HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-12-5 17 - '3 -'2:-;, WTl.tten Drrect:L.ons No 12TH DD..l TRS T' 33 ~ I 3L(7f-77 CoOD Job Location 3 3 49 OA L.)) Y '/I1=.J,AJ 1-.A~~ b-AMErAJ2.v\ - Rlbt+r t>E:.AbMoN.b, r~Je,? RJ) - RIf:.H-r .BALDy U/~ UJ INFORMATION SHEET ' (Y) BUilding Permit Acreage or Lot Size { I '2. B Ae:--RE:C> Partitioning 'f)(Y} J t.f-75( X:) Completed 7 Ct../'L, I () Pending APPLICANT S NAME AND ADDRESS h. RAt...) DAJ.....L BRAtu r OWN ER S NAME AND ADD R ESS If different from applicant s ~1\A..e;. CONTRACTOR S NAME AND ADDRESS ~tvtE..... Mall permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor ("/. ) Prefer to pick up Call i 4 L. - '101 I.J 7~ (owner etc ) when ready Contractors 0 S # STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPE RTY "L g e.bJ?OGl '" }\.e>U t E: 1- ""2. '-A12. (....Ar2.A'~t;. (lrt J) ~(;:u ~ FD ~rfc-6 au- (J(/A' PROPOSED USE (thIS perm,t) 'i2A ItI~"""'A.L. ",'h7@'l ~ /\ ~ * eb-~ -z.. WA TER SUPPLY 1? A. 11\.\ ~uJ - t:::x ',Tt/J '- (existing or proposed well etc If publiC name of system) SEWAGE DISPOSAl C'")(\,T' IV~ S \":.bILL Tt> --gE ~6PLAc...ED (existing or proposed septic tank etc) S I #= PLUMBINGBY NF7....("),-ItA-i?L~ _ Address ) Site FeasibIlity Study for Septic Tank Number of sites Test holes wIll be ready SubdivISion, Lot Block Phone 7%- 49'-/Z Phone Phone ( ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( * * ,. * ** ) OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE ( ) Ne~, '_~regJssary ZO N E-+-1 f..-:::::::' SE TB AC K S ) FacIlity Permit Necessary Front, Side FaCing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROADI ) Specla I Perm It Area MlrllmUm Elevation Intertor Side Yard Rear _ (FROM PROPERTY L1NESI To Planning/Building Inspector/Sanltartan/Surveyor ThiS applicant appears to have a problem With Your assistance will be appreciated By _ Permit Processing Section Response C5512 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 6874394 nlvlSlon