HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2004-9-23 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818,00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 4920 Aster St A-D ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702320000904 Spr TYPE OF WORK: Four-Plex TYPE OF USE: New PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retirement Home - Applicant for project is Sunwest Management Residential Owner: Terry Travess Address: 1495 Cheek Street Springfield OR 97477 Phone Number: (541) 747-9940 Contractor Type Architect General Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Sewer 'oA .onllires yuu ~\J I CONTMC;frQR.J'N]'\@RM'A'TJ:OJ'Jrlegon Utility ,",' . lee; adopleU ...., - les are set torth Contractor tolloW ~'~n'center. lnifc\yJ~e\ OAfE~Ji>1~Jti6n Date Patrick Bickler Notiticagl 52-001 -001 0 thro~g\ ot th~ rules bY . OAR . copIes KDA Construction Inc In u may obtaIn . the telephone AC & E ELECTRIC 0090. ~o the center. (Note. . \it NotHication JET HEATING INC calling r tor the Or\J9~4' Ut~_~344), 05/31/2007 CENTER LINE PLUMBINdlNCbe center is 11%~&St3 01107/2008 SITE WORKS INC Phone (503) 588-7046 (503) 587-8700 503-363-2334 541-895-5457 503-371-1191 BUILDING INFORMATION I 8 # of Stories: 1 Lot Size: Height of Structure 16.00 Sq Ft 1st Floor: Type of Heat: Forced Air Gas Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Water Type: Gas Sq Ft Basement: Range Type: Gas Sq Ft Garage/Carport Energy Path: Path 1 Sq Ft O~~ Sprink~~l1If\tt~g: \~ (j-lT\\.\n\Y.p\Rt ~~fr.~ ~tf?: I DEVELOPME\'fI\~rr~~iini}N..ii\"\\~;ONEQ faR ~\J \ rl Mt~CE.D OR \'S.T\\)f\ REQUIRED PARKING Overlay DmfI ~ B\\ Df\'l pE.R\OD. Total: # Street ~~ Rqd: Handicapped: Paved Drive Rqd: Compact: % of Lot Coverage:- 155,945 3,449 # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: 4 R-l VN Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: '.:"p- I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains: Notes: Pae:e 1 of 7 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Valuation Description I Description Tvpe of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $82.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 3,449.00 Value Date Calculated Apartment Hous V Wood Frame Total Value of Project $282,818.00 $282,818.00 09/02/2004 ~ Fee Description Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number Commercial Plan Check $578.92 6/24/02 9716 -Mechanical Issuance Fee- $10.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 + 10% Administrative Fee $212.54 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 + 7% State Surcharge $148.78 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Addressing Assignment $31.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Appliance Vent $48.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Building Permit $1,160.40 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Dryer Vent $24.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Exhaust Hoods $36.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Fixture $560.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Furnace - up to 100,000 btu $48.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Gas Outlets 1-4 $4.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Gas Outlets 4+ $12.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Plan Review Comm/Ind/Public $754.26 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Planning Final Occy Inspection $11 0.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet $45.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Sanitary Sewer - Improvement $1,243.04 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement $1,634.72 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC MWMC Administration $10.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC MWMC Improvement $3,461.24 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC MWMC Reimbursement $328.12 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin $317.69 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC Transpo Admin $278.21 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC Transpo Improvement $3,089.96 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 SDC Transpo Reimbursement $700.52 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Storm Drainage Impervious Area $1,450.49 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet $45.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Temp Power 200 amps or less $50.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Vent Fan $48.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 Water Line - 1st 50 Feet $45.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 WilIamalane Apartments $2,768.00 9/23/04 2200400000000001201 + 10% Administrative Fee $30.50 1/19/05 2200500000000000071 + 7% State Surcharge $21.35 1/19/05 2200500000000000071 Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add $54.00 1/19/05 2200500000000000071 Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less $126.00 1/19/05 2200500000000000071 Perm Serv/Fdr 201 to 400 amps $75.00 1/19/05 2200500000000000071 Pal!:e 2 of7 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Temp Power 200 amps or less + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Other Electrical Permit + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Low V oItage - Residential + 10% Administrative Fee Reinspection Fee Building Total Amount Paid En2ineerin2-C/I/P En2ineerin2-C/I/P Fire Marshal-C/I/P Initial Review-C/I/P Plannin2-C/I/P Structural Review 03/03/2003 Structural-C/I/P $50.00 $16.90 $11.83 $169.00 $7.50 $5.25 $75.00 $4.50 $45.00 $19,944.72 1/19/05 1/25/05 1/25/05 1/25/05 8/25/05 8/25/05 8/25/05 5/1/06 5/1/06 I Plan Reviews I 07/24/2002 08/09/2002 08/01/2002 06/25/2002 06/26/2002 11/15/2002 Wait PO Appr PO APP AG Appr LA Appr LM WE JMP APP TR Pae:e 3 of 7 .'-~ITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818.00 2200500000000000071 1200500000000000108 1200500000000000108 1200500000000000108 2200500000000001158 2200500000000001158 2200500000000001158 2200600000000000536 2200600000000000536 Telephone calls to Patrick Bickler and Ron Jackson trying to determine limits of construction. (Left messages, waiting for return ca lis.) Plan review - 4plex Senior garden apartments 3450 sq ft, VN , R3 1. Provide address numbers for each unit and provide a building address number on the main building. Numbers to be clearly visible from the street fronting the building. 2. Provide a 2A-I0B:C fire extinguisher in each unit - mount extinguisher with handle 3' to 5' above the floor. No SUB review required per Don Moore noted gas-fired water heater in storage closet is not permitted. Called architect, who is to look into a direct vent unit. Approved as noted Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Structural-C/I/P 08/12/2002 Info Paee 4 of 7 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818.00 LH Faxed letter to Patrick Bickler from Tom Rogers on Preliminary plan review which included the following information. See job file for letter and code references. Building/Planning 1) It appears thaI the proposed occupancy type is Group R, Division 1. Please verify this is accurate or specify the proposed occupancy classification. Note that the following review comments are based on a R-l classification. 2) The walls between units must be of one hour construction. Specify the assembly that will be used. 3) Indicate on the plans the location of all draft stops. 4) Indicate on the plans where the accessible parking serving this building is Icoated. 5) The microwave show in detail 2/ A6 is not within the maximum height speciifed in OSc. Incidate how compliance will be achieved. 5) The microwave showin detail2/A6 is not within the maximum height specified in OSSc. Indicate how compliance will be achieved. 6) Kitchens with counters or appliances on three sides must be provied with 60 inches clear space. Verify that 60 inch c1eraance is provided between the refrigerator and opposing cabinets. 7) The clear floor space at the kitchen sink must extend 15 inches past the sink centerline. Please verify. 8) Specify the wall assembly used between units that meets the sound transmission requirements of OSSc. 9) The drawing notes on sheet Al do not consistently correspond to th{ numbered items on teh plans or include all the referenced numbers. Please clarify. 10) Special inspection is required as outlined in OSSc. Please complete the enclosed special insepction schedule and obtain applicable signatures. Special inspection appears to be Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line required for, but limited to: Epoxy anchors. STRUCTURAL I)Calculation page 2B-I0 evaluates t x 12 beam with allowable bending stress of 1300 psi. Sheet S1.2 specifies DF-L #2 beam. Please confirm that a #2 beam is acceptable. 2) The roof framing plan on sheet S1.2 references notes 23 and 25 for the firder truss support. Where are these notes located? 3) Provide calculations for the privacy screen shown in detail 1/ A6 demonstrting the ability to resist wind loads. MECHANICAL 1) Provide mechanical shop drawings and equipemtn specifiications for review. Include details for appliance venting, combustion air and ducting. 2) Fue fired applicance may not be installed in the bedroom or adjoining closet unless metting the specific exceptions of the OMSC. Provide suppplemental information information demonstrating compliance. To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ~eouire~nSDections I Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection in conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Slab: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping and other equipment items are in place but prior to concrete. Shear Wall Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish materials. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Roofing: Prior to installing any roof covering. Pa2e 5 of7 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/2312004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Drywall: Prior to taping. Firewall: Located and constructed according to plans. Structural Concrete: In excess of 2500 psi. To be done during construction by a State Certified Inspector. Provide results to City Buiding Inspector Roof Sheathing/Nailing: Before covering sheathing with finish material. Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspection performed prior to placement of concrete. Provide report to City Building Inspector. Structural Welds: To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test results to City Building Inspector. Final Building: After all Conditions have been completed as required on Development Agreement. Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Perimeter Foundation Drains: After gravel and filter cloth is installed but prior to backfill. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Gas Service: After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance including required testing. Presure test done at this point. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Electric Service: Approval required prior to utility company energizing service. Floor Insulation: Prior to decking. Hold Downs Installed: Special Inspection performed prior to placement of concrete. Provide report to City Building Inspector. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. Underfloor Plumbing: Prior to insulation or decking. Underground Electric: Prior to cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. Low Voltage: Prior to cover. Paee 6 of 7 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: 02-00758-01 ISSUED: 09/23/2004 APPLIED: 09/02/2004 EXPIRES: 10/24/2006 VALUE: $ 282,818,00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all t;m':r ::::::600. 5" It / ~ Owner oVC~ntractors Signature Date I' - c-e{lH 5G~- :5'5(- 4G~3 Pa!!e 7 of 7 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number 02-00758-01 02-00758-01 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: Description Reinspection Fee Building + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By JON MA TTHEISEN C;.L_- of Springfield Official Receipt l .:Iopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200600000000000536 Date: 05/0112006 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received djb 076453 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 9:04:39AM Amount Due 45.00 4.50 $49.50 Amount Paid $49.50 $49.50 5/1/2006