HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-9-23 .. RESIDfaTlAL" APPLICAT IJf!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I' l' I K.I'v,- --- Job Location: 9Jt50 P~tLC{ Jl7 0 3 -3 'I I ex 1= Lot N 00 roo A8Ge8GOl'~ Nap.,I Subdivision: CUneI': T fl.-d ~RO Msut rl..d:h p~ Phone: '7 C/7- 1;;0"/ Zip: ()1 ~lt1J\d 11lLtJ~_ (t~b - 305 g . DfLN~' '7f~ / r: '_ p. \ n Additicn 19 d -l~) n Remodel n .'!ob-:.le Home Awess: City: Dato of AppZicaticn 0-(2- ~ :,:onr;l'Gctors VaLue~ 6 aon . GeneraL (~.J\QDn h Ctl+t".l- ~ . numbing ELectricaL lJ ~ - lAJ ~_ c;: 0 ~ . Mechar.ical' U Construction Lender Address z...U cl',u 0 c.J 9- J-) (' J1~ <...) .ii f6 bs 333 \, 1/ u- O/~ ~\o Signed: Date: QC-- q - Z.3-~ Lise. it .1/ ,?; if C; .L/ Eroil'iJS Phone /tfJ-/2-f'C) It is the responsibility at ehs permit holder to see that all irwpections CJ:1fe made at the proper tim~~ tr.at each .:ddresB is l'a~:c from the stroeet, and that the permit cazod is 'Located at the fl'Ont of the praperty. .tEu:i!dir-.g Divit:ior: appzooL"ed Fl.a1:z shcU remain on thi; BuiLding Sit~ at all times. ?I?OCEDUHE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber.. requested a~.d when you will. be ready for inspection.. Contractors 01' Owners ncme end phone ntoWer. :..'iz.z. be made thf: same day.. requests mGde after 7:00 am wiz.z. boz made the nczt ;.)()rking day. g s-O YCJ{) Bl?mn:,=~d' r7T.,,:n'p(!+:1:m:II"l I SITE INSPECTION: To be rmde after ~ excauation.. but preior to se't up of forms. :J UIIDERSLAB PLU/.IBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & NECHJl.,'JICAL: To be made before any work is .:!ovcred. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be mlde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring concret~. ";:II UNDSRG.r?OUND PLUMEING,. SSWER, W.1TER. ~ ('t?HA~ To be m:ute prior to fil.- ti~ches. :J ,g] UNDEHFLOOR PLU/..'BING I: MECHANICAL: To be made prier to instal.Lation of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be rrmic pl'ior to instal.l.aticn of floor' ins~'Lation or' decki"!; , ROUGH PL[p'~IHG""r,F:CTRICAL \~ MECH- ANICAL: lIo wor'k. t.8~OC covered .until. these inspections have beer. made and approve.:!. FIREPLACE: P'rCor.to placir.g facing . material.s and before framing inspec- tion. FRAHING: Must be requeated after approval. of rough pl.~bing~ el.ectri- cal. & mechanical.. An roofing bracing d chimneys.. etc. nr~st be . completed. !lo work is to be CGn- -' cec.led until thia inspection has . bt:~n made and approved. ::J ] ,8J Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnb€1' Is: O INSULATIONIVAPO;q BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insu~ti:m a:-..d . required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any Zath~ gypswn board or . wU covering is applied~ and before any inuuZation is conceaZed. O DRYWALL IllSPECTION: Tc be made after a ZZ dryw ZZ is in p lace ~ but prior to any taping. 1~1 ~SONRY: Steel location.. bona ^ beam3~ grouting 01' vertical,s in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, D WOODSTOVE: After instal,Zation is compZeted. o CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afte;o forms are crected bu t prior to pouring oo~rete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EfrAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y~ to be made after aU exca- vating complete & foPom work & sub- base material in p~e. job address, type of in3pec~icn RequeB~l; r~ceived befcro 7: 00 .::":"i DEUOLITIOH OR ;....Ov:::J EUILDI;lCS ~ Sani'tary se.Jer capped ::t ~op~rt-:i Zir.e .~ Septic tank p~~d and fitle~ with gra~oZ ----, Final - fl'hen ab..."'Ve ite:71s are ccmpletcd ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or s~~- ture moved and pr;xrLses :;leaned up. Nobile Homes ~ Blocking and S8t-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- scwer and IJa'tSl' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-u~ ~ and plumbing connections nr~st bo approvec before requesting eZec'trical inspec:ion ~ Accessory Building ---, Final - Aft;)r porc1:es.. skirting~ dcck8~ .--J etc. are camplotcd. D All project conditions~ such as the instaLlation of s'treet trees, c~~lotion of t~ requirad landscc:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r:zquost3d. :J FIliAL PWII.BIIIG :J FIliAL MEoHANICAL XI FIliAL ELECTRICAL :J I ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requetlted after the Final Plumbi1'l3 ELectrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been made and approv~d. D O PENCE: Wher. compl.ite -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o "ALL f.fANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS }lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEtJT TO BE J.!/J.DE AT /.'0 C:'ST TO CI'!'Y I P!l~C ! of 2 /)$ Occur;anclJ G~""'/ - .- .. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWest r I JOB N<<]/)'f,qO. IZ""e: ~-I I Let Sq. Ft;. :: :Jf lot C.:roeragi: # of Stonos Total Height Topogrophy lITEM IUa.in SQ.FTG ~ I I 1frM~~ I I ~c:> Ca::raa~ Careort I Acaessol'u IS.Doc. TOTAL VALUE (val-lAc) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Sld'charge Total Cha,.ges lITEM I Fi...-tuI'os I Residential (1 bath) NO'1 I I. I I' I I I Sanitaroy Sewer Water Plumbing Perr::i t State Surcr.a.roge Total Chal'aos lITE:'.! I Res..t:in. rta. IN~/E~~end Circuits I Tem;Jorary SeMJice SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Ir:terio1' Cornel' Panhandle Cul.-de-sac J I ,f~'1 I I I I I I :g 2. tile> 1 / . 2,fii: I ?$.28j. Value FEE CHARGE . ...'iiARGE ~s:- I I ~E:~I . e(~1 IS~' . ClJARCE I I ilO. FEE I I:r... .NI6fIi I I I I I I Ele~tl'ical Permit State Su:r::!harQO Total Charcos lITEM II/c. FEE Furnace ETU'S I E::haust Hood I I Vent Fan. 1 Wi>odsto:Jo I I Pe-rmit Issuance Me::hanic::! Permit State SurCfuntaC Tota l Charl"um I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC'.4M.t1! DZ'OO3it l Storage I Maintenart.:!e I Permit Total. Charaes ICurbaut I Sidew lk I Fcn::c I Electrical i ! Mobi le Hame Label I TOTAL ANOU.'11' DUE:. I I I I I I I I I I # '1$.$8 "-::ipe/Cor..st: L-COG~ A"", Beiro"'"s::N A- ~ irEnerm,so:J.rces 1".J:"e " I Heat Water H(!atpr' I I Ra"Fe I I Fir'eplacc : ~ Woodctor;e 11 Setbacks I House Caraae I , I I Access. I I I F2es Building Value & Permit This perrrr;t ia granted on the express condition that the sfiid. construction 8hall~ in an respects, conf01'f1l to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance~ regulating tha ccnotructicn and use of buildings, and m~y be suopended 01" revoked at cr.y time upon vic- Lation of any provisions of said O:rdir~nces. . PR-ID I (a - 00 Q'- (,.;2-R'S /.3 05.:2 \?'lO 0"_ Pe r m i t , Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec;;ipt #: IS,;g,:ed: Plumbing No pereon ohali construct~ install, aZter or change cny new 01" e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is OLmed~ leased or operated by tho appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La1.J requires tr~t the electrical LJOrk be done by an Ele~trical Contractor~ the electrical. portion of this permit shall roOt be valid untiZ the label has been signed by the EZecmcal ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I , ' I I ~ I~ ... ". :t:/~-gS I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.Ir.JINED the completed application for pennit~ and do hereby certify that all. ir:fo:oma.tion hereon is tpue and correct, and I fo..lrther certify that any ar.d aZl. work perfo~ed shaZl. bs do:1e in ac~oJ"- danae :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and th:: La.JS of tho . State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work describcd herein~ and that NO OCCU- PI:NCY will. be rTr'lde of any stpuctU1"2 withou.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further' certify that ~ly contractors ar~ enpl.~yec8 who are in oompliance with ORS 701.055 wil.l be used on this project ycauY aU Signzd 9 la-As Date ~