HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1993-3-29 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 11151>0<:110115: 1:'0.3700 Olli<:,,: n6.37~lO LOT: ...___.... . SI'RlNGFIELD BLOCK: _ OWNER: ___~ I M. + \<.e \ \ '1 EJo......... ADDRESS '~__9~ ~___.2;'~ s (<:;.t1::.. CITY: ..__. __ .s..~q\_ DESCRIBE WORI(: _..J "-oft<\. I \ NEW.,__n._ REMODEL CONTRAClOll'S NAME GENERAL: ... STATE: O{<.... . n <;;z M /Y:::.. JOB NUMBER.. l J.JTU-.....) 225 Flflh Shoul Sprlnglleld, OruUOIl 9"147"1 I\t-nt')ff)-'"--''' - TAX LOT: ~O ...._.__.. _. SUBDIVISION: PHONE: t 'f I - 2S2{, / . ItJ -~i '" - ..~1_~~'~.Lf.~Z ZIP: _g.,\.( 1]_......... O<\~<t- fJl'Jh.T \-\-e.a."t -p lo\ I'V\ P OTHER' ADDITION __ DEMOLISH ADDRE~;S CONST. CONTRACTOR' PHONE PLUMBING:. ._.__.._._....__,.._. ---- MECHANICAl.: .t'\a.i~~j ~.( ,J:\~jr:.~YIJ.1..--.EL_~-t ( <"'tot" EI.EcTRICAL: ._.____ OUAD AlIEA: . OF BLOCS: OCCY GIlOUI' . OF STORIE": 'i WAfER IIEA1I'R: ___._.. ___.._.__ - OFFICE USE - I.AND USE: _....._ . OF UNITS: __....,..__ CONSTR. TYPE: __. HEAT SOURCE:__ RANGE: __....._,____ EXPIRES .s p +J ,(J '1-...31 'r ~7..lf..J~.7.~yJ- ~ '2...~-79(J FLOOD PLAIN: . .._......_. ZONING CODE: ____.._______ . OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: ___. _.____ SQUARE FOOTAGE: _. , . To /fJque~;1 all ill~peclion. YOlJ '11'I~il call 726.3709. This 15 a ~4 IlI')1tr recordlnCJ. All Inspections rcque51et! hnrore 1:00 ,un. will be made Hie ~:wlte wOlklnu day. Inspecllons requested after 7:UO cUll. will be made the following worl< day. o Tempol my Electric o Silo Inspection - To be made after cXI:avatlon. hut prior 10 soiling iu,-ms. o Underslab Plull1billg/Electrlcal/ Mechonicul - Plior to cover. D Fooling - After trenches are excavalud. D Masonry - Steel lucatlon, bond beams, !]routlng. o Foundillion - Aller forms arc erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underoround Plumbing - Prior 10 filllllU trench. o Undellloor Plumbing/ Mochanlcal - Prior to Insulation or decking. o Post and Bopm - Prior to floor Insulation or decking. D Floor Insulallon - Prior 10 decklnu. [-I SanlUuy Sower - Prior to filling - trench. o Storm Sewer - Prior to filling tmnch. D Water line - Pllor to Illllng trench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ~8 Rough Mechanical - Prior 10 cover. \:zj)ROU9h Electrical - Prior 10 r cover, o Eleclrlcal Service - Must be approved 10 obtain permanent electrical power. D Flreplaco - Prior to facing malerlals and (ramlng Insp. o Framing - Prior to cover. o Wall/Cel.llng Insulation - Prior 10 cover. o Orywall - Prior 10 laplllg. o Wood Stove - After Installation. D Insert - After fireplace approval and Installallon, of unit. I~ Curbcul & Approach - AHer forllls are lHIJcted but prior to placement o( concrete. [J Sidewalk 80 Driveway - Aller excavation Is complete, forms and sub.base maturlal In place. D Fence - When completed. o Slreel Trees - When all required treos are planted. o . Final Plumbing'.:.... When all plumbing worl( Is. cOlllplete. ~Flnal Electrical - When all eleclrlcal wod( Is complete. Final Mechanical - Wilen all ,ilCchanlcal work Is complete. rFlnal Building - When all required Inspections h,JVe been approved and buildlnu Is comploted. DOlher MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set.Up - Whon nil blocking Is complote. . ',. l~ PlumbIng Connections - When home has been connected to wator and sewer. l--J Eleclrlcal Connecllon - Wllell - blocklno, ~iUl'llp, ami I'lumblllU Inspoctlon~ have buon approvnd and 'he hOlrlo Is conrlCclcd to the scrvlco pan~1. o Final - After 011 required Inspections IIro approved and porches, sldrllng, decl(s, allll venting have been Instilllcd. Lot lac.es Lol Type. Interior Lot coverage Cornor - -p~!!?~~:!---- J'h. HS~ gAR. .ACC 1:L... _ __ .' HIE I'HOPOSEll WOHI, IN THE IGTOIIICAL DISTFIICT, on ON THE IIISTORICAL IlEGISTER? __.._.__ LOI sq. Ilg. Topography Panhandle S II yes, this appllcallon mll5t blJ G1Unod and approved LJy tho Historical Coordinalor prior to pannil Issuance. Tolal helghl Cul.do-sac W ---- .E........___ _, APPROVED: BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ. FT. X $/SQ. FT. VALUE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECI( AND BUILDING PERMIT ", This permit Is granted on IlIe express condition Ihallhe said construction shall, In all respects, conform to till! Ordin<1nce adopted by Iho Cily uf Springfield, Including the Developmenl Code, regulating Ihe construction and use of buildings, and may bo suspended or levoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordin<1nces. Main Garage Carporl Plan Check Foe: ______ , , Dale Paid: Total Value Building Permit Fea Receipt Numbcr:__.___ Received By: State SUl'ctlmuc Total Foc (A) .'''--'---'' .--.-..-.. Plans Rovlewed Oy Dilte SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (8) Systems Developmcnt Cllar{lc is due on all unduvotopcd properties wllllin tlw City limits which arc being improved. PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FEE Flxlures Resldonllal 8alh(s) N' Sanllary Sewer FT. Waler ..~. FT, Slorm Sewer'~' FT, Mobile Home Plumbing !,ermll Slate Surchargo Tolal Chargo (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Venl Fan N' By signature, I stale and aoree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby cmtify Ihal all Information hereon Is true and correcl, and I lwllier certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City or Springfield. ;uld the Laws of the Stale of Oregon pertaining to the WOIk described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be mado of any structure wllhout permission of the Building Safety Division. I lurther cerllfy that only contraclors and employees who are In compliance with CRS 701.055 will be uscd on this projee\. Exhaust Hood Wood Slovollnserl/Flreplaee Unll Dryer Vcnt Mechanical Permit Issuance Slale Surcharge Tolal Pormll (D) I further agree to ensure lhat all required Inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address Is readable from Ihe slreel, lhal Ihe perm II earu Is loealeu al Iho Iron I 01 the property, and Iho approved set of plan:. will remain on tho site at all times during construction. Slgnalore _._~~ 1A.J~_ ]_]() rCU Date _0' u_. ___ . _._____ __ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Stale Issuance Slale Surcharge Sidewalk II Curbeul fl OOlllollllon Tolal Miscellaneous Permlls (E) ----- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (eXCluding oleelrlealC\'l~. 'J~ (A, 8, C, 0, and E Combined) ~:~:I:I;::MIlE__, 90 .1..______,._ :; RECEIVED 8 ,- ___. Slale Surehargo