HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-5-6 :; .-/ , '''.. 5 -lo -8tJ f)'i'lSPECTlON LINE ."1726-3769 Job Address lj R, 90' &a;vw 5ff'7e~ ' ~tl r ~ . l.." v Legal Description / -; _ O~ -- ~ .,,, L( I "reA-f /-0-/ 22~,' -, ' Owner' ~~ ~ ~ 11 Address .~ 2:. ~ J4A ~ Phone .~~~ (W6(!)d ~h()\?> ') HClV~ q~ c>b~ 6: ~t~ Construction Lender CiTY OF SPRINGFiELD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT Address DESIGN TEAM (name) Primary M () fL~rl,,fA=;(C;r,\r, 1'\1"\ I C t Phone (address) D I ~+r--{L+- =#-/ q EllERGY SOVRC~ l A~ Hea t €:Ie({ ~,~.(J.1 c.w7) Water Heater~J~ ~ Range r:!!LU~ ValuE of Work: SOlhi:'!\Ot~~ Buildina Pennlit Info: Describe Work(i,e., Build Single Family Residence With Attached Garaqe) \ , ,Jill' ~IAAr!J)O .A AMi Q...... ~~. A~H;...a .. ~~j D nLI\~~~~_ "8;~\~1-, \.~~c:.\AI"'\,",1 c;~\M,,()~~A +nQ OUV'NJI\~ ... ( s\ ~ ,. V\I YIP V\. c..o'M.j::> l ~ r\. ' (lies. no.) (exoires) IN~O ~ATION LiNt 726 3753 So. Ftg. r. in IOSO ~q. Ftg. Access: Sq.ytg. Other I.J.JI(Go/I,) ~w Add A1 ter Rep. --Fence Demo Change/Use " Other -- -- v Oe, o o t~- .. .~ (ohone no.) Structural Electrical . Mechanical · CONTRACTORS . ~ . (name) ~Vt.::,I-v(jc..rm/ - ''2 U?IJ'C. (address) (lics. no.) (exoires) ?O'/fd ~tRermtiA1 R:f. ~. (ohone no. ) ,/ 1'f.1-" 8 r--~. ~ ~J.1 ,~~) .General ,~ Plumbino -' ~ l Electrical ~ ~~chani c'a 1 J 0.-4 " PLUf1B ING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FEE CHARGE NO, I FFF rHAR(.;F NO, FFF rHAR(.;F Residence of furnace/burner to V -H)50 SQ. FT. ~.ca / ~lJtln BTlI's ~<<l. Ne~ circuits alts. Floor furnace or extensions and vent tRSbJ SERVICES I Recessed wall Soace heater and vent I IO.a:J I Temporary Construction Ilo.m 'Appliance vent seoa ra te Change in existi~g I Stationary evap, residenc~ cooler I mu It ifamil y, comm. or I 3 Vent fan with ~ DO Industrial sinale duct 3." 10f I Vent system apart from amps. heatino or A.C. I COMr4 .IIND. FEEDERS I / Mechanical exhaust I,('~ hood and duct I Install/alter/relocate I '-Wood stove/heater distrib, feeders Of amps. NO. Each single fixture Re10cated building (new fix. additional) V,S.F; Residence (1 bath) . Dup,lex (1 bath) each, , Additional bath Storm Sewer I SSUANCr OF PFRrm 1D.1Jo ':)9..Sb ' TOTAL CHARGES ~.lt)1 TOTAL CHARGES 35.Q] TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE LAH REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical [1ortion of this pernit shall not be valiJ until the label has been signed by an Electrical SU[1ervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apnlication for ~ermit; and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield'and the Laws of the State of Oregon oertaining to the work described herein, and that rw OCCUPAfKY will be made of any structure without the permission of the 8uilding Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exemot the basis for exemotion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and emr>loyees who are in comoliance with ORS 7n1.055 will be used on this oroject. ""1[(p1,,,, pdot) -Ja ~ ~ /.-.e i1'Z_ SlAt"TURE ~ --/'" ~,/ FOr. OFFICE USE Oii0/' ,ij' /' .:.:. - 'J;" / So. Ftg. r1ain '''SD x ;Z~1.0 Value Sq. FtlJ. Access~31 x '1."ID Value \ DATE/2 j!fti,y 1;0 ( Zone Ie-I Tyoe/Const.~N Fi re Zone ..J.LL Bedrooms .3 Flood Plain-1J..{j Stories , , ~~V\~~8'lt37 BUILDi'NGPER~1IT I Plan Ck. Charges and __~___J~!I!f}{) 65%/Blda Surcharges ~/DJ I Plan Ck. 7'-/~ 30%/Bl do Units .:?S; "'/0. rJ/J ~18q.l./C Occy Load Occy Group e-3 Sq. Ftg. Other x Value TOTAL VALUATION ~t.:.s99. ~D Comm/Ind Per Fee Res Per Fee Systems. Development Cha rqe \1. 5%) . ~~v." '~37#UJ PLUr1BING PERMIT ______~S.OO Fence Charges and 5urcha rges I.~o D6RlO Pa..A" .C-II!. ~ 1.2.0 . ELECTRICAL PERrm ______1?DO Sidewal k /r,j, ~S" t,.37 . Cha rges and Surcha rges I.(J/) A/CPaving Total Comb. Permit c2Sl>. iJ, ) MECHANICAL PERMIT ~'f,:SO I Curb Cut IK' IIJ:O #7JI,,'i/l) I , Charges and ------ ---- TOTAL .::' ." ~:.-. " .~i"':'(~S I, I 8' ! '.' \ [ J ,J . II 1. .. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) 1. II. Applicant to furnish A. Job ,<1,ddress B. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to' Sprlngfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. example- heat/electrical' ceilin<1!or forced air qas 2. example- waterheater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project, check-new - if addition, check add, etc. ' F. Building permit information: 1: example - constrtict single family house with an attached garage 2, example - remodel existing garage into family room 3. examole - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Eiectrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occu~ in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the 'No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s)to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. ' To conserve space on the permit form the .schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedul es C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. - Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. ' Fees and Cha rges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will ,be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. IV. V. FOR OFFI CE USE QNL Y .. - PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ~;&u~~. ~Il' tJ,(L, " '"" " "- " '. PERMIT VALIDATION t I ! 1 l i t ~ 1 ~ Permi t Clerk - Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board b~cause: I .~ 4 I ,3 Additional Project Information: - -'_il">-~..........,,{I_ PLANS REVIEWED BY: , '~ -...Y:;i~''''''-L''''';;'~''''''''-'~--<U<--'''''''''''''''''''<..L''''''''''~'''''':''''O-_''L''''''''> ,""".",,~.,.......~,,,'..,._~,:~~,.:,..,.,.... name Signature~~ ~, date ~-I7- Jrl? i 4 1 ~ ~ 1 ~.,. ,'_'._~W ....,~~l:.'.f:::.'~'r...~.,;j./,.<.....,-~"','.,,,.;.:";<,~~~-.....,..-.....-.,.~.'--'""'~"'-'''''''''''.~~''' ""~-_..~-__>;;-......o..:tr""""~W~""_"""'~__~',_.~~'_'_'-"'..-.w~~n..o.""" """,,,""f",..:oo~~~..':,l;~;..;..,.~.~. .'''. 'f~' .,~:i}~~r" :.:<iJ;~:.. '. . ,_ .-!.. .. (1 :ilSPECiiO:1 U;iE ; 1.725-3763 Job Address /J R 9 () , , C/'':i.V;:L/ legal Oe'icriPt ion i --; _")_~ - : Ow-ner -("CA.)' /-o.f ~c,W ....... -""') " ^L(~, J;,t4f -#- /1 !i ~ -::' )..( -IX! ~',- (V./',)f'Jd "S\.-.. OD"" :q'j'/'''''' 0"1:-:_, -, ::1 .Adcress Construction Lender Add re 5 5 )ESIG:i TEAl' (name) PrimaryM. /J d/,?~~/c..,/" Vl r,," , I . -. .. Ci:-( OF SPRI:iGFI~LO C::~BI;IATICN APPLlC,\Tl011/PERMIT , ~ 1 I '-.-' /":>? ~.J--- '--..' . - -. -"-~~y ~C"RCC. - , ~::c.'" T....' ':-.j'''' r .Ii'~ Heat t:::lrrl.. ~~fr' dH) ~dter :ieater ~ ~~;,_; '. ~ n ~ e . -:!";.L, - [ C--....-. ?~one ~~~ !l.~' ~ - '! ... ?~on~ I~ccr,!~~l. 'G, :~~ ('of.:' r- ;:: .I C.7 :r:i..,,~~jYil/f-/\~V- i~dC'''QsCj) ..~l;{j~" '10..1 'P .. 1-E!\./ '(~... .,. VC (~I// ,5,-"t" I'~~ tn11,,~'f . . Structural Electrical ~1echanical CONTRACTORS (name) General d CL '-I ~ v ',j PlumbinQ '. i'f El ectri ca 1 . ._n ~1echa;' i ca 1 . '..~ PLUrmING NO. i Each single fixture ELECTRICAL 5 ~lo -&) . INfORJ1ATlON Uiic 726-3753 So. Ftq. i'lain J 0 5'0 :q. ::-tg. Access: Sa. Ftg. Other '13r(6M,) ~w Add Alter ~ep. --Fence Oemo ChangeJUse --Other -- -- (e.xoi res) /2;f S/.{jJ. , , (ohQne n(l ) 1rr-7- (.8 S-3. ~. ~,:3) d. rJ--j 01~ . . } //fI MECHANiCAL I I F~~ I rHARr;F l ::0. I F-~ rHAPI;C F-- ! CHARGE ~I() . . -, ~~ Residence of furnace/burner to V /11,'540 SQ. FT. ;.s.&; / m ;.A~. ,j n,..\ BTU's 0.0': I I I I I I I I ,:")5. ff') I TOTAL CHARGES :hat :!le ~l ectri ca 1 work be done by an iaDe1 has been signed by an Electrical Relocated building (new fix~ additional) , .-S. F . Residence. V" (1 ba th) Duplex (1 bath) ,I ~S,01 each J Additional bath ;O,IY) Iwater I Sewer I S to rm service Sewer I .1 I I I I I , ! . i ; TOTAL CHA~GES ..,HEilE 5i~TE L ~:I ~E':Ui:;ES sha 11 not ~e '{.] Ii j 'Jnt i i :r.e Zone e.-I ''I-N :-l:~!(;nst.. Fire lone 777 :(!'~rc~s Fiood ?1 J:n A!{) 5:or~es ?'-'..~V\<\.:..<.., Ovd;,.v_. .r~ -::: .~~'. ;:.~., F~.' J. 3UlLOl:lG ;~:)1i7 i j"'LJ I C!larjl!s JI1': ~ - - _ _ _ d..J:I]!2. ,Sure!':ar,j/!' j L/ Q; I . I. I....? I i ~S.OO; _______4..____ :;.-; I I ;\.'~"el:H; ;~:.":T (:-OJ r')t!S ,Jr.., ~urC:',J"11 S .... ::~~~r;: :(;t :r;;': ~ elld rljes ar.d 5urc:1ar.:;t!~ I1ECHAll! 0:. il[;;~: i ChcJrges 1M New cirtuits'aits. . . or extensions SERVICES I I I IlO,tn I I 13 I II I / Temporary Construction Change in existing residE;nc~ multifamily, comm. or Industrial IOf I ICOMM./IND. FEEDERS I Install/alter/relocate d is tri b. f""der<; I Of amps. I amps.1 Floor furnace and vent Recessed wali SDace heater and vent ApDliance vent seoarate Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sinale duct I 'lent system apart . heating or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Wood stove/heater from 3.10 I '1.1J~ I IL/.,~"!; I ISSUANCf OF PFRMIT ~~.t}J TOTAL CHARGES Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of Supervisor and returned to the Building Division '.-I.Systems Develoo.ment Charqe \1. 5n ~. I I i I :}ni t~ , .I i H~'iE (~;;E;l!LLr ~.(,~"l:,D :~e cOffioietea dpoiication for [Jermit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. Jnd ~ 'ur:~er (ertify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield Jnd :~e L~~~ or :he Stdte of Ore~on oertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPAliCY will be made of dny st~'Jct'Jre.I::10ut :r:e ::,,~;ssion of. the 3ui1din<] Oivision. I further certify that my registration v/ith the Builder's Board is in full .~orce JnC el'ec: JS re~uired bv ORS 701.055, that if exemot the basis for exemDtion is noted hereon, and that only succcntrac:ors Jna ~ioyeeS ~no 3re in como1iance wlth OP.S 7nl.055 will be used on this oroject. ""."("",, ,,,"t; ',J", i ~ L f 1:."2. Si'''AT"'' 9~-1 f ~4'</ 'or: :lFFICE IJSE Oi,0/ /.1 i/........ '-' ~ ~ -'. Sa. FtC). ,'1a i n I (}StJ So. Ft<]. Access ~/3! I Ct;JnQ /,yo i L_____&.OpJ Sidewalk l;;3,/':'C I' .. /, CJf) ! AIC PJvin~ ' ~~--~_d~~RI Curb Cut Iff' /'t;/'! I , (,~ (!c: :' Load ':c ::1 (;rouD 9_::;' 1;,_. ~ Ftg. Other Sq. ~!~n ~~ i; . :.:rrrn/ ~ nd ;)o~ :O~ ~ 5 ~,.' ~ j ~-:: ?\In (f.. ~es ;j/ .:> ~ 'J /'; .J i ~ "."e-; ;O~/Sl-=n :'0.. :-~~ :~~(e (.." . .3 7 ITotal 'Comb. I-~T" ! IV ilL 1/ ."'1) Ilh m.lJo ,,",?9. .,-S- ~ thi s permit \ 0lHE/2 N':..y .M- , x .;z4/,1..0 Value '1.'}lJ Value Value TOTAL VALUATION dY..5'99. ijl) x .::J.~ <pi /.'1, .').") 3 I ~q, L,lt) x PI..A~ I I- I- GK 1_ -L Permi t' I J.StJ. '" ) $7/~ltfD ~ ~~ 1. 'J'J j7.20 . -,- -; I, ) III. ~~ll~'~: :J ~.~~'s~ .&. .;.0.0 ~rl'H , 5. l~.1 Ol'scr,~;ion 1. e~4m~le- .ax Lot ICO. L3ne County Map Refer Ii Jj ..3 Z. e.amo~e- Lot 1. 3lock 3, 2nd Addition to' Sprlngrield Estates C. ~arr.e, etc. of owner and cons tructi on 1 ender . D. Energy Sources , , _ . 1. examole- heat/electrical cel1lnqlor rorced P...., 2. examole- water~eater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. examole- 1250'sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot 2. exar.101e- if new project, check new - if ad, ,...... check add, etc.. \ F. Building pennit information: , 1. examole - construct single family house wi at:ached garage . 2. examole - remodel existing garage into fam (r' 3. examole - convert single family residence restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of ~ Structural Specialty Code H. DES I GN iEA11 AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Buildi Division Staff must be able to contact appropr ~ persons regarding design information or job si \, corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Set A. Except where blank spaces occur i~ the descri~ ~... portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Sche( \< the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes to the aopropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Sch! ~.~ are available at the Building Division \. 1. To conserve space on the permit form the: ,have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not co j!<J the abbreviated schedules you should cons \~, fu 11 schedu 1 es C. BUILDING OI~ISION .STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEE CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP,. the label must electrical contractor for signature supervisor. The general contractor to sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date Whenever posslble. the initial application will t a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Divis wi 11 prepa re a type wri tten copy and return it tc tf!.' applicant at the time the actual permit is issuec ~ signature. +- Fees and Charges ' , Plan .check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees an~ charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. ( OF . ' SPRINGFIELD . I I.N-, :~~ :..::n/..!;:.~lr (~;>) 1 CITY PERt~IT VALIDATION (' City Hall, Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Wo~ks OFFICIAL RECEIPT (t (, """I!r-g OJ'iO' ( c ( p.r:) ( '. ;; ( \ (> '.. ( I ,. be del rve by his el is not au. (. ( (: (- BY ( ,. IV. ! . v. FOR OFFI CE USE ONLY" Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: / .L .A -/.- ' /t!.J) .J:~.:.1_-Z::) .'~""') f..:?. -<f-! }> ;::-:(!., ;:;: fJ' ~, C?_, , u J "".. .._ Permit. applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: . , J I 1 1 ~ Additional Project Information: ~ "! 1 1 i .,. - PLANS REVIEWED BY: name' () /! . f - ..I s i g n a t u r e. ,..A.....U~ c.~;--...4'..J'z"". ,~ date L/-/7- ,.>5r) ~r::-.-r.:~)-- IZrIn~ ~~l:"':""""'-'~P-~"~.l:i::..';':'.:~'~;:.;~_~~t~;.~~~'''''~':~nn.,- _u,___ ~--- .1:-~i.'!."~;;:,,-"~""-'"