HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-4-18 - .. RESlDalTlAL" , APPLICAf~;PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 . Job Location: rlqLD 17 DO Po I +U.l JG.-- .=5u z -z... Ta Let # D.30<:SO ASDeSOOl"S Map N Sl.Wdivision: Rcce:pt !i ((317 t/ cJ.,~ Ot::.. ~) A-~r\,,)'C?N~')Z~" L '~6-Q... z..-;.t.s:..b:_ frtr.x GUnmW JJ&yVU i1MJ ~ ~ ~6.. _ ~ ~ _ Address: '1Q Co 1/0 l i::o...wc.....-. Phone: '7 ltG-, C':, 5..0<= I City: ~f'v~;() ,0 zip: QI'-/-77 n n n n N"'.I Additicn Remodel ."!obi Ie 80m3 Date of Applicaticn Contractors L/-- I ~- '8"((. General Plumbing Electrical Me::har.ical Constnlction Lender Describe rl'ork: LUO-od &hfu-~ Value Address . .0(1 ~OO ~)).- .;A<i I \ \ \ Sigr:ed: Date: d.~~~ cI--/c:) -i-f:: Lise. Ii ErDir~s Piumt; It ill ths respon.tri.bility of ths permit holder to aee that alZ. inopactions are made at ths proper tim/;, t".at each ::ddrSBB is ,.oa.1ab:'.: from ths streot.. and that the permit card i.s located at the frent of the property. "Bui!di:-:g rr;vi:;i.or.. approved plan shc.Zl. remain on tn- Buil.ding Site at a'Ll. times. PROCSDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R!'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber.. job address.. typo of in3pec~icn requested ar.a when you wiLL be ready for ir.spaation.. Contractors or Owners name end phone number. RequcsT:s rec6ived befero 7:00 t:. :..'iZZ bB made thG same day.. requests mcde aft;::r 7:00 ern uiH bz m::ldo the next ::JOrking day. ~ 0 .3;;"L'2- Rlu"":":.,,,p T",<;,"1~tir.'Jq O SITE INSPEC':' ION: To be r.r:zde after excavation.. but prior to se~ up of forms. D. UNDERSLAB PLUI.fBING, ELECTRIC,lL & J.!ECHA:1IC;.L: To be made before any . work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO!l: To be trade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. ~ UNDSRCHOU,'}D PLUMBING, DRAI!/AGE: To be lOO.:ie .Ur.g trenchec. SEWE:R. W.1TE.rr. prior to fil-. :J. UflDE.'?FLOOR PLUf.$ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaLLation of j100r insuLction or decking. POST Al.'D BEAM: To. be 11".ade prior to instaLLation of fLoor inskLa:ior. or deckin:; . ROUGH PLCP.~BI:/G. ELECTRIC!.!:. " MECH- ANICAL: No work is to bc cOl,,'ered . .ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve=. FIRF:PLACE: Prior to p7.c.cir.g facing mcteriaLs and before framing inspec- tior.. I FRA,'~Il:r.: Must be requested after ~ approval of rough pLUff-bing.. electri- cal & mechanical. At! roofir.a bracing & chimneys.. etc. nr~st~be ;' completed. flo wrk is to be con- ......o6aled until thio inspection has e b6~n made and approved. :J =:J =:J Your City Deoigr.ated ,!ob Numba' Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insul.::ti:m w,d '. required vapor barriers are in place . but before any Lath.. gypsum beard or wll covering is appLied.. and before any irwulation is concealed. O DRYWALL IllSPECTION: Tc be made after all d:rylJalL is in place.. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location.. boYuI beams.. grouting or verticals in accordance lJith U.B.C. Section ~. ~;~;~TOVE: After instaLlation is mpleted. ~y D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte; forms a:re cl'eated but pl'ior to pouring co~rete. O SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: Fel' all con- crete paving within street right- ef-wcy:.t to bc made after a'Ll exca- vating complete & fo~ ~rk & &ub. base material. in pla::e. O !'ENf:E: When co."TIpl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o . DEUOLITIO!,1 OR gOVE; BUILDI:,'OS ~ Sanitary BB".Jar aapped at ~opcrt-~ Zir.6 :=l Septi:: tank y..c:;u:d a:1.d fi.lla~ wi th gra~6; I Final. - When abavB ittr:ls ara ccmpl8ted ~ and when d~litior. is complete or stru:- ~ure moved ar~ pr~3es aZeanad up. Mobile Hemes =:J Blocking and Sat-up =:J Plumbing connections scwar and wa~or ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking.. sst-uF --.J and plwnbing connections nr..:st co approve'; before requesting elec;rical inspec;io~ =:J Ac::eB=o~' Build-:.ng ---, Final - After porcr.es:.t sk-:.rt-:.ng.. decks.. ~ etc. arc completed. D All project conditions:.t suc~ as the installation of street trees, co.~lotion of the required landscc.pir:g.. etc.:.t must be satisfied before the BUILDII,'C FINAL can bo requsst:zd. .:::J FIlIAL PWmWIG =:J FIliAL HE::HANICAL .:::J FINAL ELECTRICI.L ~ o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted after' the Fin:zZ Plumbi":1 Electrical.. and Mechar.ical Inspectio7UJ have! been made and approved. -ALL /.fA!,'HCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCES~IBLE.. ADJUST.'fE,'/'!' TO !IE g.1D~_ t.T lo'O C~ST TO C~Y I P:J.~e of 2 r JOB NO. I Zema: Let Sq. Ft;. S of lot CoueMg< f of Stones Total Height Topography II'1'EN I Main j Gerace I Carucrt IACCe'8S0l"lf I SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. tVC"UC/ 1.5 ;e Building Pc.rrrrit State Su:rcha:rge Tota 1. Cha.......gea T,:.,'pe/Cor.st: . I I . Access. I II II I: L-COG~ OcCUDanCtI c4 LCT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CU l-de-sac SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- lITEM 1/.'0., FEE Fi:rtures Residential 11 bath} I Sanitary Seuel' I Wate!" I I Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcharge TctaZ cr.aracs lITEM j Res. Sa. fta. I N&tJ/Eztend Circui ts Temporary Service Ele~trical Permit St=te Sur::ha:rae Total Charces IITEN I ~ce ETU'S I E=haust Hoo.: I I Vent Fan i I it/oodstovc Perrrrit'Issuance Me::r.a1':ic:::l pe1"'r.'lit State SurcJu:rac T('Jtc.l. Charop.!'I li,U'1 I I I I"n I 1"-' I I I I EllCROACH/ofE;'/T -- lSc~~ritu D~~03it Storape Maintenar...:'r. Permit Total Charaes C'urbcu~ SidezJa lk .t'c~e electrical Label /tIobile Home :"OTAL AMOU:.7 DUE:" x FE:: Foo I I I 1l ! 'S '1.;2 I I I I I I I I I i I Value CHARCE :.;.;::..:....:;:. CliO-I":; "n.li....~ I I I I \$.cO I I I . '1.5 15. 'IS Bei.ro~s : Ener:1:J ScrJ.rces ,lieat Water H~at.(>.,. Rarlf:e FirepLace Wooa:; tot:e I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L. 'House ' Caraac INorth lEast ISouth IWe8t 'lure Faes Building Value & Permit I I I I ,- This perrrr;t io granted on the express condition that the said. constructier. shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the ccnstr-J..:ticn I and uae of buildings, and m2Y be 8uapendcd or revoked at c:.r.y time upon uie-' Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~ce8. - 'Plan Check Fee: Cate Paid: Rec:;ipt II: Sig77.ed: I I I I I I I I I, I I I I Plumbing Permit No peI'l:on Dhall construct, instaE, aUeI' or change any r.e1J cr e--isting plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole or in part, ur.less such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may dO plumbing !Jork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ~ Electrical Perm it Where State La1sJ reaui1'es t;.~t the electr>ical lJork be done by an Sle::mcal Contractor, the elec~~~cal portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Label has been signed by the Elect'I'ical ~ontractor. , Mechanical Pe r m it ...').-l.,P , P urn Ext:mt.ner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY SXA!1INED the completed application fo'l' pe1T.lit, and do hereby certify that all i~fO:'mO.tion hereon is true ar.d correc:, and I f~'l'thcr certify that any ar4 all wo'l'k pC'l'fo~cd Br~ll be do~e in ac:or- dance :..rith the Ordin.:mccs of the City of SprinrficZd, and th.: La;.:s of tha . State of Oreg~n p$rt~ining to the work described hC'l'oin, end :hat NO OCCU- PJ.llCY will be m.ic of any structUJ'a tJithO:4t parmis3ion of the Building Di- uision. I further ce'l'tify t~t only contractors ar-d ~l~yees tJr.o are in ~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project ~~f~~ Sign.d V 1-/5 -f?8' fute