HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-10-5 vuJ 10 (e;' Lane County Authorization ~or: ~ I-hGCUlli)t./x~ 1~fdt TOWNSHIP'17 RANG EO 3 SEC'I~~r~ TAX ?~OUT OF SJBDIVIS~ot-TIO(-)f nPliJa:l~~ .... LOT(l)CEL QfK =~~6RE~VUw 'j'), dJ" . 'q, A 'CITY ;T W~~i(gt~~~<:t~YTh~ "TION"S TO~ ejd1tf- -tb ~~ ~&-m \'0y 1A ~ Q<<o- ~~d.rm-to/~~vt&0 ' ( " 0~~Pt'ON OF fR~ WO-E(: ~~C;=IC q. ~^ _ _ _0; ~ .' /."'1. DECLARED $ VALUE . r101ar VI.CK). ~<.LlQJl....> r.J~K(}\..lifYY1 ' ~-0l oLptmO\uY'l")( 'ulJl.., ~-OF r\~Ra_ L # OF r\::aS , # t~r~YEES ~ Sl7Jh.n U 1 R ~~~~~~~: O;,NBR'S NAME AND AD. DRESS k \ ~- ) 6.,' J. ' ~,=ew:, ZSm TELEPHONE .rUM 3ER OW1r,y}wri- (~J. CS .;;Jf1~ . a'>t.n., - ~~(Yl) ~~o:rAMr%~\ 1I _ 0* _ J1 ,'. ' . ELE ONE_~ ,\-'Vw?;;t{1; ~~ L.) )il.~~2>lL-' _E OUlM'E"~ . __ ~ LkJrT~ , I ~mVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, and do hereby certify th~l information hereon is true and correct, and that I !have the following legal interest in the property: []owner of record; []contract purchaseri~authorized agent with evidence of authority attached a ~I f~rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon ;pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wili be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I fur- other certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701a055 will be use? on this project a I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. '~ A FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APpl~catio~r7 C-~ C?--::::? Perm~t # /.'/0 /~O U o Two Copies of Plans o Three Copies of Plot Plans o Mech/Plumbing ,Checklist o Legal Interest Document o plan Check Info Sheet ZIP PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~eside_ntial 0 Industrial o Commercial D Public, "'.. J . C?a..r~ w. Ceok NAME (please print) x 14 ttMA ~... ~ I .SIGNATURE /0 ...S" S~ DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS~ o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone Minimum se:b~ CL, front ~ COMHENTS: -NO- A:J.pL' c.1O. J Partition # Parcel # Parcel Size o FLOODPLAIN: In flood hazard area? 0 No 0 Yes, SEE ATTACHED SHEET. CL, side _ ) ptamru'Yl() (lCberrt> )l O~ I II aiJ Date:C101tJbp~ ~$QD Date: r-l inte:t;ior rear Installation Specifications: Gallon Tank ,Lineal Feet of Drainfield Installation Record Issued? 0 Ye~ 0 No Maximum Depth of Trenches o SANITATION: S. 1. # B. P. # CO~Il'lENTS : PLANS EXAMINATION: COMMENTS: ~r-:9 Type --\l-~ f>LAJJ~ n ~se SOt.AIt. Flot.- WA\ ~ +hr, 5y~ T, Fdl f2}><:?V L r2ED uJ'5Pez;r7 O~ Date: ~ Group M- \ . . 0ate:47,/Pn o TOTAL VALUATION $ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Description ~ ~ VttJtlLOin)lJ ~~~~ Sq _ Ft. Fixed Fee"! Unit Cost Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees DEQ Surcharge .,..,. I'~ c:?( 6--- h/J...!E - .___r/'" ? r CJ0 - V- -.? f /-('1 ..5- r - TOTAL FEE $$ / ~3. ~ ~~ DATE $ $ $ $ $ $ Building fee H2ch/Plmbg Fee plans Check Fee State Surcharge $ 'EeM'T "'RO"'O "' ""LO"G O",C'AL/DC"G",E (", ,~ ~ LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION ~ " ", /. " .., ........ ,.. ..,....' .:" ,... . I;'{". "'I t,......:.. :,., ~ l~~ 1 '1,1 i;' ,II ,) .... "\"" ~- ,.'~ 'I I' _ '. .. .~,- ~ ' "':' .. '::;.r"'_". ,.~' ,.';:r ,I " " ',"<old " ~'..ft.-: I r ; ..~.\~~r.~\ SETBACKS 'AND OT'HER CONDITIONS OF !APPR0:tA'p. MUST ,BE STRICTLY OBSERVED'. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN, REVO- ! CATioN OF ',THISPERMI.T,;, ,Cf.TATION UNDER':}PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY:S, ]NFRACTION,ORDINANCE,' AND/OR OTHER "REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW,.,\ ,,,_,:;,:',::~', ~;. i,/:.. ....~'"(L.:_!_,.,~ _ _ " >'," " , :~, '~;;, ,\-,..' , , . ~'I. . .:_' ~. .)' ..".; , . '. ;>xIIENREADY J:;OR., mS~,EC,Tio~; ::CA:~r;6 8':'7.,::'4 6 6 5 :.~' A Mr'N'iMUM 6P';AT':LEAST,' 24' H'olfRS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC..". TION . RE;QUESTS MlJS'l;, BE GTV:EN. l:Iave the:foTlowing: i,nforma tion 'ready:' permi triumber, job address,' type oC'i'risp'ec~'iOri/ 'when.;.l.t' ;w~it..be ready.".yhu~_na~e~~nd;ph,one~,numb'er"uand any sPE?cial.directi9I')-s. to site., _, .'. ;~~ ,...~. rj . ":,."~'" ~--.,~ \-., A" BQJ;,l.!DJm:; D:ry:.rSI,ON: ," "..:;;.., L ~)-" \~ ,. ,,.J ...-'.:,' __ ,,,-'.,,. .'.' . ':-, ~,',';' , '"\-r:,.~'~r, ~. ......." .'.. ,..; ._ ~,~;.!t.,. . ~ L:,.... 'i~R~QYIREDtIN'SPECT:pNS.:. ':'l".r~,_ ""." ,"';<' ._,"',,1, ":". ., :t;--:/;;'::.,,<.',;{ ,';., ':," 1. Fo0.nda'tion Inspection: To be made aftertrenche's are excavated and' .forms er~ected a,nd' when all; ,ma.terici1s fbr.the.f.oundation ar~' deliver,~d~oi1 the J'otJ.; \wnereconcr~te',irorrl a"central mixing'i 'p.lan'F (commonly Eermed'...t:rari.~itmixed..) is'Yo ?e'usEid, 'maferlals"ne~d 'noE J:)'e~' 6nthe j'o~:' - .'. :';-':'("1 .1,_,~. \ , '.,., ,~:\.;. "',; ,~_. < .:,,:, i I",,' ,..' ",.." .;" '. " ',' ,. ~' .': . " 2:.. . Concrete."Slab .or Under-F.loorInspectlon :,' .To be, ma'de..,a-fter,'.all ,in-s1!ab ,or under-;.f loor" buildi.ng service equipment ,siondui t, piping. acces,sod,es, ~ndr othe_r. anci,llary . equiprnen t items are' in' place but before ,'a'ny 'concre.t"E! ,'is PC?up~d,or f16o'r' sheathing ins:talle.d" ~ in'cluding:.tne ;subf16or., >:''';''~'..1. '\-~ ........., '-".:;--'.:':.:":~-' t':-" ,..;.'- ..-.-... -,:_-= . '--',":. 1'-'-'. .. .'.. t'. - :....,. -;-....;-.-._."...;~.. ~. ','_., ,,'~ -1"1..,_ 3. Framing A: In.sula tion: :,Inspec,ti.ol).s:: To, be made, a,fter\~he;'roof " ail ,\.r~mirig "fire' .J:ilo'c;:king; and bracing areiin place:: a'nd allj"pipes, fi'replaces,,' chimneys, 'and vents,:a're..,cqmplete9I).d iall rougJ:i ele,ctrical ~and7ptUriibi~ng ai:-e.'appioved/;"'~if;'wail,in?l.i[atlon ,and vapor"~'~r'rier'~'a.'re in plac~~-.;'",',":'" _'f -'-:1' "I.'~._." .',' ~ ~ t. ~ r' .. ,.., ; ',: .'~ I~; '. .',. , '. .....', - "_~ '.. L. Lath and/or Gy.psum 'Board I,n'spe'c,tion: ',To be,made a.fteiJ all' la'thing .and, gypsum .board, in.teiior--, aZ\d. exterior, ,is. in place b,ut before any pla'sterin,g'is'- applied and before.' gyps'\im 'board j'61ri.ts" ' and fastener's 'ar;e' taped ~and f'ini..shed. , ~ "', i,<' . {.. " , ..',; _....,-...~.." I~~.'":-::;,.'t .,...... ." ~..: _--:.."...,i r.,' '_.;.._::___.J~_~~;,~-.;.; ;-- !'+",;: .. -' I ~.~ "~"iJ I 1 ,:~+.. . .y 5.. F ina(~Inspectidn ~.' . To' be. ma,de"Ci,fter: 'the btipd~ng:is, yolt)plet:e~ 'a~d; l5efdre oGcupancy>.' ; . ' ,~,. :;_r:~l.~' _ _~_ ._........,...~ .':"..._ ",_. "t .,'. "'__../..t... ___~:. ,~..:...~."..,..~ "--~'\..;.; ~ }.;.." :,~_~. _ f~ " ;Aj?PROVAL fREa-UIRED'. 'No work 'shall J;>e done on' any pa,rt of the building 'dr's truc'ture"beyond the' point' '..~. indicated, in ,each succesSl veinspect"ion 'wi thou t firs't ,obtaining' t)1e approval" ,of; ,the;bui lding official. Such approval,' shall ;,be' given. .only, af ter an" inspec.j;;ion 'sha'll ,have been made' of 'eac}r:g'uccessive:s'tep in, the constru,ction ,as, ;ipCiica t~!:,! J;>y.e'ach, ,of the ' insp.ections required. ' , " ,,' , , 'NOTE:. ....All buildingpermi'ts require."inspections', for:' the work, .authorized" 'such as but not limited 'to :', ~~, ino.c:k;,warl;' "-:TO; b~':made;'afte\ ."i'ei'nforcing ,ii/ 'i,n" pl';"~e, ,but;,befor~ ariy'~'rou't-..is p~ure'd.' ,., T'his' " il!:?pe.;::~ion~i"i" 1;'equired 'for~achj)6nd beam:,pour.. The're ,wilibe 'i-lO approvai',until,thep,lumbing. . ~ an<;i'. electr ical inspe~tioris .have,. be'en'_made. and .approve,d. ,. "~ .!~.').. 'wl, t_, ... . ~ ~:,". :: '., "" - . . . '. . ".. . '. . ' . '-:" '. ~ . B.. Wood ,Stove: To qe made after. cOl)lpletion of ,maso,nry (if applicable) arid when installation is ','., . complete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing 1 ,,';ag,~,~gy and tl~e ma,~u~c:.t.1!-u!r:~p' ,iJ1sta)''l,Jti:911),I:U'!truGt;ions.. , .' " _ .: '''\' ~:,~'_. ' "." . ,. <3 .' - '1 ',',< J '.' ," "-' ,~, , C. Mobile Home: ..: An..inspection is, r,equired".after the mobfle, ,home is .connected"to, an app'r,ovefl,.. sewer, 'ot, 'septic' .sy,stern 'for ,setback' requirernen 1:5, blocking ~ footin'9,conhectiofl,' t:i'edowns"," skirt!1.ng ",' and '.P~ U.mbing corinec.tiorisV';,'. ,', ' " ' ~: ,:;' , ,., ~ ..... : ..' 1.' :';,1:, f, ' .,:':.< 1. , Footing,s 'and piers to comply with State founsiation requirements ,foJ;':.mobile h,om~s or. C!-,s re90~erided~y the man~facturer. .2.. "', Mobile home' mi:nimum finish. 'floor e1'e:vati~n, sliall. be certifie,q.~wl:lE=n req\.n.red ~y a ',:f lood- ' . ,'pl.ain, T03.nCl;gelt)ert- ;letter. !. \; ~i"""~, '"' ,. ", " , _' 3. .-:MOb:il"e':"hbin~L-Ete-dbwns, '~hert r~quir'ed; and .f~hrti'ng' sha""iJ: 'be:""jn~~ta;ll:d'-a~[ld~ ~~ady-"<'for'~'inspec- tion witl}in at least 30 ,days after 6ccupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed" ""!'~" 0',. .'per..enclo$ure:.-:-;"...' '''' ' ,....:.I..J?,.,_~,...s;il1l111ing, Rool,:~. .Below' gr'ade when steel ,is in"place', and before concre,te is poured. Abovegrade whe~ pool is, inst~lled. ' ' . .1 '" , . __ ._4-. ...... . < . ' t "I~ ~; .. ~ ,APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB' SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING ,WORKING HOURS; THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS,' OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED, OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPEiNSION'T~R REVOCATION' MAY OCCUR IF' THIS PERMIT yvASISSUED ON THE BASIS' OF INCOMPLET,E OR E~RONE0:f!S.. ' 'INFORMAT+ON,!.""~ ",c'''-''''''''''.,. ..,' '..,. .',.., " ANYONE PROCEEDING~:PAST'THE POINT or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. :.,,'''. " ..J ',." 1.(<', , . ".' t, ,," r. }- 't_.'';'' ,t'< ," , t,:.. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE ~EWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1.. Pe~mits s'hall"be:,'effective forone',ye03.~ from the'dateof issuance. 2 . Qpon. completing, the construc.tfon for. which.a: permit. has ,been issued, the" permit holder shall notify the'L~ne County Department of Planning arid'CommunityDevelopment by submitting the ,installa tion: record, forin. . .The".Department .,shal.L.inspect,the cons,truction to determine .if' it. .. n".'"" ".c:qmpli~~;?Hh t~~ :qlles. cont':lined ,in thi~ ~iytrion. ,.I~ the con9~~ty=:tio~ doe~ cOI1)ply :w~ th such ': 'J" f "-,' 'rul,a,s',:,th\'l";.oepar:tment. sha'l,l~lssue .a, ,certlfliCateofsat~sfactorY"'cbmplet~on to the perm~'trholdeI:'., . If the construction does ..not .comply, wi th s,uch ,rules., .the ,DeRartment shall. notify the permit holder ~ a)}d shall requir~_ i,'sat,'is'fac.t'ory .oomptetiop' bef.ore:'{s~u'ing. .the.' cerd,fic~'te: :c' Failure fo' meet the'requiremehts for satisfactory completiol! within a reasonable time constitutes a viq- .lation, of....ORS...4,54. 605 ,to .4,54'..745 and ,this rule. ' , . ", 'If"' .... .. Se tbaci<'s..'~\\:?'tJbsur:;face Sewage Di sposa 1 -;' '"-" ':.' ~..- '~..". -. .,. . ,," ".... ' r' "', . ~, , ,Septic .Tank ..::. '..;,.,:,Drainfield .. ;,." From: Interior property ~ines Edge of, road right=-of:::way Building\.:fP,und~:tion' .;; , Wells,. other water sourc,es.". '..; ',~ .', ,.':- " " '\ ,:}~ :.,; .~, . ,5 I, 50' ., "'~"~~I;i~: 10' 100' " ':... , _J __ .., .- J. '.; ..r .~-: \ ;i ).:,.....r. , ' f .'1 \:'\ ;:.f::Y' \' , . ".,:,~;~~:,..>.r:'..:-,~ .-:' .' . "'r{'~)i~ 't_~)~ ~.' l- F . ~ 14-25 ., .. ,.\':t ", :...t ',! ,~. . <.., .\.... .\ -- --1,', ".i . , :,'" ,"-"",.t' . (\c, .'", . j .... ; " "'f .' ~: ~:~' '. ' , ,:z,\\. ',~ " :-: ~ .." :-'\':\ '\ ~t. " ;" ....~~~\ . ./' :, .~. '. . ...' -;..~, ,-'-- ; J I,t. .. ~ .... ' \. 1,~ -: ~. '! '. ~: ," \?<~~~ "~-:i,} 'L, ,J" ,'.; :.... .....Ii: / It: ;l':t ::~:.o: ~ .,,' '; ~ ,,' t.'l ','1... ..' ~, ,:.r I ';:;:.,.~(~."._,.' 1 > ._; _if .. , ,-' , ~ .' '.I..;.-:.~~),;..-~.;~} .~. '~".'-...'.~' , '1. "~to J ..{.. :-.: .': , .: ~ ;;:'~ :: .'~. ? i, J. .~ a I (; 'I ';' 11 I ~ (I /, ~ Ii ~I " 'I ,1 -- , , , ; ;' . f 1t1 , . ' LANE COUNTYDEPT ENV,MGT RECEIPT I 175783 DATE 10058~ It ~PPLICANT COOK, GARY ADDR 3415 BALDY VIEW, SPRIN~FIELD, ORE -, rL:l:: 1'703230000200 SUBD I V . ' LOT BLK ~EW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS 00t StORIES IBLDGS 001 PHONE 747 7400 ,OWNER NME ADDR ::CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS ,:cp E,1P (I 0 I BF' i.W BP BP LC 175783 RAL 25.00 ~L NO. FIXTURES: -12 NO. CONNECTORS: 15.~0 EACH - 60:00 : I f1~CH MECHAN I CAL. FEE ~ '\.'UR STATE SURCHARGE .4% 3.40 ': r'CK J PL.AN CHECK FEE 65% 55 . :;f~5 " I',' :-'1 ..' -. ~ \ ',' I ":ATG: APP SEQU: (:) TAKEN BY RL.H RA FP SDS SI PCK 1 OTH ISS '") ... 22 EST. COMPLETION DATE TOTAL FEE** 1 43. 6~5 CK Ii ]J '~l . /' . .' PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET Idne county COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! .. J ~ 1 ! 3 ~ Solar Concepts, Inc. PERSON MAKING REQUEST 211 West 6th MAILING ADDRESS BOYLES, DURWARD (Doc) PROPERTY OWNER r 3415 Baldy View Lane MAILING ADDRESS, Springfield, Oregon 97477 E ug e n, e ,Or ego n CITY STATE 345-0208 BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 97401 ZIP CODE CITY STATE ZI P CODE HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 747-7400 HOME TELEPHONE # , 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS SAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) : 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) TOWNSH IP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR'. PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES '4 SUBDIVrSION (if applicable) ,5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) LOT BLOCK I nsta 1,1 i ng S~~cxP~S+ar hot water system. .12 Co I lectors Oraindown Orainback , \ ; ; 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Belt Line East to Game Farm Road, North then east on Game J (See enclosed schematic) , ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** I 1 Farm to Baldy View Lane. ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: NUMBER DATE -l ^' (.f) ,. -l ,~ TIME IN: OUT: lane county BUILDING AND SANITATION SOLAR SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS CHECK LIST Applicant: . O""-':Y'\N o..y .1 g () "\ \ \: S Site Address: ]y \ ~ g,^-\d~ v \~W ~ e Application Number: 17J57 -83 Installer: .s ~ \ G-. Y' LOl-"\ <: (0," S I 1-1 c:. . I'L CJ Number of collectors (absorbtion, evaporative, solar panels, etc.) ,4d~-eJ - vlS-e -<:><.\5+....." {JVl.'-o..(:J Number of pumps (any pump used to convey any heat transfer fluid or potable water) o Number of tanks (any solar heated storage tank, drain down or drain back tank or expansion tank) ( Total number of components) THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE ISSUED 1. A floor plan locating the new and/or eki~tlhg sto~age tanks. Identify the space in which it is installed by name. .., ,', ' . ; ( 2. A framing plan of the roof, showing the size, spacing and spans of the roof support system. 3. Installation details of the partei support: ~hchorage; connections and bracing system. 4. The maximum surface temperature of the panel: 5. A schematic diagram of the proposed piping system, showing all gate, check and pressure valves, location of air vents, location of pumps and location of any other components of the system. PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING & SANITATION DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING/125 E. 8TH AVE/EUGENE, OR. 97401/PHONE 687~4061 .' . J)A ta tCt- 28 ~ '8~ Hue i\\.ywc.:..r~ ' ~V'-I It'S Mclr... 'JL/l ~ 8o...\d.'1 VI;\..-) L:u,,,- e.. , . . C1ty/Stat.e/Z1p s pnhc.,{'t; IJ. 0.1Z.. Phone 7 if 7 7.4' 0 .0 .47t./77 I , 0 l.u ,I,.,.) C'-!": oJ ' . [] o'-{I t' .s . , tho owner of the &Dove .11,... propclrt~, hereby Authorize SOLAR COIlCU'1'S, IMC. to ~t in my bllhAlf a. my Authorized agent for the pm-po.e of obtain- ing 4 building peJ:1Dit for the propexot)' de.criPed above. Sign8CI. / it4A~;';I!r.$r-~- "jr80r SOLJ,I-1 ,4\:hit~e- 29 September 1983 Ref: Boyles Residence/Pool Collector System 3415 Baldy View Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 2 x 4 P. E. Trusses @ 24" O.c. with shake roof on skip sheathing spanning 22'-0". Collectors (Sunburst APC48) weigh 1.36 psf. This additional load is acceptable on existing roof. Major concern will be with wind uplift. From UBC 2311: 80 mph wind speed, Ce = 1.2, Cq = 1.6 outward, qs = 17 psf, 1=1.0. Therefore, p = (1.2) (1.6) (17) (1.0) = 32.64 psf upward Subtract weight of collector: 32.64 - 1.36 = 31.28 psf net uplift. :f 30.11 sq ft per collector x 31.28 psf = 942 Ibs total uplift. 942 divided by 4 connectors per collector = 236 per connector. Assume connector into 3/4" skip sheathing: :~~ = 314 lbs each inch. 3/8" diameter lag screw will resist 314 lbs Per inch penetration. USE 3/8" LAG SCREWS MIN 3/4" PENETRATION INTO SKIP SHEATHING AT (4) POINTS PER ,COLLECTOR TO RESIST WIND UPLIFT LOAD. ~~\iD Ale. ~ ~ ~ WIlliAM A. RANDALL ~ Q;Will~ Q'ltAdtU · EUGENE, OREGON .. ~ ~ r;-t OF ~~\.~ ~.. ", 211 West Sixth Avenue · Eugene, Oregon 97401 · 344-3332