HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-8 ,~ ..,....~ .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PEPflIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:ngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loc~tion: ~~~~ Asoessorz Nap.# \ l} DafJ\ Ci: \ T= Lot # ()ff.,jQLo Suhd-iv-:.sicn: 'Ck'ner: ~tI -d" ~,. .-ldd:>es3: I/f-! {J, If fi., ~~57 &/LL/!fi-tv ' ~ ~, Phone: t %t .-' 1J~ IrS- > Zip: f 7 ~o...S- . Ci ty : I Descr-~be f~ork: .'Te:r.J Addi tien RemodeZ d::4~ '-UJt-JJ~. (Qg)~ 'Hoo{,Z~ ..=?cma Date of AppZicatien VaZue Conr;racr::ors Address GeneraZ PZ.wnbinq EZectrical JJ il-fj~ ~ - j (Jf./'-r<L/lu--/ 70< & .- I '-I--R..::..- . NecJ:tar.ic:z Z Const~Acti~ L~nder [,isc.rI 'I \. C) 99'45 ' .=?CC8-:':J"; .ii J $iW.'[~ lM Date: '---' \ \ -YS ~e~ E:rnir;;s Phone ,. It,is the resFOrlsibiZity of the permit hoUier to see that aZZ inopections are ~ade at theprop2r t~~~, that e~ch ~ess is ren;n~:2 from the street, and that; the Permit ca..."'Ci. is 'l....-cated at the frent' of the ?,opert;y. AEui!di~4 ~vi=io~ cpproved ;iin sr~ZZ remain on the Bu~Zding ~it$ ~t aZZ times. P.?OCEDTJPE: ::-OR INSP::CTIOl/ RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.ated job mo;;ber, request;cd a~d ~~en you ~iZZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or ~~e~s r~e aT4 phone number. ....'iZZ be made th~ same day, requests made afte;:ro 7:QO am ~zz b~ made the nat :.Jerking day. Reauir~d !ns~~ct~C~g Your Ci~d' Desigr~ted Job Numbe;:ro Is: o SI'I'~ I.vSP~C':'::]N: To be made afta!' ezcau-=ticn, ~u= prier t~ set. up of- forms. o nlSULATION/VAPO.'1 BARRE."! I.'!S?~C'!'ICN: To be made after aZZ insuZ~ti:m C1J"4 reou.ired var;or barriers are in D lace but before 'Cmy lath, gypsum beard or waZZ covering is appZied, ar4 before any inoulation is conceaZed. o UNDEPSLA3 '?D[/J.BI.'lG. 2D2C7'RII7A~ -1 /..'ECi:"Aj'iIC:"~: To oe mccie before any work. is ~cvcred. o FCOTT:lG ~ ::-O!!:IDAT:C.'l: To be =de after ;rencnes are ~cxJated ar4 ferms are erect2d~ but; prier to pourir~ ccnc~et~. o DFI'!WALL INSPECTION: Te be r.-:ade after aZZ Crj1VaU is in place, but prior to any tapir~. D, O I~SO~,Y: Stee7 Zocation, bond UND2RG,'?OIH!D ?,-U!.f'3I,VC. S:::I2.". W.1TER, . ..' ~ D2amG~ crouv~no or verticals in D..:AINAGE: .1'0 oe tr.a.ie pr.,CI' 'Co fiZ- accord.cUtce !Jith U.B.C. Section Z~r4 t;rer.cr.es. 2415. UNDE:RP:'OC.'? !':.U.'.~IYG ~ Y::CHANIC:"L: ~ WGODS7'OVG: After instaZlation is To be made prier to in~"aLLation of ccmpLet~d. /1001' insula;ion o~ decKing. ' POST AND 3EA!4: To be mace pr-ior to 0 CURB & .4.E'P.'?OACH ins=al~=icn of f100r insuZaticn or are 2re~ted but decki~. cor~rete. 0' o .4 PPO N : Aft2~ forms pl'1-0r to PCU:F'~"'4 o RCeGH ?!.:W.~E!~'/C. :'!.ECTPICAL ~ .1,fECH- AHIC.J.!..: .~/o :;or~ -~.3 ::.:> be c01..:er-ec. ~~il ;~CS8 ir~=ectiv~3 ~-V~ b~~ ma~e ar4=ppr?Ve~. FI.='~P!.A.~-::2: ~or to pic.cir.g fc.c--:..ng ma:;eriaLs ar4 before frcr.rir~ inspec- tion. o SIDE:fIALf<. & DRnrc;fIAY: For aZZ con- cret8 ?aving wi~hin st~eet right- of-~y, to be made after aZl exca- vating compZete & fOr:71 '.l:Ork d sub- base materiaZ in pZa.::e. o [] .0 !?E:~VC~: r..'her: comv lG.t8 -- Provide gat;es or movabZe' sections through P.U.E. P.~~'1I.'Ir;: Mu.st be requeoted af":ep approv.;;l of r01.<gh ;;Z=.bin4,eZectl"'~- caZ d mecrani.::al. AZl r?of~r4 bracing & chi.nncus, etc. ."~St; be , comp Ze:;cd. ,'10 ';;rK is to ;;e COrl- .. ceaZed untiZ this ir.soec::icn ras .been made and appr?ved. D JOD adircss, type 0 f in~Decticn Requests received b~fere' 7:00 ~ 3Qa4D3 I DclfDLITION OR ;~:Ov:;; 3UILDIZIGS ---, S '.. . t ~'z. I an~ ~a:t"j se'.Jer .::ap?ea a p2"op~r=:t. i:>,;a :=J ~ Septi.:: tank p~~~c and f~ZZed ~ith ~ra,el FinaZ - ~~en above items are cc~Leted d. A Z'~" - . . a~ wnen _~~c ~~~tcn ~s co:p~eJ~ or s~~~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~ses c"e~nea up. MobiZ.a Ec.7:es ~ :=J =:J BLocking aP4 Set-~p PZwr.bing connections sewer ar.d water EZectl'":caZ Connection - BZockir~, set-u? and oZumbing connections ~~st =e ~~ra~ec befo~e requesting eZec:;ricaZ ins?e~~ior. =:J ~ Ac~eSS04.~' 3uiZ.,;,-:.r.q Fi~l - Aft~r ;~r~~2s, etc. are ccmpZe=;a. ak::.ttt:.ng, deC;~3, o AlZ p~oj~ct conct=~ons, ~uc~ cs ~he ~~s=allation of. street :rGes, ~~~~a~~Qn Qj :he requireri: ?.andsccpir4, etc., :TTUSt be sa-cisfiad. oe/ore the 3UILDI.~'C :I~':A.L :-an =e l'2q".J.3St:.zd. D. !"nlAL ?LUXBI:iG D. FI....AL NECH:":IICA[, [] ?I.'1AL 2LZC':'SIC:"~ o FIdAL BUILDING: The F~nal ~u:Z~~r~_I:spection .~St; be reauested ~!;ar t;r.e :~r~Z ?Z~~bir~ Slec-cricaZ, c:nd Nec;..a~:..;c.l ~n"?l';cc...~;n;; ;tavc been .~ac!.e c.r.d :::;prcv2:::'. .---, ;~ "ALL. MA,lHCr,2S AND CLE':'.NCU'J'S .'IUST 3E ACCESSIBL::, ADJUS';,':::::T ::0 32 :,~-:';;E ,11' ::0 :::S': T'J cr::y I ;)~'-e of' 2 JO B NO. :~e: ILot Sq. F~. i~ '1. ~ i ~: ~~~ ~~er~q~ ! ,i oj ~tor-:.es '."" .... ... :J" . I.O...a:. ..at...:.:n= i - I Tcpog"t"::'?hy I 1[;'2.'1 I."'. "._~n I ':-..:::!''::C;J , , ! C'..lr:";'2": I ~Q..=-;':'J I I j I I I. i ."1c~ass~'!':J I I I I ';'Q~A!. :'A!.J.,'r S.D.C. , :"c;.u~j 1.5= Building ?er.r.i t State SUI'cn.arqe TotaL Cr.c.:oge3 11':2.'-1 , .:L -;-:.res !" .. . 1 ,..esw.mtuzv U beth) i Sc:r.i ~!"j I ;..'c:te!' I Se-..Je't' Pbmbin.g Per.r.i t State Si..U'cr..a.rge T~taZ. C'r.cr-ces 12~.\f I."!es. Sa. ft~. N~/EZtend Cir~~its I 'I'empcrCI";! Sep'.d.ce ElectricaZ ?e~t Stcte SUl'c~~~e To'!:aZ c;'.m"ces I C7'-:-\' ?'..a-r.:::ce ?'I'U' S E=hcust Hood. I Vent ."~ I ' ;.!::;odsto;;e .jj Pe~t I3sucr.ce Me=r..c.n:,c::.7.. 2ermit St::.ta Sur::h=oae ,!,f)~.~Z C}cr~q3 C::/C:.-:AC.'::,:~:/-:, !Se~~~::u DZ=-C3it I Sto't''1qe I :~a-:nt€7'.cr~e I " '~ _ crm;..., I TctaZ Crta't'~es I Curb~At / S'A Z. I t~2:J02'( ,~ I _.t:!n~e I ~Zecr;r:.c::z Z !.c.:; el : .lfobi Za H.::me P=qe 2 . L-COG~ SOL A ~ A C C E S S R E Q.- r:-c~..,c:;c.nc'".J Gr'7'.J.:J: ,'/0. I I I i ,.'iO. I I I I ;;::. I I I I II I [0 AL(d.h.j~~/ /7"OTA!; ~}!OU."lT DUE:' .'"/"'o~ ~.~::" .......... ......-- Intertor' COl'7!.er Pannal".dLe CuZ-de-sac x '1aZue C2ARGE Ch'ARG2 - CHARGE ...Cf{U) /f),O() ISau hO ~O 3/. 610 :'",;e/C::;r:sr; : 3e::f..ra"or.:s: ~ot :~CGS - J I ~na!'a!J SO!A.!''::es I 1 .'iea;; I Aecess. 1 I ;/ateY' _~. ec~~T' ! I .'?anqg I I ::-: !"eD ic.ce ,I I I Wooaoto:;e I i I 1';;r:€ ? ~. INorth E:ast SO'..th IWest 3etca~.r<s I ,'{cuse I C=c.c:e I ' i I I -..., F;Jes I, I , I I I I J · I I I I Building Va'lue & Perm i t This permit ia granted on the e=?ress ~ondition that the said, const!"~c;ion shalZ, in aZL respects, c:onfo~ to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Sprinaf':.eZd, inc!u.di.n.g the Zon~na Crd-:.nance, t'eaulc.tir:.a the ccnstr':lct~~Cr: and u~~ of buildings, and m=y cev 3usper~ed or revckec ~t cr.j tine ~;on vic- Zation of ~y pr::;visions of sa-:d CTd-:r~nces. PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISi~ed: .... , Plumbing Permit ( No, pe'z.?Or; ohaLL const'!"..lct, instaZZ, aZter or chanqe any new or e:::istin.g pZumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe o't' in part, unZess such person is the LegaZ possessor, of ~ vaLid pZumber's license, e=cept that a pe:oson may do plumbing ~ork to properp~ which is ow~ed, Zeased or operc:ted by the app~i~ cant. " I I UI * I I Electrical Permit Where State [,c;J,) requires tr.at the eZectricaL work be done by an ElectricaL Contractor, the eZectricaZ portion of this permit shaLL roOt be vaZid untiL the ZabeZ has been signed by the ELectricaZ Contractor. I l · Mechanical PermH I * I I I I I I r * I Plan Z:::c::niner l)at;a I HAVE CARE."UUY EXANINED t.1w compZ.ated c:ppZication for permit, and do hereby certify that aZZ i~fo~ation ne!'eon is true Q.l"d c:or!"ect, ard I fu.r-::her ce!''':;-:JY that any c:r.d aLL ~orl< ?er!'o~ed shaLL be do~e in ::c~or- dance :Jith the Ordin:::nces of the City of SpringfieZd, and thz L(4";3 of th3 St::zte of Oreq.::n pzrt::zining to the ~orl< descr-:bcd herein, ~.d that NO OCCU- P;'~CY :JiZZ b.a maie of any atru.cture without parm-:ssion of the 3uiZdir.g D-:- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o~Ly ~cntrectors ~~d ~L~ye~s w~oo ere in co~pZiance with CRS 701.055 wiZZ be used on this [J't'Qj2Ct .~~~~.. /)~"II~k~