HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-19 -. .. RESIDENTIAL" A?PU:::ATIONIP~RMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job !.aco:;O"' 0; 16 PRt::: C;~.J,'tT / /1 Ale, Aso...o,: :~ N 1'7 -r ~ 0) "-/ /:;:!.... Tc:: !.at N S..bd;:r:.;C"' R "IAI k E ~ II} L L I Q'f;!Jc . .~c-=e:=: :i lO I /rYI ..... . C'.",,", M/LAI'?/."'I/ 11;1,/'1'-:'" Lv J /7 n > Mare.:, q I J, PKF'S/ /17/l.4h"" PI'"",., 7 // / -/5/-79 C;"Y' <.''};':,.,r /.'r.. l--I Zip' / V //D D TfJ\/ 0 or ()I~ (J t/ 476 /JA,I () 6/ /~ j','/(/ / ./ /1/ /r1J I):t? (J /vJ I o r-l il il 'l~, Add~ eic7Z Ramaca! .~!ob":' Ze .~O"'~3 1,.1.- _,.i ,/-...-"""- Oata of App!icatic" //11(::. {;;on:!'~c:;o:rB DesCZO'";be r{ork: .1 /7' VaZue lr//~rr PETE Add....es3 E fC,/1 AI (11X;';E/lJ7.~V Lise. " 1 Z','!Lj At:;fl/JlJE. tt: ,</iLl I I I Genera L PLumbing E!actrica! 1 \1/ /J 1/1/ N 15 ~ M8dJar.ic.:: L CO"lStl'"'..Icti.:m r.t:'1d~r Sicmed: Date: E=:;ircs ,~J J ~ (/t"T-;::',,,,... /../7u;' :' '" v Phon.e 7/./;)..77/J" !~ io :h. respcn.Dibil.i.t!l of tJ... pe~::' h"ldao to ses that aL~ in:J'p6ct'".:.o1t8 are r:-.ade at the proper :im~" t.'".at &Ceil ::::IdrBBs is r.a.::a.=:OiI [""rom tlul stroet, r:;n:i that the permi: card ia l."c~ted at the Ji-ont of the prcperty. 1t3ui.!.di.r.g :r;ui.=io!"". a?~rot..ed pZa1 sr.c:Z.Z rer.:a~n on thi; au:iUiinfT Sit:; at all times. ?!?()C~DU.~E: FOR I,'.'S?~t:'!'!Qll RSCUGS7':CAlL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City .iesi.gro.ated J'ol; n:.q::ber, job adC:C88, typd of in3PQa~ic71 r~queatcd a.....a w.~en you :JiZZ he ready l~r inapcc=-:.on, Cont"rac=crs .?r a:..'r.:e:-s ncme end phone nu~cr. Requ.~Br:s recei~1Ui bSJ~cr9 7:0a ..::': :.'i.zz. bs made th~ same Ct:b requfls:s :-::cde efta' 7:00 a:n !Jil.z. bc: made t1-.e nc:t :x)rkin; da-:i. .~ Reaui1"~d l"l'!s!:''''ct~cn~ O <;,,-"'r r.,~...t""""'r",. ,., 1.. . ...J.~ _ ~:I.):"_...."",", ... lO..,e nr:c.a e=cavar:::on, ,;uc pl"icr tc se: i::mns. o af";cr u? of lJ.'IDFRS[..t.~ ?U.','.I:g ,.'Ie, ;:r..:::C':'P;:('.~ r ;.fECH.J.;II:::),~.. ';'0 be mace be;orll .;:ny work ::8 ;;ovc!'ed. /' ~ .'='COT!;,C ~ rOU:.'D.1TI~:I.. To.;e .-:rJCe V after :::rencites erg e::~at.ui ar.d fcr:ns are erBcted, but prior :0 pounr.g cencret.. D U.'lDS?iC:?OU.'.'D ?!'l..~\f2I:/~. SE',.,:;P, :.r.l::'.:.~ DRAi.'1AG2: To ae r.a.;e ?r:.or :0 J-~i t- l.ir.g :rer.c;'..:I8. O lj,'ICE.'r:!P':.CC.q !'!':J.~Sr.:G ,',fEc.r?A,'/ICA:': To b6 r.:cuUl "riar =0 ::n.1t:.:L~r:-:.an of j7.aor insut.C:icrz or deckir.g. ./ ' r-:l-?JST .4ND 3EA.'1: To be r."de Dri.:r to L!:::::.J in.stali.:,;ion ot tZoor ~n3t.oz.::.:ior. ::)1' decki.... ~'-1GH ?':!.~~'B!...fG. ?T.":'~'O:~~!.. J, .'EC.':!- ~ ~.. No ~o~~ i~ :0 be co~er~c :u::::l ::i!CSoi' ~~.spec:i.?r.s ;'..:::e ='!er. made ::l"'.d =?Fr''Je.::. FI-'=!E:?r.~CE: .~.:.or ~o ?l.c::,"..g f'c~r.g rr.c:ericid ar.d .;elore fr~;r.g inspec- tior.. ;vl'-t?.4"~.T.'lG: N!.l3:'::6 rec;"..to1:;:~d aJ-~";.r ! appro:;.::. Of r~fJh pl.ur..hinq, .,!.ec:~- cal. & meci:ani..:a!.. Al.!. ":"Oof::n.g bra~r.g ~ chimn~ys, &:-=. ,~..tst bB comol..r:ad. .'.'0 :.:ar:': 0::8 to be ccn- "1 d .l. ..1:.. -'. : C6C.w. ~nt-:. ," .:..0 lonspec.-wcn ,..as b4>~n ma.:.. ana cppI"'3ved. o lour Cit-:f' DesigrJ;ted Jab lVumbu 113: ::"'"- .--. ~ l::::=r".lN.sU.L."l.:~'.!.().,{/VAPO.'? BARRIER INSPE:CTION.. To be rr.a.:ie ~fter all. ::nsu l.::tion cr-.d . required vapor ca!"1"iers are in place but aefore o:r..y lath, gypBUr.l board or wl.Z coverir.g is appl.iad, and oefore any ir.3"...ll.aticn ~s ~onceaZ.ed. r:::I...~LL I!IS?E:C':'TO!,/: To;;e .~6 t::...J alter al.l. Cro,1!,.iQll is in place, but prior to cny :apir.g, o MASONRY: Stee L location, bona. beam3, grouting or ~er=ica!.s in accorv/...c:n.ce wi:h (J.B.C. Section 24105. 83Jqq I DEl:OLITIO.V OR ):QV!; 3.'.J.tl.DliiIJS =:J Sani:or; sr..Jer ::ap?ea =t rn:..op~rt:J. tir.a .=J Sfilpti~ tank p-.J?cd a:'".d f.;z.z.cd uith :r=~;B~ :J Final. - :l?ter. aXlJe itfJ.'7:s are c~:::?l.ei;cc ar.d when d~Z.~tior. is aompLe:e 01' st~~~- t~B moved ani pr~3es =le~r.e= up. Nobile ilc.-r:es =:J 3locki.r.g =:J PZ.umbing ---, Electrical. Ccnnec~ion - BZockir4, set-u? --.J and. "Ol.wr.bina c=nr.Bc:ions t:r..tst =e (:;)':)r~~.:!. before requ~B=~ng ,Zec:ZM;~al in8?9c:io~ and Sct-~p connections sa.;er ar.d /Ja:Jr o :;OOCS'!"OY::: After instaZlation is ccmpl.e";cd. ., .=J Acaessol"1o' Su.il.d.~ng ~ Fir-aZ. - Aftcr~;~rcr.fils, ~ etc. are c~~.~.d. skirtir.gJ ..;sc.....sJ o CUR!J !: .J.PPROACP. .4.F.~N: Attar' forms arB erects::! bu.t prior =0 P:::Ur";ng ~1Creta. o ~zz. pro;ec::: ~or.di=i.:n8, ~~C~ cs che {n8=a~Zation of s:r~Bt :r8es, :~-pZa:~~~ af :~ required Zani3ccpir~, ~ec., .":':Us: ~8 satisfied b~;ore ehe 3UIr=[~C :!~AL ~an be r3~~9st;;d. 0_, FI.'lA[. PU.J.'.fB!;'lG =:=J ."[:tAL ,'.fE~H~:II~A:' ; ."..,~!:tAL :::'2=-:RI.:~:' o SIDSilALX .1 'J8I!r.lA:: For all. can- cre:::e paving ~:::i:in street rigr.t- Of-'.J.'C'Fh :0 be mads a;~";er aZ! ezca- ~atir.g C~l.8t~ & tor:-:: work & zub- DaS8 :nc:te1"l'~aZ :.n p~e. o ?ENe::: When compl.G:e -- ?rO".;U:!.a gates or o7fOVabtOil secticTts thrau.gi: P.U.~. o ~""'L 3"1"~.,r"G' T),e ,...~....-! :.~. .'t . "........... .. \. '. ~..... . :...ec:M.~al, an::: ,focftC.--::.a:::.r. =ui~ir~ I~s~va:io" ~..t8t be reque~r:ad =~";_r :r._ :~nal. ?!~~in; ir:spec:i:m:J ::.=va be8n .'11Cda ar.d :::'::::1'0;).:;:. -~ .A.';L; "':"'lP.l'r,=,s AND CLt"Arou"'-:: "U5'''' ;:)l:"'C"!;'S':"-:'":J[,'=' ,ti]J;.:r:7"/!;"''T''''O 3t" ..f11"1:' ,'0:"1 "0 ~"':;''T'' ...,., =Jlo:"IV :I....~. .......-.." .., ._.......,.,."'1..._........,. ......_.,.. ,,'~-'_....' .._...~..1~.. ._;: of 2 JO B NO. I (~ ::::0-:01: V f 1.:0. Sq. F.,.. e-.~ OS:::, I. -r~ 1__ '"_............. ...... ........ ......... .-.... I. f~" - !. 0 ....."l""'.88 1......:1. . ! .o..a:. ...~gt:: , I :O;.'Oqrc;:n-:{ 1""1 1"'l:in 1===- I ,- '-," -~.. .'" 19.n'2.\t:-. I I I I I :':r:-::,,; i. I .....:~csaj~., I I I 13.D.C. :'':T..g tA!.~'t i:"-=;,;"'':; 1.5 = EuiZdir.g P~t St.=t. Su.....~r..:rrge :Ootal ~./l:'ge3 I '-'\1 ;~~QS I Rer.:dzntiaL (1 lx::hJ l Sar.i.e::.r-! S(!",,)ero I ;.c.,,-' I Fl:.unbir..g Pfl~t Stat. Surcr.a..""gS T~ta! cr.c::-aes !::DI .'t?ea. Sa. f~o. ,VAJ/E--tund CirC"'.lits Te:n'IpCrary SU'""Jics E!a~tricaL Pe~t St.:ta Sur~harafl '!'ot.;:Jl O.r::;rces I Il'Z.~f I F"t..J-"::CIZ ?!U'S I E::ha:Je: Hoo.: Vent :::11 i/:JOc.s tc..,e Permit !3S'1L:T/.Ca ."fe:r.an'i.c:: L Pe~ ~ Sta~D Sur~Ju=r''J(: ~,.,~-;l. r:'r-C!'~"!J ,') \ <r-.. 1- 1,.,'0. SOLA.CESS '~"'_'''''_''''' r...-,_. ~].." ._....__'_4 J. ........ 'C .~ :";'!.":'!F~ /'Ir.:aM.cJ- '::'Ol"l"lB:" ?c:r.r.c:"'.dle C:.4Z-Je-sac .r , ~.:I lue I I I I , I I I I I I i \('): ('(I') I I I I :'k. CO I '2. '2.~ I ~R.~'\ ,. FIT C.::":'.~:;E .'iO. I !....~;....=.G~ I \ h~= I I I I I." I I "c. I I I I I I I I \s.OO , cC> \ ':"t_ (~() I \ 71 <:;.C I, :;"t":;> CH:"'':?'::~ -- E:ICR:AC.:':.~.':::.':' -- 1< . ^ . 1..6C"'.L.-#t"J ;.<<!':'C3tt Iseor-:q8 .'-:'t:int~-r~.... P~~t I :"C'~.-::z. v.cr:cs I C"..u"';C"'...l: Is" .. r t.::e:..lQL.o( '. : :!'''~e I I !1ec":l'ic.=! ':..:b.oa't , i ..wfoC1. ~8 H:;r.:e 1":J'l"'.r ..".".,.,. "";0.. . .,,0. .....,..."'... ..v_. "13.84 2=;;a 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- _ ... .::~:~r.so: \},,) Lot Fa.ces ~,~ -.. '- I )flt':';'1.f~k; j I HOU86-' r;:~c:ce l":!::!cess:! II\>' I I I '.1r, 1eJ,' I ,..J.i ~'-l. I I I ?L. lNo:>":h lEes;; IS"""h IWest 3~&oor.:s : I =....erT.J SO"..uo~es G'.p{,~1.r . Hea; . I ~Ct2~ Upq~~~ I Ranga III I .:'-:, reo ~c.ce I "O~:O:;6 II i T:J~~ Fees I ,.. I 71:is pe1'm"~t i:J granted on the e.rprQBs eondition tr.at tits said. constrUl::-:-::on. ! s;..aLZ, ~n all. res?ccts, ":or:lcT!!I to the Ordinar.ce =Co?t8d by the C~:1 of' ./ Sp~r~fieZ.d. ~nc!ud-::ng ;r.e Zoning crd~nanceJ r~guZc.:-::r.g the ccr.st~~=~-::cn 1 ~.d uae o[ buildings, ar.a r.:=y ':'6 suspended or revoJ.-..ac at c:r.y ti:::s :.:;,~r. :;ic-, Lation of any pr~uisior.3 o[ said Ordir~es. I Building Value & Perm i t I Plan Chec,l( Fee: ,I Cct. Pcid: IR.c.~pt H: is::g,:.d: Plumbing ..::; (19, no P- -dl-/-}3 ((2/ <; q& (l~ Permit .va pereon ahalZ conSW'"'..lct, ins:;.::lZ, aZter 01' ciumge any r..sw cr e-.-;s:ir.g plumaing or drainage systen in whoZe or in pare, unless such person is tr..s legal possessor of a ualid plWTlber's ticense, except ;r.at a pe:"son rr.a"d do plur..bing work to property which is ~d, teaaBd or opsrated by the a;;pZi- cant. ,/ , ' I I Electrical Permit Where State La;.} requires tr.a1: the .electrical lJOrk be dens by an. EZilctrical Contractor, the electrical portion of thi3 pe~t shall r~t be valid untiL the Wet has b~en signed by the Elscmcat =ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ ,...---....." ,,) "0 ~E:::'"!:\ ~~d.('_\r a. ~\\..\~<2A~ v,,,,, I I I. I I J I I HAVE CAREPULlY EXA.aa:1E:D the conrpZ.zt.zd appZ-::cation lor ?err.ti:, end dc hereby certify that all i~Jo~a:ion hereon is true ar~ c~rrcc:, and I f'J.Z'thel' cer:ifI:i that ;my ar.d aU L...ork perfo'(':':led shall be do..:s in ac:!or- dan.cB :Jith thz Ordin.::n.ces ol~ the City oj Sprir:gfieU, and :h.& Gc:.;s of tf:3 Stat.:! ol Oreg::m ?;::r"-:.:ining t., the 4101',."( desc:-;bad her6in, c:r.d :r.a: ,YO ~CC::- P.~;"Cl :JiZZ oe. !rrl'::B of any 3t:-uoto.U'a withou:: P3l'mis3io:1 ~f ;ne 3ui.!dil"l.g 0'";- trision. I further" -::ertf.j"'j tr.at; cr.'!.ly :.:on:r~~rs ar.d e.-::pl.;yees 1.;1-.0 a'S in ~l~nce wich CRS ?Ol.0S~ will be used on this Fr"~j~Ct ! '1~)(-k~k I __"r..a ( ') c: ./ e".oV /'1. ft') I ......~..-