HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2006-4-5
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225 FIFfH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR ')7477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ?oOl@m;:~2;'2. -if::t;1;~~;"
~~:O~~r::;.r ~R;YIf(E/!-JBtIff:r Date O({:"-L!;':~'~ <,0'1
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(ruJO~Bill~ESCRI/PTIv?ltUnN 1000 sq. ft. odess $106.00
, (l .~ . 11:_ Each additional 500 sq. ft. or
l.,.U(\ !\L(Y UJ"'-. portion th'(J;,1if-NTIOI~: Orer1on law requires '1'9'00'0
Ea hM f~I!,o~dnllec ,"cioptcd hy ltle uregon Utilily
Permits ure Don-transferable and expire if work is c anwact Home or . I
not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Modul1t~Ji)U;eiliHgJSeh1J~tbr TI10SU ru,es are set forth
Su.pended for 180 day.. Feederifl eN. >i=? 0.11 O[]~ [] tl"'" ,,'" n^~,$2!?}!(tlUL
2.,190.~:I''li4,~~:~:~~~N:!~t~!~L'\~~~: B. ~~I~~;!in!j;;~~i:@~t~~i~~ll~rl~fl~jl~~[~~!~~~!1~rili.!1i
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Electrical Contractor -hJ4.lLf ,'-:JlnU! tJP('A 'II' t1VJ'00 Amps or less - $,?3.00
.. 20 I Amps to 400 Amps $ 75.00
Address .576 tAj-"~OYI Sf. !AnNt 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125.00
Y/JCllnl + 601 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.00
City ~1"" ~ Phone q 1-Cf07 8 Over 1000 AmpsNolls $375.00
Recormeet Only $ 50.00
Supervisor License Number ?J ~q 0 J..EIt
!:1-t log 0
Expiration Date
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Addre{)u. ~.kJ mC-IA ff'-
Cit~ t:fJ~hone Gcf1\
OWNE~TA~ION '1~(p - Lf II (p
The installation is being made on property I own \\1rieh
is not intended for sale, lease or rent.
Owners Signature:
In.pection Reque.t: 726-3769
A. n[N;rn1~:E:~~!~!I~~~Ef1:~f=g~!fl:ff~~:~~~;f~~f!.;~J~:~~~~.:n~:rj~;~:!J!~n'~.lE~:!~~]~:~:![~~[:j
Service Included
Installation, Alteration or Relocation
200 Amps or less
20 I Amps to 400 Amps
40 I Amps to 600 Amps
Over 600
$ 50.00
$ 69.00
New Alteration or Exten.ion Per Panel
One Ci~9qiIT! "j:_ $ 43"00
EachAddit.ii\n~~C;(reuitor~vithL EXPIRE IF :r"~ 'NORK
Service o~IFCc&Jr'PAA'n'it SdAL $1 il.OO
E. II~l['~~~~~~'~f~f~1~et~1:2g~;s~Mifl~~~t11\!!,it\g.~;!1
Pump or lITIgatIOn $ 50.00
Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50.00
Limited EnergylResidential $ 25.00
Limited Energy/Commercial I $ 45.00 <....j.b
Minimum Electric Permit In.pection Fcc j. $45.00 + Surcharge.
4.1;!!J~jiB~I~g~j~ll~i~~IIU!;IUIVlllfJlllllllllllllll!II 4- ~. aD
7% State Surcharge ~a
53 _/0
10"10 Administrative Fee
Shared Drive(T:YBuilding Forms/Electrical Pennit Application 1-03.doc