HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/2012 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Matt Cox, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. '71�M1 a a 11XV] ! City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 2 not been providing funding for that program over the last couple of years because of staffing changes. Councilor Pishioneri asked who would own the equipment at the Wildish Theater. Mr. Goodwin said that had not been settled, but would be up to Council. Councilor Pishioneri said if the City owned the equipment, we could allow it to be used by the public at no cost. He would like to make sure ownership of the equipment was identified. Mr. Goodwin said if that was the direction of the Council, staff would include that in the agreement. Councilor Woodrow said she agreed. She noted use of equipment from Willamalane and documentation that was required. Mr. Goodwin said prior to installing the equipment, an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) would need to be formed with Willamalane. At that time, they could specify ownership of the equipment by the City. Mayor Lundberg said tonight's motion would just be to accept the grant. Comcast had been a good corporate partner with our City over the years and this was a good example of that partnership. She felt accepting the grant for this purpose was important. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of the November 2011, Disbursements for Approval. b. Approval of the December 2011, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. November 28, 2011 - Work Session b. December 5, 2011 — Work Session c. December 5, 20.11 —Regular Meeting d. January 9, 2012 — Special Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6274 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS: 5.5 -100 -125 5.17 -105 5.17 -120 and 4.2- 105A.4, MODIFYING SITE PLAN REVIEW MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY SUBMITTAL STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. 5. Other Routine Matters City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 3 a. Approve or Reject a Motion to Accept a One -time Grant from Comcast in the Amount of $75,000 to Support Providing Improved Capacity to Distribute Video from Public Facilities in Downtown Springfield. b. Approval of the Liquor License Endorsement for USA Gas #62526, Gasoline Station with Convenience Store Located at 5733 South Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. c. Approval of the Amended Council Operating Policies and Procedures. d. Accept the City's 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. e. Authorize City Manager to Sign the Fourth Amendment with Ad Group (a Division of Shelton Turnbull) in the Amount Not to Exceed $260,000 for 2012 FireMed Campaign Advertising and Marketing Services. f. Approval of the Purchase of Police Vehicles for Fiscal Year 2012. g. REMOVED IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH CHECKS #110737 & #110892 OF THE NOVEMBER, 2011 DISBURSEMENTS AND CHECK - #111271 OF THE DECEMBER DISBURSEMENTS, AND ITEM 5G REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED 1. Check #110737 and #110892 of the November, 2011 Disbursements, and Check #111271 of the December Disbursements. Councilor VanGordon declared a conflict of interest as these payments were made to his\ employer United Parcel Service (UPS). He abstained from voting. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE CHECKS #110737 & #110892 OF THE NOVEMBER, 2011 DISBURSEMENTS AND CHECK #111271 OF THE DECEMBER DISBURSEMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION — VANGORDON). 5. g. Authorize .City Manager to Sign a Contract with Tyler Technologies for Municipal Court Case Management Software and Hardware City Attorney Matt Cox presented information on this item. He described the contract for software that would move the City and other local jurisdictions away from the AIRS program. When negotiating a contract with this company, it was a seven year contract which concerned the City Attorneys. The City Attorney's Office proposed a non - appropriation clause that would allow the City to get out of the contract with no penalties. Tyler didn't agree with that and came back with a counter offer with a proposed schedule. With this schedule, if the City breached the contract before 3 years, the City would owe 75% of the remainder of the balance. If the City breached the contract after 5 years, the City would owe 50% of the balance, and between 5 -7 years, 25 %. Mr. Grimaldi said this was actually a good deal for the City. Normally when buying software, you paid up front, then a smaller annual fee. With limited funds, it worked better to spread the cost of the purchase out over seven years, which Tyler had agreed to accept. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 4 Mr. Cox said they talked with Municipal Court staff today who were very excited about this software. They had looked at it carefully and it appeared to be exactly what they wanted. Councilor Pishioneri said his concern was the current contracts with Motorola, EIS, and a different bundle with Eugene. He worried about the compatibility of the software with those systems. Mr. Grimaldi said the City would need to use the same system that would be used by the County Jail and the new system would need to talk with the City's Jail and Court system. They would make sure they could be compatible. Councilor Pishioneri was concerned and wanted to be sure they could communicate among those different system. Mr. Grimaldi said they had planned on doing and making it work. Mr. Lathrop was in Texas confirming that it would be compatible. Mayor Lundberg said they were authorizing the City Manager to sign the contract, but if Mr. Lathrop found that it wouldn't work, he would not sign. Mr. Grimaldi acknowledged that Councilor Pishioneri raised a legitimate concern. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE ITEM 5G. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Cheryel Whitsell and Joe Soukip, Cherokee Drive, Springfield, OR Regarding the Railroad Crossing at 32nd Street. (with attached staff response) IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RASLTON TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 5 1. Committee Appointments a. Planning Commission Appointment. Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery presented the staff report on this item. The seven - member Planning Commission had one vacancy due to the passing of Frank Cross in November 2011. The City received three applications for this vacancy during a five week recruitment process. Mr. Vohs resides at 3708 Cherokee Drive and is semi retired, property and rental manager and occasionally works for the Register Guard. It was the City's practice to appoint for the term remaining, but because of the circumstances of this vacancy Council agreed to appoint Mr. Vohs to fulfill the remaining term of Commissioner Cross and an additional 4 -year term. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPOINT TIM VOHS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO SERVE A FOUR -YEAR AND FOUR -MONTH TERM WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF MAY 59 2016. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports Councilor Woodrow said Rachael Chilton from the City's Environmental Services Division, would be working on community outreach with the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC). Beginning in February, a quarterly newsletter would be put out from the website. Those that would like to receive the newsletter by email could sign up on the MWMC website. She was pleased they were adding community outreach. 2. Councilor Moore said she was still basking in the light of the State of the City Address. She thanked those staff that were involved in preparing for that event. She also went on the Martin Luther King Jr. March with Councilor Pishioneri and said it was a good event. 3. Councilor Pishioneri reported on the McKenzie Watershed Council meeting held last week. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) changed their process regarding fishing regulations. He still had concerns regarding fishing on the McKenzie River and continued to follow that closely. The new process allowed citizens to make proposals on regulation change and a hearing to present those proposals. There was a citizen proposal coming forward next month to reopen the area currently closed to bait fishing and to continue stocking that section of the river from the hatcheries. He was hoping the Council could endorse that proposal to encourage the citizens of Springfield to be able to use that section of the river for recreational fishing. Mr. Grimaldi said staff could present a letter to the Council for their approval. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 6 Mayor Lundberg asked Council if they were ready to direct staff to prepare that letter. Council consensus was for the City Manager to draft a letter. Mr. Grimaldi said staff would get the letter ready. b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Intergovernmental Agreement for Encroachment Permitting Between Springfield Utility Board and the City of Springfield. Civil Engineer Matt Stouder presented the staff report on this item. Implementation of the new Accela Automation Software had allowed the City to streamline and improve its existing encroachment permitting process, benefitting both the City and permit applicants. Staff updated the encroachment permit application to provide clearer directions for applicants, and to allow for electronic submittal, in turn allowing the application to be reviewed simultaneously by affected reviewers. The result had been a decrease in application review time and easier and more efficient record keeping and tracking. While the encroachment process was regularly used by individual citizens, utility companies performed the majority of the encroachment permit work in the City. The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) was the largest single user of the process, and both the City- and SUB had found it mutually beneficial to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to address specific needs with respect to encroachment permitting (Attachment 1 of the agenda packet) and to formalize current practices. Attachment 2 of the agenda packet was a form copy of an encroachment permit which would accompany the IGA. Because SUB would be continuing to accept liability and holding the City harmless for work performed under the encroachment process, the form copy needed to be signed by the heads of the Water & Electrical Departments, respectively. Individual permits would be signed as they were issued by the department head's designee. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) BETWEEN THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AND THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE MOTION PASSED WTH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane Council of Governments Covering Payments under the Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Housing and Communities Grant. Assistant Public Works Director Len Goodwin presented the staff report on this item. City Staff had reached an agreement with the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) concerning the distribution of funds to the City of Springfield under the Housing and Urban Development Sustainable Housing and Communities grant. Council approval was needed to authorize execution of the Agreement. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 7 On September 19, 201.1, the Council, by Resolution approved a memorandum of Understanding among the City of Springfield and a number of other jurisdictions creating the Lane Livability Consortium. At the same time, the Council approved the Lane Livability Consortium work plan designed to fulfill the terms of a Sustainable Housing and Communities grant awarded by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department. This grant funded certain activities by the City, including activities related to the University of Oregon Sustainable Cities Year program in which the City was participating, and activities related to scenario planning required by the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization in connection with the Jobs and Transportation Act (HB 2001) approved by the legislative Assembly in 2009. Under the budget developed for the approved work plan, the City would receive approximately $264,850, and would provide services of staff evaluated at $111,450, as a match to the grant proceeds. The staff costs the City would be leveraging was for work the City had already planned to do, so was not an additional burden. Under the terms of the grant, all grant funds would be disbursed to the Lane Council of Governments ,and would, subsequently; be disbursed by them to participating jurisdictions in reimbursement of expenses incurred. The proposed Intergovernmental Agreement set forth the terms and conditions of such reimbursements. The agreement had been reviewed by staff, who recommended approval. The Agreement had been approved as to form by the City Attorney. Mr. Goodwin said staff was still making progress on the work plan and the tasks under the work plan. This agreement would allow the City to receive those grant funds. Councilor Moore asked for clarification on this grant. There were a number' of things related to sustainability. Mr. Goodwin said this was the Lane Livability Consortium which was operating under a Housing and Urban Renewal Department sustainability initiative grant. The Sustainable City Year was a project with the University of Oregon. Councilor Ralston said he still had concerns. According to the document, it appeared that the federal government was setting priorities on local plans, policies and economic goals and he didn't feel the federal government should be dictating our goals. The goals stated that they were trying to ensure social equity. The guise was economic development, but had other policies included. He noted the reference to climate change. He didn't feel it was to our benefit to get funds and play by someone else's rules. Councilor Woodrow said she researched social equity and found there were numerous definitions and found that it was situational or case specific. One of the tasks in this work plan was to define social equity for our area. Basically, it was part of our constitution. Councilor Wylie said she felt many people had worked to come to common ground. The people working on these plans were people that were involved in our local work and we worked with throughout our community. She felt the federal government was recommending local agencies to think about economic, climate and other issues. This was an opportunity to provide input regarding those issues. Councilor Ralston said part of the group that was deciding this was Eugene, and Springfield and Eugene didn't always see eye to eye. Councilor Wylie said there were a lot of differing opinions among Springfield as well City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 Page 8 Mayor Lundberg said the City's contribution was work we were already doing. The partnerships were already in place, and the City came out $200,000 in the good from the grant. As in all of our joint efforts there were challenges, but we could set it up so Springfield was doing Springfield's business. Councilor Pishioneri said Springfield's concerns were heard and Springfield retained control and the ability to opt out of the IGA if it went in the. wrong direction. He understood the hesitancy, but felt the group of people working together was doing a good job. He thanked staff for their work on getting this IGA to this place. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPROVE A MOTION APPROVING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON .BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND I AGAINST (RALSTON). BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:38 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa U Christine L. Lundberg(i Mayor Attest: .� .�i