HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-4-30 Rr:.;:e~p~ }I ( (o 'is'-t fp ~' ~. RESIDIiiWTlAL" " ItPPLICAT.PERMI1' 25 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ifl"}'J' ~ l-f?vt:L ~ .. \, ) U :)?f\ rl.. -..s 1'GX Let If U !LK.__ V1114d..- t..J t {::I t3 " .Job Loaation: AtWp.8Dorc Map H SubdiuiDion: CUnm': [.J,<-~,-"6 /~""'r O1.H3 1vt..-fD/L'<Y' e.. .r...... (/"""0" () , ,J Adw'en" : City: C6l.NCIJ n .1dditicn n Remodel r---l !0bila Homa S""J t~ !/f It; /y,) [2J POOTING & FOUNDATION: To be lmda aftar tronchoa are e.rcavated and forma are aracted~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND Pf.UM:1ING, SErIt,'R, W.1TEl?, DRAINAGE: To be roode priol> to fi L- lir.g trenches. [LJ [Z] UNDEHFLOOR PLUNBING & MECHANICAL: J'o bo made pl'ior to inGtal.Latz.on of 11001' inDulation or decking. POST AND BF.'AM: To be made prior to inDtal.Lation of floor inDtilatio;. or deckiru;. ROUGH PLU.'!RD1G. Er.ECTRICM. t. MEClI- ANTCAL: No work is to be covered u.r:.til thes4 inspections have bem: made and approved. FIREPLACE: Priol" to pl.c.cir.g facing materials and before framing inr,pec- tior.. [2l] [Z1 fI1 [2] PRM~INr.: MJ.3t be roquoGted aftm' app:roval of rough plWTibing~ clcct).i- cal & meclu:mical. All. roofing bracing & chinmcY8~ at..::. nr.J.st be complotcd. lIo w.:Jrk is to be C011- cealed until thin in8pection haG 'bGen made and approved. /1/4 I../J-J-Jt1~ zip: Y'7vO( Phone: ....- rr..., Da:;cribe fl'Ol'k: /2.:P c!,...u- .~ 1 I~ ..~ II /1 Si(l':r.d: (~( (YlJ,j t1)~~b()''---(n lJatrz: E~~p.i.r<"s IUd t"s HO<lrd I{('I.'. Pllnl1P It ill tho l'esponDibility of tM permit hotd(w to see that aU inr,}l'!,:tion:; rU'C r:-:adr; at ~hf3 propel' tim", that ozach .:dd1'68:1 La rt'Ja::abZa from tho Dtreot, and that tho pel'nrit card ill Located at the /1'(m~ of Uu: pl'Op~l'ty. ~8Ld!di~1fJ Di.ui~io~: approL'ad pLan nlu:ll l'~mi'lill 011 th.::. lJu~lJi.nrl sU,:; at aU dmer,. ptmcEDURE FOR INSPECTION m::pUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'cc01.der) :;tat~ you I' Cit!, d,?s1:gn..'1trul ,iob I1w;:bar~ .iob ad6'cG3~ typa of i'IGpo1C~icrl requested a~d wJ;en iJou tJ1.lZ. be J>(!(Idy for inGpcctiOl:~ Contrador:; 01' O:.mr.::'r, 'u.:nw .:nd -phO'Ul llumbm'. Reql(er,:;s receiver! befcJ'o 7: 00 (:":'j ~'iZL be made th~ name day~ requests made afta' 7:00 am wilt 11,; made the next :.JOrhn..J dab. {P/l04/?! Your City Dcr,igl:atcd .Job Nwnbel' I:J: I {J . !?r?n!I1:t'"r1, T'l.i!1?I'r.Hr.'J.'1 O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after cxcavation3 but prior tc tJet up oj' forms. O UNDERSLAB PDUMBING. ELECTRICM. " Mb'CHtlN.JCA[,: To be made before an!} WOrk is ..:ovel'ad. [AJ INSULATION/VAPOH F!lRRI1m INSPECTION: To be made after aU iru;ul,..tum a..:ri rcqu:'l'ed vapor /;m'J'icr:; orc in place bu t hefore (1l1y La /.h, aypGWlI board or LJQtl r..'ovm'ingin ,,;pplicd, nnd hefOl'o any im;ulatioll i:J c()Ilcr:alad. F../~O t(~Ll ~/fo 7/ft;1 f/JJ-.I/ J,t. L.td ,- If"~ 7V/-cPu L f'~l J,,7 L ~ DRYWAU, INSPEC'rTON: Tc be made aftm' all. dl'ywaUif> ,:n place, but pl'ior to (my L'trpi/li]. I DEUDI.TrION OR :.:.'WE..'D Bl: lLDI;:C8 ~ Sani-;Q)'!I fJC'..lCI' ::apped ::t P:.OPCl.ty lir.e ~ Septi.:J tank p;':''7?cd and f7:lZcd with gra;;sZ :J Final - rl1um axvQ itC:,ltJ arc ccmpLeted m.d wllOn der.rol:.tim: is cOI."Iplate OJ' stru"- ture moved and pl,,;.~lisar. claGuea' up. Nobile Herner. ~ ~ Blocking and SBf-~p Plumbing conllocticns C.::lJiU' and wa tflr o MASONRY: Steel beam::~ groutill:7 accordance with 241t. loco. tioll ~ bond 01' IJm'tical:,: in U,B.C. Section ---, EZectricaZ Conr.~etion - Blockillg, Got-up ~ ami plwnbin(l com:rctio1J[] llT'.,wt :;a appro1J6d before request:.na ,:!.ec~l'icaZ Lllspactio:: ~ Acacsr,o:ry Buil.C.f..n.g ] Pillal - /1ft[;r p:Jrc;:cD, aLe. w'e completed. sk'f..rti'lg. decks, o frOOD8TOVF: : <..'Cmplctcd. After ill:;t:allation iG D All lwo.iect conditio1l8~ :Jueh as the 1.'.natallation of :;!;I'uct trGoJr" co:;-;platioll of tile roquirGd lalld:lCr.pir.{J, etc., mW:Jt be sati"fl:cd br:foro t1:a nUILDTNG FINAL can bo rsqucDtsd. rn FIlIAL PLUNBlllG 12[] FIIIA~ MECHANICAl, GIJ FfNA~ ELECTRIC/oL o (() FINAL BUIr.DING: Tho Final BU1:lding Inspection rmu;t ba raqua:;tGd after thc Fi'UlL PlwnbiltJ Elcetr/:cal, mtrI Mcchnr.icnl bZ:lpectionG hava bael! madf1 and appl'ov.:d. o CURB" APPROACl! ArSON: Aftm' forms are ;~re~ted but pl'ior to p;;l1l~ing .:l'oncJ'c te. AM,,. J.fAN/JOr.F.S AND Cr,F.ANOUT,';' }fT}ST nr:; ACCF.S:;TBf.l'.'~ AD.l{JSi!!f:,"l'J' TO ,l'/E MilDE !1T "'0 C:}ST TO CT'1,}, I Pa~:(! of:1 [Xl SID,Ji;WALK I: DRIt'f;lo/t, Y: FOJ' a U con- crete. paving within r.t1'cct ri(fht- of-wa!l~ to be made arter aU exca- vating cC1nplet;a I: fOl'::1 r.;ork .1; ::ub. baze material in pln.::c. D ....F.NCE: h'lwr: compl,.t;c -- Provid~ gates or movable ncela:"'l:; through P.U.E. g T/pO 5if"!l-~ W~ . .';J- - L -co C";/ I JOB NO.9.&'.:::'q/~ I Zona: t.-DP. OCCl<panc" Grot,. ~ "3' ~ ~/ T;'pa/Cm,st: Let Sq. Ftg. f-?")~ LOT TYPE I Dot Faces F~~ d'").1. I Setbaeks Z ,f Zot C,uerag" ~'2-./t.? Intericr I I P. {,. I House Cal'age I Aeeess. .q of Stories em'ner If/m'th // / Total Haight 1'S"t:. r' Panhandle I!'"st South Topography t:?~::?% Cul-de-sac IWe"t SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I lITEM I SQ. FTG X Value IMain I,t;ij? Gerace "'2 f./ Car>rJOy't IAcccssor>lI r I TOTAL VALUE BP~I 1/2a:? = J' 1'-1/~. <>= I 1;;,.,.,;51 l:?91.~51 ' I CHARD,: I I 52.501 -;;u? . -e> I /5'. - I ~.- Is.v.c. lvawc; 1.5 x Building Pel'.'1Tit Sta te S'urchtU'ge Total CJuz:>ge3 lITEM l FixtW'es I Residential (1 I Sanitary Sewey' NO. n:E -z / Water> /, ~R.177 m#/~';':;~ bath) Plumbing Pe:rr.:it jO?_se::> ~-3S 11/2.88 ' CHARGE I "3'7-S?> I 15: =- I ;f~ ~.o l ClIARer,' I h.- '/-':l?1 7'.- I I I I I Etate Surcr.ar>gt! Tota! ChaY'aes 11'1'/i.'M I Rcs. So. fto. 1",<17 I N;;w/Extend CiY'cuits NO. I /1 I II /1 PC'E T~or>ary Service ~A1 ~V. Electrical Permit St::.te .'JuY'c,wrqe Total charcen INC. f'SE 1/ ( 73' I ITSM I Furnace ETU IS I E::;hcaUJ t Hood I Vent Fan Woodf; tove ~AZNCcE ~A2 ~ PeJ'mit Issuance ~~ , . Me::hanic:1l Perm t (f;- ...c> 2-~ 'Z;>_SP /.~~ 28; :E$ State 8Ul'char>ac Total C1!aracn I -- ENCROACHMENT ISC~Krit~ DZpOsit I Storage I Maintenance I Permi t Total Char>acs I C/.a"b(."U~ I Sidewalk I Pence I Electr>icaZ 1 Mobi le llome I I , 1- '2~ b's r 1'-/..2e> -:z.C>-20 Label \ 'faTAL AMOUNT OUR: ~ /&62~3/ ~ Bedrooms: 7 ~ - EnerQlI SO~l'ees l TilDe II iieat ~~~.-:: j":';# I Water Heat~Y' -- ~~~~ ' 1 I Range Ecc<=T. 1 ? N.l'evlacc I I Wood" tove I: -::zoO 6. ~g;1 ~'. Frw:J Building Value & Permit This pcmrit in !lroantcd on the express condition that the sdid construction sJulll, in all respects, conj'o'f'7/1 to the Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Spt.ingj'ield, including the Zonirlg Crdinanee, regulating the comJty'U.-:ticn Clnd UDe oj' buildings, and m:::.y be nuvpended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- Zai'ion of any proovision!J of lJaid Ordinances. Inan Check Fee~ :I1.c1.,A ,,~ Date Paid: ~i? 'l.j IReeoipt #:_1 _ - Llf1.J 0 f'A I Signed: tJ)4 J. D - Plumbing Permit No pere-on [lhall COIWtl'uct, in!JtalZ, aUel' or> change any neW 01' e::istiHg plwllv'ing 01' drainage SYHte.71 in whole 01' in par>t, unless such per>Don is the legal posBessor oj' a valid plwnber's license, except that a pe~80n may do plw...:bing wopk to propel't!} which islowned, leased or oper>ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t f{het'e State [.aw l'equit'es tr.at the clectr>ical work be done by an Electrical Cont1'Qctor, the eleetl'ical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the E'Zectl'ical [;orltractOI'. Mechanical Permit Plan Excmillel' va,e I lIA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.~e completed application fOr> permi t, and do hel'cby'cel,tify that all in[o:'mation hel"eon is tY'ue and COI'l'cct, and I fu.J,thcI' certij'y that any m:d all woy'k per>foro:ned shall be dO:1e in accoro- dance :.nth the Orodina.nces of the City of Spl'ingfield~ and tl1z Lcr,,;s of the ~ State of Oreg.?n p:!)1'taining to the work c.encY'ibcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rrndc of any structLI1'e without p2l'fflission of Hie Building Di- vision. I furthcl' cey.tifu tha.t o-:11y contl'actor>s and e:npl.Dyees who ape in c:o.-npliance with ORS ?Ol.05E will be used on this project R~ !l1b/? ~ o..ite Sion:!d