HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1981-3-17 (2) INSPECTION LINE 726-1769 . . ..;; r..ITY OF 5PRINGFIElD CCl:INAtrON APPLICATION/PERMIT INFORMATION LINE 726.-3753 ~ I ~ Q 4 ~/"\ rLn () /," "i--. . A ENERGY SOURCES, .' Sq. "g. Mo'n Job Addren . ( ) /) tlJUA.,....J.A.-t.J U-/Lf....U Heat Sq. Ftg. Accen. /} Waler Heater Sq. Ftg. Other Legal O",criplian . Ronqe _New. _Add__Alter _Rep. ~Ji .J,.,~pl ctn C v I va'.. of ':'0,1, 1--,.n,,__o.mo_Chong./U.. l)wn" lOrY I 0 V -r .--'JQ bI:to--vl (V\ ~ __ _.__ _ _ __ _ __O,h., r.a (J ('\ lo-{n BUllding.Permillnfo: Oe$Cribe Work (i.e.. Build Single Addre" '1 I ^ ~ ' / ../ Phone FamilvlJ!..""irl"".." Wilh Attached Garaael . JLI.i ifl)r ) ->>t:.t.u1 AUJvt ) r . - I I Construction Lender I Addren Phone j OESIGN TEAM (nome) I. r:: I p,'mo,. (JJmj) /)fJJJ!irV} f /. !J.M(, I . Structural I Electricol I Mechanical CONTRACTORS General. Pll.lmbinQ Electrical Mechanical PLUM81NC I f'.IO. I I I I I Izcc I I I I I I Each linqle fi",hm! Relocated bl.lilding (new fix. oddilionol) S.f. Residenc. (1 bathl Ouolu (I both) each Addilional balh Waler 1erv;ce Sewer Storm Sew.., ,. TOT AL CHARGES J' ~ vJ (addre,,) (Ii". no.) (phcme no.) (upirel) (name) (addren) (expireS> (phon& no,) Wet. no.) ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL fEE I CHARGE NO. I I I I I I I I I I 110.00 ;7 (\wl 1 I I I I '" ( CHARGE I ICHARGE i I I NO. I FEE Residence of _Sq:ft. New circl.lih. olterotio"s or extension I fl.lrnace/ burner to "'TU'I Appliance V"", IOoorolo Stationary ....ap. cooler Vent fan with ,inqle duct Vent system opon from hel:ltina or A.C. Mechanical Ollhault hood and dl.lct I I ..1 SERVICES Temporary Conltruction Amps. Wood Iloveiheoler FEEDERS Heat Pl.lmp Air handler to 10.000 CFM Air ha;:;dler over 10,000 CFM Amp1. I WDO ISSUANCE Of PERMIT WHERE 5TATE LAW REQUIRES that th. Electrical work be done by the Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit .hall not be valid until 0 label has bee" signed by on Electrical Contradar and CI"ached to the olectrical panel. I TOTAL CHARGES I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED Ih. completed application for permit, and do hereby corlify that all information hereon il Iru. and correct, and I fl.lrth.r cerrify that any and 011 worll performed sholl be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the LOWI of the Sloto of Oregon pertaining 10 the work delcribed herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of any url.lcture without the permiuion of the 51.lildin9 Civilian. I fl.lrther certIfy that my regi5tration with the 8l.lilder's Board is in fl.lll force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that if exempt ,he basil for .Jll:emption is' noled h.ron_ and Ihal only lubcontraClatJ and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will b. used on this project. {\ SIGNATURELr;f~ fOR OFFICE USE ONLY TOTAL CHARGES Sosis for Bl.lilder's 80ard exemption- NAME (pleale print) ~-rt; 0 h I a 0:: Zone Fire Zone Flood Plain BUILDING PERMIT Charges ond Surchorges PLUMBING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges tqOJn ELECTRICAL PERhUT' . Charglls and Surcharge I MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges ant Surcharge. ('- . S~-OLJ '- ('.,'~I-L om:x3-17-8( Typel Canst. ~draom. ~tarief Sq. Ftg. Main C;q. Fig. Accen Sq. Fig. Other Unih f"lccy Load ""'cy Grol.lp x "olue Volu. Voll.lll x x TOTAL VALUATION Plan CIt. Camm/lnd 65%/ Bldo Per Fee Plan Clt. Res 30%1 BldQ Per Fee Sy1tems Development Charae 11.5%1 '1D.OO .Y{) fence Demo Total Comb. Permit Sidewalk Ale PevinCl Cl.lrb Cl.lt ---------, TOTAL ..._...~~ ~ Fees and Charges III Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges ore due and payable when the permit is issued. -I: COMBINATION APPLICATION/_lIT (CAP) I. Applicanl to furnish A. Jab Address B. Legal Description 1. exomple.tox lot 100, Lone County Map Referenl 2. examale-lat 1. Black 3, 2nd Addition to Springfi. C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender D.. Energy Sources 1. example-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced air gas 2. examDle-water heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. - 1. example-1250 sq. foot hause, 500 sq. foot garag 2. example-if new project, check new-if addition, d odd, etc. F. Building'permit information: 1. example-construct single family house with on at garage 2. .example.remodel existing garage into family roo J. example.convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction delays, Building Divi Staff must bc able to contact appropriate persons rei design informction or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical & Electrical Schedule A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description p of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the appli need fill.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appro item(s) 10 be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules ore available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedull hove been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed ore not covered on thf ated schedules you should consult the full schedul, C_ BUilDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES A CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used a! worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff, prepare 0 typewritten copy and return it to the applicant the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I'ROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, . "';gnaturo. nam.... ; '1, ....... .. ,-~ ~ . PERMIT V ALIDA lION ( , . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD c ( City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department af Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT c , ( . No. B 5 6 0 6 4 ( Date~ - /l 19<6 I. e Rec'd Fram.Lhma A- _ ..011 t lJYl ' Address "'LVJ41 S 5l d 0 9}t ~ , c --J,UX LLD-'u Y \ iliu Receivea Far: _I ( .( ( .( P.p r) () 00 . 'Xn ( 40] !) t ~ ( c {t. ( c /( r~. : , '" c Amount Received I)~ q rLrlZ---- r~ c ( ~'..I "'THOAI:Z:I!:D 5tGN"TUIII!: ( ."I[LTO".TU"".VlL ~",..TI[". . I:UGIl"I, 0" \17.0' ....,.. ~. 1 l-, _. ~.,' .;. Permit Cler~ I I I j ...late . , , _,-,,_..a-."'-' --.:;.....,.:.....~......~,,_,_ .. _....1 @r e. ...... b 1'"( I e:-1oOT I el . c..-=:p OMH NDIE;;; .._......__.._ Pli?OYIOe COto1Pl.e:re ~ e~:reH':;'laH WITH ,AL.L.. ~Jl?,6{-lt::' MA.~A\...4? COHF=(;trH II-I l:'r TO e.'m:>l1HC:r />HI? ColTY ~ ~H41"lex' ~rzeHeH"T27 FO.e. UHE1,HI+;Q4~1l'JP.:~~ ;:o:r~_. .. JH<oTAU-Al1oH N--It:> ~E:':::>ToeAi1OH 0(=" C;;I~;r.I!:;'5j~1, 127 ~-U.?I1Tt7H<? op- TT-/O'::::e ~'7TlH<.::r \'41rH ' -~t? ~u.. w U'tvlPLe-re.r;-e~ IS 1'J1I"~:'l'~~I. . -me A,c?' l..-. c.oH1l?,.AC. Toe. <?l-IOJl.D CEI--1(;'/I:: <;;01Z-FW'? HA~ f"L.I>al? OH THEe, 'N012t:::.... NZEA AF~ ill".::> F'eO~e.c..T \};/""';> 1711:7. D. ~,b.J.A c:,A.H j.:h~.~ . !H. I COMMUHlCAl1H6r 1'H1C;? ca:molNAl1ot--l. ! " o f:;;~ - - ---. -_ _ ,=.CIIII'"_""'" .1/"\', ""- - "-/~ -~. 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