HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1976-12-29 (2) ;,"!J" ,,/' \ , ...... , 1" ~ . '- - . ... ~ ,: ,~(. TRS TI ~'. ".:i .." '",-~,: -''', . ~ . JOB LOCATION ';'Y ,4:0-< "0':' ,f'- .d' PERMIT # ~t';:-;?~;'G 17 =03~2:3 TL #200 BaillY Vi ~:,f Lane, -;- ,':t ~,i LANE COUNTY PERMIT ..' : " <- ;~ :~ 'n Acreage or Lot Sizp Contractor's O.S. # 14.7 I ){ 399 I Partition i ng #, ) Completed " ;... 1 ',* CUP 76-052 APPLICANT'S NAME ANQ ADDRESS DUr\"Jard Bo.yles' Route 10 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ;:,ame A CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Same Mail permit to ( X)XApplicant ( ) Owner. (, ) Contractor. , . . , Subdivi'sion r Lot B locI< ~t- I.!' ..... ~ BO}t 269 A Eugene Oregon 97401 34:)..3722 ~'.(:, ~ '.'- ~~ ? ~"'~ , , ~: ) Prefer to pick up. Call Phonp Phonp 'Phon'" (owner, ere.) when ready. i~~ ; ~'. . STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY Radio ,Studio/Office (Change Of Occupancy BP 294-76) THIS,PERMIT IS FO'R Group Care Center ~ ~'. . # BEDROOMS # PLUMBING CONNECTIONS Ex is t j Repawr Penriit taken S.1. # BP 331-/b THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITYOF PL,UMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: XX owner of record; contract purchaser; , potential buyer; , realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and, tha,t said'o. wner is aware and approves of this ac,t, ion. I he,reby agree to COmr;QI.y with all apPlicable, C~?e s rel,ati~g to this permit. , i', " , ~9Q IJ" ("h I. ,jA~ 1 ( ~'// "'2.~ \ I \ '" "" ".1 ' Fee Paid $ -tI.,J" ~,l) ~ eCI\.. "Signature /I.. -' /'" ,_,4..#A~./;~--J..1' ./'}/'/./,/' ::'-~ Datp t \ '" ", -:"\ "\11': : ' .....'--'\'........ - , -, l ' '-. /7' .' ) NEW ADDRESS ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. ) SPECIAl::. PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: WATER SUPPLY RJ,INBOWWATER DISTRICT SEWAGE DISPOSAl :.\ .~. '. :i'f.J.'" ~:;~k:. :::~.~\ . : u's~ . ',.J. ~\ :,.;~; :.. ~~""I /ft /' ...#. /) , By: "-4"'---- ,,', ,/' '-/ /...r___ rf--"/ D~te: , /'4.- -'- ,/[ :-' . .:?:;;.' ", By:' PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By'/-I.kr.,uAA 'hA:.d;';.,.,~ ,ZONE: (~J\C~;,:"\. SETBACKS: FRONr...:,...^(\(~,.,~rDEFftfCING STREET' ': _ . \,.......J, ..-..i....... .-..:................._~ LANE-COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL'MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .', "~~-S,,"-,,;~.q~ 'i.,/iIL' ' ,) 0 <'ti "Ii 't...,..:" Gi. ''1'b' " .......,;.;""""'-:',"'" ",,,,,~..,,....,. ,", ,<_ ,i, tr", A .1', l4;IDa.te'. t-, v' ( , , ~--r;4.:.:',: .~#~, II - ,-,.It ~.l~ ~ -,. ,. . -i1 ~ Date: /2.-'?,.Z-...." I ;Date Issued: I J /.'~'7,~J < c.... ~f;j!;J _ i""~V-/i' (FROM CIL) INT. SIDE YARD REAR (FROM PIll. ~' '" SANITATION BUILDING" r::~At);.JB-r;;.. c::;' Al J...l.. .. 'L 4-' Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallolls.) '.J -, " Typ~of Cq,n~tr.uction 1 \ .... _GrQup <7 Fire Zone Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet ' C..'I2~OP c....A-[.I~I~e...Classification , . ,'! Maximum Depth Comments:. A~Pi7?-O Ur{;;.? !.~'S> ~ O:'-'i~~. Comments: .' . b " ? '/ ' _ ' ..r' ,t.r:f--'~' C. 0(;""'-')' '7 fi'J,p /f ~' r- S.P4-:~j?~-'/ .0/ YdJ#tL :..>!.J'-r:~~:iN~/'~ ,/y,C! ~'/~~'11 /" ~ " " \,r ~#/ """"j"'" / '{/7 /" "",~Lf,: " -' -1.,. ..R /...~.,,.,,:? .1 t./. ..!G/:0.:t' , .:f ' ~, '.!p /j/,/",/~ ,f,..,!- P'~' , " " " r:: ;Ac. /.t- '/ T '-t ..5 "'i~'?.,f .Jf!, C'~.......,....(? ,C' '- :-J't;;! /'f...-9 ;1;-!pd''''-'' 0,;fi7 ~ r PiS r r 1/:7 , I PHON E: 687-4394 '-..., C55-1c3 POST THIS PERMIT O~ MAIN' BUILDING AT SITE BLDG. P.ERMIT - \i)lHITE; BUILD'ING - GREEN; PLUMBING- CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COpy - WHITE , / " , ~ ~. ....'" " ,. !'. SITE I NSPECT I, ON ,H~l, ~ -'~''''1.'_l ~ ......... 4 ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / / DATE REMARKS ~~/ IV FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED / ~L/~ / REMARKS INSPECTOR I DATE INSPECTOR FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED' L/L.{ 01 SAPPROVED / / DAT~ ;;/7"';'7"7 INSPECTOR, 9tL~ 'REMARKS /7~P n-J ~A.yA~P'. .A~/. 2-1?-Z? ~ 717; /4A!r/~,,!'.:c. h~_.~~,/ e.._~_...- ~ /.,.y", -" r *,_17> 4i/--~-7? 5lco<: LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION /' ApPROVED I V I 01 SAPPROVED / REMARKS FINAL INSPECTI~ ApPROV~D / ,) DISAPPROVED / " REMARKS J/J~. ~ .'( - , I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I Dm1-t-.71.INS"CToeyL _I DATE' J(..-/ 1-77 INSPECTOR ~ v I >?-/~ 71 ( REMARKS R~ADY TO ISSUE, / / NOT ~EADY TO ISSUE / I DATE INSPECTOR .. ~ ~i~;~~~-:~l~~.,,~{ . .....,.;...'.<i ~,~ ~ ~~.......---~- i,~-f1it's";;;;- ". _ ___-'".... , t -. JIIII" .'. ;'" ~..", ' ..........., . . ....- ~.. . :,..~,. --'--'-.--:-- . _.. \~.~ ,;. t". "::::--- -~:~~j PERMIT .N'O: ~.. t. ')( ~Ii ';'-~.- '....JO j'r)~2(__1, LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: CONSTRUCTION [ , 0 Owner CIJB\r~.jDU'~ t. flj'!!;yl{ll:l NAME ~~ NAME ~m ?'.ur.\~1q?,' 111},.' t';''''1'i~OQNJ:,-;">t'1 ,-."J"rptL-..-,t(t~ tJ1~,,-~\G~~-"',' ~.,I.!~~" J.J MOBI LE HOME [ ] PLAN REVIEIJ,V [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] f1@ij~O 1 D t)0:~ 2~1:Y~ ADDRESS CITY t::..~"", r"-:>I"-, ':',)""'-1-"',"'1"" l;~~)ul.-G\.:>. v'.. \"ul.Lt.J ZIP CODE (JeT! '0 d'(~Ci,~ PHONE ; , 0 Contractor ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE O.S, Reg, # n' Range @3 Section P2:rJ Tax Lot z;@v Codp <'} c.@ ~ Census Tract ,Twr 'V\ Subdivision :~H lp(' Block tlB~ fJ1r \J~ G-J Q,Gl~(} '" " .A:creag~: Width, ,.......'/ ":;,-'\,f r ,Access to Property (R oad Na me) : ' Depth Existing Structures on Property: Rod~@ $CiJt~~1J Directions to Property - Address: 'STRUCTURE (# BEDROOMS) SQ. FT. , Ci iJYJ(:";l @~ @J~U911h'ttV ll103E OO~JJJ]'tr Sfi'bC8~ ~Gm;j~1l' A~~ ~ f~;1!!lu ~WAn@iti n.ll~j fj1;t&~tllJ~iCV/]$ ff01i: Y~m& iji!c (iliI~JEi\1BD}J)) .1 "'} ~~>![\?~fri! Y~$ ttfi:tm$~ ~i~~K r~n~'f1f.r'lFm~-mijiLlli~~1Eful~ P&:~~~-ty.',u~~tltfv~ e\~\~7E~~~ '1f~ ,~~ XPJiGllm~l~h VALUATION ',~ _".:7 ~.1:j V".. , 'SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [] SEPTIC TANK [ BUILplNG 2~..@O PLUMBINC?, 3% SURCHARGF MOBILE HOME WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW OTHER [ ] ,PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER [] OTHER [] NAME WATEF3SUPPL Y: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING [] [ ] PUBLIC [] COMMUNITY - NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL , [ ]' OTHER - SPECIFY: TOTAL g~~~<) (t1Iry .J CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MI N. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS MIN. DRAINFIELE> LIN. FT. MAX, TRENCH DEPTH INCHES STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF, CONSTRUC:rION_ ' ' ,GROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF. ~t<~\.d@:i elf (J~~('}JcPl-\fb<I;lf l~:J$t;J~I!:{.EU~J rt~(;)ti~fu $t:r:; lE\vt~U81VK~YcJ ~!mlg'fgg ~~TIMC~~iis ~,urlltiJ SETBACKS, FT. FROM CTR, OF r/W: FRONT SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PROP. LINE: SIDE INT, REAR I" ZONF AUTHORIZEP""r,),,'~, ~.,AT,'1~'~,,,~~: r,;,~v',J< /s/ ~"",.b~ .:; 4)''''Jv''>J tJ..;t -:1/('\ -*}"<I': \~~ -"ll-..i-0- BLDG, PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule all required const(uction inspections, Call 687,'4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections, All construction, shall comply with the State,Buidling Code, D,E,Q, standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the',State Plumbing Code.; All buildings require a certificate of. occupancy before being occupied, . ' (See Details on Reverse Sid~) ,:, :,"'. (POSr'THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG., AT SITE) "i,: . <;. > "I' . C55.13 j ~. LANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135'EAST'iith, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ..- ;.;. l.,~_,,_._" ..'.... 1 1"1< .\,. .;..ro SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED / REMARKS ~ ... / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR ApPROVED / FOUNDATION INSPECTION INSPECTOR REMARKS / DISAPPROVED I / DATE ApPROVED l FRAMING INSPECTION \ INSPECTOR REMARKS I DISAPPROVED / / DATE ApPROVED / LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED / REM'ARKS /' DISAPPROVED / / DATE / DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ( READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ /)// . / ' /( //.d'~~~ ,I ERf ./) "".h?/./A..Ift .J/J"'~/ L~ 11 v,~-#~- '-;r. v ',;tV .;'91/-7" (fV~ r;p~jJ44/~. '\ r~ r .~. '.~ dne 'county ..'- ....0.__. .1'" .,-~.....'.,._~ March 2, 1976 Durward L. Bojles Route 10, Box 269 A, Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: Change of Occupancy' .App li cati on No .294,.. 76 , Map: 17 -03' - 23 Tax Lot 200 - This letter covers ourinvesti'gation on February 5, 1976 of the structure at the above location by representatives of the Lane County Constructi on Permi ts and InspE;!c't:ion D,ivision and, Environmenta) Health ~ivision. The struCture is an existing one-s.tory wood frame, buil ding which "has been used as a .radio station (group F-2 occupancy, type 5-N construction, Fire Zon'e 3) faci,lity.' " The appl icant proposes to' use the exi sting,buil ding for a group care facil ity (group H-2 occupancy-) for the ,lodging and supervision of 8-1.0 boys, whose place of residence therein is dictated',15y an authorized and duly responsible governmental agency exerci slng legal restraint over the occupa~ts ~. r,' ;, Reference . _.j. . ..,:,1 State of Oregon Building Code, Section 502; any change in'the use or occupancy , ofa'bui 1 ding or strUcture requires the building to comply with the requi rements "of the code (19,73 State BuildingGode) for the new occupancy. Requirements, .', , ,Our inspection of the abo~e structure, for the proposed use; indicates the follow- ing i tern,s wi 11 be, 're~ui re'a: , . ' .'" " &~l. Every room used, 'or intended to be used by a guest for sleeping purposes, shall have at least one window or exterior door approved for emergency" exit or.rescue; Note: Where windows are provided they shall- have a net clear openable area of notlessthari 5 sq~ 'ft. with nodim,ension less than 22" and the sill height shall not be over 48" above,the finish floor. 11(?" 2. ,The struct~re shall be provided with approved particles of combustion v detectors installed in each sleeping room and in the exit system and interconnected into the manUal fire alarm. system. , f[}ll' 3. All proposedsl i ding glass doors shall have approved safety gl ass. " CONSTRUCTION PERMITS &.INSPECTION DIY! ENVIRONMENTAL MANAr-;Ery1Er---IT nEPT I 135 EAST 6TH / EUGENE, OR 97401 / ,i5031687,4065, ... ,:.. - " ", . .'" " .' " " Durward L.' Boyl es March 2,1976 'Page 2 , ,;', cl/!,.A., Thefio'or and w~lls of toilet rooms shall be finished with hard non- CAP' 'absorbent surface,of Portland cement'~ceramicti'le, or approved equal, when approved by the bUiiding official. Asphalt tile, vinyl tile, and rubber ,base are notp.ccepted for floors. ' The, finish floor material _ ' shall eX~end upward onto the walls at least 5 fnche? ' Walls, for shower,s, shcillbe finished to a height of not less than six (61) abov,e the floor. ' Mat~~ials 6the~ tha~ struc~~ral element~ used in s~chw~lls sh~ll be a typewhichis notadversly ,affected by moisture. " .rJ1rl:. Provide approved ramps at the, primary entrances ,for the physically handi capped as required by table No. 33:-A and whi chsha 11 comply with ' , ther,ecjuirements forRamps, Sectiori 330.6 (a). ' .1 /J1' One toilet !aCi,l, i(,Y 'and ~~ower ,shall comp]yw'ith 'the physically handi- ~. cappedrequlrements~(Sec. 1711 (b) ). rj;7." ";/', ,8. All rooms includlng the utili~y and toilet rooms shall have light and (YV"', ventilation as r,equired by section 130.5 (a). Provide under floor ventilation for the hew fl'oor area. ~onstructiorishal1 be of pressure tr~ated materi a 1 s. A 11 under f1 oor - V.. 9. t9P , ()~ 10. . ot;n. All exit door's shall have latching hardware of. the type having no pro- visions for locking against egress, the method of operation being obvious. , , Provide additional attic cross ventilation as required by Section 320.4 (c). All do~estic rangetor cooking equipment shall have an approved ventilating " hood,- vented to the outside of the' building. . ..,' , O~12. Electrical 'Service panels may not be locat,ed iriclosets;' Clarification All heating equipment shall be a type as tested and listed by a nationally 'recognized testing agency and must be insta.lled in full compl iance with the 'testinG, aqency' ~l istinq specifications and/or reqLii rements of the State Mechan1cal' Code., ,,' , All electrical work 'shall comply with the State electr"i.calCode. 'This office recommerids that YOU contact the ElectricalSafet~ Section of'the State Buifdinq Codes division.Oreq6n State Department of Commerce. regardinq any anticipated works ,and the acceptability of the existinq facil ity for the proposed change of occupancy. . i'.... . .. " ~, Durward L. Boyte~ March 2, 1976 Page 3' All plumbing in the existing building ,and all new plumbing proposed shall , comply with 1973 State Plumbing Codes. ' The storage arid handling of gasoline, fue'- oil, and other flammable liquids shall be in accordance with U.B.C.StandardNo. 104. Compliance with 1973 ,State Building Code requirements does not preclude ,compliance with the State Fire Marshal's, requirements. Remarks See enclosed report from Lane County Envi ronmenta 1 'H!2a lth Di vi sion, regarding, ,health and sanitation items which are required for the proposed change of ' , occupancy., ~ , I A building permit is r~quired for any modification of the existin~ building; , together with the necessary plans to show how the above items are to be completed. ' ,All new works shall comply with the 1973 State' Building Code. The building is not to be used or occupied fo~ the propo~ed use' ~ntil the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy. A "Conditional Use Perm,it" i,s required for the propos'ed use in the 'AGT Zone. ' Therefore a building permit for the proposed use could not be i~sueduntil a "Conditional Use Permit" is approved by the Lane County Planning Commission. , ' If you' have any questions 'regarding this letter, please feel free to contact this office. Our new telephone number is 687-4391~ ' ,,g.o. JOHN E. ,BOSS, Di rector., Construction Permits & Inspection Division d..~~~ " BY: JOHN S;SMEED, ,su,perVisor' , Pl ans Review Section ' , \ JSS/dlm cc. Charlie Harbaugh /Building Inspector Don Ewen, Deputy Fire Marshal Jerry Davis,' Sanitarian eRc: ~ . w' .. ~. ...,' ~., ,. y. .f' ".,.._.., <. .'... "",,' ~ March f, 1976, Durward,L.' Boyles, " , Rt. 10; Box 269-A Eugene, Oregon' 9740i. RE: Change of occupancy radio st'at:l.o~' to group care home sanitation requirements.' 17.:003-23-200. This lettetisinregard ,to the' investigation of the above referenced property by this 'office, for the purpose of converting a radio station to a group 'care home~ ' ' .. The following changes would be required for group careo, 1., 'ArE)s'idential,typedish~ashefwith' a minimum,1700 heat sani:' ti:ting cycl,eor a threecompartmertt sink shall be 'provided fordishwashingo 2. Kitc~en floor and wall material shall be smooth, washable surface. 3~ Public wai::ershal~ be provide9(Public viater is available, structu,te presemtiy' connected 1::'0 well.) . , 4. Temperature control valves shall be placed on all lavatory and shower water lines so water to these outlets will not " "0 ' exceed 110 'F.. 5., Sewage disposal system shall be enlarged and m'eet D.E.Q. requir ements. . Please ,contact this 'office if you have any que~tion. JOHN d. STONER R.S., Di~ECTOR ,ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ",~; ""-~d?.' cJ~>>l ,~"-'. .-' .17/;, .,. BY: GeraldA~Davi,sR~S. Regis.tered Sanitarian GAD: ep cc. ,John:Smeed cc. Planning DivisIon .'4 . anecounty , ' , ' , , ' , , DEPARTMENT OF COMMl:JNITY HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES I,A K,HOTTLE, 01 RECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION / 135 EAST 6TH AVENUE /", EUGENE, 'OREGQNQ7401 PHONE (503) 687,4051