HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1981-5-13 3t~r5DDRESS ~U;r~E~ V~ y~~~ ~. URRENTLY o~oPE~;;-D y ILJu....O~ 0 Commercial Dpublic "^T~O; ~~;SED 7fnoo _ ~ $ VALUE 11 OF BEDROOl1S - - I # OF StORIES V ' ~ ~ER s;y_ _ _ I \f\@-o J\..J ~~~~~~ t2r .~ ,_ __ _ ~~'S_"h:~(L / ~~ '~ 0: 0lJ~ ) f47:E~fu .OR', '''''" '"0 "'o""~ \...... . / """I(QNE'<!.O",ER " a~di~' I ! CON07if 0'"' I ~t~ t;. iO~.1thm) 1 Lit tm ~~I r?l),:~:~;~L)oO ~~t<'~, ~~:, ~ ,;,,"' "'";~, ~~,~,:t ~.~.~ t~Z,~ .~'"",! ; certify that any and all work performed shall be d~in ,accordance ".ith the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining 1 , to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made, of any structu,e without the permission, of the Building Division, I further certify i that registracion with the Builder's Board 1S 1n full force and effect as requ1red by ORS 701.055, that 1f exempt the basis for exemption 1S noted , ; ::~;;;,;;: :~:":::t, ~"~'",v~"~)~'~q.' 00 , ~ '<OJ'~O ;;2:.'" I ~ ~#<~/iC4I71iZL7 / J?jr~tj;-$ 0'A-(/~~>~~~~~-~'>~1 o Contractor , NAME (please pnnt) ) SIGNATURE ',- -/! DA'l.E 0 Agent 1,11""..'"........_,,_..~,.J~....,," 'I' ,..,,, "."".d""...~I",_"" , "''''''''''''_'''' ,.11 111_' v? CONSTR .... COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. 'r'ro\~l.s'Hi'i;' "7 'RAN03 :;ljBD1VISION~' PARTITION (if applicable) CTION/PLACEMEN1 PERMIT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APP1~catiW'1? QI Perm~t #-l)~ ~--() DTwo Copies of Plans o Two Copies of p10t Plans " " DMechanicaJ Checklist o P] umbin<J Checklist DPlal1 Check Info Sheet PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. SECTION" 23 , +2CQ 0001' 6F' LOT/PARCEL' I BLOCK G-r} Eu~bfId,{ PROPOSED."USE"OF ' I;"ROPERTY ~sidential [JIndustrial .., I" o PLANNING/ZONING: zoneArol Minimum Setbacks: CL, front ~I ,,,,,.. ~~O~DPLAIN : In flood haza;:d area? o FURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE M" SANITATION: s. 1. # Comments: ~ Installation Specifications: Partition # Parcel # Parcel Size r::::::/ rear~J CL, side ~/ interior OrllYiL, , ~ U/:)f( . ~L~ U Date:~l'-Dl Date: d -?,1-~( aD eijA D o No A1 Yes, see attached sheet. N E Date: B. P. # Installation Record Issued? [] Yes [] No Gall,on Tank Lineal Feet of Drainfield Maximum Depth of Trenches .1(/ ~~ =imt1taAPd $=~rC$ ~Cln/ d -' VU (JNJ/j ~l(/ biz am/Af/iekl dl},IMIJ (M. U.chdh/ ' , Date:3fLl2fJ1dfJ (J ~v ~PLANS EXAMINATION: Type\J-1J GroupM - , Use 51-\f)p comments:JJ.lJfE: 19J11!2E. ADDI~('U ~~S OF 34Q,b)SWL.. ('OMFL'L~.n1+\ ~~l~Elrt:~ r:oe -n-fE. klE.W 9eaJP aA-~LF~11otJ." , Date:5t15/!31 D Floodplain Fee f~.~ Subsurface Fees $ Building Fee 4D.oO $ Sewer/Storm Drain/Water $ ~.# .P})FIbrz$l Fixtures $ ~cr;.Jf~:l''': /,?' '2 .4B$ Plans ~ee 2Cc.OO$ .'/(O...(JT1 I. CoO $ Z ,D] TOTAL FEE 9'-', ~$- qn () IS FEES B:~~l)(@~eck 0 Cash " Date: 4-?~8'1 .~/' 5A;181 PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) ". DATE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON~~NTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EU;ENE, OREGON 97401 r ' . Des, criPt~ion ,,; ,- c:"lo ....... , , I UL. asP. -~ ~J{OPfS~~ TOTAL VALUATION LANE C74-194 CONSTRU~TION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed Fee/ '~.~ ~'~ ~O l(J,on ~2 JY') 9f5D State SurCharge $ (p27{)~ SEE REVERSE \ SETBACKS 'AND OTliE RCOND!T IONS OF APPRr , C !TAT ION UNDER PROVI S IONS OF LANE COUl\ MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVtO.VIOLATlON CAN -~SULT ,IN ~EVbCATlON OF' rllfs PERr~I,Ti ..:i INFRACTION ORDI N~NCE, AND/QR 9THER REMEl ALLO~IED' B'V;LAW. . \'i!Eil HEADY, fOR .INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 liOURADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTlor~ REQUEST MUST BE II CIVErr, -Have 't'he:follovllng lnfonllation ready: Permit number, job a'ddress, type of inspection. w~en it will be ready, your ~name and'\ phbne number, and any s peci a 1 di rec ti ons to site. . BUILDING nIVISION: " REOUIRliLu12l1CT10NS' '\:'" Ii- ':. /~) ,,; 1) FOUNDATION .INSPECnION: To be,made after' trenches are excavafedand'fon;s erected"and when a11"Jnateria,ls fo~ the' foundation ' ~redel i.vm-d on ,tTlejob., Wnere concrete, from a central mixing plant (colIUTIonly termed "tra'ns; t IIltx~d",)Jis to be u~erl. 1.11~ tCI'j?l's 'n~eJ n~t' be on, t~e j,~b, "., ,..' , ',' . , , 2) CONCRETE 'SLi\~ OR UNDER- FLOOR .~N.S~,[C~LON::, )0 ~e, !n~d: a ffer , a 11 \ i,p-s}l~~ ~r, \J,nder;f19os'~9\i} d, \~r)' ~,erv i c': equ i r~ent', \,\..' cO,ndUlt, plp),ng::acc,:ss9nes ap9 ~lthe~',an,cl1,lary eQll1lpmenV,ltems<are In,-p.!'acelbu~ ge.foreoa-n~'\oncrete 1S pour:ed' j I..... 0,1'. ',floor ~heat,hln.g.,l,nstalle,d,"lnc1udl:ng the sub\loo,r. .! ",' , '. '-'. ' ,,' .".. ; '...,,-f - .)\.. ' :) : 1\ 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: To be made after the_ro.of, al" f.raming,.fire blocking and ,bracingiare' in place and' all pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are comlilete and all rou.g.h~e1ectrica1 and plumbing are approved. All""" wall insulation and vapor barrier are in p.lace. ",l,.:'}:;~t,')\~)"'t~-:(:-)>j\;i,--- \.. i '~\; -t., ."} J. (\. . I I',!' . . ". . ..: ~ . . _ _ ~ . ;;""';'" -':!":"'':''lo-~'''''-i ,n .1 ~ .''''''':..........,....t''. . ',: ~. . ., '~,~ _:" ~ . r .; _ ..J ~ 4) ,hATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSP:ECTION:. To' bemage:ilfter'all lathing''and gyp's~'m board, interilor and exterior, is "i,i]'-'place but '~efore' any p'1.qst~~;i!:I('.j:s/app1J~d\qr,:b~f,qr~)ypsum bqard jqints ~n'd fasteners ar:e ta'ped and finished" "-""'c- 0' . ~. . . , ". . :0-" . ,. '..."'" . ...\ t:5)t .F,.iNAL"~I'r~SP,fC'TION: To b~i~ade,;af.terttieibuildi:~9iiS. compl#e and"~efo~e oC'cupa'i')cy.~". ':. l . r \~; '"'1, j,1 ,.....Jt } t " i . J \ t ~. ..... J ~\ '\.. ii.~' . ~ I 1 (., ,". '. t ; ,-l ~ ;.\ ~ ./ ,I _~ ,.! <, '...-/ . ,"t. j .. J. ~.. ~ .- .! \ !l . .. - :'\..,", -. y' .' ~ . "." .' . -.-; . '-. -"- 1. .....,.. f.. " ";"_" ::'_ -'" ":,, J:.'':~ t" " r\PPROV^~)REQUIRED., No ~ork sha~l be don: ?n any part of the tJui1diri~ o~ strycWre:beyqnd the.pol,n'~ indicat.eg{}n1each " succeSS1ve 1nspect10n vl1thout fust obta1nlng the appr.oval of, the' bUl,ld,l./1g1 q'fflCH1.t Such approva,l) shaH b'e glVenY'only ,., after an .i,nspection ,shall have been made of each successive,step'in,the coristruction--ils' indicated by each of the':inspections lr~q~ir~,~,~\ "''lo''~'' . . ,....I-.~ ,~",'-"""':~"~'f~"<':;''''''''')' ~: ';Lj\ ~\..l' ," '~~, ",'\1 ,",' :-- t '; , ," I ' \ I.... I { 1 ,t ' \ ,'J I d)~ . \ i ,,' , " ,.l _J ).. ,1. ,.' ".. " .h~,I.~'I'" NGTE,t;:JA'l}':bui1'ding phmffs,...vequirel 'inspe~tions'~fo'r'th'~-\~orK' authorized, such as but'not)imned\to: ,,' /", l- .' ).,,: ~4 :B.L.0C,~ WAL<)~O jbe \Ilfa~e after(~~i"nfPh-,!0g /~ ir ~lla.t;~but{lie;~or,e a-nyj<qu'(:/s ~ou~~l-:;Tt1i;s)~~si~i'{t;]~ i~ ':'~~ ., _..11') j '1 ~qu)'retd f,orJ,ea,8h. bo,nd beam. pour! (:rhereJ'wi,lhbe no approval"untirthe';/p1unibfng andelectricalinspecti,ons ' , ,_,have been{made,and ~'pproved, ....' '. v, " ' ~ . . . - .- B', ,.WOOD,STOVE,: To be made after completion oJ masonry (if 'applicqblel and',wh~n ,i'ristallation is comolete. ,Install,ation shall be inac<iirdan,c~ wHhan.a-pproved nation-alii rec'ognized testing agency. and the manu-' . "factur!?r' s instal1ati,o.n instructions." , " ',~ , , ,', : _, ~.-' , C. .JIJQB,l~ ~OMt)"'i^;';:'i'~~~':Ct'\O~):i'sjh~~Yr~d ,'~fte~}'ih';(~o~ile fioml ils.'can~e[tedtt~";at}bdr~red.!e~er or septic ......,J, system/for: ,setbac'k r~quirements, blOCKing, foqting connection, tiedowns,l...?Kirting, and plumbing connecti ons ,,~ ' - "" ... , ,. ,', ," "~.... I((l'd ~tit'i/l~ and piers to comply wit"h State four"dat;~/~eqUirements fo~ mobi1~ ho-;{es 0-;': as r~cornmen~ied _.., by the manufaCturer., , '., , . (2) 'Mdb'f1e'home minimumfiriish' floor elevation shall be'cer,tif}ed when required by,a floodplain management letter. ,! '..' \ . ,~ ': ' ,.,;':~ :(~.i. t10bi'le home',ti.~downs, when required, and skirting sha'~J."~' fnstalled and ready for' ;'nspection' , "II. within qt lea:~~',30 days :after occupancy: Tiedowns"an~',.~~\iJ:t~ng shall 'b.e i~s~a~ l:d per'enc1osure. , ," r ',' r:\ . i' .}) " j 1", 'I iI, i ('; .' " , ,D. S~mMING .POOL:. Below grade when steel i,S in' p1'ace..an'd before con'crete....is poufed. Above grade when poo,l , ~. .,. t ,', d ' , , . (I" i ,-1 S. '~~, :~:' \,'e 'j' " t. " . . . ' , , .. " ,"~.,:., '- '..JAPPROVEDzhANSIMUSif BE ON T.HE JOB SITE AT"ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THis PERMI'rWILL EXPIRE IF ~JORK DOES N()T,jEG,IN , :,; WITHIN l'SO'DAV;Si' OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED, OR ABANDONED FOR ~;ORE,THliN lS0 DAYS. SUSPENSION,OR REVOCATION'Mi\Yo~CUR IJf,~T/IIS ,.J(~Np.E~UT'WAS 'ISSUED ON THE BASIS_,OF INCQtlPLETE OR ERRONEOUS 'INFORMATI9N., .;, . .. ',;' ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ~JllL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK .....~. , /, " SUBSURFACE A~D ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ., ;.. '., '(lj)ermits sha'll,be effective f9r on~,year from the date of issuance. . L,. ~ ('2). Upon completing the c6~struction for whichapennit- has been issued.. 'th~ p'ennj~ ho1d~r.s~al1 notify.the , lJepartllient"by submitting the installation record fonn. The Department shall 1nspect ~he lfonstruc.tlOn ~o determine if it comp1ies'with the rules contained in tnis divtsj9n. ,If the co,nst~uctlondo:s comply vllth such rules, the Department shall issue a 'c'err'ifi,cate of satisfactory c?mpletion to ..the .PE!r~nt holder. If ~he constl,uction dQes not comply with such rules, the Departme.nt sha}l notlfy th,e .per~lt holder:an?: s~~1,1...cequ1r:e: 'sat i s'factory camp 1 et i on before i ssui ng the cert ifi cate. Fan,ure to meet the requ1 rements fo~ satl sf~cto~~ ' campl et i on with i na ' ;,ea.,sonaQl eti me cons t itub{s a vi 01 a t i orLOf O~.s 454,605 to 454.7..45' and ,th] s .ru1.~', '. .' ,"j' . '. - .....".' :.;-...: ~ . " . . " S~t5ack'~>...'Sub'surface ,SEiwaQe,.ois,po,sal " '., ::,:. ',.~: . ". l . '." '.,' " " ."Sertic:,Tank ;: [rom: ,"(riterior' property',lines' i' ". 10' ", ,',,: ",:.E,dg'e'cof roa'd right-of-way 10' \_.. ~:,:. CU).] d,i ng found a ti on 5 " .. ""Well,s,;. other water sources, 50! ,,,. . ,l . ~ ~.. -'.~ , ". .\'" ...; .~. '. ".','{ .f>' ..!. , Dra'l11f i e 1 d:" ,', "lOl . , 10' ; "10' 100' \ ::'. ...;:~ \~~; ....,. :.,. j ~': 1,.. >. ~ .1' ....,...:...'. .~ , \, r'" [ '. t 't::"' '. (..... ...,~ _ ) _J, _...C; .\ t~.. ."~^,,,._,, ''I' :.).i ". };,.~.-; ~ -:. .... _,:,::2\,,;( :~:~ "" ',' "", j';;.,,:\\ ",. ':1' ~~ "'., "t-.~~ ~~ (:_~~,'i >~. -J" " , .. ';1211'ij~ :(~I::~pi~i . ~.,..; .', . .~ ~ >\'~, ~~:~~ ::'. ". :.:~: .:'~ . .. .l' ,'), ~ " , ,:, .',''::'.;1~) _:~. , "~ ."..' ~ .. ," .\. :'. -.-.: .~.-~_. :....~ ~ "'. , ,\'- .,'1 '; -.j ..' -;..,~ ',I.; . :,..- "- .~ -. -~ . ~ . ,~..~'. ,j_.~;~ . , .....- .~ ." . "-:w . ::- , '..i :~, 1 , " (,~ >;~;. :' , _... ' ..I, , , " \ . ( ~ .,....:-., . ~ ....;.,.. " . \..' ....":... . '.... .. ' ~. Cl," ~"', ' .' .~ . ~. .:~~~-":' ~~ :~~.. , I , '..' - " ,- --' Date To: D ,~ D [f]~ [-]'; -- .'j' lliJ , ' 4-27-8/ \ FL60DPLAIN MANAGEMENT Management/125 East 8th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 687-4357 . - By !--I.LA .,.,.~.F,.:j Department of Environmental ~ Permit Processi~g o Pl anning ': o Pub 1 i c l~orks Permit No. 8'7Z-$ ( Partition No. Subdivision No. Applicant Name Address of site U'iZ w A 12 i:> L..8o 'r't. <=i.S 64 I S .BAt:.- D 7" ~ F(..&.J t:-,(.J , SFD AG r~. H. ADD. COMM. -SIb/=> Approximate flood hazard study area, extra precautions may be appropriate to' assure that the ~uilding site will be reasonably safe from flooding. " ' Detail flood hazard study area. Mobile home tiedmvns required. Substantial improvement. Site in regulatory floodway channel, building prohibited unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of proposed development will not 'increase the base flood at any point. I BASE FLOOD ELEVATION +11 = 435. 5" I (r1SL). Cet~tification at or above this elevation required as checked belolt,.. D OTHER *~********************************************~**~*************************************************** [21' CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION / ~' ........... rgJ o D D D I, 3: OJ -0 , a Registered Professional in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify to Lane County, that the following elevation represents a survey made by me or under my supervision. . . 7p,P i,Or ~ u.)!)LL ' The founda t lOn e 1 evatl on ~-l.r.tG-1-l:ld-l'ng-b'a'S"ement-s-l-a'B'). = The ground elevation that structure will be placed, on = The fit~st floor elevation = I (MSL). The elevation of thetbp of floodproofing = Other -.....\ I I (r~SL). C5 I' (~1SL). ~ ! ~ W I (MSL)., Reference Bench Mark No. Location ---l Si,gnature . Date " SEAL r- Original to be certified and returned to Lane County Floodplain Management, '1st copy with application/inspection 2nd copy to applicant 3rd copy to Floodplain Management ~ ) ," 'I lane county -,. ~-;... -....if. BOLD LIP APPLICATION # <87Z.-ol______ LOCATION :341 c:; f'SALDY \}re.w lA1 _bIJI2WAPD PnYt...ES NAME pA-1 r:=; BALDY V r r=.'^-1 Ll\1 . ADDRESS Eu6FJJe:..Oe..., 97401 I I ZIP CODE The above app 1 i ca ti on, is berg pel d for the fa 11 owi ng reason S : Se€ A\lA~~~f2E.\l{8JJ ...' . ~ (?J I ,'l': I , 'c" t' -::k v~ 5/5/81 ~j~~u~oQ. GCAel F1cATIOx.t) DATE . It:: f::EQ{)lJzeD ' 057- 40 fa / OFFICE HOURS PHONE This application will be held until :5~~C?~1 . If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Building fees paid for permits cancelled under these circumstances will be prorated accordin~ to ,the work that has taken place as of the date of cancellation. .R€TIJW Tt-\\ 5 HoLD ~~ Wfm 5VBfvlr I iALS TO EeCiEPTfOf..t 1ST: ' , '. " BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT.' ., " 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 ' / (503)687-4061 ... PLANS REVIEW PElmlT /\Pf"LIU\TION rw,_B.le::8L...:..' . MAILED: -5L'~ I ~'AP: t1-0~-Z37w6 ~1AILED TO: DV2JJJAJ?..1;L,&YLE.S , PROJECT NAME: Sl::lQ.e-$_~~_ ________________~__ DATE RECEIVED: .e.ht{B1 PLANS BY: ~~_CD-'-_______~,____.__________..u____.._ EXM1INED BY: ~'rJ..!-rE:. mm1J~-CIA"S ~ I F I CAli 'ON Bui lding Use: 4~.5!f-.st~..---,---------.-,-____ NE\~ BLDG.~ ADrJITlON 0 AL TERATION 0 Construction Type: ,V-}J _ Occupancy Group: ~...8...z.. Fire Zone: " Ground Floor Area: _~ Stories!Fcct l /In' Occupant Load: 7 Side Yards: Bl Sprinklers: _Special Inspection: P[AN"S-~tVll\rcORRECTIO~nlST Addit i ona 1 Fees: {)IJ~JJOfAJl.l NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL ALL THE' FOLLOWING ITEMS HAVE BEEN RESOLVED: The proposed structure exceeds the maximum area permitted for an M-l Occupancy. Either 350 square feet are requi~ed to be deleted from the structure or the structure must comply with B Occupancy requirements. B Occupancy Requirements 1. Provide one-hour fire-resistive walls for the wall 8.5' from the house and 8' from the property line. Each of these walls shall have a minimum 30'1 high parapet. [Table No. 5-A & Sec. 1709(b)J, 2. Doors, in the above walls, shall be 3/4 hour labeled assemblies and windows or other openings shall be 1/4" wired glass held in place with steel glazing angles. [Table No. 5-A & Sec. 4306J . 3. Due to the parapet walls, the roof shall be revised to drain around (not through) the parapet. [Table No.5-A] 4. Provide a one-hour occupancy separation between the carport and the rest of the building. [Table No. 5-8J General Requirements 5. Provide the manufacturer's truss design. [Sec.302(b)] 6. Detail the installation of the 4xlO outriggers. [Sec. 302(b)] 7. Provide a foundation which extends 6" above grade. [Sec. 2907 (a)J 8. The pla~s do not show any heating system. The specific~tions are for a heated building. Specify and locate the source of heat. [Sec. 302 (b)J 9. The specifications appear to cover work not shown on the plans or permit. Delete all specifications not applicable to this project. [Sec. 302(b)] Submit two sets of revised plans incorporatillg the applicable items noted above. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIVISION/PLANS REVIEW SECTION/l~~^~. ,Q!b\A~~~/s~G~NE, OREGON '1 :. { " i r : :.1 If v - - ~ -~-- -.- -~ -~- - -~~ ----- -.- - -~- ~ --- --...- , , \.--~, ~.... i .j, LANE COUNTY DePT ENV MGT RECEIPT APPLICANT BOYLES, DURWARD ADDR 3415 BALDY VIEW .rl_:~ 1703230000200 SlJBD:[V !',.) [t.,l E(LDG T\'Pt:: 'GtlF: US.'E F: f'..1C) E-:DF:i",iS ()() NO UNITS ,'00'1 ,CODE APPL NO' ACTIONDFSCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT ", .'3F' S'HOP .:::,';;;'1 9" ~50 ' DP CARPORT f:;P r:p F:F' ~ ~~J72~~J1 I)A.I'E: 0424~~~ LN, EUGENE, GREGON LOT EiLl<. "',10 S.'TCJ.F: ~[ES j\)C) hi... DC;S' ()O 'i COST VALUATION FEE DAY~ {:i::.:::'li? .:.'. c:"z I..}... ....1 :::; :. "i () :..:~ ~::; :::::; .-:':~ BP I.:; F:. L.C :::::",:')U1' j\)EI;.JF;: r I! 1./ ~:j '"1 ..:.;1 :::;::~~ ... 00 PI... 'NO. FIXTURES': l....~ C).~ C () ~"'.J ("'~ E: C: T (j F: S' : i ~:;:;, 00 EtlCH .... !",jECH ,:-:"UF;: PCI< rriECHr::,N.I Ctll... F'EE ,ST{:ITE SUF:CHt,F,:GE PL,(:'ii',,) CHEC:I< FEE -4 :.~~ ~? ... ()f; ~:) (.) ~.~;.; :::.:~(':') ... (-)() i::" I:> I, .i, ~,I . ...... .... .... 1'1 !.:.l t. I.:} t:..: -,' [:(1 T G : tlPP F:j::'i FF> 'I EST. ,':';.'DS s: r F'CI< O'fH .. 'J' -:'1.;'1 J. I.:' :.:. :S.I E: C~ 1.J : () ur (.; 1< E: (.J E: Y' C: f:.:i D C:DMPLET IOi\) D(:'i'T'E - _n _ . d. . (.) :) (:) .;;; :~:~ "1 'r () 'f f:~.i L FEE.)(,,)!: /' (? () ~ () ;::; I f3;' , '! ""I,I CK .....: .\ .' .-:..:. .1 i5;:i, t;; "j- , ..."'ii'" ~.j . :" ;:v il. '" t '.~ t... t~ . L - -':1 \ ;V-l . .. -" r-.. I (}-j'u/"l .: . ".....J j I \ ;.,. v (.:.':1 , \ l_" I ~p-,-- I ,QLt\ I. I -') b"- f' ,) \{\ . --". .- .-.- . "~IP'" , ]"*0 , \-:: ilJT \ :~\l~ ~ .I;;;~ ,5;~~ . ~ 1 ,,)~~:~j '1T I~'I 1; T ..:~::\ " l ~~ '4 0'(") _/ "'~ -.~' :/1 "\ . 7Il I t ~, .. ... . ',' ,.'" ':J...'{ ('- -:1 'u.J - ....' I, ;:,., \\ ---1r--. ". ~,,,,~'1'1"'" ............~t.. . CJOZ =tt ~ 2 --<c. C) -2.( ~~~~'.1.~;""~"" I I ! i .tt i '(< I ,~ , ., : ',J I : U\ ~ --------- ~/ --- / j -\ -----...- -o---~- -- '.. ---------,-.. :~) i .v \ . .",,' '; ,'.-;-';"~ .....--.- !-- , , 1 / / " i. I 1 I .~".- 3 ~ ~ --.J ,~t \-- \~--_.... i~\=: (\ , ) \1:\ t II \--~ 3 ~l - -, '[- , -- -". -- --,- - ~,,' -.-,-8..1i!'"_'"...,........~'~t<LJ.i#}'.~...,..J. ":1';';; '!~;)~ " " \~ -.' 1('~-;i_l'~1