HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-9-8 P~"..-n.::,.~~-v:I.~:':;: " jr;:'S'....::":.,.:l"'A~.t.:;::-.~7_~,,~~..;tr5;1!'i'~~~":'--;-;...... '....r.~;;.:";~-?!i"'-.:'.~.-::-,l-7.:.:;!.":1:L~. " '~:i ';~ "C,''; ':"~';"Cm'OF' g' INGFlELU; :OREGON ;,:,t ~."'/:'. ...~..;; ":"~~:.'::'~,'~~::'{/.~'::"., .l:".\~!!'.'.~': ,........, ,,":Y";.:".fo,,~.'J.~~.:, ..,'.' .,"r':..~~.::"~.) ':'.:.';~.~~' 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCATION p\ 17 . "",", City Job Number 0~~.D()~fJ Date ,,\,~ VJ .. ,''- ...' . . ~- . " ' .. . 1. . .LOCAT1;ON OF INST~TI~ ~ ..:.. 3. ,..~ \\~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION \~l)7ffi?J4 OO\Oq JOB DESCRIPTION per~:~~ra~s . e~ is not started within 180 ys of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. n;;;J.~-~!'''':f.,...,Pt~;- ...; ~~.---.;-.;:.r,;,':''',:~'' :-.\,.-,~_. <'~'\f I1CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY,: 2. ~;~~:';~~\...'~'~:'-.A, .,,:.:.........~,_ 11'J:..J..~~;..}~~~;. ~._.r"':;';':.~.' t:.:;.,,";' ;' .~ ~~-:,..' ...-...'... .,.;~.,.'.,. ;.(.(......,.t. ". ....'..... ..,..yr.....:<$'J~~.:r,.~f.''' .C.OMP~ETIi.FEES9IEPULE.BELOW~,'.:c,.~,!:;l!;',,~';~7;~';.' ., .'., . . .". , .' ':. .. '. ., ..~...... .......-:::.v, ...lio4l.,\,:f...c;t;;:.....' . , '. .....' ..... '.t.,.. ~~-~~',. ~ ',' ..\::h:,~..; t';.-:::'.i"~'.jf.-,)...,..,r.:ofi~.ti,;l~~" A. New 1le5ldenl1al- Single or Multi-Faniily;per d";elIing'unil."~'-", . -.... .. .. .... . . ",' ,":.. V" -'14>:.'r..,,_~..~;:.bU'~.:&':... Service Included 1000 sq. ft or less Each additional 500 sq. ft, or portion thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106.00 $ 19,00 $50.00 ~, '\ 1::F? :..-1.'\~':;.'f.' _ ~ ': ',~.;: ..': J-o~:,~ 'J:' ~.~-.:".. ~ - :::::'. ;f\;>>~~W>Ji?t'1l7:~~~:m:~mr:':- B. ; Ser\'lces:or.Feeders -':.lnslallal1on,AlteratlOns or;Relocalion:~ ....,jeil,:~\.~&.-'~:;;;.-....~ 'Y~~'_' C1~~.i'.....::, ~J':. ,.*tu..:.~ ~~::<'~'W!f"~":~~J1' Electrical Contractor The Murohv Harris Cornpan}100 Amps or less 20 I Amps to 400 Amps Address 149 9th street 401 Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 Amps City Sprinqfield Phone 736-1292 OverlOOO AmpsIVolts Reconnect Only $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50,00 Supervisor License Number 4 0 9 4 S Expiration Date 10/1/04 " " , Constr, Contr. Number 20-474 C Expira~on Date 10/1/04 Owners Name '\ Address,- ~ 0 City ~ 'Phone ~ OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on "..,,_;; I own which is not. intended for sale, lease or rent Owners Signature: ~~~D .' .~,,~ Inspection Request: 726-3769 ~.if c. ~~;?#~~~1~'t~t;F~&i~~~1!.~"~~ Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 Amps or less $ 50.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 69,00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $100,00 .. ,.: Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B~ aboye: :'<:~'7: D. ~I1fIfCh"le;;mii.s~~~~~~ bi::~'-""- .~_____ , , a. . ~ .' "" 1.f:'. New Alteration or ExtensIOn Per Panel . '. , .... ~".,. . Que Circuit $ 43,00 . , Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit $ 3.00 ....t:.~..,~~~'~.......~.'f<(,:'~~,4~:ttt ,- E. 'MiscCllaneous. SenicelJeeder,nofiircllideil , ac . . ,- .' . . Pump or inigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited EnergylResidential Limited Energy/Commercial $ 50,00 $ 50,00 $ 25,00 $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 4.t![1BM_ ..>~ "l'L.~ . ",'I' 7% State Surcharge 10"10' Achninistrative Fee .. . '" :.i.'\" .~;'i'.. . :~~P,;{':~: ::: :t~~ :(~ TOTAL .' ...., :..~}~;~~1;;~ . '..' '-I..;,. '1\0'\:" -- .".--~ri(f~~<'" .' , '. ;". f": ..,-~ ~\.; "-to SbamI DriY<(T:)'BuiJdiDs FonusIEIClClricaI Pamit" " .,... I~.' '.:- .: ., ',; .' .._. ~i ~, ~ ' . .','. ". -:',' '., '~'. ' '.', l. 1 1~'/" \ J ~ \:.. ~-,j-~VV~ .~.V. . , . V...~ u. , . . +- - - - - - - - - Entity/Address/License Screen - - - _ _ _ _ + LICENSE NUMBER: 20-474C ENTITY NAME: THE MURPHY HARRIS COMPANY ADDRESS ONE: PO BOX 7632 ADDRESS TWO: COUNTY: LANE CITY: EUGENE STATE: OR ZIPCODE: 97401- TELEPHONE: (541) 736-7292 PRINT DATE: 09/23/02 PRINT FLAG (Y/Nl: N SECTION CODE: EL ENTITY TYPE: DBA FIRST LICENSED: 11/08/01 I LICENSE TYPE: C - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR , -"LICENSE STATUS: ACTIVE ISSUE: DATE: 09/16/02 EXPIRATION DATE: 10/01/03 :VALIDATION DATE: 09/16/02 VALIDATION NO: 0137354 AMOUNT PAID: S125.00 ENDORSEMENTS: CERTIFICATION LEVEL: EMPLOYERS: START: END: RECIPROCAL LIC: CCB NO: 142410 SUPERVSR SIGN DATE: AB EXAM DATE: EXAM DATE: EXAM SCORE: : COMMENTS: INACTIVE FROM 7/14i03 TO 8/29/03 DUE TO LACK OF SS; ~ SS=40945 : CC HOURS TAKEN: 0 CC HOURS REQUIRED: 0 SENT TO PHOTO ID: : CR HOURS TAKEN: 0 CR HOURS REQUIRED: 0 LAST RENEWAL SENT: 08/09/03 : NSF CHECK RISK: MULTI EMPLOYER? LAST UPDATE: 08/29/03 - DAVI +- - - :Window;Enter :Sv - - - - - - - - - - - - - +------+------+-----------------------------------------------------~----------: :SoftKeys: :Col1ector + :ECI Off: FILTER: : Daviscl :August 29, 2003 : Level 1: TRUE copy OF ~~~Z~~g CODES DIVISION LICENSE ~OR~{0 BY -..0. ~ ~~~ \() ~ DATE :~. TOTAL P.Ol . @..r_.",: .-F'~'-., . CCB#142410 The Murphy Harris C01npany PHONE (541) 736-1292 FAX (541) 736-1273 P,O. Box 7632 Eugene, OR. 97401 Building Codes Division Issue Date: 09t19/20Q1. Expire Date: .10101/2004 License No:', . 'iio94S . :'''~ ~ ~ I; .. Gene'ral Sup~~or ;:.:.~';...::': . GEISLER STEVEN R 37026 HI~LS,CR RD SPRING~IELb. OR 97478 " ~,..-.~. 1" " :" ~. . .., . . : SCOFIELD ELECTRIC CO fax:5416868696 ** Transmi~ Conf.Report ** P.1 I fax/Phone Number 115033782322 Node I Start 114.12: 46 Jul 14 2003 12:46 Tice pagelResult O' 29- . 1 I 0 K Note NORMAL ]lJL-14-2003 e9: 40 ",1il2 e, , . . . . , . ,.' '. . Signing Supervisor Registration Depmm<nl of Consumer A BUlin.... SePiCCl Ilulldb,t Cod.. D1......... I HS Edt....atc, t(W. S.lem. 011. Mailin<< adcIr"$$: p,O. 80' 14410. Sale..., OR 9l)CW _U, ,SU'j ","~\SOJr)1&-2)z-2.-'J'T",(,se3>>1'H]S8 '_ "'...w.ORgonkd.Ol'C "---.- .- - - - ">>I~."''''"w...i'''''"''''''''''''",,",~l'J~lt''\R6;'lfJi~'~'~''''liItlUW~~ I. (naltlc) me undcrsignc4. u of ..ill ~~ ~, (Please check D~C):' (duel a Licensed ge~enl. supervisor elec<<rician o Limited jotH'ntyman :dgn electrician a Limned ellttgy e1eclrician for (COlnP'"Y rume) Company address: Ci,~IS.ale/ZIP: Companylic:cnse no.. . Phone: I ) I ..ill SIgn all label appl;ca.iClaJ and countersign all libels. As supervisor. I ..ill boo n:.sponsible for ensuring thai all elcclli..l ins1allllion. meer minimum slIfclY standards and thai all _h installalions ..ill be mode in compli&nCc Uollh ORS 479.510.,850. . Si8natur~: Qualifying signer's "ce"~ no,: ~~Iti1~"IMj,.'I.~~"'~ -::j} I. Joe... ~sJ.:'-<L... .theundenitned,...of..D'/.o.::> .w;UnOlboigninl .. ~ (......) (da.e, ,,~.., for ~ ~v.J-/ H.c,..,~ {((), -'(~ ; . o .Company 'addr~SS: f. () (..b X Ci.y/S.atelZlP: ~ , t:Je. (C'Ol1tp.n~ FI'tnc) ?, 3 z.. 'l7C1o 1 " companYI;czn. no,: :~~ (M /_ ~ - ./ S,g...u...'. ';../? _ ./' .H-4/A.. ~ ) /. ... ~&t~"_~Il'JiR.W'[.'ftt:~WL1j~~~i11\.ft-AtW~Bl:.:J~'1JIII.Ii...t'"J.u..LrI~ht-,,.!.~~~'t...'ll1i"",t!IlI~, Pn"".: ( SIll ) 7.71.-/27>2- Qllali/ying .igner's licens. no.: '/6{., I/. " ,., . . . J~~-14-2a03 09:40 Signing Supervisor Registration P,02 -,.~ \.. ./ '. .' , , Dep.mnent of Consumer & 8.,inou Ser.ice, Building Codts DlYisiOll . U3S Edgc"JU:' NW, Salcm. OR Mailing .ddr=: P,O. Bo. J 4470. Salrm. OR 97309 (S03) )7).1268. Fu: (503) 378-2322, TTY: (503) )73.1358 .."'''' .0Kgonb<:d.org ~.J.."'~ltli"iUff,j~lltt.~~ I. (....e) the undersigned. as of . will&CMQ' (Please check onc): (d...) Q Licensed general supervisor electrician o Limiled joumeyman sign eleclncian Q Limited energy elemician 'f..". . -' -.... -"-- - - ...- -'.. (comp.any name) Company address: CilyfStatelZlP: Company license no.: Pnone:( ) I will ~ign all label applicalions and countersign a/llabclS, As supervisor. I will be responsible for ensuring Inll all elcclrical in'lallalion. mt:Cf minimum safely ~landards and that all such inslallarions will be made in compliance with . ORS 479.510-.850. Signalure: Qualifying signer's license no.: ~~9h!l'UU!\Il[t.WJ13~ ~ I. JOL ~s...k:...lL- tile undersigned. as of ) - 1 'I' f:> ~ . will 110/ be signing -~ ~~ - ~~'J for ~ f11l;rJ;I J.Jc,..:~ err) '- .;5. I . o Company address: f. () r30 '}( Ci'y/$lalelZIP: ~r~~ 10{( , '" (",mp.ny name) 7(, J z.. ?7tto I _' e.( Company li.e~no.: Phone: { :f\Il 7.fJ. -1"27' L ~ Signalure' V..P - .J!;t.~.-d......-;- , Qualifying signer's license no.: 1/6(., 'l ~ ~~~~ Q Employer notified Dare: By (inItial.!) Comment: I~~AI AolO-U~,f('7I01JCO!d1 TOTAL p, a;>