HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-1-22 " I~ G-G- ' ,~~~-gS- RPc.-k l-22--~S- Lcy}e County Aut~orization for: NrOtO't"/2/)/V / /J ...7)//.JF/ /~z:-/?? .0. ....", ~ 'a......... .' .,_ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl~cation/ / L-~ _ t:? ~ Perm1t # ~.~~ ~~ ,'I\JWNSHIP / 7 RANGE;:;J ,3 SJBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) 'SECTION.,;::<.3 TAX 7~27UT OF, LOT/PARCEL BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY t5?'RGsidential 0 Industrial o Commercial 0 Public, .,-, , :~Y/3 &~y'/0c-u/ ~//E J;)!Wt?hCLD. ' 7' 7-f/7? "j5";d'E-"l2';;;;o;;;R7 AI?' 5 LJ)~. ( ~/J y' ~//.f r 'I ~z77mF E/9-s/, -rtJ C;;/??EF4~/?7, LE"~T TCJ . 2,~?;{?~,q,~~~1i,r ~0 70 C1 ~y UE~. /l~\'{,",RZrV~ N--'L/~~7-Z-0/T1 ?'.JF 54r//~~m evECI<"". /77/r/l~ /CP"&:n ZVC:4J~Y "J;;;YS4# ~F STOg/ m # OF;;!)7/;/ \,ATER SUr/B~Y tff/EL?___ ~~~~~ I OI-7~~~ut///f-/{/ '- \d-//PE ~ t,7J/?,&Lr\'f 7~Z:~~:' ~;??r~ ~c!oe- . ,TELE,~~6- ' S4mPZAND~v~' ~~~.. · I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATIO "'OR PERMIT, and do hereuy ce <tify that all infonnation hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: er of record; 0 con'tract. pllr~haseri Dauthorized agent with ~vidence of authority attached. I f:.:rther certify that any and all work performed hall done in accol'dance wi th the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the .Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as'required by ORS 701.055, that if 'exempt the basis for exemptior~ is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055' will be used on this project: I HAVE READ AND '=~,;oo~/;7-r:~ 4'~' ;hz-If%. NAME (please print) 6 v'" 1. Ad. SIGNATURE DATE . ,_" ... I. .. ..11 . I I~I" . I. I~" .. ...... I........ ....~........ ... .1 J I I I, ". ..., I. . . ...' '" I .".,.., , , I.. ._ ,.... ...,.. '~I.. 1 . _. . . ~ ...., . I " ... 1 "" " I... .".. ." ....., .".'. ...... ... ~. -~HIS SECTIONCAREFULLYC' YO?(AUTHORIZATION ~AS BEEN BASED ON. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS~_~~ .\,\,\ ) " " -~ o 'I:;A'NNING/ZONING: zone.b \ , Parti hon # Parcel # Parcel Size X ;:::)t(\ "ioi.= '''",0\'' l 'LVroo' 'f'( ~ ,iOo l' io'orior -' \."p .0-4,,".r:;;)(':, f \. ~.o.~;N~s/g7~:-~l~:-- -/1"" LCd"'-,-, \1C) \. ~SP (, \~ ~ I 0~ t- r .. '"r (;) / //1/ rT D;\\ \ '\ \~ ,~/) 'Date: (~f __ ~~\ A \ rr:r-,:- / ~ .. -. j~ SANITATION: S. I. # B. P. # /tit) f~~ Installation Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Installation Gallon , Lineal Feet Maximum Depth ::~:::::riOO~ -,,:'7'~~ /.~ O~O'4~ i.tlt,. o~~~; IG,db.L rf~~ ~~'f' ~ . D.re, Ir Xi.1iF' ~ ~PLANS EXAMINATION: lJ~peJJ Group P-3 Use 1/t!P!:/~ ?/~O. CO~lENTS: ~ "'Pof.-.l24t?b /)...S~ · / , ~ I i Date: 2 .4/"~~ o ( """T AP'RDV," "' ""'Ln'''G o,,'C'''/D'''G'''' loor DRS~~~ ~.-,rl'--~ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . , ., SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION, C 14-2 'i RR4. SETBACKS A~D OTIIER ca~DITIO~S OF APPROVAL ~UST BE STRICTL, OBSERVED. VIOLATION CA~ RESULT IN REVO- CATIO~ OF TillS PERHIT, CITATIO:1 UNDER PROVISIO~S OF LAI'E COU::T,':; INFRACTIO~ ORDINA::CE, AI'D/OR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. ..HEN RE,;DY FOR INSPECTION. CALL 687-4065. A ~INI~U~I OF AT LEAST 24 1I0URS ADVA:,CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- TIO:-J REQCESTS :-HJST BE GIVE~. !-lave the followi ng informa tion ready: permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDI~G DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIO~S: 1. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a ce~tral mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-?Icor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building servi~e e~uipment, conduit, piping accessories, and other ancillary equ~pment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and bracing are in place a~d' all pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4. Lath and/or Gvpsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, ;.nterior ana-exterror~ is ~n place but before any plastering is applied and before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: TO be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building offlcial. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block Wall: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is complete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections~ 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home m~nimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swimmins Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool-rs-installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION :1AY OCCUR IF THIS PE&~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCO~PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATIO~, ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT or REQUIRED INSPECTIO~S WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permiti holder. If the construction docs not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for ~atisfactory completion w~thin a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lation of ORS 454.605 to 454,745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal From: Interior property l~ncs Edge of road rlqht-of-way Building foundation Wells. other water sources 10 ' 10' 5' . 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' '~ Septic Tank ~~ -------------------~-~~.--.-----..~.~~.w_~___~~r.~.w.r ~:~ , 0 (' /'; / 'b '6 I/] , ~,Pr , ~~j,k~~ t:4o ___@____'2-tfZ. _ ____.::;-. ~ f;4o~_ ----H-lJ.!11~q24L~-~XU---9?-u - -@--~f~-~--:/' _ __J._~2._!!____..___'__ . '~l L f"": i~,,,.. 1.J\.'O ,raurlJn~~---t.~'-(~t ~_-_@_171~ ,_ __/" ~~ JI~J -~_ ~ ~u' _j_~Iz.- ___ l~ ____@~~_ ~ 2f"~_ ~,,__ _ .__ H____ ~r"J~I/I'-fi~:~-~1&!J3u@'71,z- "'. ..~. ~b4 ~u_ - - -~-----'- ~- -- -_<;;,x~t - 1* n _ H~ n -__ _ ____ _ _ _ -:I ~z___~ UCU1~. f- --~) R.Y~_@ 17t!? _ _ . - . _ __ _ _ _ _~~__n_ ,_ _ _B7i~,~ ____ ~, ' . -' I 00 ()O. " ~ .~--_. ----- M~______O +--RJ1~.:('? ---- __,_ _,__c,_~ ,~~ __ __ _no __. ___ __ ____ _un ___ __ -,- ~-~-~-____~ .. .~- -~.~ ;~~O.;4-~ _~~~ ~ ~~::~- ,_,,-__ _h _ _ _ __.__~___:. 7 ~ ~4 ,,:;. , ! ~ Z"P!!.- i . . -- ---- ~-- -----c---- -~- ------. '----- -~.b'!:r--..GA;7tX' -~IO-u .. -- ---- _____ ____,I) / -ro .', (~~tr+f.p) ... Ji/ <--~~~~~-~HZ !!.~-\:uT _,~~ .. ,/ f~Vt ,.. f'l.aJ e.6<i ~ ~ ~ 7?>~ ~ ~I .. ruE. ~ . ,- --u- - ~- - -- _.___5ILP~!LI\o/jf --7 _ n_+~ 4~ _ _ _ ~~ ....~~- .. ~.~ ..-~ . ..~~-_ ...~._--i~~~~~-/-/~~~~ r! ann LANE COUNTY,DEPT ENV MG1, R~CEIPT ~ 15385 DATE 02148~ ,'.APPLICr~lNT CF~DN:rN, FI:t:,A.ji',!!{ ADDI:~ :~31::) :Oi:~I...DY V lEv.) L:('~NE, 'S:PI~INGFIEU), 0\, ff Ii "!~l ~': '1"1 ',) .(. ';i ~ (.) (,) {,).(: '7 ',' (.1 S'L,!1,,7,{ },\,'I'. 't/ ' '" ' . I (" '\" Y,' I 1/ UU lJ "II I I.,w..,,:', , ''',)' \:},1 "", . . ,...J I 1.,1 ..,r', ,," c, NEW IlLDC TYPE USE F: BDm"jS (i UNITS 001 STDPIES" :l~Bt:DGSO()1~ PHONE 746 <.j.I~::;(?4 OWNER NME CRONIN, FRANK. "ADDR3313 DALDYVIEW ~ANE, SPRINGFIELD, Q~ CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION . SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE ~qyS BP' OECK 240 3.50 840 ... IW UTI l..l T Y :3 ~:' '. :; 4 .~? <? 1 G ~l ~5 ,DP CARPORT ,66 17i15 1131' BP BATH 72 34.29 2468 BPPORCH .144 17.15 2469 BP ~C 15385 SUP~ 8793 PL.' :g: FIXTUF;:ES:' '5' Sl"m: ';::'1 o~.)'n;:: FT" Rp.IN: MECH . ~1.ECI"lm"lItl~:,,: I~EE fiti ,:GLJR ST tilE SU::~:CHf~'~F:G[ PCK PLAN'CHECK ~L~ 'BP PCI< Sqf~ 1'1 '. .. - "1/of . ~> 0 FT, 2:;. ()I.'. 'i ::5. 0(' II III .ht In . ..~1J.~5(1 6~5~{'. ";::3:. "1-:::; ..,,~){~ A ~~-;O .'" :~ ;.~~ ~ (:) ~:~ " :--;2 A 02 Ddn CATG: APP RA ' FP . SDS SI PC~" 8TH ISS . .' SE~iU: 1. " _ . 2 - ,"-If.:iKltt'Mrf", "ji,.:B" - -- -- - '''--'i:~T7 -eOi'tFtE:',":C-rnrnf.t'I'tt -- - ~- - -:'''ffiT-Frl.::-r~Eit~ -';-(7-,,;:-;;-'7-& -el'r --- \. ',' 1()t-/~ -7'5 U I n " too <" n~ tl ~n~ flnG ~ ,.'.?'- '~ ' '(I~~ uU~ 5: COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 15385 DATE 02148~ f~DDI:;: ::531 ~5 ElAL:DY VIEW LANE: I SF'I:nNGFIELD, ell" , un 'BLK UNITS 001 STORIES IBLDGS 001 PHONE 746 9594' ADDF~ 3313 Bf.'IU)Y VIEW U~NEJ Spr~INGFIE:I...D, 01. SQ rT UNIT COST VALUATION . F~E DAYS 240 3.50 '84~ 55 34.29 1885 ,66 17.15 1131 72 34.29 2468 '144 'I '7.15 2469 8793 FT. RAIN: In ~u~ L.ANE APPLICANT CRONIN, FRANK n ~iL~J: '17q3230000700. SUBDIV .- NEWBLDG TYPE USE R BDRHS 0 OWNER N~ECRONINJ FRANK CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION BP DECK ElP UTILITY, ~~~P tARPORT BP BATH .. B~ PORCH. BP LC 1 ~538~:> SUPF' PI... . FIXTURES: '. HECH f}fti 'iUF~ ,li l! ;;"C I( B'P F'CI( SUf~ S W,F=~ : FT . I,o.JTR: t'1ECH(.~N I C('~L FEE STt-ITE SUF~CHARGE PLAN CHECI< FEE 74. ?H) FT. 2='';.0('' 1:':L00 .4:i.; 4. :;0 7:3.13 "-:>0., :';.0 '-32.83 --2.02 65% CATG : f~PP F~A FP SDS S I PCI( OTH "I SS , SE:rW:'j \ :2~.., - ~FAK'b.N-~ -d-LJj. ~ - '- - -E:&-l':""" -G-t,)+<l,P,1.d~ T l~r)A.l~ - - ~ - .,- _T.lJ.:r~"._F";;:.I~1L.. - i....0..t~ 7...8. _c.t!~. ~ , ::.. - O~U ""I n'i 'tf ~ ,- , . rli~ , Uu... " ~~.~ , ...".", ~PH{ \J~! ~ ~.~ Fj \;I.. 11 n '1 r'. I " \ (' 'II " I," r\ I~ iD (jj ~ ~ < "C o it ~ ..., b 0- W o '1 - "~ ..., ... '" '" '" '" '! ;: o o ;;; '" ~ 5' ~ .." o 3 ',... 'I~ ~ __J LANE COUNTY FRf~NK SUBDIV USE R BDRMS'0'UNITS 001 STORIES' (.~DDR DEP1 ENV MGT RECEIPT t f5384 DATE 012285 ADDR 3313 BALDY VIEW LANE, SPRINGFIELD, OR 'L.DT' ElLK tBLDGS 001 PHONE 746 9594 \" I W: ;2 APPL.ICANT CRbNIN, TLt, 1703230000700 NEW BLDG TYPE) OJ.,JNEF;:' NME CODE ,APPL NO . f~CT ION DESCFnPT I ON BP ElF'. BP BP ;I'IB> I BP PL MECH S'UI~: PCI< SDS S(~ F'T UNIT ,COST VALUATION 1 :'i:3861~AD ::: ,FIXTur';:ES: LC ,S'1,I.lF: : . FT. WTF: : t1E~;Hf:~IN I (~AL FEE ST ATE SURCHAf.:GE, PLf'1N CHECK FEE SF:EF I~PITG: (.~PP :~: S'EQU : 1 TAKEN BY RLH , FP SDS . S I PCI< F~A 2 ") ~:.. EST. COr1PLET I ON DATE FT. 4001 I:::(.HN: 4~~ 6:;~~: OTH ISS .~ ...~) TOTAL. FEE')I;* FEE ~)() . 50 FT" ::.~ A (:)::.~ 32.B3 fj ~:; .. ::.: ~5 I' A yf\, )" , I~ iD ~ ~ ~ < "C o it ~ "" (, 0- W o !" "" .~ .' H~ . '" .... ;: o o ;;; '1 :!.~ [ CI< , ~ ~. (;.1 '-~ ~ '01 11;1 ..Iil~ ! General Land Use Application !-Lc/t)L;),#//J7ZJ- __5~EC!;z?7L a~.::t=T 'FILE NO./Y?-cFo (\ I. PROPERTY LOCATION Township /7 Range C/o Section ~:3 Tax Lot -'/Y;::; Zoning .. I "I ...1';' WI .111 I~. w~ J j j i Plot # Site Address~3L'::? Lff4Lf)ydcuJ ///1 Size S p,e~J?6r.rc:C-.f) Tax Code 1 1 I ~ j ~ 1 i . . II. IDENTIFICATION! OWNERSHIP Applicant: , Owner: 1. NameM?/JK a~//:r./V Name Addresss .3/3 ,f3~v td-/-;w~ Address CitYQ~~6r-.:..rC2.f) ZiP.77~7/City ; '/' Phone 7 ~ - 7<--\'7 L/ Phone ('/9/Z? ~ Zip .~ 2. Legal Interest Title Holder Contract Purchaser >< Lessee Other REQUEST/PROPOSAL /-10 tOL/ :.L/'Y1) ~ /.:::= )(:t..S I...L h ~ f)t..?-;J E Z-Lr /7 p Present' use gS::L..DE.#'Cc Existing Structures~/)F{-'~n tP. . - , ' I / Abutting Property Owned Map ,4~ ./?60b: ;!J/ /lY ffil2Se - I Acreage Tax Lot(s) Road Status State County Water Supply: ~, c Public ,On-site ~Jel1-ACommunity System Sewage: Public On-site Septic Community System Telephone Co. name. . name I (tye) have completed all the attached application requirements and certify that all statements are true and accurate to the - 'best of my (our) knowledge' and belief. I (we) am also authorized to submit this application' as evidenced by the signature of the owner below; Public Easement Fire Dist. name Power Company name name School Dist.' name 3. Signj/es:, ()' ,- D, ' .. ~;d1>$~'b~. n/V'/M 'm t.f:zL/15","" Agent Agent Address Date Date 4. Comments A /;'t-T"'"' ;' A / &:./-.....,,., /7 Zip /../4:7 4,el? Phone ? t:?J...I"c 1- Zz-AJ-- ~- c - 98-239 R&+ PUBLIC WORKS 'DEPARTMENT, LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION COURTHOUSE-PSB 125 E 8TH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 kme county ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTI9N. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! l . " .. . .. .".".." ..."." """" ... . Ilj-;'p~-C;cJ~;~...... ,. S B"7C/ 1 PERSON MAKING REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER j ?:/3J3 J5J;?tdctt//p/V A.l9tJJC-/ , MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS j C ,_ /I r I l ( ~/ M'ft1t:J ICY.- J " C I tv I 1 ~ ()k?r&}e71V ~7L/77 STATE ZIP CODE 71.f~ '- ?594' BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # j 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 7S~ /1::? e-.. (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) ! '.~ CITY STATE ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE # j 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER , (REQUIRED INFORMATION) HOME TELEPHONE # (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) , ~ -fio~ I? 03 ~~ TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTlON TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION ?oa TAX LOT( S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 14 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) LOT___. BLOCK i 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) -.&.k~j_ .-JtJ//~ J=eo k.1 4'.'- lf20U .j)A/dA<€ v- b 19'1'" Peck 6 -9/e-u;f/t.':(,/ I . .. ..' - 1 b DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Befll,JlJC- El1sd '/':, 6"''''''''''!1N-1vt Le..t...f <j~ ~McJl.}S ~ rlt w r/'f: C ; /1 L I ./D?;;Jl. r:/" tV 40 tV Q q/ ~ A ;95.../ 4 t:J U t;~ , 1.1f "'- 1 ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: T mE IN: OUT: IANr-l MANA@Et"lENl UIVJ<:r<lN I i?5 f. Rth fI"~ . ." -,,-,..,.~ NUI1BER DATE -; AJ Vl .. -; ,r-: . ". . '. :~. ", .;.t<,,,: . . . . . ; . 1='''~l='Nl=' np. Q7 J1n1.;'~f.I,f~' fiR7 -4061Y r \ I / I I - - ----- - --------- 1-- - J / '-.... ) /s/ -'--------------... ---- I {' !" ,,\ 1,!, . ( I~ it €l ]: !I' < ." o it ~ (.; c o '" 'C ,0: I C' " (.; -.. '" '" b: '" " ':1 I 3: o o ;; '" ~ :;. ~ ." o '3 r II:' ~ < H APPLICANT CRONIN, TL# 1703230000700 NEt~ BLDC TYPE OWNER tmE CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRI~TION BP BP BP ElF' BP 1'\ l PI.. t1ECH SUF;: PCI< PAD . L.ANE COLJ.NTY FI:<{~NK SUBDIV USE X BDF<1-1S DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT # 14785 DATE 01218~ 'ADDF: 331'3 BAL.DY V I E[JJ I...r:'.jNE, SPFn NGFIEL.D, em 'LOT BLI< #8I...DGS 001 PHONE 746 9594 o UNITS 000 ,STORIES ADDF< SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE Dr~"~~'~ = I~ iiJ o ,]: ~ < ." o . it ~ ::: FIXTURES;: SPEC USE PEI~:MT SWR: FT. WTR: t1ECHr..N I CAI... FEE 3;T {.i TE SUF;:CHAF:CE Pl...r:'.jN CHECI< FEE 'FT. RAIN: FT" L.C '14785 PADU 10.00 w o ()o w o !'!' w -.. '" /' (r'~ '" .... 4:>.: CATC: f.,PP ~:'i'lIl ' ill' -\l\ ,. . ,:. '1 AKEN BY F;:LH RA. .FP SDS SI PCI( OTH 1 I S~~I EST. CClt1PLETION Dt-ITE TClTr-:ll... F[E,)l;~E 1'::> . 0(lCI( 3: o o ;; '" ~ .5. ~ ." o ~ ~ J' I ----- _,e~~ur?"<' btL.---~~-~~ ~LT?;t.------COxJl~---- ~~~L____________ _, _._ _ u,~o ~)d2. ~it.t.. - - - ---t)(~~l,'-- __ _ _ _ _7 ~_~_ _ __ _ _npO ____ 0_ .__ _ __ _ , ~ ~x: Z4 ~~. <S I _ __ _ _ __ __ On _ J ~Lf ~ _ _ u_ __ _ _ _ _ _~ -' ---_.- . --.---- .,-- .- ---.---------.----,--'.--' - -...- - ~ - ._- -.- ,-- ---- - ---- - --_._--'----_.~ -.. - ~- ----- -.--......-- - ------ - --- _ __ _ _..0 _ _ _ _ _ 2tf.7U\)L~1 -e-d~' z..--?-___~on _1772_' ~?_ -VA~-' ___ . - 1- - n __on_._ . -- ~JPb-UM~@_ ~~1:k_ -- ~ _n. 't?~_ __ _:_______ _ ___ I -1---_ __ _ _ __Un _ M~ un __ _BP25l~ _~ __ _ _ _ ~Xt~ _ _n ___ JAz-~ ~ _ _ __~__ .._~_~_ _._ _, _ ___ __ _ __.._ -I- . -- -, -. -- - - I - -.----- - ~17?c-~--- Bo~ -Z$_~ /'3 ~ --- -.- =-===' l I 0 ~~(~~/6L- ___7 b ~ __ _ __ __ __ __ A 77... ~--~..._--- -- .- - -- _ _ __ _ L:1~ 1;:.~~, _ .__. --- 7< . _ _ _Z?d_ - . ~~Q __ ___ _____ ~ ~.--UA-~--~tt1~ _ _5 ftl,../i\.t~ _ I u. _O' j . _ , i ~&l --- f- . I I - ~ -- i - F'lA0 /42VltLV : ~~', - - -----,-- ---_._-- ----_.~-_._.._.._--.--..---~_._-------_.~----- , I ______________. .L___________ ______ _____ I i un _L __ _ _ __ . __ __, . _ _ __ I I I i - -. -- -- _0___.. nO --- .-. I ~_ 0 ._ ,_ __ _ __ __ _ - 0 __~H__ - -- --- --- - p;.1~ - ,M- - _Hm_ -- - - --r~J - - - - -- - - (JIIf~pJ - ___ ~ -.1 - I ---- -- -- --' - - +--- . ! - - - f- I I i -- - -- r I I .. .' . ~ Jilt Y/V. BOLD SLIP lane county ~ APPLICATION # 0153~85 /. LOCATION 3313 Baldy Viw Lane, Springfield Frank Cronin NAME 3313 Baldy View Ln. ADDRESS Springfield, Or. 97477. ZIP CODE .The above, application is belng held for the following reasons: 1) Provide a construction cross-section of the entire job showing sizes, materialf spacing, foundation (where applicable) and interior heights. Include type of roofing materials at all locations. Clarify how rafter ,or attic ventil- ation is achieved. 2) P'rovide. a foundation plan of. the existing structure and show what is being construct~d where foundation is needed in the new enclosures and additions. 3) Cla~ whether or not the new deck is behind the new utility or above it 4)- Clarify' and provide inforhlation showing what the framing for the new d:eck is and how it is supported at, the foundation leveL', 5)' If'the existing slab is intended for use as the new utility room f.1o()r, sho,w how "leveling "is achieved and how the wall is constructed and attached to the existing slab. 6) Provide a plan view of the uppet level, lab,eling all room as to location and. use. \ /~F' \f. ./ This appli'cation.will be held until tJ-Z-/~,,~. If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. R()l?P~ t:'ff'Gllrldn SfGNATURE ()1-11.,..R'i DATE AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 687 -4061 PHONE ( HOURS RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIV./PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / E~gene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061