HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Acceptance of Permit Project P30485, Public Improvements for Westwind Estates Subdivision AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/19/2012 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Matt Stouder/Public Works Staff Phone No: 541-736-1035 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF PERMIT PROJECT P30485; PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR WESTWIND ESTATES SUBDIVISION. ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt or reject the following resolution: A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P30485; PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR WESTWIND ESTATES SUBDIVISION. ISSUE STATEMENT: Hayden Enterprises, LLC, commonly referred to as Hayden Homes, was the developer-of-record for this project. KPFF Consulting Engineers was the project engineer and Kipco Construction was the contractor. The project work is now complete and ready for formal City Council acceptance for the City’s use, operation, maintenance and ownership. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Sidewalk Ramp Repair Agreement between Hayden Homes and the City DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: This project involved the installation of the following public improvements: • 5,995 lineal feet of storm drainage pipe, ranging from 6-inch to 30-inch in diameter • 27 stormwater manholes, 29 curb inlets and 8 catch basins • 1 stormwater water quality facilities • 6,326 lineal feet of wastewater pipe, ranging from 6-inch to 8-inch in diameter • 19 wastewater manholes • 4,522 lineal feet of local asphalt streets 28 feet and 36 feet wide • 32 street lights • Dedication of 209,590 square feet of public right-of-way KPFF Consulting Engineers and the City Engineer have inspected the work and found it to be satisfactory, with one exception: concrete cracking on sidewalk ramps in five locations. Staff has executed a separate letter agreement (see Attachment 2) to address this deficiency. Hayden Homes will correct the concrete cracking within one year from Council acceptance of project P30485. This one-year period is the standard warranty period for Permit Projects. The City will retain the developer’s Performance Bond to ensure that the developer completes the repairs, along any other deficiencies that staff may identify during the warranty period. Considering the agreements to address the deficient work, staff recommends that City Council accept the public improvements for Permit Project P30495. Additionally, the developer has satisfied its obligation of a 2006 agreement, as authorized by Council, whereby payment of $175,000, in 2010, to the City for future construction costs to extend S. 48th Street from Aster Street to Daisy Street. Staff does not have a final construction cost for this project, as it was privately engineered, built, and financed. There are no anticipated financial impacts to the City other than future maintenance responsibilities of the constructed infrastructure. RESOLUTION NO. _______ Acceptance WHEREAS, work on the improvement described below has been fully completed and has been duly inspected by the City Engineer of the City of Springfield: P30485 Public Improvements for Westwind Estates Subdivision; and WHEREAS, said work was found to be in conformance with the terms of the contract now on file in the City Recorder’s office; and, WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the City Engineer that this improvement project be accepted and permanently included in the improvement maintenance program of the City of Springfield. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1) The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby accept for future maintenance the above-described project and accepts said improvement from the contractor involved. 2) This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 2012. Adopted by a vote of ____ for and ____ against. _______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM Joseph J. Leahy DATE: January 1, 2008 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1