HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1997-6-30 it" . . MOORE Don From: To: Subject: Dat9: Priority: PARKER Marcy MOORE Don 1688 Prescott Monday, June 30, 1997 4:06PM Hi9h Don, Please follow up on this citizen concern: Caller: Shawn Todd 16B8 Prescott Lane 746-3347 Mr. Todd owns (recently purchased) the above property. At one time his lot and the lot to the North of him (on the corner of Prescott and Fairview) were one lot, It was partitioned in 1979-80. However, the sewer line for the lot that Mr. Todd owns runs through the vacant lot, which is owned by another gentleman (name unknown). Mr. Unknown informed Mr. Todd that he was going to build a duplex on the vacant lot and would be capping off the sewer line which serves 16BB Prescott, Mr. Todd's concern are: can this happen? what's he to do for sewer? Please forward this to the proper division/person. Mr. Todd is expecting a call back with some information. Thank you, Marcy '7/~97 A3t11S2lO );14., '7ZJoJ 70 ~{<:... ~ "v1l1eJf;. nU.~ IS oJJtulffl. JO ;.I6r.,,<o(T" d .. aU pA -[. tew~ u# ;'{.t:<Pc.;J ( ~.~_ I S /1ft5 ~~ uv'/ j' t ~ AM. m) 7d ~15~tpJM \ 1'~ck77' ~~ - '-, IL <; \ ' S 1'5 ~W ~ ,;17 ~L"n- ~ \:;~)r,- 'b 0w... \.' I ~ )j...v 1 Jt--~~ ~~~~ ..:;::,.~l'Y'.ll ,I- '1:;"1. ' ~.~- . \ lLl :D."~(Y'-"i' ~~.~~ \~~~ "\o"t:- fA. \ Page 1 ...... ";..,; ... -.... .... ~.~ ..___....w...._... "J ....,..... ........j ....1 """)I .1I\~IIt:=llJI 4Jrt:=~Ollt " ,.'.' Gr~ntee~and the 'use'or'd!n9 of said property for prelt or 'futu"re"'pub!ic'use by . ",. grantec, 'grantor hereby nts, bargains, sclls and conv unto the said grantee, its successors. and assi. , all the followinq real prpper ,with the tcn..ements, hered- itaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of 0regon, bound- ed and described as follows: The North.3.S feet of the following described property: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the R. E, Campbell and Wife Donation Land Claim No. 59, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, thence South 745 feet, thence West 30 feet parallel to the South line of said donation land claim No. 59 to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 120 feet~ thence West parallel to ~aid South line 100 feet; thence North 120 feet; thence ,East parallel to said South line 100 feet to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. fhe same her~bY and forever dedicated t~t.nJ..FXe used as' public road. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above described and qranted premises unto the said grantee, its successors and 'assi<jns forever. The monetary consideration for' this conveyance is Nonp. In addition the Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, a perpetual easements 5 f, 20 feet in width, tOClether with the right to go upon said .easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and using pub.lic utilities which may hereafter be installed on the following described property,. to-wit: . The East 5.0 feet and the North 20 feet of the followin~ described property: Beginning at the Northe~st corner of the R, E. Campbell and Wife Donation Land Claim No. 59, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian thence South 745 feet, thence West 30 feet parallel to the South line of said donation land claim No. 59 to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 120 feet; thence West parallel to said South line 100 feet; thence North 120 feet; . thence East parallel to said South line 100 feet to the True POint of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have this. '.-?c! day.of APr,' I ,19ZL. L~ /6_ J-~ ,(SEAL) hereunto set their hands and seals J2 (' f/l!40 0a/ ~w~~/). (SEAL) (SEAL) - .:: ... ...--:..':/:;..... ~.. . v .: - (SEAL):':::: \ . .'. .',..: ~ ",,:,:.:.EJ ~ STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 3rdday of Aoril , 1979 , before me, the unders i gned, a Ilota ry Pub 1 i c in and for sa i d County and Sta te :-persona 11y appea red the within named L. Clifton'Culo and Louis F. Bronson known to me to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me thar- executed the same freely and voluntarily, .IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have her~unto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day :lInrf \Jft~... 1 "'..~ ..h....-:..... ._.~.: ....__ ~'1. l " , :{" 1 i , I I A. ... . .'.-"I'-'l~"" ~"i..-~:::~..' . . ..r:........-t;,. . " 'IJ&'''". I '.o"o,~ [1'0;' '~g 10i~0'o 'IX-2'8~!" .~ ~"1 ~ I ,It'L '02' , 10' U... ; ~ a.. C'~ . .r I -, 0 i I '-."" .' 1;- / ,680 I J 0" 2 I u ~ O'/,o "'<' i ; I I:!: ,t,,, 6,01 ~~.. !)~_; J;s;j(3) ~~f~- ~ ._ ~ 7 ~ 't ~ ., ~ f f ..."..to}.,' ;if" ~I~~SS ~ 44Z. FI\I~'vrEW 4422 ,...,. .~'4M."'r4/0ul;fl'l --'I -, ~ ~;oo8' , ,.~. I f{1 \.... ~ J..J.. -~ '--:-' 1-~J(L'1 ' ,<7<7<:, . O~ I ILo,.I\I - ~: \r-~!' r-r -I-~ r.) -rf'!>l4S00F;~ - ~~ '2R ,--'1 i 651 .. '&f] ... 623. t>'~ .,1,01" I" '" , I 440- " ~ - ," - ! oj: .\ l 635 ' I.......... 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C. si.te, silowing arcn:lI05 This drawing does not constitute a boundary survey, and is subject to any inaccuracies a boundary survey may disclose. Assessor's Map /7032742. TI.. 2400 No. lIf.V ~IQ.~ ,<pESf,RIP:IONI ;~- 1", ~'~", <,i'~,l fij" ~;?"3 " "'i'y:..'l 1:.;;1\ fi;1 1=-.. - ,. ~j,,-, l;;"'~ l' , ", f;~ :..,,U ..-;:.~:O\ . ~......::.- DATE I SCALE: 1"=/00' I DATE: 12.a.q.78 , I DRAWN: ~.I< /"\ c. DONAL 0 1'\. P. 8 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON ENGINEERING DIVISION -I /;.:JbA~-,..J 4- -0-1CHECKEo: I A~~~O_V~~: _ _ _ _ , PROJECT CITY ENGINEER NO'1 BOOK NO. I FILE NO. IDRAWIN ... ...~. H n. .,. ~-.' '. .' .. . ..... I I ~ : ... r I ~ 1(' -::::- t;O.. I ~ r..:.-' \ ~~ , . ... V \ . . ;=-/7- 03_ 2,_ '1c.. -.. 2.'fO() - - --- .s' , ,-<to I { "uS....-\.: . ""4'.llll/(N -t I , , ""'. . ~~{fll' - - Mf' lfJ~ ~ . 1<.,.,"-<0 H..f~ .r;4 353 . .,.- I~j.~ -~' h-<.~~<fJej !rt l; ~ ------- '1'\ >.~ ~ I I -D---~ -- I /_. , 5115 , r-1' , I 0, - . ~ I ' I t ! I~ \ --. - 645 0 W II r - ~ 5'/"2 I ~ ~ "''''0 o 441.' 'J' '180 (: ,. , 411l1.3. J,n 4398 , SECONDARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A. The applicant is'required to. notify the Project Engineer for driveway and sewer tap locations, B. Sidewalks are required on Lot A, . C. A drainage pla~ is required for the site, showing dra inage to Fairvie~'" Street. This drawing does not constitute a boundary survey, and is subject to any inaccuracies a boundary survey may disclose. Assessor 0 s I~ap /703274-2. TI. 2400 No ~VI~I~;\ ;(fES~~IP~JONI f~ t' "'.'"1 L., ~I Jt-: ~'"~. ii:' "-, .' , .,.. ,." ...".., . ... ~.. . ...""... ...... -. s..___ " /:1hr>~,..J DATE I SCALE: 1" = 100' I DATE: 12,<!,Q'78 I ,DRAWN: {4-,J<. 1-<S-7(j CHECKED: . , APPROVED: PROJECT NO., BOOK NO. . - city -ENGINEER- , I FILE NO. IDRAWIN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ENGINEERING DIVISION /,,\c. DONALO /I.p.<5 " ...0 ~ ~~, if -..... , . . .... . I I ~ ,.~-' \ ( - .. ,'It ~as the' consensef th~' group to approve this r.st subject to the following conditions: All concerned have the right to appeal the decision of the Minor Partition Review Committee. PRIMARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Committee approval does not mean final approval; the following conditions must be met first: Jill h'ilC1 A survey of the property is required to show: 1. Final dimensions of Lots and Monuments set (separate,legal descriptions are necessary). All permanent structures and required setbacks. Easements and right of way dedications including those required' as a condition of approval. 4. ,Condition and location of public roadway. 5. Public sanitary sewer serving created lots. 6. Existing private sanitary sewer laterals to existing structures. 7. Drainage systems and structures within and serving' created lots. . 8. Unusual topography such as steep slopes, large trees, rock outcrops, etc. Dedication of a 5 foot public utility easement 'adjacent to all street rights of way. Dedication of ~ight of way (see Engineering Division in Public Works). Signing of an improvement agreement for Prescott to include curb,. gutters, sidewalks and streetlights. Sanitary sewers must be extended and/or relocated in appropriate easements to serve Lots A and B. 2. 3. '1/::>/ 7Cj C1 t/!J!71 CI( .1{/3/71 ~ if /3/11 bY1 SECONDARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following items are considered necessary for the development of the individual parcel~_in the minor partition. These secondary conditions of approval do not have to be met before final approval is given for.:the minor partition. However, the secondary conditions will also appear on the final minor partition form which will be returned to the applicant, and will have to be met at the time a building permit .is requested: A. The applicant is required to notify the Project Engineer for driveway and sewer tap locations. B. Sidewalks are required on Lot A. C. A drainage plan is required for the site, showing drainage to Fairview Street. 18. HARLOW Assessor's PUDlo Request to. Blvd., Springfield, Oregon, approve request subject to the following :': '.0 ~~~ ~, .:t: . ~ r_ f ~M n If; ) If ", Ql' , ~ ;;. . N !'-1 ;b;.. I I