HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-9-9 .. RESI.NTlAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: <?'l4- 701+..1<,- 11-03-,34-- JI.:L Tc:r: Lot # I q~O AS06S80l'S Map /I S1JxJivision: LoJ-1- #- / Omer: ,- r .....-I...-L :6 f-JIJ..- :s' Address: J7~J... G....:\...._+ s--t- E U-~{~, t/""'-S,./ City: 16La"'" n Addition n Remodel n Uobile Homo U 1(<- ii, 1/6.JL Pr.one: VJ'S-~.3i1 y Zip: t; 7 VO / Describe rl'ol'k: ~""'-Slt. F.-..s ~<\~d,';'~ . Ft;PNP-17Y~d 7' V',y,p~~h".l> t/rrUT/E'S . .r4.'f/fY Va IUB 6, ::?<Zl. OC> Date of Applicatio~ Rcce-:.pt .11- !? "?(J r . \0\ , \ \ \ \ CG Siqr.ed: ~ ~ Date: ii;?:;Uf-'" q~q-vf .... Contractors Address Lise. II Exoipos PhonQ Cenerat r... /....... J3 1'1.-.u- t7fJ... l~,...o)frr i?,- ~ :;w-lffi S-/.f't <I.l r.1l 7 '" Me,) (c;,,~ j>/.~h, 1'0 Bo>- ,,)-33 . , IP(H fllL-.rJ,J..L numbing CL-' "l'1.J-ol Electrical Jk'~D-:-d t::"'~~,:,,:" 1fl03 Uv :;-..t,;. ft<L L" 3k,uf.o 1/.1'1 -;'h.ffe7.l1!... Maclrar.ic.::t k'<J j:.,-. '/__1 ,,,-, . '3,70 C;::"d ,>If<.. t:c.. ( . du..l.YC:; .2./H 7 lIl-WO"1- J,/ ...A... ~ eo...m.ctian tmrda It i.a tl&. l"6sponsi.bi.lity of ths psrmit holder to S8e that al1.. iMpections a:t'6 made at tits propsr timG~ tr.at QCCIt =ddrSBB is raadabZ j'1'CIIl tlut strsst, and that ths psrrrrit can:I is !.ocated at the frent of the prDpaty. -Bui!.di!1!l Diui:::i.or. approved plan shall remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURF: Fon INSPF:CTION R:cOUF:ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) etate your City aesignated job nur.:ba, job a&:rcss, type of i713pec~ l"(3({Uestcd arod 1J,&:en you tJilZ. be ready fol" inspcct-o:.on~ Contractors 01" CUners name and ~hone number. Requests receivGd befere 7:00 a':'I :.~ll be 11Wie the Bame day~ requests made afta' 7:00 am urill be TTWie the n(':,%t :.JOrki~ day. Rl?m''':'t,,:rt' T'1~'?.r..r'~1:r.,.,~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be rmde after' e.zcavation~ but prior to Set up of " forms. O . UNDF:RSLA8 PWMBING. F:LF:CTRICAt & MECHANICAL: To bo made before any WOl"k is .::overed. , ~ . r;<1 Pri!nNG & FOUNDATION: To be "",de ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring CC"<'Tet.. -,~ " [g] -,.o,"J\P , UNDSRGROUND nriMsING. SEWER, W.1TE.If., DRAINAGE: To be rra::ie pI'ior to fil- .Ur.g tl'encMs. o UNDF:RPWOR PWt$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inataLLation of Jtoor insuLation 01" decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLLation of floor insuLation or "",u,ckil1fj. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No IJOrk is to be covered ,untiL those inspections have be~ made and approved. " FIREPLACE: Prior to p lacir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. O FRANING: Must be requsDted after approvaL of rough plwr.bing~ alectri- .caL & mechanicaL. All roofing bracing & chimncys~ et.::. nr..tst bs ;' comp Letcd. No wrk is to be con- ....."cealBd until this inspection has :O"be~ made and approved. o o o rour City" DS8igr.ated Job Number ID: O INSUtATIONIVAPOR BARRIF:R INSn:CTIOII: To be rrnde after all insul.::.tian tr".d ,'. required vapor barriers are in place -. ':: .: but before any lath~ gypuwn board or " "u::zlZ covering is appl.ied~ and betors . any irwuZation is concealed. O DRYWAtL INSPF:CTION: Te be made after aLL dryIJaLl is in place~ . but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bona becunD~ grouting or verticals in accordance urith U.B.C. Section 241.. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpLeted. D CURB & APPROACH APTiON: After forms are ereated but prior to pouring .. CO~rete. . 0" SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .of-way, to be made after all e:z:ca- . vating cc;mplete & form wrk & sub~ . base material in plaae. O !'F:NCF:: fIhen compt.te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.F:. " o f-~O I}tflo I DEUOLITION OR ;'.;OVED BUILDIilGS :=J Sani:ary se:Jer capped at rn:.op~rt"~' lir.s .=J Septia tank p-.,qu:d and filZ~~ LJith gra~B: :J Pinal - rfhen ab..,'""1Je items ars completed ar~ when demolition is complste or struo. turs movsd and prcmiaes :::leaned up. I Nobi le Homes ~ Bto,*il1fj and Sst-"P ~ Plumbing connections scwsr ~ lJa~er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up I ---l and plumbing connsctions nr~st be approv6c before requesting slec~rical inspsc:ion ~ Acassso1";j Bui lding :J Fin..:J.l - Aft;;r p:}rc1:es~ 8kirting~ dscks, stc. are completed. " D ALL project conditions~ 8UCr: as tho installation of st1"6st trees, co::,rplation of tits required Landscc:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestsd. D FIliAL PWMBIIIG D FINAL MF:CHANICAt o FINAt F:tE:CTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeotGd aftsr ths Final Plumbi"3 ElectricaL~ and Mechanical Inspectiona hava beon mads and approved. 'Att UANHGtES AND CtE:ANOUTS HUST 8F: ACCF:SSI8tF:, ADJUST!fENT TO 8F: HADF: AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa~;; 1 of Z I JOB NO. ~~O 1L/f.o SOLAR(ACCESS REQ.- _ L-COG~ I Zone: 1_'f?P Occuoonc" ;~ R'3~,h?-/ T:,.eICor-Bt:AIJ!.p,. ~N"-or> Bedroom.: Lot Sq. Ftg. 7$??c:. LOT TYPE r Lot Faae. - tJ:~;r- 11 Enerau So""ae. S of lot Couerag< "7'<:;""...0 Interior Setbaak. I I Heat . . - I P.L. House CaraQ8 Access. I I WateJ"l.'!p.f1tpyo a of Storie. / L C01'7ler INorth 1'-/ / I I Range Total Height /.tt; / Panhandle IEa.t ?~ / I I FireoZaae ..., ISouth -Z,.r ~~' I I WOodsto"e 1_r_.....hy r.;-:;z /6 CUl-de-.ac IWe.t I~' i I I J I I 1 I I I I I;S;",....D~ .e~<Y' I?q,y ifEWeW ~ ~D 1'7 ~ TOTAL VALUE_ _. 16.~~- I ~77,;Y~6=?~....... ?/Jct/€CT: (ualue) r n~ '~n -) I I j I I i~- LfU K I I I I .;f -:z /6. 5& I lITEM I "b.in I Gara.ce I CarnOl'"t 1 AcceS80r-u I I SQ.FTG x f~'I9 g~,., S.D.C. 1.5", Building Permit State 5w'charge Total Cha.'"!Ie. 'UINO'I (1 bath) 1 1 1/1 III -5Tb~~#-/N~ IITEM- I Fixtures I Residential FEE Sanitary Sewer Wctm- Plwnbing Permi t Stata Surc}o.arge Total Cha'l'oes lITEM Res. S(J. fta. I N3l;}/E:rtend Circuits I Temporary SGroico I I NO. . FEE EZe~tricaZ Permit State Surcharae Tota l Charces lITEM Furruzce ETU' S I E::haust Hood I Vent Fan I J/OodstO'/JB I 11/0. FEE I I I I I PeY'TTrit Issuanca MBchanica Z Pem t State Surcharae Total CNrrQl-'!n I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Si1C"m trJ Da'OOsi t I Storaqe IMaint~8 JPermit I Total Charao8 Curbcut: Sidez.lalk I Fen::B 7 E/)?r'. F' tlectrica l . Labs l MOM li1 Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Value ~2.?<:J -::]./"3 6?~ I. I I I 1 1 :20_ -c I S--s-: -- -') 7_7~ ~7~7S-l. CHARGE ~p'P"" I?:~ CHARGE CHARGE 'l...vl ~ Pc.ge 2 I TU'OB A;>, \",0 l.,r.... J aJo Fees Building Value & Permit This permit in granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shaU, in all respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted bOy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and UDe of buildings, and m:lY be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. J- !pZan Cheak Fee: .:11J ? 35 Date Paid: K ~ :? L/ - f?,f iReaeipt H: {2- ( 8' to ISi(p:ed: Q..C Pe r m it Ii , Plumbing No person shalt construct, instal!., aUer Or change any 7'.etJ or existing plumbing Or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:ecept that a pe~son may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I 1 I I 1 I I. Electrical Permit Where State LaJJJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electr>ical. portion of this permit shalt roOt be valid until the Zabel. has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit . I. I I I I. I . I ~~ '7- 9-SlB> ua.e I HA VE CAREFULLY EXANINED the camp leted app l ication for permi t, and do hereby certify that aU infoTm1tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfo~ed shaU be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th< La:.J. of th. State of Dreg"n pertaining to the wrk described herein, and that NO. OCCU- PANCY lJill be rrrlde of any structura lJithout paf'mis;1ion. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that a:1ly contractors ar.d e:rrpwyees who are in canpl.iance IJith ORS 701.055 lJiZZ be used on this project ~7E" IF G'y~ /.t?.? W1"!S /IV/~<: ~#~ J/=/ "-'~ /#::>"""""'7""",,,#$ ~ 0?'"...~.z: ~ }'~.a:::/ 4<>#~ i5'O/4P/~ P/V;~/4ff F4P,R ,?--;';'",/T L5Y~.s/<:::r-9. R~ [' jJ.y(o J- Date Sign:zd .