HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-9-9 (2) .. RES~ENTlAL" , APPLI~ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 '1'14- 7" If.J <i.... /1-03-34-;l.:;l. T"" Lot g , L.d- #- , /..( 1(<- II, I f6 S"- Job Loc.2tion: ABGBBBOrS Map /J SUbdivision: CUneI": ./ r....f......l- 1 'l-ft, -"'L S- Address: ) ?~,J.. e......"....._+ :;-t- E ....J("..1(.., /J'-J"v City: !6LNM., n Addition n Remodel n Uobile Harna ,r J / q-#)O Phone: VJ':>~ll1 y Zip: .; 7 "'0/ Describe r.'ork: "': S''''-S't. r.-.!J ~<,~.(,,;,~ . &;VNP~ TM/)/ II7NP~~b.b VrrUT/ES Date of AppZicaticn ":,y/"I..'i/f.Y" Value ~;~a:;c>o Con1:ractors Ad.dJ"'esB Gens",! r... 4.....: .t3t/~-.u- 11fJ-' C__~.,f IT Pllllllbing "'<.J("..,~ ,>i.~b. fo 130>-. d-.33 Elect>"ica! d..,._c!. th(_~ 1 f103 /:) V s-"'-. M..,ltar.ic~! /<?,ii ~"... 'd,......f;"" '3.70 C:,,;I- ''-If<.. 12...,. Conatl'Uction Ltmd81' .M.A. . . .... t?-c...M- . ~ c..L-' (tel... c... Rcce~pt !J !? 7(J ( , Oi' \ ( \ II' tIl'Y)/ CG Siqr.ea:!R n -H-::> Date: lt~.kfr o/-q -f;;f -- Lise. # Eroil'cS Phone 2", -1ft; . ../.f't V.l r.lI '''' '1" ~-o I (P(H fYL-rJ-l-'l 3i",fJ(o 1/rl 9V,.i'''7.11!.. ch1.l. Yo -L/4-t "7 '1/_~'cJO "- It ill t1uJ rsaponaibi.t.ity of ths prmri.t hold.ze to sse that a.1.l. irwpecticns al'6 made at ths propsr timc. tr.at IilCCn =ddres8 is rBadai:. fran tM att>eet, and that the permit C<U'd ia located at the j'rcnt of the propBl'ty. 4Buit.di!t{J Of.ui:;ion apprat:Bd plan shalt. remain on t1wl Building Sit:; at aU times. ,PtlOCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RS""UEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job numb61". job at!d:rcss. tYPQ of in3pec=icr. raquestcd ar.d. rJ.l;:en you rJiz.z. be ready for inspection. Con'tractor's or Q.msrs name and Fhone number. Requfi:sts received. bQfcre 7: 00 c r.ri.Zl be rrude the same day. requests made after 7:00 ern will ba 1Tr11le the ncrt :.>orking day. Reaui~p.d InsDp.cticr2 O SITE INSPECTION: To be rrrzde after excavation. but pM-or to set up of .'Ol'mJl. O . UNDF:RSLAB PLUMBING. F:LF:CTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made before any ~rk ie covered. rxi "~NG & FOU;?"'TION: ~o be nr:ufs ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected. but prior to pouring ccncret.. __ . '1;:;- . . _-;;.0\ -,\,,~ ~-~ UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, W.1TER. DRAIlIAGE: To be nr:u1e prior to fil- .hr.g trencMs. rOW' City" Deeigr.atea Jcb 1Iwnbt>1' Ie: f- <6' 0 f) f.( 10 ~ o UNDF:RFLOOR PLWBING & MF:CRANICAL: To be made prior to inata z.z.ation' of fLoor insulation or dsckin!!. O POST AND BF:AH: To b. madc p>"icr to installation of floor ins14Zation or -",lacking. O ROUGH PLWfBIlJG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-. ANICAL: No tJOrk is to be covered . ~ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. . - - FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- ticn. o o FRAHING: Must be requested after approvaL of rough plurr.bing. alectr-i- .oaZ & mechanical. All roOfing bracing & chinrncys. st". nrolst be ~. completod. lIo work is to be con- .....csaled until this inspection has :O.b8~ made and approved. -.- O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insuktian ar.d ,-. .' required vapor barriers are in place . '::' .' ~ but before any lath. gyp81J11! board or '. - LXlll covering is applied. and before . at'!y irwuZation is conceaLed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: 'Tc be n>:zde after al.Z. drywal-L is in place. . but prior to any taping. " O MASONRY: Steel location. lx>>ui beam:J. grouting or verticaZs in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccrrrp"leted. O. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fC1rl1ls are ereated but prior to pouring . con.::rete. 0" SIDF:WALK & DRIVF:WAI: For all con- crete paving within street right- ,of-w<=y. to be made after all exca- . uating currplete & form work & 8ub- . base rmterial in place. O PF:NCF:: When camp!.te -- Provide. ga;;;;; or movable sections through P.U.E. . o DE/.10LITION OR gOVED' BUILDIilGS ~ Sani:ary s~er aapped at ~opcr~' Zir.e ~ Septi;: tank p-.iqJ6d and fiLl~ L1ith gra:.: I Final - rrhen ab....""Vs items ars ccmpletcd ~ ar~ when demolition is complete or stru ture moved and pr;:miaes ale.:zned up. Nobi le Hcmes =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections. -- Ba.Jer.~ wa"tsr --, Electr-ica.l Connection - Blocking, 8st-u; ---.J and plumbing conr.ections trr..:.st 1;8 appro!);. . before requesting elect:rical ins?ectio;1 =:J'AcaeSSOl'".i Building " .-,' --, Final - Aft~r porcr.es. s1drting. decks. ---1 etc. are completed. o All projBct conditions. Duch as the installation of street trees. c~lotio", of tM required landscc:pir.g. etc.. must be satisfied before tr.s BUILDING FINAL can be ,.squest3d. o FIliAL PLU/mIlIG o FINAL MF:CHANICAL o FINAL F:LECTRICAL q o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeotod after the Final Plumbing Electrical. and M6cha.r.ical Inspectiono havo besn mads and app1"Ov~d. ~ 'ALL UANHOLF:S AND CLF:ANOUTS MUST BF: ACCF:SSIBLF:. ADJUSTlfENT TO BE IIADE AT NO COST TO cr.r I Pa~; 1 of 2 P:::ge 2 I JOB NO. r~o 1L/lP SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG~ I Zone: / 't?P , Oe"''''a''''~ cA ~.;! .h?-/ Typelcor.st:. n. ~N~~ Bedro"",s: Lot Sq. Ftg. .2$?c; LOT T'lPE: " . r Lot Faces - €'~ ~ ' I Enemu SO".<rcee I Setbacks Heat S of lot CJlJerago 2 ':;""A':) Intericr P. L. House Caraqe Access. I Watero .f!P'(JtP.'f" 6 of Su,ries / L Comer !North I~ ' Range Total Height / ~' Panhandle lEast "7.., , I FirepZoce <:>) ISouth "241 1-2~' I I Wooa:,tove Topogra;;hy 6'.2/6 "'l-de-sao IWest I~' i I I -- Faes -- 1 I I 1 1 .e.J(y 1 707'/ ,i'EV/EW ~ PWD 1'5 ~ 16;2~- I. c477i?~62.,.c-=. -=- ?/Jct/Ec:r: I 9q- !!.-.:.:n -) I I I j I I . - ~ I I ~ /fU K I I I I .# -:z /6. 68 lITEM I~bi" SQ. FTC '~'I9 . q~~ Cc:raaR CarDCrt AcaeS80Ml I Is.D.c. &JNDA.;?; _~....v' TOTAL VAWE (ualuc) I.S ;r Building Permit State Su:rcharge Tota I !:Ira..oooges 1 NO. I I 1/1 I Water II I ::57""Rh7fl~/~ lITEM I Fiztwoss I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary S6lJeZ- numbing Pe=i t State Stu'cr.mogB Jqta 1. Charaes lITEM i NO'1 FEE I Res. S(I. fta. I N8L1/Erttmd Circui. ts I I I Temporary SeMJica I I I I I Ele~tr>ical Pemrit State Su:raharQ6 Total. Charces lITEM I No.1 FEE Purn.::rCB !!TU' S I I E:haust Hood I I I V61It Fan I I Woodsto:JB I I I I Permit I3suance Me:::hanical Pernrit State Surcharae ..:J:Q.tnl eJrnrocP.t'I -- ENCROAClIMENT -- SBC-J.r'itv D3'D03it Storage Maintlman.::'R Ipl!Z'I!rit I Total Cha1"f!os CUrhcu~ sid=lk Fen::e '7 C-/W,-; iF=' nBctrical l,rrbe1. I NOM lo Home"- I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.of x Value ~2.~ -q.l'3 ~?~ FE:E: CHARGE ~p."'~ / "!). &t:> I I I I ?_~I I ~7-?'r~. I CHARGE i I I 1 1 I I I I I I I , . I ClIARGE i I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I :ZOo .-. ",1):'- .1. .'ZCJ T1J~e AJ'" \",l.::1 ( ')j"/. (,f~ Building Value & Permit This permit is granted 071 the e:t:pres8 condition that ths sa'id. construction shaLl~ in all respccts~ conform to the ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including the Zoning Crdinance~ regulating the ccnstructicn and UDe of buildings~ and m::y be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . IpZon Check Fee: .::2 I'J '). 3 S /- Date Paid: K ~ ~ l{ -f?!( IRecoipt #: (2- { g to I Signed: 0...C Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct~ instal?~ alter or change cny netJ or e:isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's licenss~ e=cept that a pe:oson rrr::y do plumbing work to property which is oumed~ leased or operated by the appli- can~. I 1-']- Electrical Permit Vhere State La:uJ l"equires t;..at the e lectrica l lJOl"k be done by an EZeet'l"'ica Z Contractor~ the electrical. pOl"tion of this permit shall. roOt be valid until the label.has been signed by the Electroical Contractor. Mechanical Permit '. I , . I I I I I I . I I I 1 I I I I. ,~~~ 7- 9-S2> "".e I HAVE: CAREFULLY E:XAMINE:D the completed application for perntit. and do hereby certify that all i'!'lfo:rmation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfo~ed shall bs donB in accor- dance :sJith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and th~ Lt:LJs of tha State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described here.:.n. and that NO. OCCU- PANCY tJill be rrr::de of any structura witho~t p~1"mission of the Building Di- vision. I fUrther certify that only contractors ar~ enploye6s who are in ~Uance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~7E'.' Ir <:?y$',i?, /$.:7 P4~ W"/L:<t: ~#~ j9~fiZ5fY $;>?'~.,:o~ .~ ~~.z ~ /?~,.,:~c:-.LZ./ c,.".,y~ lJO/~.P/~ P/V/~/"lY F~,R ;P~.I>>.rT E;K- ~:>/=-~. R~ 4 j...y(d J- Signad Oats