HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/2012 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, April 16, 2012 at 7:03 p.m., with Council President Pishioneri presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Matthew Cox, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Mayor Lundberg was absent (excused). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council President Pishioneri. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Beta Sigma Phi 80th Anniversary Proclamation. Councilor Pishioneri read from a proclamation acknowledging the 80t' anniversary of Beta Sigma Phi. In 1932, Walter W. Ross designated the organization Beta Sigma Phi, providing that each chapter make its own rules and decisions and that the most important entity was the individual membership. The badge of the organization signified Life, Learning and Friendship by its Greek symbols. Membership in Beta Sigma Phi provided opportunities to contribute to the community, develop lifelong friendships and polish leadership skills. Councilor. President Pishioneri, on behalf of Mayor Lundberg, proclaimed April 26, 2012, the date of their Founder's Day Annual Banquet, as Beta Sigma Phi Day in honor of the organization's 80th anniversary. Ms. Shirley Collingwood came forward to accept the proclamation. 2. Springfield Library, Estela and Raul Mora Award Presentation. Library Director Rob Everett introduced this item. He introduced Hope Candrall, a retired school librarian from Woodburn, Oregon and also a regionally and nationally known figure for her work in youth literacy and with Oregon's Latino community. Last year, Ms. Candrall was awarded the highest honor of the Oregon Library Association's Children's Services Division, the Evelyn Sidley Lampman award, for her service to the children and families in her community. Former Springfield Children's Librarian Judy Harold was also a past recipient of that award. Using her passions of children and literacy, Ms. Candrall was instrumental in transforming her community by building her local El dia de los ninos/El dia de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day) from a small gathering into a collaborative event attended by hundreds, sponsored by the school district and City of Woodburn, and many other community agencies, a model Springfield's Library under the guidance of Emily Ziglinski, was starting to emulate. Ms. Candrall had served on the Estela and Raul Mora Award Committee for the last two years and was active at the national level in bringing Dia celebrations to schools and libraries across the country. She now lived in Eugene. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 2 Ms. Crandall said Pat Mora was a prominent children's author and had worked with the American Library Association and Latino Library Association to advance literacy for children of all languages and all cultures. To honor her parents, Pat Mora set up the Estela and Raul Mora Award which was given nationally to a library (school or public) that was meeting the goals for Day of the Children/Day of the Books (El dia de los ninos/El dia de los libros). When serving on the committee that chose Springfield for this award, she didn't live in Lane County. She was thrilled to be here now to make the presentation and to continue to be a part of the wonderful work the Springfield Library had started for all of the children of the Springfield area. She asked Ms. Ziglinski to come forward. Ms. Crandall read from the award: "The 2011 Estela and Raul Mora Award Presented by the Mora Family to Springfield Public Library in Recognition of its Outstanding El dia de los nnos/El dia de los libros (Day of the child/Day of the books). This Award was coordinated by REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking ". Ms. Ziglinski said the Springfield Library was thrilled to be recognized for the work they were doing for all of the members of our community. She invited the Council to attend the Library's Dia de los Ninos event scheduled on April 28 from 1:00- 4:00pm at City Hall. She provided flyers for this event. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of the March 2012, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. March 12, 2012 — Work Session b. March 19, 2012 — Work Session c. March 19, 2012 — Regular Meeting d. March 265 2012 — Work Session e. April 2, 2012 — Work Session f. April 2, 2012 — Joint Public Hearing 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Allow Construction Activities Outside the Hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the Oregon Department of Transportation to Work on the Main Street Pedestrian Crossing Project in the Vicinity of 44th Street. b. Allow Construction Activities Outside of the Hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. with Conditions, as Described in Attachment 1, for the 586 Street Flow Control Facility Project (P21046). c. Authorize the City Manager to Sign First and Third Amendment(s) with the Firm of Leahy, Van Vactor, Cox & Melendy LLC for General Counsel Services. d. Approve the Proposed Designation Agreement Between the Governments of Lane County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 3 e. Approve the Extension of the Contract with Grove, Mueller & Swank, PC for Audit Services for the City of Springfield, Springfield Economic Development Agency, Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission and Regional Fiber Consortium for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012. f. Approve Purchase of Infor- Hansen Upgrade Software and Data Migration Services for the Asset Management System Replacement Project from Infor Inc. for $211,348 and Authorize and Direct the City Manager to Execute All Documents Required to Effect the Transaction. g. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Heritage Family Restaurant, Located at 1414 Mohawk Blvd., Springfield, OR. h. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Coburg Pizza Company, Family Style Restaurant, Located at 1710 Centennial Boulevard, Springfield, OR. i. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Eirinn's Bistro, Located at 639 W. Centennial Boulevard, Springfield, OR. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH CHECK # 113210 FROM THE MARCH 2012 REIMBURSEMENTS REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED La. Check #113210 from the March 2012 Disbursements. Councilor VanGordon recused himself from this item as the check was made out to his employer United Parcel Service (UPS). IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPROVE CHECK # 113210 FROM THE MARCH 2012 REIMBURSEMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION - VANGORDON). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Recommended Funding Allocations. Housing Manager Kevin Ko presented the staff report on this item. The Springfield Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) reviewed ten proposals and prepared CDBG and HOME funding recommendations for the FY2012 -2013 program year. The recommendations were being forwarded to the City Council for consideration and approval. The CDAC's funding recommendations were consistent with Springfield's local funding priorities and identified community development needs as documented in the 2010 Eugene - Springfield Consolidated Plan. The City of Springfield would be receiving $452,523 of CDBG funds and $297,642 of HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013 (FY2012 -13). Approximately $148,893 of previously unallocated funds was also being made available. The Council Briefing Memo (Attachment 1 of the agenda packet) included details and discussion regarding the CDBG and HOME programs allocation process and the funding reductions to City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 4 CDBG and HOME programs. Complete CDBG and HOME applications were available for Council review on request. Mr. Ko noted that it had been a difficult year with reductions in funding from the Federal Government. They had received a great list of projects, some from applicants who had never applied for CDBG or HOME funds in the past. Some of the project allocations were reduced from the original requests due to a difference of about $8000 between requests and amount of funding available. He noted where the reductions were made and how the CDAC had determined the reduction amounts. Councilor Pishioneri opened the public hearing. 1. Irene Alltucker. Eugene, OR. Ms. Alltucker said she was here representing the Relief Nursery, but was speaking on behalf of the whole process. She complimented Kevin Ko and his staff. They started the process by guiding applicants in how to structure their grants. The non - profits understood the importance of everyone and the networking among them. They all knew there were less funds available, so each agency was conscious of that and realized others needed funds. They had a wonderful goal and everyone was grateful for what they received. Together they were a stronger community. She .thanked the CDAC for the recommendations. 2. Paul Lewis, 230 4t' Street, Springfield, OR Mr. Lewis said he had been the coordinator of the Lock -Out Crime Program since 1990. This program provided home security programs for citizens of Springfield, especially those that had been victimized by crime. He noted the number of people that had been helped since this program was started, many victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. He thanked the Council for their continued support and noted that without their generosity, the program wouldn't be able to thrive as they had. As Ms. Alltucker said, all who were looking for CDBG funds understood they couldn't get the larger amounts so found ways to make up the difference, such as more efficient ways to do business. He thanked the Council in advance for their continued support. Together they were a stronger community. 3. Claire Seguin, 212 Main Street, Springfield, OR Ms. Seguin served as the Executive Director for Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation ( NEDCO). She asked the Council for consideration on their request. She knew the City and staff had worked hard to make the CDBG funds go as far as possible. In their application, NEDCO had asked fora loan for $58,000 for the SPROUT Market Program. They were now asking to make that a grant rather than a loan so they could do a better job in the development of that program within their current budget constraints. Their investment in NEDCO would provide a great return and she hoped it was appropriate to come forward with this request. Councilor Moore asked if it was possible to award this as a loan, and then change it to a grant in three years with no payback. Mr. Ko said that in the past the City had done forgivable loans. The policy issue was that the applications were received in one form and decisions made on that information. The staff was willing to go back to have discussions with NEDCO to reformat the loan and also protect the City's investments. Councilor Ralston said it had been proposed one way and he wasn't comfortable changing. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 5 Mr. Ko said it was courageous for applicants to ask for loans. The CDBG funds could either be awarded as grants or loans, and those requesting loans instead of grants should be respected. He could discuss other alternatives with NEDCO. Councilor VanGordon said right now staff could work with them on a better repayment scheme. Mr. Ko said that was correct and there were options. He explained. Staff could work to meet NEDCO's financial goals. Councilor VanGordon asked if there was a difference from a program perspective. Mr. Ko said there was no regulatory difference. Councilor VanGordon said if this was left as a loan, he would like the staff to work with them to have the dollars available to work on downtown this year. He wanted to help them protect their programs. Councilor Woodrow asked what constituted a loan compared to a grant. Mr. Ko said in the past most CDBG funding had been provided as grants with certain outcome requirements, but no repayment. With a loan, the perception was that it would be repaid, although there were still performance requirements. It was left to the cities to determine how best to work out those details. The loans were interest free loans. Councilor Moore asked if the loan could be forgiven at some point in the future. Yes. Councilor Pishioneri asked if someone had thought about an incentivized program with certain criteria or benchmarks the applicant was required to meet in order to receive partial or full forgiveness on the loan. Mr. Ko said that was a possibility, but had not yet been considered. He would be happy to take that into consideration. Councilor Pishioneri said if the applicant showed results, the City could look at forgiving part or the entire loan based on the level of outcome. Councilor VanGordon said he agreed. He would like to see them work through the loan conditions with NEDCO and use it for a future model for these loans. Councilor Woodrow said she agreed. She wanted to maintain the relationship with NEDCO and the downtown. This would be a great opportunity. Councilor Ralston said he didn't realize that many of the funds were already outright grants. He was not completely opposed to them asking for a grant at this time. Councilor VanGordon asked Ms. Seguin if the benchmark situation would work well. Ms. Seguin said that would be great and they would be happy to meet that challenge. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 6 Mr. Grimaldi reviewed Council direction on the loan options. Council wanted staff to look at outlining performance incentives that would influence repayment of the loan and possibly provide partial or full forgiveness of the loan. For the SPROUT Program, they could look at ways to make it work for NEDCO. Councilor Pishioneri closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW ADOPT THE FY2012 -2013 FUNDING ALLOCATIONS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE None. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS L Correspondence from R.F. Peterson, Springfield, Oregon Regarding Sewer Fees (see attached staff response). 2. Correspondence from Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) Regarding Woodstove Replacement Program. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 11 ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments: 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Ratification of IAFF Contract for 2011 -2012. Human Resources Director Greta Utecht presented the staff report on this item. The City and IAFF #1395 had reached agreement on a one -year contract for 2011 -2012 that met Council's guidance. The City Attorney's Office updated Council on March 19'b on the progress of the bargaining. IAFF #1395 voted to ratify the contract on April 10th, 2012. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 Page 7 The contract provided each member a cash payment in lieu of a permanent salary increase, changed language with regards to military leave, and allowed a cost - neutral decoupling of their existing job classification. The City also agreed to a memorandum of understanding on a medic unit ride time incentive, with an eye toward aligning the contract with Eugene's in the shadow of the potential merger of the Springfield and Eugene fire departments in the future. Councilor Ralston confirmed that all firefighters were paramedics. He asked if all new hires would need to be both. Yes. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO RATIFY THE IAFF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR 2011 -2012. THE MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: 61111111 4 1, a