HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Easement 1997-2-18 ~ U~NE COUNTY [)EEDS [, i~ECORDS h:i::.L PFUND ?k; T FUND TUTp,L CHECI< ~I=tOB;:;'~ FEB.18'97 N~~l~;79 11 :01. 1.0.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 40.00 .,7, ,\ ....', f1 04<25 ~~ ~lD1ID 97:(~Z36 GRANT OF EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT iFor value received. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. George T. TI-ave8s aka George Terence TI-avCfols, Grantor, hereby grant. lran..fer and convey to George T. TI-ave.... aka George Terence TI-ave..... hi.. heir.., ..ucce....or.. and or assigns. Grantee. a perpetual nonexclusive ea..ement to use a slrip of land Twenly (20) feet wide described as foUo"",: Over the entire southern most portion of Lot 3. deseri bed in Exhibit I attached hercto. 1) This easement Is not per80nal or In gross but is to be appurtenant to each and every portion of the property owned by Grantee: Said easement can be used by Lots 3 and 4 as described in exhibit I attached hereto. 2) This e""ement is granted over and acr06S property owned by Grantor.. in Lane OJunty. Oregon. dC!lCribed a.. follows: Lot 3. as described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto. #04 3J This brrant i.. made upon the folhwing terms: 3.1) Grantees are granted the right 10 use the twenty (20) fool easement strip. including the exisling roadway, as a means of ingress and egress to and from the land described in paragraph 1. or any portion thereof. Grantee.. arc further granted the right to use the described strip for the installation and maintenance of such public utilities as may be needed to serve the property de8<-.,-ibed 1m paragraph 1.or any portions thereof. ~ 3.2) Grantor and Grantccs shall at all times hereafter jointly maintain the easement prorerty and roadway in a condition as good as ilB present (:ondition. The cost of such maintenance and repairs ..hal be paid by Granlors and Grantees in proportion to their use. Grantors shall pay the real properly taxes on the casement strip. 3.3) Grantors ..hall. at all times and without reslrictlon. have the right to u..e the ea..ement property and roadway for purposes not inconsistent with Grantees full enjoyment of the right herein granted. . 3.4) This grant of easement shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefits of Grantors and Grantees, their heirs. IN ~ESS TIiEREOF. we have executed this Grant of Easement and Maintenance A".. ~~...ent on this_l_1_ day of:::3~.1997. /// I~f~ --;;;;:-~~ GRAKTOR :i5Z2:;:-EE; n 18' 97H04f\EC gn:1FEE: .18:' 77@4PFUND 10 . 00 10.00 20.00 . i(~'; 1-.~Z2FEE: ..18:1 97f,04A& T FUND STATE OF OR~~. ) __,1_'- '-1_:.j_l_ Counly of Lane ) , troonth.day.~ar) Peraonallyappeared before me the above named __&O.r.~!:..r__l~~L~OA. (Name of DecIarent) and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluty~, c . d deed. ___~J l____ ____~p Notary Public for Ore on /1 My Commission ExpireB:__~:J..: 1 7 :; ,f.;/:;;~'(, :! l'jt ,~I.\:1t I' ':~\j'..' , I: FAYE V. SHARP ~ '\\::~i~ NOTARY PUBLIC Ol'll~OON 1 ......,~~J!j COMMISSION I~C\ 'j:li~2<li' ~ r-,w (:OMMISSION EXPIREt. t,f}P, ijl:. lI)iJ7 'i,A:'JC:<J..... ~ OFFICIAL SEAl. ,..,. ~\o:CIS\)~~Wl "".. -. 971~ ':36 '.';""iloI"',' -, ;""-, -',- ': --I: -:~ ::-~;~. ~ "," .::". ....i.~:.~=;~...~.~i;;~:-.::~ '.~;:t~;';~~~~~~~ t .' t. 1. E t. -' - Q-a;, ." ~~O~t-.. E(1 k('.i i. f t. Sttlc.olC, .... CouafJ' of t.aM - u. I.Iht Ccunay Ca\. In Itld lor dWI said Cowdy. do ~ cztlIy lb.oIl!,. WlNt'l ~_ -- .,1fotNCOCdat '. $57801 .' ~ . . r 2ldt,G ~ .u 55 :. ".4 .., I .. ~o;;: "." '. Reo! 2209R ." laDe ~ oFl'1aAL. R.oa:>r.k u...~~ '.. ~;e~- · ~~ .. fJ,.;,pJd-.;.y ~.;.\ '., >~J - .. . ~ ..._.. ~~ . I . ~ . t .. . ,..,...~ ~~""'~"A'."." .: . . .. .' '. . . ;~~r:;;l.Qt.3.GUJUONHE1~~.:1IS.PIauedm!~~JcdinFIle73.,~1ide 17~. Lm:.~c;>rcgolJ . ~t~~~.._~~~.lnLaoe~Chq~__: ': '. . . '_ :;:'~:I.~'. 1:::' '-'. - .'. . '. . -.' . ~.~~~~.{~ '-t I41 - ': . - '. ,~' 'Arj1!~,_~: (Tilt Lot No. 17~.3s..~S03) & .."i.l ~.."t. ". . ..._ . /~i'~~~~:':~'~".c;r.Am~NHecnm'II&PIBU~h~~mpiie.'3. Slide 1!~. Unc~ ~n.,. ':'F::~~-~\':, PIat~..iDI.aneCoaIlf;tC.-._.. ..' . ~~:t:;~~}~::'TL~' '. .'. '. ..... _ '.. .'" ,.. ~t .....-:;...I~..- ., "-,. '. . . ~l tt~J;:~:'.;.~~~_~~;~~~1.()36OO) . .'.: : "" .'. '. ..... L~~ir.~. ;,' ili" 149, MCKeNzi:B Bnis FIRsr'AnDi{ION. as P~'lIlX! rteOrdcd in me 73~ Swks 89 ;~~t'f.:!-~f"';'-:W90.!.aDI:'~OtegOt;PIatRcainis.h1Ucc~.C,v6.~' - . . ;1",",.,::& I.' _ _ , j 1" ~ ~ , r [" -. I -I I ,I State of Oregon County of Lane - ss. I, the County. Clerk, in and for the said County, do hereby certify that the within inslrument was received for record at iCt;; Lcn '1 (i .....M.l -j .fjT:) -J4'! LD ~uHr!..L.!."~.f Reel 2265R Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane County Clerk By: UJ? 4 ~"'a)I . County Clerk