HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-6-2 , '. .~:. ,....~ ".- .::...-,...... . \'"""-' . ,'- '. ~ "-'-.. ."... ...,.....-".~~.O:;,......I'<~_.~..:....-'-'- ~~. .. RESID~T1AL.. APPLICATIONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 77</ r~ 1~t.J'L ABGeBGOrO Map II Subdivision: u k~ (J, 11,< <- ().mer: f(,.. /-"',' B. ::r: .....c... Address: 17fJ... C~r..u..A- :5+ City: F"-lr-'....,O'-Ld.J f7yu( - . v ~NmJ n Addi ticn n n Remodel Nobile Boma 5-2Z-37 Date of Applic::ation /..0-1# (p To: Let # Phone: Lffr'S'-JI7!P Zip: 1f7 Yof Describe rl'ork: c;.r K Vatue I ~ tffj{) COntractors Addres3 General f'.......J.t..L.J.A tj".-.pr nt;,). /'..J>.;,~fr Plumbing 6-1,.JCt)t..../ ?1"4 1.....:: f06'''--d:?3 Electrical /i1... ~ j''-''cl E /,. + =- 7 f 7o} l)v -=><.." R~ I1Bchar.iccl t<nIC.c '1-I&1,~< ~S7o ~4'+- /'1ft. s-r- Constl"Uction Lender . ,1/':11,)..<'- :.....; . '. . - ~ . .....-..- - ',' Hcce;,t., A t, t: ~ 5' ~ / )01 lId \ Signed: DatG: ce--- 0-;;-177 Lisc. H E;rpircs Phon!; iF ....J.2'lOf Y J .4'/f?'t ~srl--r.. <<'3. ~ (.VJ . c.G- 9?i~ .;).7SU/ <,/d i- 9Yi--s.J. 2- L t {,. t;7 '''--1 3P3.(,. 71d'7 '1>12..-:jb7L e~< f7 VOf .:J.<JJ..yr.J 'IllY 7v/-OOOL Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: a 19-_ 11f I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION: /\ To be made after an insul..:;,tion a7'.d ." required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath, gypswn boCLl."d or wU covering is app1.ied, and before any irwuZation is conceated. 1/ r71 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after a~Z drywaZl is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steet location, boiui beam3, grouting or verticats in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After instatZation is It is the responoibility of the pe~t hoLier to see that all in$pections are made at the proper tim€~ that ~aeh ~BS8 is readab:e from the street, and that the permit card is located at the froont of the property. .tBui!din.g [){.vi=io~ appro'l,.'ed plan ahc.U remain on the BuitdiTlf1 Sit:;: at aU times. PROCEDUP.E FOR I/lSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City design:J.ted job nw::ber, job addrcss, type of in3pec~ic" I-aquestcd ar:d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.mers name end pharoe number. Requests received before 7:00 c::: :.."iU be made the same day, requests made aft;;}" 7:00 am witt ba made the nt:Xt :JOrking day. Atl project conditions, such as the instaLlation of street trees~ ca~lation of the required Zandscc.pir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquestad. Rp.mJi~p~ T~s~p~tir.r~ o o SITE INSPECTION: To be lTKlde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. WOC~UBn~mI~. UE~ll~L& J.fECHA.7ICAL: To be made before any work is covcred. :l.. ~ FOOTING & FOUND/~TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncr~t". :)'') ')..( UNDERGROUN;> flr.UMBINC, SEWER. W,4TER. DRAINAGE: To be tTKUie prior to fil- lir.g trenches. . d-' UNDEF1FWOR PLW..'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of J7.oor d:nsu.Lation or decking. " POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta~laticn of ftoor insuLation or deckins. '1, I.{).. ~, ROUGH p[,[p.!BI!,1G. Er.E~RTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be cOI.'ered .until these inspections have beer. made and approve.i. Fr.r?EPLACE: Prior to ptacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. I'Y [Z] ;:2] [K] Zl ~ KJ ZJ .<&> FHA/!ItlG: Must be requ.eated after approval of rough plwr.bing, etectri- cal & mechani-=at. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys, et-=. nr~st be . compteted. No IJOrk is to be con- .. ceated untit this inspection has 'be~n mads and approved. ::zJ I ]J I Xl :=J d'i FIlIAL PWgfJI/IG ~"i FIliAL l-lEoHA.'IICAL "1&\ FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ @ FINAL BUILDINC: The Finat Buitding Inspection must be :requeDted after the Final numbing E~ectrical, and Mechar.icat Inspectio1UJ have besn made and approved. [KJ [Z] PiO CURB & APPROACH APTKJN: Afte:::o fo'l'ms. are Greeted bu t prior to pouring ~r~e, SIDEWAlK & DRIVEWAY: For aH con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & CuD- base rtrlterial in place. 8703Zc( . DElIOLITION OR ;~;OVED BUILDI:1GS ~ Sani:ary S6'.Jer capped ~t ~opcrt-:J' li~e =:J Septic tank p".Jr.:?ed and fiHe~ with ;;roa"Jsl --, Pinal - r{hen above items are ccrrrpleted ~ and when demolition is camp tete or Btru~- ture moved and pr~8e8 cteaned up. . Mobite Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Ptumbing connections -- Bewer and wate:r ~ Etectricat Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and ptumbing connections nr~st ce appr~ved before requesting eZec:ricaZ inspsc=io~ :=J Accessorii Buitd.:.ng ---, Final - After p~rc1:es, skirting, decks~ ---l etc. are campteted. D ~ALL /.fA!/HerES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!!E:l'! TO BE'gAVE t.T NO COST TO CITY I Pa(1o ! of 2 D PENCE: When comptote -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . o I I JOB NO.~')V -g2-q SOLAR AiiESS REQ.- I Zona: L. J71.2. Ocauvancu Gro-!P J? 3 -1 /'?j - / Let Sq. Ft,;. h 7~ WT TYPE I Lot Faaes - S of lot Coverag< "'5-;:5 0/ Intericr --A- P. L. # of Stones I Corner North Total Height /'5:/ Panhandle 1~t18t ~ h ..........01_ , d ISouth .I. opogroap y C/ .c;. h.l Cu (..- e-sac IWest I NO'1 Residential f2.bathJ I I /1 /1 -[;7i/?Rm ~A/#;;t; "",,t-- I IITEN IMain I Carace , Carool't Accessol'U 1 I Is.D.c. I!TEN Futures Sanita~ Se1.Jer Wets!' lITE/.! Res. So. fto. 17/1 I Haw/Extend Cil'c:uits I Temporary Service I (VCl.UC) 1.5 :r Buil.ding Permit State SW'charge Total Cha~ges Plumbing Pern:i t State Sw>cr.arge Total C'hc:racs I SQ.FTG /711 1-5"';/ 'I I I I TOTAl, VALUE li;./ I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I FEE I / I I =71,....-1 I I I I I I I I Ele~tl'icaZ Permit State Surcharoe Total Cfzarccs liTEM I Furna.ce ETU' 5 I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan i . ( Woodsto<Je ! II/G. I 1/ 1 Pemt Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surcharae TcrtnZ Chn,.ann -- ENCROACHNENT' -- i Sec-..lrit~ D2'D03it Storage Maintenance Permit I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted application for permit, and do I hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fu.rther certify that any ar.d aZZ.lJOrk perfol':Tled shaZZ be done in ac~ol'- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th::: La'..;s of tha * State of Oreg:m p~rta.ining to the work described hel'ein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY tJiLZ be rode of any stl'Ucture lJithou.t pa1'mission of the Building Di- 17'. 2c:::) I-I). vision. I further certiffj that only contractors and e.-npl"yess who are in 1)1.. ccr.:pliance tJith ORS 701.05S will be used on this project ./&:;.",0" :; x I I I I I I I 75',0t&>P. 1 I //267.... " I -<5S-8...... I / '-I. ~2..I-). ':37'232 I, Value FEE I I 5"2.5'"01 :<>~ -- I IS: _eo I I ~6. -.:> I 1 /~7.Sol_ r::: I ~.;3'61 1/11-801, CHARGE FEE I .?7~1 I / 5". #(> I I ;<)2',5"01 2,/ol-L.! <S--7( b~ I ' CHARGE CHARCE I L _ .,.e> I t.-j SO' I ~.=o I I I I 1"7. -:5' &> I f.-p .7&1 -:Z~.:Z ~ I , I I I I I I I I I '# 17/(.20 Curbcut Total CharGes sidewalk Ye7t:!e Electl'ical Label Mobile Home ?OTAL AMOUNT DUE:" -::<:8' L./'e>' rh'pe/Cor.st: JC./J5r ,-,y L-COG-l,o' Setbacks House I Carage /?k'9 . 126' I I I Access. Bedrooms: 'E3 I EnerGu 50:4rces Heat 6~ I Water Haatp.t' .' I Range I 1:2 Fireolaca I I WOOd:;toL.e II TU(le FA I <:/ I~ Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, cmd m::J.Y be 8u(;pended 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vic- lation of any pr"visions of said Ordir.an.cas. .IPlon Check Fee: d3:::), 70 / _Icatc Paid: .-l_Z-z.-<i?1' Recdpt #: I ~ /" k' .;2C/ q' jSigned: /I, _ Plumbing Pe r m i t No pereon shall construct, instaZZ, alter 01' change any 7'.eW 01' e:::isting p7-wnbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a va7-id plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing wol'k to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- aant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical- work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical pOl'tion of this pemit shaU roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical- Contractor. Mechanical Permit /2~, 1?1..a#'[ ycm-z-ner /.-' ~ ..~/-~.-..,.., ,/ , ? - .2-;$>7 va.e ,F~ $ ~ ~r;~ :i-2Z,-f1 I . l.