HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-6-28 .- . .._, ~~----+--~'. Rcct!~T't ,f SPRINGFIELD .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATIONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97177 Bui lding IJ'ivicion 72G-3753 Job Loca.tion: tQ' Y'r\ Vn \ -\-~ l jh 'J I ~cr: ~ ~ 1\ \ \ ~ t\ ~ 0 f\ ) Addrm: ?ley r~ \ - \ '{\ 0 1-CJl \ 1 i f\ PI,one--; 4.h~' ~ \ t \ l_ 0 Y t '"'('J.6 A\ Q .l cffiu%t ~ ~ 0 ,~~ .2fl Value (\ 1(\0 Date of Ilppl.if.'tlticn Contractors General C\ I Plumbing ~\._\.. ~)\-~ \{ ~1'\\.\\ I Hecbnnical Electrical AoaeDDor= Map R Subdivision: City: (Q~. rq n n n Nt'''' Addition Rcmo..!eL :,fob-i.le lIOt.,a Supervising Elee t ".le ian Tc:r: Lot n Zip: c\.. '\4() t \ 4D! 'L) <r') ~~ , I ~jh~?D -- Datc: CZJ.'( IJ 'h:::l ^ddrp~s L i ~H~. 11 lll<.lr~ Uoard Res.~. g};pires pl,n,"", ~JN\ \ \\~. L.\ \L\;'( \ L\; I'L' II YO It ilJ the re!Jponoibiz.i.ty of the permit holder to Dce that alZ innpectiontJ ar'O made at tl111 proper timE:~ that cc:ch =ddrosD is rea:!ab!c from the street. and that the pe1'trrit eard is lxated at thc front of the property. ABui!di."1(f ~tJi~l:O~: ap'F'l'Ol.:ed plan 31:r.:7.l pcmain on tha fJuildirl!T .~:l:t;; at all timcD. P.70CSDlJRF. FOR IN~PEC'r[(JN R::,QUEf,'7':CALL 726-3769 (rccord,'?r) !Jtllt;e your City de:Jion,:,ted job nun:bcr~ job ac!drcsD~ typo of in:Jpoc~iC"n roqucsted ar:d w.':en you IJi,ll bo ready for in8pcction~ Contrcwtoru or Ot.moro nt'JnO and phone numbet'. Request" reco1.,,:ed before 1:00 at L.'iLZ be made thc same dcy~ reque:;tD mc::de after 7:00 a:n LJi1.1. bz IOOde the next :JOrkinJ day. 8=\~Q~g . Rl!mI'L"!.f',t1, T':t.<:nr:,!f,ir.1"!~1 D SITE.' INSl'F:r...'"I'ION: 'fo be ,oode aJ'ter' excatJa.tion~ but prior t:: set IIp oj' forme, O UNDF:RSLAB PLUMBING. ELNC'l'RICM. !. : Nf:C;/I,l.Yl't.'/l": To bi.! roode hCJ'Ol.tJ t:ny w,n'k is covered. O FOOTING & FOUND,1TTOfJ: To be truce arter tr'cuchca al'e excavated and formfJ arc e.,.octt!d~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. ~tJ,\'DSRCROUND PLUMBING; S~f{F.R, f/.1TE.'R1 ~,DRAINAGE: To be nK.dc pricw "0 fil- ling trcnchcs. 0: UNDE.'tWLOOR PT,m!lJING t~ /./f:C!lANICIlL: 1'0 be made pr'ioI' to im;tcl/.lation of floor inoulation or decking. POST AND DEAM: To be rr,mlc pr'ioI' to i,:sta'LlaticfI of floor iWldatior. or deckinq. llnflCl1 !'C,l/.'!8IHC. f.'T.F:CrnrCli.!. ,'l MF.Cll- . ANICM,: No :..'Ork is to be cOL'eJ'ed ,ur.ti~ thenil illspect.icn:s hatJe beer. made and uPP1'Ove.1. FI,~EPLACE: Prior to pZacir:a facing matol'ials and bcfore framing inspcc- tior:. O FRA'~INr.: Must be rcqueated after appl"OtJaL of rough plwr.bing~ atectri- cat & mcch::mical. Al.Z raofino b7'C1cing t chirrmCYD~ at". nr.ltlt be :;. completed. No work is to bc con- ,...: coaled until this inspection has , ~,becn made and approved. o D o your City DCDigr.atcd Job NII11I11(;;r Io: D INSUr,A'rIVN/VAl"OJ,' 11..,,?RIf.'R INSPF.C'rTON: 1'0 be ,<<dc llj't;cr aLL inaul.."lti::m a~.d required vapor' l:CU'l'icl'S ar>e in place cut bcfore mly l.a I:}I~ oupswn board or LXlll covcwiPl!T is npplied~ and boJ'or'o any infJulation i:1 concealed. UE.'UOLI'fION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani tw'y SC'Jez- capped at rn:.opcrty lir:c :=J Scpti~ tank p:.tr.tpo:d aM fille~ uitJI gra~cl ] Final - rlhen abovo item!1 arc ccmplotcd and IJhcn dcmolitior. is Compl6to or stru.:- turo moved and prcnnses cl6aned up. Mobile J/cmeD :J Blocking and Sot-up :J Plumbing conneetiono Dewar and !JatOI' :J Elcct1'ical Connection - Dlooking~ oct-liP and pllunbing connectiono rrrJst 1;0 app)'oved beforc requesting,eleotrical inspcction :=J ~cC'e8DOMj Building ] Final. - Aftc1' p'1'Cr.eo~ etc. aro completed. ok'i1'_ting~ decks~ D IJRrr/AU, If1fJPF:C'/'!ON: Tc be made alter aU drYl.xr.ll ill in place~ but prior to cny taping. o " .; location~ bo~d Of' vCl,tic."Q7.o it, V.D.C. Section O MASONRY: Steel bcaltl:J~ gr'Olltiuy accordam!e with 2115. D ypODSTOVE.: Aftcl' installation io ccrnp1.etctl. D cUlm t~ 1l/'f'/?CIlf.'t/ ANlON: Aftn.. fom3 al'e are:.'tld b-i;tjwior' to pouri1l9 .::ont:f'ete. SIDF.rlAr.K ,.; DRIt!EfJJ'.Y: For all con- OJ'ete [Xwing within otrect right- of-wc:Y~ to be made alter all exca- vating canplete &. for~ wo1'k ~ ~ub- baDe material in pla~e. ':;.' ': All p).oject .c:ondi.Hmw~ :mcl: us the i,n!lta"Llat-:.on of otreat troas~ co.o:rpletion of tile required In.nd:wr.pir:a~ ctc.~ 1I7llDt be oatisfiad bc[o1'c tho BUILDINC PINAL can bo rSfl'!"eot;ad. o FINAL PLUMDlllG o FINAL MEClIAIlICIlL o FINAL E:U:cmICAL ,:-] o ,FINAL lJUILDING: Thl! PinaL Buildin!] Inopection must bo l'equeotod after' Elcotrical~ and Mcc1rnr:icaL Inspectiono have boen made and app1'CI1ed. tho Pinal Plumbing.: .. 'I' "'1.'1 '.," , .",' ,\,." ._.:.~ ,','..1::::,'!..'..':: .'~:.':! f"'h'-',l:'.'i'/-"t:' ::,,,""/' .'I!'.' :1f'I'V::::!::f,".'. ""I.II!::'t,,,'!.','tf' ';"0 .'11-,' t.'..1r,l: /'.',!' !.'f) ('~'~:'I' TO r,,!,y o o !'F.NCF.: rollleT: co:npl;;te Provide gateD or movable scctiono tllraugh P.U.E. o , I"'" ...!" ! (I.t' : ~ SOLARG~~~.', E S S, OcCUDanCI! 'v,,"" LOT TYPE Interior' Corner I JOB NO, .IZnnfl: t Lot Sq. Ft.:;. ~ of lot CoveMg< !I 01 Stal"iOlJ Total. Haight Topography I ~ I il ITEM !"'ain I , SQ.FTG GrJ'tJ.r:tf Carnort I1C008801'll ;1 I iI ; Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (val-ucJ ,1.5 '" Building permit Sta Cd SurOharg6 Total Cha:ogoa IITf.M I Fi.%tuzoQQ NO. "EIi Rseidential II bath) Sani tar!! SewSI' ,!,;r'll HI! Vllt!. rn m '. ''\ Pl.wnbing penr.it~ ~ State SUJ'c1'.args . Total. Cmratfs 112.m Rero. 50. 'tn. I NliUJ/Extand Cireui-ta Temporary StU'Vico I NO. I r'/';f<: 8lectricat Ptlmrit', Btata SUl'CW(78 Total. Charqon :1 IITSH I FurMan P.TU' S I Exhauot 1l00d I Vont Fan Wxdotovo Ne, FEE . I ,. Ii 'j .llI , Psrmit 13suanca . .,,:\ .: Me:JhaYtica't Psrrm.t ,I ':""'.'\'1" . ".... "',' t. ., "\ Stato SUrchaf'OtJ' " .:"",, ., " i' .' , .' Total COOranG -- ENCROAC/lMENT -- SOC'oll'itl' Dlmo3it Stora(76 I Mai"tl1nLl"~R Pc:rmit " . Total ChaMoa I eurbcut I Sid_lk I.roonn::n ,. I Electrical [,abal I I Nobile /lome I, I "'I I. I.;....!'!.,.. "!I'}/}f,'''' nUr:: A IUQ,- L-Coc;t I I I \ I 1 1 Panhandle Cul-de-Dac I Dot FaceD - I Sf!thnck!l I P. f,. - lIounn Cm'ngr1 INo" th \f:n:lt SOl~th 1'{eGt . , F:ntn''l'' 80w~r.(m I !feat -llaclW3. I I I I I Time T:jpe/Cor.fJt: BedJ'oow) : Watm' !/f!atf'l' Rall(](J FircpZru:(J Wood~to/,;e f';JtU; X VaZue Building Val.ue & Permit Thi:; permit i:; aMnted 011 tho oxprOD:l condition that tho oaid conDtJ'uction altall, in all rODpcct~, confonn to t1lo OJ'dina/wo adopte.d ]iy the City of SprinafioLd,' i1lf.~!urli.n!1 the :!.oiling. Ordinance, rC!1ul.at..il1!J tho ccm;tructicn and uoe of buildilJ{1o, and m:1U be Gunpmulad or reuoked at a':!! timo upon vie- Z4eion of a~y prouiGiono of oai.d OrdinaJ1ccD. I. , I I I. Pen: I Pwn Ch~ck Date Pai.-d: I Racdpt II: I Siancd: CIIAHGf. Plumbing Permit I \~.OU_ I \S.OU .I).~ \r-\. [IS. . No par:;otJ ::;haLt COItDtruct, inatalt, altar or chan'Jo Gn!} neW or O::iDting plwnbina or drainaao ayotc:n in whole or in part, w:leotf {nich pernoll 1.0 tho legal pOl;GC:;fiOl' of a valid plumber':; licam::o, except that a pO:-::;OI1 may do pl.umbina work to property which i:;; owned, leaGed or operated by tho appl.i- cant. CIIA/lGI: Electrical Permi t WhcI'a State T.rnJ require:] that tho alaetrical /.JOJ'k be dons by an Electl'ical Contl'tIctOJ', the alcetJ'ical pOl'tion of :lli;; pcrmit Gl1l1.ll not be valid until tile labeL haD been oial1cd by the ~'lflct.l'ical COli tJ'ac tor. I . C1MRCF. Mechanical Permit I I " I J~. ", I ., I PLan t.Xa.mLller vaLe I /lAVE CAREFULLY SXI1JoJINED the completad app'Lication fol' permit, and do horaby c61'tifu that aU infor-mation /tareon io trun and corroct, and I further certify that any ar.d atl. work perfor:ned B/talt bB doae in accor- dancd :Jith the ordinancoa of tM City of Sprir:aficl.d, and Lit; Lfr..J8 of tho A Stato of Oregon p.;;rtail1illg to the lJOl'k dOGcribed here:.n, c.nd ~'1tlt NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be rode of any I..itruatw';] without P31'Tlli3"iolt of tllo Bui.ldi.ng Di- vision. I furthrn- cortify that O:1ty contractors and c:npl.,ye6G w1:o are in compliance with OR:; 701.055 wi.lt bo u:;;ed on thiD project . ~$: "77::-> Sion.1d / Datc ~;';Fd7