HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-14 i:'.'(~..' ;'ilt ij -,.~ L -, L..ITl. ~ ~ ~~~~~_~~e~" ~""Ii .5th Stro,' spr~l'lgilf.1d, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .7 :"--' :.--~~T- Mo ?o'1r.,j<<. ~ J- \'1 D 3:.:JA.,!J~ 1',," [<>'e "r';ll / ( () "..:.:!.~ t.(t(~(/.II(;,,- i-iJt-:t:f/tJ u .Job Location: Asor.:J3orG Map H ""' Subdivision: 1\...,. {.... +((-'- ~ I-f~...v- 111;( ~~oJ2(,{,,,:>.:. L-'<,;pJ l ~ ___.......:l_~ J Ol.mer: AddraS3: . lr..' City: dl....jo..l [)(:l Ne'" n Addition n Remodel n .'fobi le Homa J;,' 9 I 'IljA EI FOOTING & FOUNDA T ION: To be made after trenches are excavated mui forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncretG, UNDSRGROUND Pl.UM.9ING)' SEWE:R. W.1TF.H, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi~- lir.g trellches. ~ ~ UNDEHFWOR l'l.U!.!BING ~ MECHANICIlL: To be made prior to im;tallation of /1001" insulation or decking. POST AND BF:AM: To be made prior to installation of floor insdation or decking. ROUGfl PLW!BIllG. ELF:CTRICAl. & MF.ClI- ANICAL: No work is to be covnred ur.til these inspections have beer. .; .'ui'~ , maac)m. apprope:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.a facing materials and before framing in8pec- tior.. FRA!~rNr.: Must be requested after approvul of rough plumbing, alnctri- cal 11 machanical. All. roofing bracing & cllinmcyn, atOJ. mU.r.t be compZatad. No work is to be Cm1- cGc.led Iinta this inspection har. . bacn made and approvod. ~ ~ D fZ1 FIllA!' PLUMBIJlG FINA!, NECIIANICA!, N. FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiLdi'l(J IIU;pcctioll must be reqw::;ted a.r:'~l' tho] fina.l Plumbi'l(j Elf;cil'I::Jal~ alU! Nec1uu:icnl rW;pf?c!;{.mlrl hava been made G'ut (Jl'ppovad. FTNA!' EUCTHICt,!, He'a rd' RI>l:. ' ) ~ ~. '-16'--3/1.\4 ~l"~f P};orla: Zip: D,~:;crib(! h'ol'k: "1':7'l DR1'WJtf,f. IlISPECTTON: Tc bi] made ~ after all drYLXlll in in place, but prior to any tapi'l(!. o MASONRY,. Steel beam:;, groutillg accordance l.Jith 2415. locatt:oll, bond 01' vCl'f.;icalr. in U. B. C, Secf;1:011 " :: ..~ ..\\U~. . ' ~ , ~ ,_l.. : !1 ,," ,. """1 g] IrOODSTOVf,': r..->empZett',d. AftCl" inotal.laiion is . ; ~~ , . ." ...... ....r.. : . . " , .. s.qr.ed~~_ FY 14 -'1() '(""7f CURB & APPROACH APHON: Afie;' for'ms l2SJ are crn..:ted but lwior to pOIO"ing ':OMJ'C te. ru SIDEWAr.K & DRIt'Efv,1Y: For all calI- ~ creta pavi>>!! witllin r.trcct l'iaht- of-IJaY~ to be mad!! after all. a:cca- Y'('" vating complete ~; .for:.; IJOrk ,~ :;uh- .~ ba:;e mat(wial ill pw.c:e. o ,ro F0u ~ .~ PF:NCE: "'her. compl,.te -- Pl'ovidl! gaten or movable GectiCfl:l tJll'OU[jr. P,ll.E. /)ate: '.-"-' gxpjn.~s p1lnlH' "'1 :., ~I E;..; t,ifjJ .21-..<.1 7/~v ,,~\JI7c.- '1Lnl '-'c.- ." ,~.. . .c". , J'" w:;"cJ~ L;;. ('-1-/...-)141 l--' -- :=], Septi~ tank P=<.7cd and fiLl~d /,)ith gl"a:;cl. 'Y ~ Final - f1'1tm: abclJG ita.':Is arc ccmpZ.ated :.:J m:d IJlum .ie:71olitioT: is complate 01' stru":- '. ture moved allt! .pl'cmi:;ac .c:lt;.:med up. . . , ":: t', )f. , " l"!', " c.;." -MolJiZe Herner. . .....,.. . Blochng amI Sat-:Jp , -.:J ..~. ..., ~ :=J PZumbill.{] connections saJer al'.d Wa :or --, Elect1'icr.l Connection - Blockin{J. sat-up ~ alld pllIDlbill(J com:cctions nr..:;t te approvo1d befOl'c l'aquelJ tiTlg olcc:rl:cal i'18pec~io:: ~ Ac::~sr.or:j Bui.l:!:'Il{] I Fin'll - Iofter p;Jrcl~ar.. sbrti.na. dackff, .-J atc. arc c"mple~..;d. o .l.":.,:::. .~. .. All pl'o.iect cOlldition:J, :me.': 0:1 tlu'1 pequiN~d l.a/l(h:cr.pir.g, etc" 1m/rot he , ~. , -~_::.: ''-~ .q,.....- r:n:Jtallation of atl'cet t"ees. c:o.'::plot-i.::m of tile fJaLir.fiad before tl:o BUILDINC FINAL can be l'equcDtad. o ~Ar.r. '.MNflCr,F.S ANn Cf.F./1NQU'rS /lUST RF. Ar:o~.':.r;rn[.F.. An.TUST!fi-:NT TO BE ;,:,1f)F. ,17 liO C'JST TO CI'!'}' I nl!:a of j I JOB NO. v{{)f.'f/)SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- izona: LdA-f'. Oc,,"panc~ Gr. R.~ Let Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE ~ ~f lot CQVe~ag~ Interior # of Stories COrner Total H.eight Panhandle Topography CUI-dc-cae , SQ. FTC X, Value I 1?2b 15,,,-0 '7f:3/~,~ '5tJ~ /6,/~ ?~S/, ~ , -,- I I I ITEM Main Gr..:raae r.al'l1m"t I ~~c:SOl'l( Is.D.c. TOT,\[. VAWE IV'~/'UC} 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcharge Tota 1 Cha::'gcD liTEM I NO. I Fixtures I Residential (J bath) :z... I Sanitary Sewer I Water I '5r~M ~,r? PZwnbing Perrit State Surcr.argc Tatal Charoaes NO'1 Ras, Sa. fta, 11:.2.9>(11 I I tltw3~~J=; (~~ 11'1'E.'M NatJ/Extend Cirelli ts I T~Ol'ary Service EZectl'iC!al Pe1'mit 5t=.to SUl'charqe Total Chal'Qcs liTSM F'urnace !!TV'S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I Woods to:;o ,~ l NC. PSE I I :5 3- I Permit Issuance Mechanic:.zl Permi t State .'1urchc.l'ac Total. Charoen -- I:NCROACIIMENT I Securoi t1./ D8'OO3i t I Storage I Maintenance I Permit Total Chal'aes :2.8' /6.1- ' CuI'baut ISideOJalk I Fcn::e I Electrical Label I Mobile Home I I I 'fOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ FF.'!: .J 8"ZPA , I ./2.:2;069 . . , 37"tJO I /~..,~~ I ,95. C/fAUGt.' 52 so 20 rJO I'5DO ".)..0 () 0 It) 75"0 :5 32- IIZ/~e Fe',: CHARGE 3 7. 5'D I 5.t:> 0 :-57. 6'0 9tJ. t?lJ + 50 I q4,~o I. CHARCE ~~D clS'o 9'tJO J5DO 2. "'0 3~ So .I S3 32;.'51 J 4':1.0 .~5.~ ~/123fG L-COC..... Type/Cor:st: ~ Bedrooms: ""'1. En2rq!/ Sour()(!s I I !leat I Access. I I Water' Y(wtm' II I Ra>lge Pil'cl)lace I I...... - Wood:; tove , I ~-'! "'M. ~ .3 Ture I Lot Faces - I I 1',[.. Nortll Setbaeks I /fDlwe Cm'w!e Ea1Jt SOHth 111""t F",cv Building Value & Permit Tllis permit i:; granted on the e.1:prev[J condition that the said constructio'l shall, in all respects, conj'orm to the Ordinance adopted Hy tJle City of 8[Jl'ingField, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating tile constru<!tion and w:;e oj' ouildings, and m:JY be sw;pended 01' revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of Q1IY pr:Jvisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee~ (1'1. S"')L) ./'\ Date Paid: 4 ., '7^~{ ) IReedpt II:,-~ 1_// ISigned: ~ )l1.-Y } Plumbing Permit No per~on :;/~ll con:;t~lct, instal!, alter or change any new cr e:isting plwnbing Ol' drainage sYIJte:n in whole or in part, unleDs such person is the legal pOfJfJCSSOl" oj' a valid plumber's liaenne, except that a pe:>son may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased 01" operated by the appli- eant. , Electrical Perm it IflICI'e State [,aLJ l"eqtli!'cs tr.at the electrical work be done by an l!.'le[Jtrical Contractol', the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been !Jigned by the Electrical Contractor. '. Mechan.ical Permit .' , . " /, ,. Je<'9t ~ vaV~ho I HAVE CAREFULLY E:XAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby 'certify that all ir:fo:'mation l1e!'eon is true and cOr'rcct, and I j'urthe!' certify that any ar.d all wor'k pel'f01>:71ed shall be done in aC[Jor- r dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thI: W,,;S of tho ~ State of OregQn p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde oj' any stl'UCtW'iZ without pennission of the Building Di- vision. I j'urther' certify that o':1ly contl'Qctors and e:lIpl.:;yees who are in c:omplianc:e with OilS 701.0SS will be used on this project If? {Z,.. M. <II l.I It' ;J " Sigmu! D(lte