HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-9-8 , "," u:;.,:,.!;s;.:,>, ....~ .-:-:". ~' .,; '~".~'i""":'Y;::~'>""'\"::.'~""'i.%'~,r~~:;:Z:.J:f~1~~':'~'" : .. ','.:'n:;:1t:?;.t'i'.' ,'. ':,',-,. ';;'l;'.~""~~~:"';":'CITY"OF'S' IN'' GF' m'tD" <O"'REG'ON' : ,',":.:':-'-:'" '.>',:" ~~\(~"{/Jl~~~,:~'/~"';., .,;..,,~~~,. _:~ ....,... ....;;:..;. :..,:.,.,.'.J",""~'. ,. " ,.~~}1:.~:): ~:. ::~:" ,:..:.,J:."")j....::-... . ..........:; "';:]t::'U"~".{!o;',~' .~ . '''~~'UiC' ;I:i~";;.:;.; . '\.-, ,.,~".". ...."J.'4'..~~'.r.'. -;~ ':'. ~.~:~ ":. ~~~.. . , '. 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PII:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-368..9 ELECTRICAL fEJUtfIT APPLICATION City Job Number l~:~.()()\~9. Date C\.~,t)3 l.~\IO~\f=~t\~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION \<b01..~ m\\f) JOB DESCRIPTION ~, Permits are non-t not started within 0 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days, ~:;!.':~":~~.!.":J."':' ~1~J."':;:~',~,,,.'~,~':~,, ,:';: - ".f-~ ":"''':~ 2, ~pONJ10.c:TOJ~ I1i$T"A{4ATIONpNLYl: iJi"~""..""",1A..). ~ .J.5;-. ~.". ..:,. ."...~> '. ~ HI;"', ...1,...........-1.. ..,~">J;,~.. U/~ ferable a~ expire if work is ;. . ,..-:,...~.~~...' ~".. ':~'.".. ;.f.l',;-',J ..... -,.......... ...,;::~.'''',-''\.........:rol...r:... 3, 'COMPLETE. FEESC;HE.DULEBELOWl'::,::.,;,j)~'i,~,;~:'i~;,\ '. ... . . ......., ,. .' "" _, ~ ......~'-r;......;1\4'...:,..;i\;.. "-,' ~.' ..0 ',;.., t;;;v....-,..; .....r:"i.}.;~....,;J.~'~."C~.>i.~...T'i.':;~.: A, Ne,w ~eslden!'al- S~ngle ~~.Mulll-Fanii~y,~er ~)V,~~~~m!'l.~]';:. Service Included 1000 sq, ft. or less Each additional 500 sq, ft' or portion thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder S 1 06,00 S 19.00 S50,oo ~ ":."~:-W~,:,...J;::",~' .~.: ,;oj,: ,.': ,;,'~:?rf;:::~,1-'I:'':.''Z~''',..\i ....4:iltR:.;.~~:t<n:'i'.~o::':t1?~r::... B. ~~;~~~~?rX~~.~~~~~t~!l!A.~~I:~e~.~~,te~1~W~~~~1~~~~1 Electrical Contractor The Murohv Harris CompanyOOAmpsorless 20 I Amps to 400 Amps Address 149 9th street 401 Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 Amps City Sprinqfield Phone 736-1292 OveriOOOAmpsIVolts Reconnect Only S 63,00 S 75,00 S125.00 S163,00 S375.00 S 50,00 , 4. ~UBTbTAif6F~Ot'~ . \Ab 1i'A......."'~...,J_-'--~ " I ~l~t '1\'..0\ 7%S~Sun:harge ': '.:::,::, ,,~,';.', UYA \r() ~,/).J l00/;AdministrativeFee . . :~J.~i;:~~,t-:i' 0JV\ TOTAL /.,.', "<'~.,';<.::r.:'rtjcl;, ""---A~\lDn:tA:.....FormsIEI"'~ i'.: ~._:... : .4)'~S'''IJ~$..~~~~~~-' O)....UI.......~.;,~ g!,,;4I_.-gUIU",r" """ '. ~-.A.r....,."',~ . . : ~:: '.. ,; ':':,:., ""'/~----~~' Supervisor License Number 4094S Expiration Date 1 0/1 /04 " .' , Constr, Contr, Number 20-474 C . Expiration Date 1 0/1 /04 Signa~ture OfSuperVlS~' ing Ele;trician , . '.' . , ~ '"" ' . . -~ \ =j)o~~ City. . Phone~ OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on ~..~_:, I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent Owners Signature: Inspection Request: '726-3769 c. ~~~Wi~'T~=~~~~~ Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less S 50.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps S 69.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps Sloo,OO, ,; , . Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see UB" above.' :~.~ ~:': D. ffiini'ii~lTc'11Hs~~~ ~-.-"" --....... \ ~.~ New Alteralion or Extension Per Panel . ,... ,'.. l}\ ", ' One Circuit $ 43,00 . Each Additional Circuit or with . <- Service or Feeder Permit S 3,00 r'~'IIl"l>'."""~~""'~''''''''''e::.,,,,,>-~-'~._'~ E. ~~te>>J!it9~(~~c~ree~~~1t!~dei:l)~ ~w~atio . Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergylResidential Limited Energy/Commercial S 50.00 S 50,00 S 25,00 S 45,00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspeclion Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges , ':.- 1"1l.JI.7-C:::;:lI-':::\::,.lt:J..J .1c:::.t:J( ,....1:11/1:11 . . '. +- - - - - - - - - Entity/Address/License : LICENSE NUMBER: 20-474C : ENTITY NAME: THE MURPHY HARRIS COMPANY ADDRESS ONE: PO BOX 7632 ADDRESS TWO: CI.TY: TELEPHONE: ~;ECTION CODE: . LICENSE TYPE: -J:. LICENSE STATUS: :VALIDATION DATE: ENDORSEMENTS: EMP.LOYERS: RECIpROCAL LIC: CCB NO: 142410 AB EXAM DATE: EXAM DATE: : COMMENTS: INACTIVE FROM 7/14/03 TO 8/29/03 ~ 5S=4094S : CC HOURS TAKEN: 0 : CR HOURS TAKEN: 0 : NSF CHECK RISK: Screen - - - - - - _ - + EUGENE (541) 736-7292 PRINT EL ENTITY TYPE: DBA C - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ACTIVE ISSUE DATE: 09/16/02 09/16/02 VALIDATION NO: 0137354 COUNTY: LANE STATE: OR ZIPCODE: 97401- DATE: 09/23/02 PRINT FLAG (Y/N): N FIRST LICENSED: 11/08/01 EXPIRATION DATE: 10/01/03 AMOUNT PAID: 5125.00 CERTIFICATION LEVEL: START: END: SOPERVSR SIGN DATE: EXAM SCORE: DUE TO LACK OF 55: CC HOURScREQUIRED: CR HOURS REQUIRED: MULTI EMPLOYER? o o SENT TO PHOTO 10: LAST RENEWAL SENT: 08/09/03 LAST UPDATE: 08/29/03 - DAVI +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + : Window: Enter :Sv :SoftKeys: : Collector +------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------: :Ed Off: FILTER: : :Oaviscl :August 29, 2003 : Level 1: TRUE copy OF ~~~Z~~g CODES DIVISION LICENSE ~OR~ BY..!" ~_~ ~~ OATE ~\ '1. TOTAL p, al CCB#14241O ... . . @ The Murphy Harris Company PHONE (541) 736-1292 FAX (541) 736-1273 P,O, Box 7632 Eugene, OR. 97401 Building Codes Division Issue Date: 09t:t9/20Q1. Expire Date: .10101/2004 . License No:', . 'IW94S . :"':. ~;! I . General $up~~r :;, .:~~';.'.:: '.- . GEISLER STEVEN R 37026 HILLSCR RD "Al' . SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478 :':Cf" / ~ ~ . ~I. ..~ ~;"'> o~ . . : SCOFIELD ELECTRIC Co Fax:5416868696 ** Transml~ Conf.Repor~ ** P.1 Jul 14 2003 12:46 Fax/Phone Number Start I Time pagelResult 14.12:461 0'29~ 1 I 0 K Note Mode 15033782322 NORMAL JUL-14-2003 09: ~e P.1il2 -. ..... ..J '. .' , , Signing Supervisor Registration Dtpa"mtnl of Consumer -'. Business SePiccs B..lldb.t C"'os DI.isiott. 153$ e.lt...Ilc, _, S."'.... OP. Mailill& ~s: P.O. 80' 14470. Sale.... OR. 97)(w ()U., "J'I~I:lO)m8-2J2;1;''I'T~I58~7;!..13Sa '-'. '. -..-. ",,,,w.ORgonbccl.org "-.--- -- - - - :'\'" . . .'. :::'.:; '.', .',. l(n;"'lrHI~(;.SIl;;\I\I;"I,.j'l.I(\I~(!"..::-. .' ','. '.. . ' '"~''' ..":: I. lhe undersipc4. .u 01' . ...ill ""rw~1 I.....' IdItOl <Please check ope): a Li""",ed genon' ,..pervi.... elecmcian o Limiled journeyman 'ign elcclrician a Limued t:ftt:rgy eleclrician fo, leo_, ......) CompanyaddreSi: Cit>lSl:&lelZIP: Compa", licc:nse no.: Phone: I ) I ...ill sIgn all label Bppljca,ion.s and counlt:nign all'*ls. As supervisor. I ",ill be n:sponsibJe for ensuring thll all eleclriCllI inslallllions mc:t:, minimum melY Slandard$ and Iha' all slOCh inslBno.ions ..,i11 be mode in compliance "'nh ORS 479.510.,'"0. Signalure: _ Qualifyine signer's "cen", no,: . ~.k', ,'; " '0 '.:., .;, '. - ;..~~ ," ':' ~:I<L~.li.:,\J:'\(i.,.'I' ;,\1:\<: -~'JI'I.:I(\.I\111~",,', ' " :> ". :;' ,. _ ';:~'" ;';;- ,,-;';:. :,:: Joe... &-s..l..: -'L- {nmae) tho. undcniplld, as of ~" . /) ~ ICloccl . wiU lIor be signinS 'or ~ Y'1v...l.,.. J.J.-..~ Company address: f () ~ ){ Ci'yIS.lletZlP: ~ , t:)i!., Crt) , . (a:tntp'lI) "'1""0') ?c, :3 Z 77'lo 1 Pbone: ( :f\j 7 ) 7.7J.. -/292- _ " <(' Company );eens ~ .Slgnacure' .J!;i~..cL ~-') Q"ilifying signer's license no.: rJ{,t.. Il " . . . , J~~-14-2003 09:40 P,02 I), , , \. .... o. " . . Signing Supervisor Registration Depamnenl of Consumer & Business Scoiccs Bulldlnz: Cedes D/Yisiou . 1 $35 Sdge..arcr NW, Salcm. OR Mailing address: P.O. 80x 14410. Salern. OR 97309 (503) 37)-1268. F..: (503) 378.2322, TTY: (503) 373-13$8 .....w.o~&onbcd.org . . < " '., ,., 1(1,'1,'1'1""'<' ~1l'i\'I~I' SI"'I'I'\'I<;O!I", ,,'., :"..,':' ". '7".,',' .1, ." ." . ...,^ _ I '\,' + _" "" ',....: ,,'_...\.' ",: I, (lIO..e) the undersigned. as of . ",iIISCM " (Please check one): (dlle) o Licensed general supcl\lisor electrician Q Limited journeyman sign electrician' Q Limited energy electrician 'f'Ot" . -.' -.... -...1__ - - . __ _... (Co"I""1.a...) Company addreu: City/StarelZlP: Company liceftSC no.: PIlone: ( ) I will sign all label applications and counlCrsign all labels. As supervisor, I will be responsible for ensuring Ihat all eleclrical installalions mcer minimum sarety standanls and Ihat all such installa,ions ...iII be made in compliance ...ilh ORS 479,510-.850. Signalure: Qualifying signer's license no.: . ; '.', '.,,'. ..,., :" 'IO'~I('''I:'\(''',''n",(, 'S(II'H(\'ISOI(1 :" '-..' " ....: ~.'~ . .,' ',"'1;' +' .,' .:' .' -"..-.,......... ,. . I . ".. :. " I:, .'.: \ .'. . _' , . ~ ~. ~A' /, ~'~ \ . .l(~" O~ Joe:- ~s..l.: ...lL- l.....) rhe undersigned. IS o( "7 - / 'I- t) .::!> (elo..) , wil/ 110/ be signing (or Ik- YJ1"..l.-1 J.kn.,~ (",r) loolllptny .orne) CompiJ1Y address: P (') ao X 7" J Z Cil)'/SI8IclZlP: ~~I'~ /JR." 77'10 { , , , . Complny liczns no' ~.~~ V"f - ./ Signature' ':P_ ~AJ . Phone: { S'I ] '}':?J. -/2'1'2- Qualifying signer's license no,: '1bb'l. c::. o Employer nOlified Oate: By (inlhals) Comment: l~lWJ . MO-U~" C'IOVCOM\ TOTI'l. I'.ca;>