HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-9-29 .. RESIDENTIAL" . APPLIC.NIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Rcce:-:Jt fI. { 'd- '1&0 r Job Location: .., 731 Po ltava I Assessors Map II 17-03-34-22 Tax Let # 02600 I Subdivision: Uke Vill age Lor -:;:'7' I ! Q.mer: Future B Homes Address: 1712 Crescent Street Plume: City: tlJopnp OR Zip: 97401 Jbl lit J ffiNm" n Additicn n Remodel r---l :~bile Harna Describe fl'ol'k: Single Family ReSidence/attached Garage . exG~GJP~ ~/!IP.l177~)J' cf ?'P,Z:1e'7:;'4>A?ett->/Y;Z> v TP../T/~ U~ iPl'?/c;q ~h7/r ",- \(iD 8-19-88 Value $5f,OOO.OO Date of Application COntractors GeneMl Future Plumbing (j I enn Electrical Roger l1e~har.icd Rn 1 f, Construction Lender Aci.dres3 B Homes 1792 Crescent Ave. E Lohen Plmb. P.U. tlox ~jj - Lottage b Heigard tlect./~/Uj Hpnoina 3570 ...NON!' Lise. Ii , 36499 O~Ul jlHljO 20240 /l,U ~ Signed: Date: 0.0 <( - ,;l '1 -!(K Exvil'es 5/89 Oflj':J 7/139 2/89 Phone 485-3170 ':J'Iz-:>az 94~-jb/~ 741-0002 It is the responaibiLity of the permit holder to see that aLl inspections are made at ths proper tim&~ that cc.ch :dares3 is readab:, f1"OtTl t1w street, and that the permit card is "Located at the f1'01tt of the property. -Bui!din.g [)t;lJicior: appl'o'L'ed plan shalZ. remain on tha Building Sit:;; at aU times. PROCEDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordeP) state yOU!" City designated job number-J job adi:ress-J typo of in3pec~icn T'aqu.estcd ar-.d W.1:en you lJi'lL be ready for ir.spcction-J Contractors 01" Ctme:'s ncme au:l phone nwnbcr. Requests received befol'B 7:00 a::; ;.~z.z. be made the same dt::y~ roequests made afta' 7:00 an wi'll be made the n:::ct :.JOrkin.g day. Reouirp-d InSDecticnp O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERST;AB Pl:(!l-fBING. ELECTRICA~, A MECHANICAL: To be made before any lJOrk is ",overed. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms a:re erected~ but prior to pouring caneret.. :1 UNDSRGROU!.'D PLUMBING, SEWER. WATER. ~ DRAINAGE: To be ma.ie prior to fi~- lir~renChes. )0 :l-€. :x I UNDER'lwOR PLUNBING & I1ECHANICAL: To be mczd.6 prior to installation of ~f1.00l' insulation or decking. !" POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to :A.. installation of floor inst.:lation or decking. .;:l?,~J 4) i,. v I ROUGH PLmmIlJG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ^ ANICAL: No work is to be cOL'el'ed J"l until thcse inspections have beer. '7 made and approved. )II FIREPLACE: Prior to pkcir.g facing , materials and before framing inspec- EJ tior.. FRAHINC: Must be requented after app1"oval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal & mechanical. ALZ roOfing bracing ~ chimncys-J etc. 11r..lst be . completcd. lIo w1"k is to be con- .: cealed until thiD inspection has 'b€~n made and approved. "XJ . &id PLU/.!BIIIG ~"'\ .IJ FIliAL I1E!:RAIIICAL l(~ .lJ FINAL ELECTRICAL ::J Your City DeDigr.ated JO~ ~b€.1' Io: I2J INSULATI'/:tVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insula.tum ar.d '. required. vapor carTiers are in place but cefo1"e any lath-J gypsum board 01' w:U covering is appZied-J and beforo any insulation is conceaZed. II r::.l DRYWALL INSPECTION: Ta be made lLtJ after all. d:royLJaU is in pZace-J but p:roior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel 7.ocation3 bona beam3-J grouting 01' ve1"ticals in accordance IJith U. B. C. Section :?, '). 2415. Ix I WOODSTOVE: After installation i8 ccmpleted. fJl CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afte:, forms ~ are created but p:roior to pouring ccncrete. "TP "i ( ~)( SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY: For all con- lLl.J crete paving LJithin street right- of-tJC.Y-J to be made afte1" all. e:cca- vating cunplete & fo1':":1 work & sub- base rrcte:roial in place. O PENCE: WIler. compl.te n Previde gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o RRn} ,4 I DEf./OLITION OR nOVE:; BUILDI;tcS ~ Sani:ary stl'.Jer :::apped ::t ~op&rt:; 'Lir:e ~ Septic tank IT..tr.:?cd and fitz.~~ with grG:.Jo: I Final - flhen ab...""Ve it~s are ccmpletf.:d ---1 ar~ when d~litior. is compLeto or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobile Hcmes ~ Blo~king and Sst-"P ::J Plwnbing connections -- Ba.1er and wa::e1" ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking-J Bet~U? --.J and plwnbing connections 11r..:.st be approve:: befor~ 1"equest:.ng elec:1"iaal inspec::io:-: I ::J Ac::cessol";;1' Building --, Final - After pOl'cr.es-J skirting~ decka-J ~ etc. woe comple::&d. o All p1"oject conditions-J nuch as the installation of st1"eet trees, c~~lotian of tne required landscapir.g~ etc. -J must be satisfied befo1"e the BUILDING FINAL can bo rsquest3d. 1'7 o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must ba 1"eque3ted after the Final Plumbina Elect'l'ical-J and Mechar.ical Inspectionn hava been made and approu~d. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS 'lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEllT TO BE !.!.1DE AT 1.'0 C:JST TO CITY I Page! of 2 I JOB NO. 880734 SOLAR A~ESS REO.- IZona: LOR Oecuvan.:l" G"- 7<-~ Let Sq. F~. ~~:;l::;> LOT TYPE S of lot C.:JUarago -:j"/~c> -L Interior # of Stories ~ Corner TotaL Height /9~h" Panhandle TopogMphy L'-;Z~.C> Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- I I I I I Acoeseor" I I I 1&~7""'__ Y>~G'?I7R~_7.hrN' 71 I TOTAL VALUE 1 5"~.AA:'. I P~1'~ h'i!'Y/e'"w ~.E 7iP-/P C/#~ I 6/tP.p<D 'rd/?/~ ?~/T I :29"':> -- 1 ;Y~7S"1 ; 5"9.75"1. I I $'..:?SO I I I I r- I . I "9<;?"-se:> I I 1 ~_5.e'> I 7"<r. - !-y I ~.~I I 7&,?:S"" I. lITE!! j~in I Gc::race I Carocrt .;;;:~ YI'3 s-I I IS.D.C. fval-UC) 1.5 % Building Permit State SUrcharge Total. Cha......gea lITEM Fixtures I Residential ~ bath) I Sanitary Sewer> I Wate!' I Plumbing Perri t State Su:rcr.arge Tata! Chc.raes , lITE;,! I NO. i? I I I I/NO. I Res. So. ftoj~::z. I I I :2~A Y--RV/.c~ lITEM I NQ.' FEE CllARCE I I Furn.:lce ETU'S 1/ I 6.- I I &hauet Hood / 1 $/- Sf::> I I Vent Fan 3 I :? - I -?- -- I l:;to~e 1 / I I /5""" ;/##~~/.......: 21 ~""'I ~.~ -."-'- TQ'l?lf~!'a ~Z!~, I -::?..~ I </2.:)0 -1-(,.. 1 "2-/3 1 1~f"..~'3 I. I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted application for permit, and do I hereby certify that alL i;:-;foz:omation hereon is true and correct, and I , f'.lrther certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfoMled shall be done in aa~or- I dance :uith the Ordinances of the City of SpnngficZd, and thz La'.JS of tha ... State of Oregon pzrtaining to the wopk described herein, c:nd that NO OCCrJ- I?- PANCY win be nnde of any structure without permission. of the SuUding Di- vision. I further certif::,' that o~ly contractors ar.d e.-npZ"yees who are in '3 compUance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project NOLJ/Ertend Circui ts I T .....~..~ ....:J Service E2eatpicaZ Permit S~te Suraharae Total Charaes Me~hanic::l Permi t State Su:rcharac rntnl Chtrr(fRn -- EIICROACHMENT -- I Sec-..lrit'l! D2DOsit Storage Maintenanae Pcrmi t TotaZ Char>aes leurbcu; /- -:::?~ hit:' , ;Sidet.Jalk , f Fenae , : Electr>ica l Labs Z . Mobile Home [I. , \ TOTAL ANOU.'lT DUE:'" x VaZue FEE I I I I I I 5'Z-~ I 2~3 I 5-~:I5' I I 1 I I CHARGE FEe CHARGZ /"'3: ~?> /9. ~C> I I I I I "/'3'32 -Ob L-codlJ.' ..IV Bedrooor.s: "? I EnerflU Sources I .tjeat ~A-r I Water RP.atp~ ,: 1 Range J!!:.~/ I I Firep lace : : / I WoocWtove f (~ T;;pe/Cor.st: Let Faca8 - (A/p57 Setbacks I House I CaMqe 1/.<:) r 1-2":2' II?' V9;:;;-~ TUfle .r;A'- - P.L. !North lEast ISouth IWest I Access. I /?' I ~'I . i Building Value & Permit This permi t io groanted on the express condi tion that the sdid construction shall, in all. respects, conform to the Ordinance a.dopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the constr"..lction and use of buildings, and m.::y be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. 1 l' Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I Signed: $203.45 8-19-88 12153 LC Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instalZ., alter or change any new cr e::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.less such percon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical 'WOrk be done by an Eleatrical Controactor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the ElectricaZ t:ontractor>. Mechanical Permit u ~~-=-> .t~l'"xamt.ner /- $-3L'-~ vate Pk?4=~ Date '""5ignad