HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Update on Police Department Goals and ActivitiesAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/6/2012 Meeting Type:Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Jerry Smith Staff Phone No: 726-3729 Estimated Time: 20 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Enhance Public Safety ITEM TITLE: UPDATE ON POLICE DEPARTMENT GOALS AND ACTIVITIES ACTION REQUESTED: Information only. No Council action requested. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Springfield Police Department continues to respond to the law enforcement needs of the community through emergency response, visible patrols, operation of the municipal jail, and coordination with community service programs. This Work Session item constitutes a progress update with Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Update Memo to City Manager DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In June of 2011, the Department hired Brain Austin as our new Animal Control Officer. The response from his co-workers and from the community has been very positive. The Animal Control Program is reaching out to the community in new and innovative ways in order to provide efficient, cost effective services. Uniform Crime Reports Statistics are showing a positive trend, especially in property crime numbers. The most recent numbers available, from 2010, show a significant decrease in the number of reported property crimes in Springfield, and we see that trend continuing. The Municipal Jail continues to be a positive force in the community, holding municipal offenders accountable for their actions, and giving the municipal judges a means by which to enforce their court orders. The Police Department has begun early discussions to renew the Public Safety Operating Levy, which could likely go to the voters this November. The Department intends to bring more specific proposals to the Council for consideration by early Spring. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 1/31/2012 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Jerry Smith, Police Chief BRIEFING Subject: Police Department Update MEMORANDUM UPDATE ON POLICE DEPARTMENT GOALS AND ACTIVITIES COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Enhance Public Safety BACKGROUND: In June of 2011, the Department hired Brain Austin as our new Animal Control Officer. Brian had just completed his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Oregon, and had already worked as a student intern in the Department. He has brought new energy into the Animal Control program, and has begun using the Department’s website and Facebook pages to assist in connecting found dogs with their owners. Between 2009 and 2010, the actual number of reported property crimes decreased by almost 200 reports. That trend continued throughout 2011, as page two of this memo details. In 2011 there were over 350 fewer property crimes reported to the Department. During 2011, the Municipal Jail booked 2,178 inmates into custody, and is currently managing a contract with the City of Eugene to house up to 15 of their sentenced prisoners at a time. The Department is proud of the early accomplishments of the Jail, and the impact it appears to have on our crime rate and call loads. The Jail is operating within budget, and is filling a critical need in the local and regional criminal justice system. Challenges in the County budget will continue to impact the functions of the Police Department, and indirectly, the Jail operation. The Police Department has begun early discussions to renew the Public Safety Operating Levy, which could likely go to the voters this November. Our challenge will be to craft a measure that provides sufficient funding for public safety and jail operations, while also respecting the difficult economic times our community is currently facing. Input from the Police Planning Task Force, City leaders and other City departments will be critical as we set priorities and goals. The Department intends to bring more specific proposals to the Council for consideration by early Spring. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information only. No Council action is requested. Attachment 1 Offense 2011 YTD 2010 YTD Percent Change Springfield Police Department December 2010 December 2011 Percent Change Reported Crimes in December Comparing 2010 and 2011 A. Person Crime 01. HOMICIDE 4 1-75.00 0 0 0.00 02. RAPE 32 24-25.00 3 1 200.00 03. ROBBERY 51 69 35.29 12 6 100.00 04. AG.ASSAULT 127 124-2.36 3 11-72.73 08. SMPL ASSAULT 678 686 1.18 44 58-24.14 17. SEX OFFENSE 108 124 14.81 10 15-33.33 25. KIDNAPPING 8 6-25.00 1 0 0.00 Group Sub Totals 1,034 1,008 2.58 73 91-19.78 B. Property Crime 05. BURGLARY 446 324-27.35 30 22 36.36 06. THEFT 2,016 1,986-1.49 177 145 22.07 07. CAR-THEFT 247 148-40.08 18 30-40.00 09. ARSON 30 22-26.67 1 1 0.00 10. FORGERY 100 75-25.00 9 13-30.77 11. FRAUD 316 286-9.49 22 25-12.00 12. EMBEZZLEMENT 43 7-83.72 0 3-100.00 13. STOLEN PROP 3 16 433.33 0 0 0.00 14. VANDALISM 756 736-2.65 49 62-20.97 Group Sub Totals 3,600 3,957-9.02 306 301 1.66 C. Behavior Crime 15. WEAPONS OFFN 87 62-28.74 6 10-40.00 16. PROSTITUTION 8 3-62.50 0 0 0.00 18. DRUG ABUSE 987 898-9.02 75 78-3.85 20. FMLY OFFENSE 70 93 32.86 3 9-66.67 21. DUII 381 421 10.50 43 42 2.38 22. LIQUOR VIO 260 206-20.77 11 14-21.43 24. DIS CONDUCT 330 315-4.55 24 25-4.00 26. ALL OTHER 1,414 1,254-11.32 94 75 25.33 28. CURFEW 45 40-11.11 2 0 0.00 29. RUNAWAY 104 122 17.31 5 2 150.00 Group Sub Totals 3,414 3,686-7.38 263 255 3.14 Grand Totals 8,048 8,651-7.49 642 647-0.77