cityof•Springfield,:Oregon~requ~estsproposalsfrom~qualifiedvendors formaintenance~and repairoffire"appar'atus as described herein: AnRFPpacket. may be downloadedfromthe City ofSpringFeld homepage www.ci.springFeld-~or.gov) byciicking~ onthe Pwnchase/~on~ hyperlink, or by, contacting Jayne McMahan .at jmcmahan@springfield-or.gov or byphone at ( 54"1)26-3708, Prospective Proposers are requested to confirmreceipt ofdownloaded: RFP packetsby email .to City of Springfield, Attn: Jayne I1~~f cMahan at~ the aboveemailaddress. . . Otherpublicagencies may use this competitiveselection and contract, with no. material. change in terms, conditions or prices,~as a basisfor executing their own separate agreement withthe Conf~actar. As•acondition to~this use, other agencies:shall be responsible forthe appropriateness of the "decision to usethis process pursuant. toORS : 279A.21.5, or to agiree to contracttermsand .any protest obligatians under. ORS279A.22S. ItistheCity's intent to establish an agreement~withqualified•suppiier(s) for maintenance~and repair offire apparatus. The agreement may be updated annually, to extend the termfor not morethantwo successive one year, periods, uponmutual :agreement ofthe ~partics. ifextended, City shall considerthe requirements ofthe Springf~eidMunicipal Code (SMC) Section 2.708(3) andeach extension .shall not be effective anti! reviewed andapproved bythe Springfield Common Council. Itisconceivablethatthe agrreementtray becomea;multi-Supplieragr~ment..Proposerspare encouraged tobidall or partof,the~ itemsincluded inthis:Request forProposal. II. Proposer Format Proposals must include theitemslistedbelow. A. Proposer's fum name, mailing andphysical addresses, telephone_number, "faxnumber, and taxpayer• identificationnumber. B. Primary contact person's name; title,_~phone number,-fax number and:emailaddress. C. Identify whetheryou qualifyras resident bidder as described. in ORS 279A.120 (l) (b) andif " you•are:licensed to dobusiness'inthe~State:ofOregon. D.. Proposing fitmrsexperience inmaintenanceoffue apparatus of the type.andvariety"owned bySpringfield Fire & Life Safety. E. Aminimum of~three~~(3}references from• recent customers (withimthe last2 years) forfre apparatus niaintenattce. ~ . D Page 3of26 OARJUNE 6, 20.11 AGREEMENT . ~ Page 3of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 11 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 F. S ifications°~of m ~ sed main#enanceagreement ai~eas,outliined ~in~ Attachment1.P~ P1~ Subroission'of EqualSpecifications: All equalspecifications~.offered byProposers,, will evaluated by the City forquality, performance, functionality or othercharacteristics~fo meet City: requirements. Propasers shallsubmit.all.regnests for evaluationofequal specificstion~ by February 8, ZOIl. City•responses to requests w71 be.provided proposersbyFebruary 15, ZO11..Ifaccepted, cqualspecifications will not necessarily receive~fullvalue.bufinstead willbegiven points withintherange.offull toless-depending upon the evaluation ofstaff. Proposals~sha[I clearlyidentify all equal: specifications . submitted. ~'I'he City hasthe final authority-to~determine~which equalspecifications are acceptable and which are not. if equalspecifications have notbeenaccepted' byCityprior to submission of~proposal, Proposers shallaccept risk.thatequalspecifications inay~berejected. G. l'roposer's levelofmaintenanceserviceand,spare partsupport forfire apparatus. H. Scheduleand:Expense Itemizationfarservices~tobeprovidedby Proposer ( Cornp[et+~ Attachment;2~or provide similarbreakdown). I. Complete-statement and itemizeddescription ofany equal specification tothespecifications as statedherein. . III..Co~etPerson Proposersmaycontact~Jayne;lVlcMahan forfurtherinformation regarding this process. Cont~et withother City ofticisls may begrounds for disgpaliflcation. JayneMcMahan'can be readiedby~~mail at jmcmahan~a7,s~nringfield-or.go_y_:or:by.phone at { 541) 72b-3708. Questions regarding specificationswill.be-forwarded'byJayne McMahan totheappropnate~.Fire & Life Safety personnelwrhen more~detailed technicalexplanations are required,. arid. upon recept.of v response fromCity ofSpringi~eld FireandLife Safetypersonnel, Ms.:McMahanwill disseenirrage'the information bywritten addenda,issuedbythe City (See SectionVII} - IV. Schedulefor Selectio® Process Proposals AdvertisedJanuary 30, 20I1. " IZFPAvailable. January 3I, 201.1 Requests toConsiderEqualSpecification DueFebruary8, 20l1 S,pm Local Time City'sDeterarzinationRegarding EqualSpec. February 15., 201.1 Proposals Due / Opening March 2, 20112pmLocal Time Interviews (ifnecessary) ~ March4, 2011. (Approximate) . lVotice:ofIntent #oAward March9, 2011 (Approximate) ContractAwarded ~ ~ ~ March :I6, 2011 (Approximate) D Page4 oi'Z6 OARJUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENTPage 4 of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 12 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 0 0 V. Selection , Criteria A-ad'Process Each proposal willbecompared to the~specifications statedherein. Pointswillbeassigned to~~ proposals that most closely matchor~exceed theRFP requirements based, on the selection criteria. The~Proposal. with:the highest number~ofassigned points will. be selectedfor the contract. ' A.Conformity~ofsubmitted:proposal tothis RFP 5' Points B.Referencesfrom at least3.recentcustomers within•the~past 2 years 5Points C.CostAnalysis35 Points D.Sparepart ~ maintenanceservice: support 10P©ints E.Turn-around time & emergencyrepair:hendling 25Points F.F.rnployeequalificati9ns as. Emergency Vehicle Tech (E~ and years experience withemergency vehicles.20Points . Proposals must besigned~by, a principal member~ofthe.proposing,~entity.:capableofbinding~the~ entity. Includedwiththe signature should beprincipal's written name, title, address, and telephone number {see Attachment:5). I.) One .original and (5) fve ~ copies oftfie proposal, .clearly. marked " RFP; Fire Apparatus 1Vlsinteaaoce ~ Repair" andcontainedin a sealed envelope•~or boxshallbereceived no later than2:QO PiVi local time, March 2, 2011 atthe follov~ring address: City ofSpringfield AdministrativeServices Dept. Attention: Jayne McMahan, ManagementAnalyst 225 Fifth Street, . Springfield, Oregon 97477 Proposals will .beopened on1Vlarch 2, 24I I at2:U0 pm localtime. All proposals shall bevalid through 90 days afterthe RFPclosing date. VI. LateProposals NotConsidered Proposals mustbereceivedby2;40PMlocal time on February. 2I', 2011 attheaddress listed above. Any proposals receivedafterthe deadline will not beconsidered. Faxed or emailed proposals~will notbe accepted. . VII. Addeads To..RFP In the: event.•thatit ~is necessary•to amend, revise, or supplementany part ofthe RFP, City of Springfieldwill postaddenda on theCity website {www.ci:springfeld~r.gov) and will~make ressonable~.effort~to• provide. addenda to allProposers•to whom Cityprovided the initial 1tFP. This.includes the amendment ofdates. intheSchedule'for SelectionProcess. Any, addenda~so issued are to beconsidered part ofthespecificarions ofthe RFP. City is notresponsible for any Page 5 of26 OAR JUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 5of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 13 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 14 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 Alt: material sut~mitted by the: Proposers shallbeconsidered property ofCity, and. City shalllnvt be required toreturn same toany Proposer. Thematerial submittedbyProposers will betreated inthe same~manner,as City'sown~records. After proposalopening, all proposals become part ofthe~.public record andareavailablefor public .review°unless exempt under Oregon ~Public~ RecordsLaw.. Proposers wishing ~to exempt appropriateportionsoftheir proposals fromdisclosure as public records are, encouraged to discuss°their concerns with~City's FinanceDirector (address-listedbelow) prior~to the submissionsof theirproposals. ~ - . Bab 1)aey, -Finance~:Dir+ector CityofSpringfield Finance Department 225Fifth- Street. _ - _ Springfeld, pR97477 - XY.iL ExceptionsTo -Rp'P If; for~any reason, a Proposer~shouid. desire an interpretation. ofatermor conditionofthisitFP, end fault with the structure ofthis RFP or with the. evaluation process, concerns .may be submitted in writing to: Jayne McMahan City ofSpringfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477.. - Phone: (54l) 72fr37U8 Fax: (541) 726-3782 City willmake.every. effort~to answer questions and, ifwarranted,`to amendtheRFP. Responses toquestions and amendments to the RFP willbe posted on the City ofSprir~gfeld home page (rvww. -epringeld-or:goy), click1on the PurchaselCantracts page). Proposers. who are unable or unwilling to meet one:~or more ofthe:requirements ofthis RFP should include, aspart oftheir response, writtenexceptions tothose requirements. 7~I'V. SpecificationChange Requests A.prospective Proposer may deliver toJayneMcMahan, ManagementAnalyst. at~City of Springfeld Finance~Departrnent, a written request for.change to a<y of the specification listed in~ thisRequest;for Proposal. Such request shallbedelivered on Qr beforeFebruary 8, 2011. Awritten request:forchange shallinclude: - A detaileddescription ofthe legal and factualgrounds :forthe request, Adescription ofthe~resulting~prejudice.to the.~prospective Proposer, A statementoftheform of'reliefrequested or any proposal, changes, to the~.speciftcations. Page 7 ofZb . OARJUNE6, 2011 AGREEMENT Page 7of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 15 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 16 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 D ATTACHMENT1 FIREAPPARAI'US.MAINTENANCE ~ REPAIR-SPECIFICATIONS D NOTE; "BRAND1~VAMEOREQU~1:LSPECIFICA7'IO1V" ~SA SPECIFICATION THAT 'USESONEOR MOREhIANUFAC?'URERS' N14MLGS,.1~A.~ES`, CATAL(?G MIMBERS~ORSI1lIlLAR IDENTIFYING CHARACTERLS'?'ICSTDDESCRIBE THE' STANDARDOld' QU1iLITY, PERFOIiG~dANCE, FTtNCTlO1VAL~ITYOR OTHER CBARACTERISTICSNEEDED'TO MEET THECOI~'RACT7NG AGENCI"S REQUIREMEN7',£ SUCB;SPECIFICATl01V.AUTHORI~ESBIDDE,i~.SOR I'~OPOSERS' T:OOFFER GOODSOR SERVICES TEATARE EQUIVALENT ~'~ORSUPERIOR .TD THOSL' ]~RANDS:NAM~D ORDESCRIBED I1VTHESPECIFICATION. I. IitT'I`LhTT OF SPECIFTCA'I`I4NS It shall bethe intent ofthese s~recifications to cover thefurnishing and delivery offire apparatus maintenanceand .repairs :forthe City of .Springfield, Department of Fire a't Life. Safety's apparatus fleet: These detailedspecifications cover the=requirements asto~the type ~ofqualifications andservice to which the successfulproposer.shall conform. ~ Minordetails, which are not . otherwise specified, are left tothe~discretion of the contractor: Apparatus covered by thisagreement shall include, but are aotlimitedao:: 2010 Pierce VelocityPumper,. 3 each 2004 Pierce ContenderPumper i 997PierceSaber Pumper 1995PierceSaber Pumper , 2003.E-One 75' Aerial. 2002PierceAerial 1989 Pierce. Arrow Pumper J 1998Tender 2006.Freightliner Medic U»it ( other ~rrodel.years as well) 2009International.Medic Unit{2 units} 1.1. GeneralSpecif~csaons. Thyfollowing are specifications applicable to the apparatusrequested. 1.1.1. Industryitequirerttents. Apparatusrepairs andmaintenance mustnZeet ar exceed.all cwRezrt . applicable requirements ofthe ~following~ organi7$tions: AmericanNational.5tandardsInstitute:(ANSI} I-.1.1.2.Am~can. PetroleumInstitute ( API) 1.1.1..3. ~American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME) Welding~Society~{AWS) 1:1.1.5..EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) 1...1.1:6.FederalH'rghway,Ad~riinistratian (F[-IWA) Federal MotorCarrierSafety Administration (FMCSA) {FMVSS) Federal Transportation Administration (F'I'A) .. StandardsO,tganization {ISO)- 1.1,1.11~.Joint:.Industry Council (SIC) Page 9. ofZ6 OAR JUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 9~ of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 17 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 D 0 0 1.1..1.12. NationalElectricalCode (NF~C) • 1.1.1:13. ; National FireProtectionAgency {NFPA) . National filghwayTrafl•ic~SafetyAdministration-{NHTBA) I.l..1.15.. •Occupational Safety andHealth Adminisiration (OSHA) I..l.1.I6. ' Society ofAutomotive Engineers {SAE) 1.1.1.I7.• -Sound EmissionAnalysis (SEA) State o;fUregon AvlotorVehicle Code l:.l .1..1`9,: Tireand Rim Association { T&RA) I . I.l : 20.. U:S. Department'ofTransportation.{DOT) 1'.2.- Proposals shallonly be consideredfrom companies thathave an ..established reputation .in. the field of•fire•apparatus:mainfen~nce•and havededicated servicefacilities fortherepair andservice ofproducts. Evidence;ofsuch a-facility sha11 be included in proposerproposal. 1:3. Each proposer shallfurnish satisfactar.y. evidenceoftheir ability to perform work onthe Spring~field Fireapparetus fleet, andshall atatethelocationofthe. facilitieswhere theapparatus maintenance is m be performed. The proposer shall also show thatthe company isin position to renderpromptaervice and to fi~rnish,repiacement parts, 1.4. ' Proposer shall include a descriprion oftheirability toperform or provide for annualpump ®nd ladderMing in compliance with NFPA and ULtestingrequirements. Estimated costof eacti test: typeshall be~ included •as partof the cost analysis (Attachment2). " 1.5: Eachbid -shall be.accompaniedby~a detailedset of " Contractor'sSpecifications" consisting: of•a • detailed description ofthe mechanic'squalifications to work on file apparatus, record keeping systems used, andProposer'sability tohandle 24-hourservice coverage. . 2. ®~A~.,ITY ANDWURKil+iANSITYP . The successfiil Proposer shall embody thelatest approved automotive .engineeringpractice. The workmanshipshall be ofthe highest quality in.itsrespective field: 2:.1~. Q®glt~ii~tiio®a Proposer. ~$hallsubmitthelevelof certification heldby eachmechanic that may beassigned toworkon Springfield fire apparatus: Certifications -specific tothe. requirements of NIAPAstandards: are mandatory: 2.1..1.In~clude ~'inproposal thenumberofservice employees, Technicalcertifications of each employee, andnumber ofyears ofexPeriesice as an emergency vehicle technician (EVT) by each employee: 2.1:2. I3escribe indetail the scope of services- Proposer isready,willing. and ab}e 'to provide. Include description ofthose services ~ Proposer would outsource to 3`~ party (i.e. transmission repair, alternator work, body & fender repair, etc;). 2:1:~..Uescribe in• detail the .method Proposer would usetohatndle 24-hourservice. coverage. and average. response timeforemergency call outs... 2.1.4•.. Proposer shallprovide: average turn-aroundtimeforroutine repairsand maintenance. 2.1.5: Proposer wi11 address howfollow-up or,repeated, repairs on ~tbe same apparatus. shallbe handled. . 2.1.b:Proposer~shall describe: their:avat7abilityfor on-site assessmentofapparatus issues andtheir availability topick-up and deliveryapparatus to,Springfield Fire~stations. 2:1:?:A °roadtestshallbe c©nducted withthe apparatusafter mairYten$ncelrePairs aremade to ensure themaintenance or repair~wassuccessful: Page 10of26 OARJUNE 6, 2011AGREEMENT ~ Page 10of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 18 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 2.2. WeldfnZ. Welding .shalt notbe employed intherepair or maintenance ofthe apparatus in a manner~thatshall preve~rrtthe.ready removal~ofanycomponentpart fvrfuture service or repair. 2:2.I.AlI :steel b±elding,shal~ followAmericanWelding°Society D1.I-2004: recommendatioizsfor structural steel welding. 2.2.2.A11 aluminumweIding~ shallfollow Amerioair Welding . Society andANSID1.2-2003 requirements forstructural weldingofaluminum: 2.2.3.A11' sheetmetalwelding -shall follow AmericanWeldingSociety B2.1-2000 requirements for structurnl welding_,.of. sheet metal. Flux corearc welding to 'use alloy reds, type 70QQ, American. WeldingSoG`iety;standards A5.20-E70T1. Z.2.4.Employees classified aswelders must tested andcertified tomeet American Welding Society codes upon hireand everythree'(3}Years thereafter. 3. I~tFORM~kTIONRFAUxRED 3. l . The Proposer shall supplyquarterly swnmaryreports on~ each :apparatus serviced inthat quay-ter, including routinemauntenanceperformedand'anyrepair work completed. Reports•shall inolude~ theinformation isAttachment' 3, inExcel format, submitted viaemail to ~ a designated recipient. 3.2. The Proposer shall ..supply,, when requested,. complete. maintenanceJrepair records on any/aIl apparatus withinZ working days: . 3.3. Proposer shallprovideoperationsmanuals, training and/or otherinformation as neededto safelyoperatesystems and.equipment~changed/addedby.Proposer 3.4. Proposer willbe.expected to recommend routine serviceintervals on eachapparatns;~inkeeping v~iith manufacturer's warranty requiremenrts and industry nouns. 4. TESTING AND. PERFORMANOE.REOUIREMENT3 i A road~test shallbeconducted with the~apparatus S. TP~A-ININGThe proposer shallhave. programs .inplace for taaining, proficiencytesting and performance for any staff involved with certifications. 6. SEIfVTCE REOUIRE1~IElVTS tech proposershall furnish sattisfa"ctorjrevidence ofits.alfility to render.promptservice-and to.furnish nrplacement.parts.by~showing.where Local service will be~furnished. ~Infornlation to beprovided shall include: physical locationofthefacility{not more than 7`5miies'fromSpringfield; Oregon}.~ distance fromeach Sprizigfield FireStation: ownership, . description oftheservice facility, numberof mobile service~units; parts inventory value. 7. SCHEDULEANDEXPENSE TfEMI7ATION (~I,tta„ ctiment2~ 7.1. Prop©ser~shall :provide a ddtailedbreakdown: ofthefollowing costs: 7.1.1. Shop~time / $ per:hour 7.1.2. Rates forapparatus~.pick-up / delivery to~station 7.1.3.:Energency response /call- outrates . 7.1.4.:]VFPA Inspection rates {annuaUsemi-annual) 1.S:~P.artsmark-up~percentsge 7.1..~:Cost to handle~outsc~urced,{3`~~party).repairs. {i.e. alternetor,.transmissioai, orotherrepairs not handled in-fiouse} 7.1.7..Miscellaneous~othercharges {i:e. HAZIVIATdisposal fees, etc.), Page ~ 1 of:Zfi OARJUNE 6; 2011AGREEMENT Page 11of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 19 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 20 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 21 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT3 R'~PORT'ING.REQtJIR~MENTS i ~ _ - 1. ~ The Proposer steallsupply quarterlysummary reports on each-apparatus servicedu-.tha# quarter, including routinemaintenance performed end anyrepairwork completed..Reports shalt include the information. iri Excel format, submitted viaemailto a designatedrecipient. 2. Thefollowinformationahall .be includedinallquarterly reports: 2.1. Dateof Service . 2.2. City ID # 2.3. Apparatus MakeModel 2.4. Model Year 2.5.. VIN 2:6..Mileage_at time:ofservice 2.7. RoutineService ( Yes~orNo) - 2.8.Description of~ServicePerformedp - - - 2.9..PartNuYtibsrs~ofparts used on CurrentService 2.10 ~ Cost perpart, # used, Total partsCost Z. ll . Laborhoursused, Costpei hour, TotalLabor Cost 2..Y2. .. Shipping. and/or.othercosts . 2.13. Total Costfor.Current~Serrrice Performed': 2.14. Date ofLast : Routine Service ~ ~ - . 2:15: Date ofNext Scbe""dole PM 2.16. DateofGast IVFPA-requiredInspection 3. ~A. singlespreadsheet .with allapparatus~serviced in~ thecalendarquarter is~su~fficient. Sa~nle readsheet shahbe provided upon request Page 14 of26 OAR :J_UNE6, 2011 AGREEMENT Page 14 of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 22 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 23 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 24 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 25 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 26 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 27 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 28 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 29 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 0 Contractors insurance=coverage.tocease orbe rnodifled;at.is thecontractor's responsibility tonotifythe City. t=ailure~tomaintainproper insurance or provide notitce of~cancellation or modification shallbe.grounds forimmediatetermination ofahis ~contrac~. (Contractor inltlals): - t0:6. Equipment and lillateryl. independent Contractor shall be responsible for any loss, damage, ordestructionofits own property, equipment, andmaterialsused inconjungtion wi#hthework: 10.7. ~ : Subcontractors: IndependentCot~tractorshall n~uire ap subcontractorsto provide and maintairi:generalliability, autoliability,. professionalliability (as applicable), andworkers' compensation insurancewith caverage..equivalent to those~.requi~ed ofthegeneral.contractor inthis contract. Independent Contractor shall require certificatesof, insurancefromali~ subcontractors as evidenceof coverage. ~ . rc1.0.0. ~ Exceptlon.or Waivers. Any, exception or walverof-theserequirements shallbe subject to reviewand approval from~theGity'sRisk.Manager 1. Remedy. , .ThisAgreement shallbegovernedlsy~and constn,ed:in accordance with the. Laws ofthe State of .Oregon,. and any litigationarising outofthisagreement shallbe conductedin theCourts oftheStateof4reSon, County ofLane. 12. , . Attarn®y. Fees. tothe event a lawsuitof~any kindisinstituted on behalf ofCITY to enforce~amy provision ofthisAgreement; independent Contractorshall pay such additional sums asthe Court may adjudge reasonablefor attorney~fees plus ail costs and disbursements attrial andon:anyappeal. 13. ~ Farce lNajeure. Ne"~#her party to this Agreement shallbehead responsible for delay or default caused byfire, riot, actsofGodandlor war which,isbeyond thatparty's reasonablecontrol. CITY mayterminate thisAgreement upon writtennotice after determining such delay or defautt.witlunreasonablypreventsuccessful.performance of the Agreement: S. Er~tlreAgreement. ThisAgreement~signed,by"both ,partiesis the parties' finaland - entire.Agreement and.supersedes aq prior and contemporaneous oral or written coirmunications.between the parties, theiragents and representatives. There are no representations, promises, terms;. conditions or obligations otherthan'those contained Herein: CITYaFSPRINGFIELD: ~ SELLER sy: Name Tithe: ~ ~ ~ ~ . Date: sy: Name: Tide:... . Date: Page. 22 ~of 26 OAR JUNE-6, 2011. AGREEMENT Page 22. of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 30 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 31 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 0 EXHIBIT "B" city ofsprl,~~~~a PublicCoatract~ Confotr~nancewith Oregon;Pabtic CourtlractorsLaws Pazseraut to Oe~ira law, curry public contractsbaBco:ibtntheioliowlug tonetitloaa: I)Makepaymerrtpromptly; as ~, to all, persaressupplyingto.thecotetractor Isbar. or materialfor.the:perforraaireeofthcworkprovided for ~inthe contractORS' 2798.220(1) 2} Pay allcontribuiioss.oramounts due.theIndustriat'Acciderrt'Furtd'~omthe evt>Rractoror subcorrteactorioc~erredin tlte,performanee of thecontract. ORS 2798.220(2). - . 3)Notpenrtit,any lienor claim to 1>e.Sled or prosecutedagainst the stateoriioonnty, school,district;municipality; municipalcorporation orsubdivisionthoreol an.ccocwnt.ofanylabor or~enateiriat.fumished: ORS2798:220(3). 4)Wthet)epargpprtof Raverrueall sums withlujld:fromemployees underO1tS.3t6:I67: ORS 27913.220(4). 5) Ifthe'ageremeat'w for.lawnsredlandscapernaohrtenance, hshallcontain a. canditioareQriiringthecorttracWr~to salvage, recycle,; compost ormatchy"aid wastetnateria] aEan approved site; if feasiblear~dcost-effective. ORS2798.225: b) Promptly,.asdue; ~rnalrepayment to,any pyrson,•cnpartnersleip,association or oorporatian.tirmialring.medicai, surgieal.and hospital camsad.suerrtiore,.irrc'iderrtto siclaressor'injury, to theemployees ofthe caretreewr, ofall sumstF;$tthecare services orother r~aeded ooe~tractoraBreea tp pay.forthe servioeaand allinorreys and sums thatthe contrectar,collecmd or deducted fromthewagos`of ernptoyeos underany taw, contractoragnxmeart'for~tlu purpose ofproviding or payingfor•the`services. Allerreptaycrsshell comply with'OtZS'656.0t 7. ORSZ?913?30. 7) A persan•may. not be arrptoyadfor more thant0hours:in.anyoree day, or40imurs isairy one weelrti. except'in casesofnecessity, emerg~rocy orwhen the public.poticy.ebsolutely~taquiresit, andinsiiehoases, erea~t incasesof for persoeisl services designatedurrder ORS 274A.05S, theemployceshall~be. paid atleasttime ~da .halfpay. a) ):orailoveRirrie. in"txoessofeigltit hoursadayor 40hours!in~anyera weekwhenthe workweek~ist+iveconsecutive days;~or b) ~ Forallovertimein.exoessof10Hoursirrarryone day or40l+iarrrs'inarty oneweek wlien.thewotk.weels. isfour coriaecutive days,•MondaythrougfiFriday; seal cj .ForalLwork piuformed on Saturdaycad onatry legalHolidayspecified in ORS.2"79$.020., Anemployermustgivenotice inwriting toemployees-whoworkon a:publiccortilre+cl, either at the timeofHire or before caanneencemerrtofvvoric on thG'contract; or byposting a nodce• in a location~frequentodby.employees, ofthecumberof Loursper day. snd.daysper w~edc.tti8tthe employees ° maybe required to work. ORS r19B:z3Sj1}-(2j. 8) 'if tlie•eBreeenentis fQr personalservices, thecontract shallooatsin a provisivn;that the.eneployea shallbepaid~aiIeasCtime and ahalf fog, at[ overtime waelCOdin accessof 40 hoursin atry one vaeekexceptfor itidividuala underpersotral; services. contracts vyhoare excluded urDder ORS~653.010to 653:261 orender2! U:S.C. 20t-209.froea revaluingovertime. ORS279B.23S(3). 9) Coietractsfor servicesmust.contsire a provisionthaCrequieas thatparsons employed undercontractshsl [receive .a< leasttime.arsd `half payfotvvorliperforrped on ihe.lcgalholidaysspaesified in a eottectivebargaininge~reement.or.inORS•279H.020(l.xb)tt3}(G}and foi all tima,vHarked in erccxss of,lQhours:in arty. otie.day,ot:inexcess of40hours io~any one weelc;.whicheveris:gr+eatetlmployersly give rroticx inwritir~g:toomployces.wliowork onacontrgctforservices, .eitherat the:time ofliircor beforecomn>oncemeutof work on . theoorrtract, or bypostinga~natice.in alocationfrequentedby.employees, ofthe numberhoursper dayanddays pervwedc thatthe atnptoyeesa~aybe requiredto itrorlc. ORS ~279B23S(5). Ittbfasgreemsot isfar'rt publkimpa~overata-t, ttie evntract aba11contain tttefottusvlagcouditloos: a Fage~?.4 of26 OAR JUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENTPage 24 of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 32 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 33 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 34 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 o ~ Wy~` February 2, 20I I REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Fireand Life"Safety FireApparatn~ Maiintenance ADDENDUM #1 TheCity'ofSpringfield is herebyamending.orclarifying the above mentioned Request forProposal (RFP). The originaldocument~canbefound.onthe~City's website~at www.springfelq,~r.govbyselecting~thehyperliak Purcliasing/Contrgcts'frotn themenu on the left side.ofthe homepage, interested par#ies willbe linkedto.theRAP/1TB P~e• Y. Qoestiort: Do Iunderstandcorrectly~from SectionX.Illof.the-interpretaiion.requests~must be snail•mailed? Citg'sReapodse: Youtray email your requests as well-toJayne McMahan atjmomahan@springfield-orgov 2. Qaestioo: `SectionIII. ContactPerson warns. that "Contact rvlt~t other pityo~eials maybegronadsi for disgpalifiration". Sincethis process normally requires communication with-a nurnbearof finedepaclment.staff and suppressionpersonnel relative.tQ.this'process, would youplease adviseifwe.are.restricted beyondthe subject ofthrsRFP or with~any-specific individuals? Ciity'eResponse: Contact with other City officials aiboutthfsRFP inaybe grounds fordisqualification.ththe,normal course~ofyour businessyou can communicate.but keepthe~conversations`tojust doing normal business operationsand notthe RFP. Allquestions-regarding the RFP•should.be:drected to Jayne'McMahan at jmcmahan~~springfield-or:gov 3. Question: On page2~oftheRFPit-.indicatesthepr+opa~al be:received by2pm onthe21st ofFebruary. , 2011 and onpages 4and'Sit~ indicates the:~proposals aredue and willbeopened at 2pm on Mardi2, 20I 1. Pleaseconfirmwhich•is the accurate.due date forproposal submissionand ifit isMarch 2nddoes that changethe-date ~ for requeststoconsiderequal. specificationsdate? - City'sResponse: The legs! noticehadtheincorrectdue,date forthe response due date, Thecorrectdue date is. March2,'201 l and,doesNOT~change:the dateforrequests to considerequal specification. Page twoshould haveread Sealedbids~will bereceived by theFinance Departmeirt, City ofSpringfiield;225.Fr#th $t. Springfield OR, 5?7477, Attn:.Jayne~.McMahan unti12:00 p:m. localtime, the , 2°d ofMarch, 20i1acidopenetl at 2:00 p.m. local time.:the same day,.forproposals regardingaFire-and Life-Safety-Fire Apparatus Maintenance. Sealed bids must be marked ~RFP: p"meApparatusMaintenaace". RFPRLS Frre.Apparatus Marntenance.Addendum One - - Page i OARJUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENT ~ Page 27 of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 35 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 36 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 O TheCity~ofSpringfield is herebyamending~orclarifying theabove~.rnentionedRequest for. Proposal. (RF`P), The original documentcan befound~on.the City's website.at www.sprin eld•or.~ovby selectingthe. hyporlink P:achasirrg/Co~rttacts from'the menuontheleft side ofthe home page, interested,partieswtll be linked to the1tFP%ITB P~e• ADDENDUM #2 O 1. Question: Page 9, Attachment1, Item l~: To fully evaluate the.needs, pertainingto.theconditon~~ofand repairs.required, forthe~City of,Springfield, Department ofFire8tLife~Safety's.apparatiis~fleet itwould be helpful to.obtain past maintenancelrepair t+ecor+ds: Pleaseproviderepairrecordsfor~the unitslisted inthissectionfor-the past two { z) years. C#ty'sResponse: This RFP isforfuturerepair androutine maintenance. When the contract. is awarded a»d'.ifthe supplier: needs , therecords toperformmaintenance they willbesupplied. Thepast~doesn't dict$tethe,futureneeds therefore no recordswill"be provided. 2. Qoestlon: Page i2, Item Industry :standardinvoicing does°notinclude e~ract hoursused, ratherprovides a totallaborcost; asoften times thelabor rates aredifferent depending~uponthe servicesprovided,. Our billing-software calculates time. based on : increments ofIS minutesbutdoes~not~showthe totalnumberofhours charged. Is:this acceptable? Ctty's.Responae:.No. We want the labor rates and hours~as indicatedinthe 1tFP. Febttiary4, .20.11 REQUEST FOR PRC}POSAI, Ffre. andLife Safety Fire Apparatus Maintenance 3. Question: Page14, Attachment 3item2.1 l Industry standardinvoicing~does not include~exacthoots used;:ratherprovides;atotal labor cost, asoften timesthe..labor ratesare differentdepending upon theservicesprovided: Uur. billingsoftware calculates time based on increments ofISminutesbutdoes not show the total .numberof hours.charged. Isthisacceptable? City's Response:'No. 'We wane the labor rates.and hours.as indicated in~the ~1tFP. RFPFLS FireApparatus MaintenanceAddendum 2 Page 1 OARJUNE 6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 29of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 37 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 4. Question: . Page14, Attachmegt:3~ Item 3: Please~providesampleof,spreadsheet.requested. Ciiy'slesponse: The~spreadsheet~is linkedbelow.' . . Attn:/ls~rin~cetd-or.~QViRFPllfehicle MaintenanceRecord.xls . 5. Question: Page 15~.through 17, Attachment4: Attachment 4;isa~Performence Bondform. The RFPdoesnot specify~requiretnsnt of a performance•bond, js a performance bond required? Ifso, performance bonds are issued. based an thevalueoftlte~contract, sincethe valueofthis contractwillbe"an undetermia~ed value, whatvalue. isrequired for issuance;of-.thebond? Cfty'sResponse: No~perfortnance bond will: be required. In the event that~it.is necessary tofurtheramend, reviseor.supplement any.partthisRFP,:additional addendawillbe posted on the City's websiteat,h~t p://www.spri fte d-or.gov_.(select.the-Purchase,~C.ontradshyperlink and•Addendum2~ FLS Fire Apparatus Maintenance). Asstatedin the originalaolicitation, City willtasks a tea.~onableeffortto provide-the- . addenda to ~Il Proposers•to whom Cityprovided theinitial .RequestforProposal. Thisaddendumstiall be considered , part ofthespecification ofthc•~Request forProposal..The,City;is-notresponsible forany explanation,.elarifieation, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner, exceptby written, addenda•issued byCit}~. AI;L BIDDERSSHOULDACKNOWLEDGE AND INCLUDE THLSADDENDA #2 AS~PADTOF THEIRSUBiViYZ'TAL-PACKAGE. ~ f ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 38 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 o ~, February9,.20I 1 REQUEST `FOR. PROPOSAL Fire ~ aadLifeSafety FireApparatus Msiateaence ADDENDUM #3 The City~ofSpringfield is~herebyamending or clarifying'the above mentioned Request forProposal (RF.P). The original document canbefound on theCity's website at www:sprinefield•or:goy by selecting the hyperlink Furchasing/Contracts from the:menu on . the;leftside ~ofthe:home~page, interested; parties willbelinkedto the.RFPIITB PaBe~ ~ . 1. Question:.1.4: Estimated~cost:for pumptest,andladder test: ' Since there isa.considerabie differenceinthetimerequired forpump tests depending;ontheir capacity and numberof optionsincluded would you like to.specify a particular configuration or average ~anumber ofdifferenttests or ? The~same is true of:ground ladders. Would youtike:cost foracompliment ofladders ora specificladder? City'sResponse. An average cost or. a'range willbe acceptable. 2. Qoestlon: Attachment2; NFPAthspection: Thereis a huge variationin'the time~and .parts cost>dependirtg ~on apparatus type.and design. An'appaxatus~ type or examplewould help?~ City's Response: You canusethe. listed apparati,ts antheRFPforexamples. 3. Question: Are~any parts ofthe.sampte~contract~anticipated•to beinabeactualcontracf? Ifso, would.you,Iet us knowwhich? Cfty's.Responee: Theentire contract willbe usedfo~ratre successfbl proposer. Inthe•evgent=that. it:,is necessary~tofurther amend, revise or supplement anypart,thisRFP, additional addendawillbe posted on the.City's websiteat~h~p://www.springfield-or: ov { select thePaencka:~c Cont~rraclshyperlink andAddendum 3 FLS FireApparatus 1'vtaintenance). As ~ated'inthe~originalsolicitation, City will makes reasonableeffort to provide the adden~ta to.all Propdsers•tn whore Cityprovided the:inidal Request'forRroposal, Thisaddendum shaU~be considered part oft~e•specifcation oftheRequest for~Proposal. The City isnot~responsible for any explanation, clarification, in#erpre~ation. or approvalmade.or given in any manner except by v~-rittenaddeada:issued byCity. ALL~BIDDER~ ~BOUI~D ACKNOWLEDGE AND IlVCLUDETHISADDENDA #3ASPARTOF THEIIt SUBMITTAY, PACKAGE. JRFP FLS~FireApparatus Maintenance Addendum 3• Page 1 OAR JUNE 6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 31of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 39 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 40 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 Proposal ~for.Springfield Fire Appa~catus Ma~inten~nce and Repair Mar. nd - -ch ~ , 2011 I. Proposal overview. - Understood II. Propose[ Format - A. Oregon Apparatus Repair,.lnc.. POBox 189; Afvadore, GR97409 90498 Hwy~99N, Unit Z, Eugene, OR 97402 Phone:. (541} 689-5445 Fax: 4541) 689-5357 Oregon TaxID#: 653635-9 Federal TaxID#: 93=1038324 III. ~ B. Primary Contact Person:, Michael L. Thorn President Phone: (541} 689-5445 Fax: (541) 689-5357 mikeC~oresonaaa.com C. Oregon ApparatusRepair, Inc. asan OregonCorporation, doing,business in Eugene, ORsince1990, does qualify as a resident bidderand'is ~autharized todo business in the State of°Oregon. D.. OregonApparatus hasbeen.anexclusive provider''ofapparatus-repair since1990 . andhas~provided.mainten~ance andrepair continuously forthe City ofSpringfield, Cityof Eugene, Santa Clara RFPD, Lane Rurali`ire~and Rescue, South ;,Lane Fireand Rescue, US Department of ~ Agricu0ture (USES}, U5 [3epartment of Interior ~( 8LM}, Oregon Department ~of ~ ~ ' Forestry and ~others~:since. Oregon-.Apparatus supportsCommitteeMembership toNFPA's Fire DepartmentApparatus.Committee, NFPA.107i, Board of Director:of ~IAFC's Err~ergency . Vehicle Management Sectionand theEmergency VehicleTechnician Certification Commission. In addition, Oregon Apparatus has;providedconsultation services toagencies such asthe US' CoastGuard, Cityof Vancouverand City ofSeattle. . D Z J - OARJUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENT Page 33of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 41 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 E. References: - - City ofSpringfield Fire Department City ofEugene Fleet: Maintenance South Lane County Fire and Rescue Lane RuralFireand Rescue ~ . . Santa ClaraRFPD F.Understood G. OregonApparatusprovides fullservicemainten~nce:including NFPA 1911 Annual Inspection, Maintenance ~and~ Testing, annual aerial laddertesting, pumptesting and. ground holder testing. Oregon.Apparatus isthefactory, authorizedaervicecenter foc Emergency One, KpWE, AmericanL.aFrance, and, other apparatusmanufacturers. OregonAppar-atus..is also a dealer foranumber of equipment and appliancemanufacturers~such as : tire pumps, -valves, foam -system; automatic.tirechains, auxiliarybrakingsystems and emergencylightingwhich allows stocking and accesstoparts andtechnical support.for emergencyvehicle systems. H. Schedule~and Expense. Itemization { Attachment 2~ ITEM: ~ ~ ~ ~ CHARGE/.PER: ~ COM~M~NTS SHOPRATE: ~ $90.00per hour . P/Uand UEUVERY. ~ 1 hr {$ 90.00) ~ . CALL OUT/EMERGENCY RATE , $ 90.04 per hour. NFPA.lnspec#ion {annuals ~ ~ $2,272.Q0 ~ ~ -- See'notes next~page NFPA inspecti®~ (semi-annual) $~ 870:00- HAZMAT Fees. None .. - Parts Mark-up 96 - 2096/3596 2096 Special.order/35~b stock. 2 OARJUNE6,• 2011 AGREEMENT ~ Page 34 of71~ ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 42 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 43 of 80 ATTACHMENT .1 Attachment 1,Fire ApparatusMaintenance-and RepairSpecifications 1. , Intent ofSpecifications Understood 1. ~.. GeneralSpecifications. i.i.i - 1:1.20Understood 1.Z. .OregonApparatus Repair hasbeenprovidong servicefor city~and rural fire departments since1990~and service~facility isCoca#ed.at 90498 Hwy 99N, Eugene, Oregon.•Seepictures in exhibitss - 1:3. OregonApparatus has. been providing. repairand maintenance forSpringfield Fire .and LifeSafety:since 1990. ®regonApparatusRepair is locatedat90498Hwy99N, Eugene, DR, where a $ 85,000 inventory of~repiacement parts ismaintained. OregonApparatus maintainsZ4=hour caU outservice and a. mobile repairtruclrfor servlce..calBs. i.4. OregonApparatusRepair maintains an underground fire. pumptestpit and a ground ladder~test areastaffedby~trained and certified technicians, providing NFPA pump~testing•to the fireservicesince 1990 andNf=PA groundladdertesting.since 1994. See "H" for itemized "test typecosts. 1.5. See2.2.1belowfor-technician certifications: AIDrecords are. kept on hard copy forlifeof apparatus. inspections, test results. and reportforms are stored electronically aswell. Oregon Apparatus-hasprovided 24-hour emergencyca_II-up service with..a.fully stockedservice truckfor over20 years asa criticalcomponent of~service to Emergency ServiceProviderssuch fire departments and ambulance. services. 2. Quality andV1!®rkmanship 2.1 Qualifications 2.1.1. 5fae!l timeservice. employees: i. Michael. L. Thorn; 31years as EVT, 44years overail.asTech EVT .Certification a. Leve[ lFire ApparatusTechnician b. level II Fire ApparatusTechnician c. level Ili FireApparatus Technician - . d. F1 Maintenance,,inspection, & Testingof~FireApparatus 4 OAR-JUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENT ~ Page 36of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 44 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 e. f2Design & Performance Standardsof~Fite:Apparatus f: F3Fire Pumps~and Accessories . . g. F4 FireApparatus andElectrical 5.ystems h. F5 AerialFire Apparatus i. F6 Allison AutomaticTransnnisslons F7 Foam Systems ~ ~ , k. EO Maintenance, Inspecting, andTestingof Ambulances ASE Certification a. Ti. Gasoline..Engines° b. T•2Diesel Engines c. T3 DriveTrains d. T4 Brakes e. T3Suspension and Steering. f. T6 Electrical/Electronic Systems g. T7Heating, Ventilation, & AirConditioning h. T8Preventive Maintenance inspection 2. WadeThorn; i5 yea.rs ~as EVT, 22years:overall as Tech EVTCertification a. Level ! fire,.Apparatus Technician b. Leve(liFire ApparatusTechnidan. c. Level 111 FireApparatusTechnician d. F1Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing ofFireApparatus e. 1+2 Design & PerformanceStandards ofFire.Apparatus f. F3Fire Pumps and Accessories g: F4F.ire Apparatus and Electrical'Systems h. F5 Aerial Fire Apparatus i. ~6 AllisonAutomaticTranSmisstoRs j. EO Maintenance, inspecting, and~Testing of.Ambulances k. Ei Ambulance Design & Performance. Standards l: E2 AmbulanceElectrical Systems ASE Certification a. Tl~ Gasoline Engines b. T2DiesetEngines c. T3DriveTrains d. T4 Brakes e. TSSuspension and Steering 5 OARJUNE 6, 2011 AGREEMENT Page 37of ~71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 45 of 80 0 i i 0 ATTACHMENT1 f. T6 Electrical/Electr-onic Systems g. T7Heating, Ventilation, & Air Condit3onin~ h. T8 Preventive iviaintenanceInspection is A.6` Electrical/ElectronicSystems 3.. John (GerrityVanBeek;lS~Years as;EVT, 37 years overall as Tech EVTCertification . a. i_evel ifire Apparatus Technician b. Eevel Il FireApparatusTechnician c. Level illFireApparatus Technician d. Fl Maintenance, inspection, & Testing,of FireApparatus e. F2 Design & Performance Standards ofFireApparatus f. F3Fire Pumps and Accessories g. F4Fire Apparatus andElectrical Systems .. h. FS~Aerial.Fire.Apparatus I. F6 A1lison..AutomaticTransmissions " . j. EO Maintenance. iGE1 Design &.Performance Standards of~Ambulances ASECertification a. TIGasoline Engines b. T-2Diesel Engines c. T3Drive Trains d. T4Brakes e. TSSuspension andSteering f. T6 Electrical/ElectronicSystems g. T7 Heating, Ventilation,~& Air Conditioning h. T8 Preventive .MaintenanceInspection.. 4. Clent,~Wiison;,5 years as.EVT,13 years overall asTech EVTCertification . a. F1 Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire.Apparatus b. F2 :Design &~ Performanc. e~StandardsofFire Apparatus c. F3Fire Pumps andAccessories d.~.F4 FireApparatus andElectricai'Systems . e..F5Aerial Fire Apparatus f EOInspection,-Maintenance; & Testing OARJUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT 6 Page 38 of 71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 46 of 80 ATTACHMENT1 ASE Certification a. T-2 DieselEngines b. T3DriveTrains c. T4 Brakes d. TSSuspension ~ and.Steering e. T8PreventiveMaintenance Inspection f. TradeCertificates 5. Darin DeBel[e;14 yearsas EVT, 22 yearsoverall as Tech EVT Certilic~tion a. EO Maintenance. ASE Certification a. A4 Suspension andSteering b. A5i3rakes c. A6 Electrical/Electronic~Systems d. A8Engine Performance e. Trade. Cert(ficates 2.1.2. Oregon~ApparatusRepair provides,full apparatus repair, testing and inspection. Outsource work to.specialty.p~ovitlers wouldinclude: Bodyand.paint repairs, majorengine and drive train,~starteralternator'and specializedsteering andhydraulic components such: as hydrau[ic~.pump, valves, hoses andcylinder repair. 2.1:3. OregonApparatus has provided 24-hour ettiergency call-up service with a fully stocked servicetruckfor over20 years as a~criticai component ofservice to Emergency Service Provide.rs.suchflre departments andambulance services.. Average 24hour response time iswith hourof notification. 2.1:4. Averagatnrn-around time for minor.cepairs and "A" Service is same day and. annuals2 to~3-days dependfing onapparatus design. Turnaround time on repairs depend on magnitude ofrepair~and-av~aitabl[ity of parts. 2.1.5.. Eoi.tow-up.or repeat~repairs receive first priority. tf repeat isresu[t~of Oregon Apparatus supplied parts fatlure~orworkmanship, repair is atnocost: If repeat is result of an intermittent problemwith. an absence of~~repeatabilityand/or syrr~ptoms, close co-operation with customeris employed, utilizing all resources~availableto.minimize costwhile maximizing . probability of causeidentification andcorrection. 2.1.6: OregonApparatus~~isavailable 24hours~aday, 7 days a week for emergency~cal- out:todiagnose, pick-up and deliver apparatus. 2.1.7: Agreed. 7 OAR JUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 39of71 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 47 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 2.2 VlletdingAgreed. 3.. lnformatian Required... Agreed. 4. Testing ar~d Performance Requirements. Agreed. 5., Trali1111g. ~ `Agreed.. b. ServiceRequirements OregonApparatus Repair~isapproximately 17.8mites~fromSpringfield f=ire's most distant station. (Station16} OregonApparatus Repair is a closely'held corporation. Stock.is owned by MichaelL. and CoNeen M. T.hocn. OregonApparatus Service. Facility includes8,200 sq. ft. of~shop, office~and partsstorage as wetias apump testand outdoor storage area. Oregon.Apparatusemptoys'a mobile service truckstockedwith tools and spareparts as well as~two~othertrucks for tightrepair and parts•transportation, OregonApparatus stocks.$85,000'in spare parts, inctuding~.pump, valve, foam system, auxiliary system, electrical a.ndelectronic parts in additionto.tubes, fluidsandfitters. s . 7. Schedule andExpense itemization (Attachment.2}. 7.1. ®etaitedBreakdown:. 7.1.1. ShopRate: ~ $90.Q0 per hour 7.1.2. Ratesfor apparatuspick-up./ delivery~to station: $ 9Q.OO per hour 7.1..3. emergencyResponse /call-out fate: $ 90.00 per hour tes annual semi- nnuat : 90.00 er hour7:1:4. NFPA.Inspection ra { / a } $ p 7,.1.5. Parts mark-uppercentage~9~: , Spedat order: 2096; Stock3596 7.1.6. Cost to handle, outsourced ( 3"~' party} repairs: $ .0.00 7,1.7Miscellaneous othercharges ~ $ O:oO 8. Invoices. .Agreed OARJUNE 6;:2011 AGREEMENT Page 40of71 8 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 48 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 49 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 50 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 51 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 52 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 53 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 54 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 55 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 56 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 57 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 58 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 59 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 60 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 61 of 80 ATTA~iENT 1 c~~~r~ic,~~ow co~~r~~~ row ~wlc. hn r . Van. Beel. iscertified ;inthe~areas lisfied tieiow:Exptres.. Design &.~ e~ormanoe $t~adards egd`Pi~eventive 10%14/~0~'lu e aintenance~ HofFireApparatus+ diredumpsand Accessories10~7/~0~~2 Fire Apparatus ElectricalSystems 1;ORS/~0~3 Aerig1 FireApparatus 061071~0~3 Allison AatomaticTraasmssions d3/~S1~Oa3 i ., X89 ~~~ Si~hen Wilik, P1r~SHk~I u~a auut+- OARJUNE6, 2011AGREEMENT Page 54ofZ1 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 62 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 63 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 64 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 65 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 66 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 67 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 68 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 69 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 70 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 71 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 72 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 73 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 74 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 75 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 76 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 77 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 78 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 79 of 80 ATTACHMENT 1 C539 First AmendmentPage 80 of 80